THURSDAY, FKBRUAItY 2X, 192» T H E SPR IN G FIELD NBW8 PACE FIVE l o.inaiem of » Wo.U-rn Oregon MANY ATTEND ANNUAL , from thia pert of the valley were Truffle association, In which 14 cltlea ; Mr. and Mr». George Platt. Mr and MEETING OF EUGENE urw to bn represented through their ! , Mr». Carl Platt, Mr. and Mr». Chris chamber» of commerce, resulted laat j FARMERS' CREAMERY ! Hansen and other». week from a conference held at the Umpqua hotel In Roseburg. A sum of money agregatlng over Laave (ha City— Mm Eillth OI i I noii An unidentified driver of an auto-Itwo and ha*f million dollars has been Principal Events of the Week loft Hunduy for Portland. mobile fatully Injured Tllman D. ly>op, P«© to stockholders and producers Assembled for Information Garibaldi groceryman last week and ' by the Eugene Farmers' Creamery Spend W eekend Away— Mr. und has not been apprehended. Loop was since Ita organization In 1914, accord­ Mr* Mi'll'- Cu ifi'l «pent ihn weck of Our Readers. walking along the Roosevelt highway Ing to a financial statement made by cnil In Pnrltiinil. near Sheldon's garage when he was Thomas L. Ohlsen, secretary at the Go to Salem—Mr. nnd Mm Henry The tabulated value of the agricul­ Struck by the automobile. annual meeting of the stockholders tural producta of Malheur county A d ria n went to Kulein Hunduy to The scene of the farmers’ week pro yesterday, »hipped In car Iota during 1928 waa «■lenii a few i I iivm w ith rotativi-«. Violet Ray gasoline 1» the grams of Jackson county which were "Three hundred persons from all 17,500.000, according to Hay G. Larson, best gas on the market. It held at Ashland the first three days ° ’ ®r Lane county were present at the ' Here from Thurston— E. J. Bertarh county agent. has revolutionized motor shifted to Medford for the last three meeting (which Included a banquet ' win mie of Thumbin'« Munday vlnl Deep «now In the hill» In Union days. The fine weather cut down the and speeches. fuels. It is a high test gaso­ tnra In IhlN i lly. county 1» causing deer to descend Into attendance, s* the farmers and or- line that does not Injure J- D. Mickle, fruit, dairy and food Out of Town Visitors—(’. It Hast­ the foothill». At the G. H. Peter» chardlsts are all hu«y In the fields and commissioner of Portland, principal your m otor but gives it ings, <>f ThilrHlnn, and J J Calie, of I ranch near Pondoia 125 deer were catching up with their work after a speaker at the meeting, told ot his ex- added power and quick | counted recently. Waltervllle were In tnwn Saturday. pickup. two-rnonth cessation. pertences and observations upon a Travelera arriving In Baker from At last, good signs of spring have trlP h® ma'1* to Europe last Hummer. ; Here from Camp Creek—Robert If you are not using point» In Idaho report the eastern made their appearance at Sweet ' Ue described farms In England and Steven«, of ('unip Creek. will II week'« Violet Ray now is the time Edwin Dcahy, Secretary nt the : Oregon highway» In excellent condl- Home. The rain Is beginning to fall, compared dairying In the different J visitor In the city. to begin while the price is Wavy in thr Harding t »litnrt. diet of j tlon, despite the recent heavy »now the owl's welcome hoot can he heard countries. Denmark. Mr. Mickle said I low. Vlelt Here—Nina nnd Kila Boenon, ; _ beaci . f a i l u r e . a t _____________ ! and wind storm». around barnyards; daffodils and flags loads the world In butter and Holland j Leaves for Sen Pedro— Mra. Ilaxel both of Eugene, spent Munday at the are beginning to shoot out of the leads the world In cheese while the The death of Jeremlth M Patterson home of Dr. and Mr« W. H. I’ollard Peteraon anil baby left for Hun Pedro, at The Dalles leave« the J. W. Nesmith earth, and the evenings are warm United States makes the best use of, California. Tuesday. post of the G. A. It. with only one sur- enough to leave small iambs out where who1® tnllk Mr Mickle wan sent to 1 Here from Leaburg—Mm. Albert Buy* Car—Mr ad Mra. Jack Howell ; vlvor, Andrew Nl»h, who