THVRflDAV, FRRRUART M, IM* P H. LU ULI .- PAOBTHRfli ----------- ▼• «H* vu»»« ▼ M u Lemmon, of the S m »»« M M * U a ffm lty . U starting « rtolln ta «vrlacfleM. She *111 corn« Saturday, u 4 will gire at the home« of her paglie. GUARANTY TRUST TRAM Mo. 18 e t 4:87 A. M. (F la *) Me. 8 nt 8.48 P. M. Bus eewBMtloe fer trata Eugene at 8:88 P. M. SOUTH SUM M O N * FOR PUBLICATION NOTICK TO CREDITOR* Notice 1» hereby given th a t the County Court nt lam e County, Oregon, has appointed (he undersigned A. H llend executor of the will and eatate of Itnra lleuil deceased, anil all per none having rlahna uxelnst mild estate will pri'Mi'iit mime duly verified to the executor nt the office of W hitten «»•afford. Attorney, 201 Tiffany lllilg, Eugene, Onuuui, on or before six m onths after thia date. Itn te d uud fira t p u b lis h e d F e b ru a ry I t t h , 192« A. II. IIKAI), Executor of the will a n d estate of Kora Head, Kec'd. W H IT T E N S W A F F O R D . A tty . F 14-21-38 M 744 ____ SUM M ONS IN TUB CIRCUIT COURT OP T H E STA TE OP OREGON FOR LANK C O U N TY . Alxlnii llnatlnga Vs. Inga. Defendant. T o John E John E llaat. lla H tln g a . D e fe n d a n t. IN TH E NAME OF TH E STATE OF OREGON You are herby required to appear und answ er the complaint filed aguluat you In the above entitled suit on or before four week» from date of firat publication of thia aittivuiona, or for wunt thereof the plaintiff will apply to Ho- court for the relief prayed for In the cnmplnlnt on file heroin, and to e s lt: for a decree of ahaolutn divorce from you. T h ia a tim n io n a la p u h lla h e d once each «reek fo r fo u r consecutive w eeks In th e S p rin g fie ld N ew s, a w e e k ly n e w s p a p e r p u b lis h e d n t S p rin g fie ld , la in e C o u n ty , O reg o n , by o rd e r o f th e Hon J W . H a m ilto n , Judge o f th e a b o v e c o u rt, m ade Feb 24 th, 1929 D o te d a n il fira t p u h lla h e d Feb. 28th, 18 ", W H I T T E N S W A F F O R D . A tto r n e y f o r P la in t if f R e sid e n ce and I*. O. A d d re s s E ugene. O regon _________ P. 38. M. 7-14 21 28. SUM M ONS IN T H E CIRCUIT COURT OF THE S T A T E O F O R E G O N . IN A N D FO R LANE COUNTY. T h e Put Ific S u vln g a A L o a n A sso cln tlo n , a W a s h in g to n c o rp o ra tio n . P la in tiff, va.. W illia m W W h ite and M a r y A. W h ite , h la w ife , W . F Powells, C A. P r u itt und L a u ra M u y P r u it t . Ib -fe tid a n ta . T o A (' ITuItt and Luura May P r u itt. I >• ti tid u n ts To C. A. P ruitt und L aura May ITu- I t t , D e fe n d a n ts IN TH E NAME OF THE STATE OF’ OREGON, You are hereby re ­ quired to appear und answ er the Com plaint filed ngulnat you In the ubove entitled suit within four weeks from the dale of the first publication of thia Summon«, and If you full to so an s­ wer. for wunt thereof plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief demanded In Plaintiff's Complaint, to-wlt: for thn foreclosure of a niortgagie against the following described real property, to-wlt Beginning at a point 40 feet South of the N orthw est corner of Ixrt One ( l l In Block Two (21 of Cherry Grove Addition to Eugene, Oregon, and running' thence South 40 feet, thence East 60 feet, thi nee North 40 feet and thence West 60 feet to the place of beginning, being a part of Lot 1 In Block 2 In Cherry Grove Ad­ dition to Eugene, Lane County, O re­ gon, and for such other and further re­ lief as to the Court may be deemed to be Just and equitable. T his Summons Is served upon you by publication thereof once each week for four successive weeks In the Springfield News by order of Hon. O. P. Sklpworth. Judge of said Court, made and entered Feb. 13, 1929, and the first publication thereof being made on the 141 b day of Feb. 1929. W ELLS A WELLS. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Residence and Dost Office Address, Eugene, Oregon F. 14 21-28: M. 7 14. B U S IN E S S Res. P hone 140 Ptuno Moving SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER W IL L IS BERTSUH, Prop. OFFICE AT SERVICE OARAGE 533 Main S treet Bnccessor to Sutton T ransfer WM. G. HUGHES F IR E AN D AU TO IN S U R A N C E N O T A R Y PU B LIC , Office M FIRST NATIONAL BANK Springfield, Oregon DR. N. W. EMERY D E N T IS T Sutton Bldg. Phone 20-J Residence Phone 183 -M Springfield, Oregon General Law Practice I. M. PETERSON Attorney-Bt-I-aw Uttv Hall Building Springfield, Ore. D. W. Roof JEW ELER Repairing a Specialty Bpoingfteld, Oregon Owner« to Move Into New Home No. 7 at 13:47 P. M. Which ie Being Remodeled to No. I I at 18:03 P. M. (Ping) Suit Their Needs; Eugene and asoocttloo not long ago purchased the Springfield Men are Stock­ property directly across Oak street to holders and Dircetora. the south. and the Western Union IK T H * CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OP OREGON POR LANE OOUNTT. Gertrude C. Koke, Plaintiff, va. Lane County, Oregon, d municipal cor­ poration; Charnel O. Mulligan and Telegraph and Cable company will be FOR HAL®—Carbon paper in VIVIAN LEMMON (Dally Journal Commerce) Sadie Mulligan, hla wife; Prank In the Artisans building Just across aheeta, 24x89 Inches, suitable for of the E H U. Faculty , Probably the most Im portant real M ulligan; Law rence P. Mulligan; The building was constructed by m aking tracings. T he Nawa Offloo T eacher of Violin and Plano Mrs. Prank W. M eriw ether; Francis estate transaction of the month In­ ('lasses In Springfield Saturday« M. Mulligan, and Mrs. Francia M volve« the tran sfer yesterday of the Hurley-Mason company. Mulligan, hla wife; Frank Kennedy Pilone 049 Eugene, Oregon Oldest Tw ins and Rosa Kennedy, hla wife; Arn W estern Bond & M ortgage building, Besides Mr. P erkins members of the 1178 Kincaid S treet ena Collina, and Frank Collina, her located at the north east corner of G uaranty T rust com pany In Spring- Woodville, Ohio., Feb. 28 (AC)— husband; A. Franklin Hubbard and Broadway and Oak street, to the PAINTING uad Kalsomjlning In all Ita H enry and William Burns, believed to Louise Hubbard, his wife; William G uaranty T ru st company of Portland. field Include Welby Stevens, W. C. branches. Reduced Prices. Roy tie the oldest tw ins In America, cele­ H. Luckey and Mrs W illiam « H ' The transaction Involves the pu rch aie ! Rebhan, Lawrence \ Roof. ri I.uc«ey ana mvs^ w illiam / ' W. ' P. W alker, brated their 95th birthday anniversary. Koch. Call 126-J. Luckey, his wife; John H Luckey . . , .. ,,, . Eugene K ester, and others. J. S. Mag- and Lillian Luckey. his wife; E lla ° f W eatT Iad^ P ' L ^ d g r a s s . 8. R. Allen and In Prem ont, Ohio, Jo h n and F rank L. Doremus; Allen Luckey; Emma Bond & M ortgage company and Its R eturns to Portland— Inez Neel re. W urtel 60, twin«, also celebrated th eir H. Hodes of Eugene are also directors Luckey McDonald; Ray Luckey; 80-year lease on the land from Messrs. turned to Portland last Friday night birthday. In the company. Mrs. Bessie Brooks; Eugene l i s t e r Keller and Boyd, owners of the Ben- after a week s visit here. Luckey; the unkonwn heirs of Han-1 son hotel. nah E. G ardner; William P. Gar Bowlegged F a m ily SENATOR BAILEY FOR The consideration was n ot made dner; Mrs. Ixma Jo rd an ; Percy B McMurray; Mrs. Percy B. McMur public, but It is known th at the sturc- F IN A L N O TIC E Morristown, N. J., Feb. 28, ( A O - KINDERGARTEN LAW r a y ; _