declare» he they are protected from wild beasts. England as the official delegate to the Weaver, a arhool teacher at Leaburg of Sunnyside addition this week pur- j will "carry on" alone. Although snow covered the ground wor,d da,ry conferenc® th®r® »nd dnr- wna In town Saturday. Fifth and A Streets chased a new I'lyttioutu car. at Oregon City for three weeks, this ' Tli,'ted over the different A huge body of water, estimated at Here from Marcola— Mr and Mr«. did not prevent the primroses from ' Par^R British Isles and on the ; Gor» to Portlnda— W. F. Walker of 5.184,000 ballons, ba» been drained Art Hl< k»on of Marcola were vl»llor» blooming In the garden of Mrs. R. A. continent. from the upper workings of the Bals- the Walker-Poole chapel, made a trip In Springfield Monday. Schofield of that city. The yellow O. 8. Fletcher, county agent gave a ley Elkhorn mine through a three-lnch to Portland Tueady.a primroses are In bloom whlie the talk upon alfalfa growing. The pro­ From McKenzie Section— Wanda hole »Ince January 27. white ones are budding. Violet plants gress shown In the growing of alfalfa Drury, of Blue River, and E J Button. From Red Bluff— Mr and Mra Neem Iloaeburg will have an egg packing In the yard of Mrs. Isabelle Newman In Lane county since 1925, when the of Nuiburg. were In town Hunduy. Nelaon who have been «pending the station within the present year If the of New Era, also are In bloom. Eugene Farmers Creamery first start- winter In Red Bluff, California, return- poultry producers sign up enough hens Visiting Hree from Grove— Mr nnd h(imn ypl,te r(1a y. Now Located in M. W. Shearer, Maupin garage man, ted the growing of alfalfa among Its with the Pacific Cooperative Poultry Mrs I,. It Smith, of Collage Grove, Miner Building members, shows an Increase from a suffered severe burns about the face From Canyonville— Mr und Mr«. A. Producers' association. What will It profit yon to gain were visiting relative« In Springfield a negligable acreage to 2000 acres In and body when an oU barrel which he P. Gillette, of Canyonville, are visiting a million and lose yonr eyes during the first of the week. E. C. Kolinsky, the new superintend­ was thawing with a blow torch explod­ alfalfa today, Mr. Fletcher pointed af the home of Mr und Mra. Harry ent of Crater Lake park, has arrived from neglect or incompetence. out. It wag further shown that this ed. throwing blazing oil over the floor. Go to Coquille — Mr and Mr« Gillette of thia city. Better safe than sorry. .. . . , . ______ _______ - , In Klamath Falls to take up the duties Shearer slipped and fell into the blaz­ alfalfa was grown for the most part Sydney Delph und duughter went to , _ t 1 . . ......... . , <‘t Colonel Thompson, recently trans- Make Appointments on dry land. ing oil while attempting to escape Coquille Friday und returned here I To Leave for South—W. II. Adrian, f,.rr(.(j tu y ,merane ark Whenever Possible George Platt, of Dexter, P. R. Ohl- Bunday. 1 will leave for California txilnta tonight from the building, and most ot his ! Where he Is going to recuperate from Thu BU‘ ot lu,uber •" clothing was burned from his body. Danebo, H. M. Huntington of Florence 1 Dr. Sherman W. Moody Sunday V lsltor-M rs Kenneth To I th„ <)f „ rw.„„t in#eH11 M ne county for the year 1928, made Among the 21 cars of northwestern and George Gilmore of Juntcion City ' Optometrist - Eyesight Specialist bias of Eugene, «pent Bunday at the I bX >he West Coaat Lumbermen's asso- were elected directors for the coming ! pears sold recently on the New York Suite 831 Miner Bldg, Phone 362 Taken to Eugene Hospital— W. H elation, shows 94 mills with a total hum« of Mr ami Mrs. L. A. Tobias on year. East Broadway, Eugene Ore. auction market was one of Rogue river Lambert was taken thia week to the production of 425,690,000 feet. Blh and C streets. Among those attending the banquet ' valley d'Anjous from the S. A. Nye Eugene hospital for treatment, hua re­ Nine feet of snow at the rim of orchard which set the highest auction To Spend Few Days Away — Mrs, turned home. ' 1J if Crater lake, eight feet at Anna Springs price received for valley fruit from Enrl Dillard and daughter, Anna, left and a temperature of 8 degrees below ' the 192tj geason The Ngw York car Return from Salem— Mr and Mrs Tuesday for Portland where they will Roy Smith returned from Salem last zero were reported recently by the topped the season's sales and brought visit for a few days. Friday where Mr. Smith haa been for caretaker of Crater Lake Lodge. $4.52 per box for the extras, and $4.35 Four deer that have been feeding re­ for the fancy. Doctor Vlalta—Dr. C. G. Van Valtuib, treatment. cently In the fields close to town were 942 Willamette St., Eug ene, Oregon. of PorGand, s|w>nt the week-end In Drilling of a well started in Gresham Sunday Visitors— Mr. and Mrs. E C seen Saturday on the streets of Haines, Dprlngfield visiting with Mrs. A. It recently as the first step In erection Kluart und family from Junction City, cold weather and snow having driven Van Valzah. of a fruit storage and refrigerating spent Sunday here visiting with Mrs them from their mountain routine. plant there adjacent to the warehouse Ella Erurn und A. J. Kizer. Down from Portland— Miss Mur The Westwood Lumber company of the berry growers' association. The Goes to San Francisco— Mrs. Gel I h<® Pek for San linquent taxes for five years on Ita unit will have a storage capacity of timber holdings on the Sulmonberry. end. She was accompanied by her ier>nt.|B<.o 2500 barrels, about a third of the aa cousin, Virgil Devoe of Salem. Three carloads of Deschutes eeanty soclatlou crop. , Mother Improves— F. B. Hamlin fat lambs moved out of Bend recently Claude C. Perkins of Yamhill, who made a trip to Roseburg last Satur­ over the Great Northern line« bound has raised sheep there for many years, day. He report« hl* mother, twho ha« for the Sen Francisco markets, the been quite III In that town, «lightly first shipment from Bend over the new says he has established for himself a S new lambing record this year. He re­ s Improved. lines. ports: One ewe, four lambs; ten ewes, The steel bridge being erected at Stops Enroute to Portland— Mrs. Joe twins, 20 lambs; 11 ewes, single, 11 I . < m i l l ' - n of Kl nin th F alls arrive., Maupin over the Dcschutoa river will lambs; total of 22 ewes. 35 lambs, or here yesterday from Klamath Foils lx the first modern bridge between a lambing percentage for the flock of and sta ll- ', la .t n ig h t. T oday «he left the mouth of the river and central 159 per cent, which ie the highest crop Ì/VOJYÌ- Oregon. Laying of steel is now in he has ever obtained. for IYirtland. [ « l a v i k o J progress. Som ew here, near you, th ere is a sign like this. Severe winter weather has made Here from Globe— Mrs. II. It. Me Only 43 cases were handled during The Most lambing at some of the farms in the It is a friendly sign—one th a t prom ises Q uality, Kinnon and small daughter are here - the year 1928 by the Ashland muni Talked of Wallowa community a tedious and this week from Globe. Mrs. McKin­ elpal court and finis collect' d amount alw ays at a Saving—and back of th a t prom ise P ic tu r e non's miother, Mrs. Charles Scott la cd to 1250. according to Fire Chief troublesome tnsk. While a consider­ In Year« stan d s the honor of a g re a t Com pany. able number of flock owners report quite ee-'oualy III. Baughman, who also serves as muni very good percentage of the young elpal Judge. Take Patient Home— Dr. nnd Mrs. Iambs, some are not so fortunate. Vick To the M an of the H ouse it m eans stu rd ier Reforestation work of the Crown W. C. Ilebhan went to Brownsville Searles of near Lostine, who has been shoes and clothes at low er-than-usual prices. His Sunday to accompny Nadine Temple, Willamette company in the Seaside lambing recently, is said to have lost ton who has been convalescing here nrca ended last week with the replan' a large number of lambs. wife know s it as a store w here she can find w hat A 100'/, ing of 2000 seres, making 6000 acres after an operation. Authorization for the immediate sale she w ants at a price she can afford. ALL-TALKING the company haa replantod in tils last Ill In Hospital—Garland Griffith, who thres winters. of Roseburg’s $25.000 airport bond is­ SCREEN PLAY has been working for the Thompson sue was given by the city council re­ with T he next tim e you see th a t sign drop in and Explosion of a can of kerosene used cently. The bonds were voted at a construction company on the Chase Evelyn Brent to start a fire resulted in the deuth special election in June, 1928, but, due look around. You will find it an honest, depend­ Gardena green house now- under con­ Wm. Powell of Fred Brown, Jefferson county road to a question regarding the authority struction, was forced to quit work able sign—a real "friend of the fam ily.” Doris Kenyon lust week Ils now in the Pacific contractor, in a cabin near Ashwood of the city to issue bonds for airport Clive Brooks recently, according to Information ms Christian hospital In Eugene. construction, causing long delay while 1 reaching Bend. the matter was tested in the supreme At Hotel—Alf Johnson und M. A With an employment roll of 75, the court, the bonds remain unsold. Wrenn, botu of Portland, were regis Smith-Woods Products company of Co­ Following the total destruction of lored at the Springfield hotel Friday, qUme, „ new industrial concern, finds nnd J. H Huston of Seattle, E. Snnky. tt wl|| llnVe to add to the factory in the grange building at Eagle Point Sunday morning by fire of unknown of Corvnlll«, and W. D| Carney of order to handle orderB and future bus origin and the destruction by fire Veneta were registered there Satur­ iness promised. caused by a defective flue of the home day. Nearly 400 men have found steady of Ed Brown, near Medford, Sunday Goes to Wendling—Mary Roberts, employment by the operation of the 77 E. Broadway Next to I. O. O. E. Building forenoon, the first grass fire of this local librarian. In compnny with Mr. Westwood Lumber company mill at year In Medford started Sunday after­ EUGENE, OREGON and Mrs. Jesse Seavey motored to Wheeler, which resumed work a few noon on the east side and spread over The Store Where You Serve Yourself and Save Wendling last Sunday, Miss Roberts days ago after having lain Idle for three acres before it was extinguished visited with her brother, J. A. Roberts | several months, by the firemen aided by a number of and her nephew, Ronald Roberts Boy Scouts. The Lucky Roy mine In Lane conn EDDIE CANTOR while there. ly, a heavy gold producer in former When a cougar crossed the trail of and years, will resume operations this two sled (logs, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Stop Off Enroute—L. C. Newman spring, and a wagon road Is under con- RUTH ETTING Caldwell and R. J. McKinney, Des­ nnd Charles Kapplus, both of Long structton between , he vlIlage of Blut. in 2 Great New Acts chutes county water master, were Beach, California, stopped off in this RJver Rnd ,h(J nijn(>8 forced to alter their plans for a ski city during tho week-end while en­ Mrs. Virginia Bacon of Portland was trip over deep snow to Elk lake, ac­ route from Seattle to their homes In Long Beach. While here they visited elected state librarian at a meeting cording to Information reaching Bend. of the state library hoard held In the The dogs, hauling a sled loaded witl, with Mr. nnd Mrs. G. H. Tumor. executive department In Salem recent­ food for the party, spotted a cougar Here from Carter Station — Mrs. ly. She will assume her new duties and bolted into the Deschutes river on Snyder of Carter Sltlaon, spent Wed­ March 15. Mrs. Bacon succeeds Mrs. the trail of the mountain cat. The nesday night with Mrs. C. F. Eggi- Walter Pierce, nee Miss Cornelia Mar­ dogs and sled were taken from the chilly riveK, but the food was lost. mnnn. She attended the Eugene vin, who resigned January 1, Farmers Creamery banquet held In Eu­ Taxes for tho ensuing year at Kla Bruce Wade, brother ot Albert Wade gene yesterday. Mr. and M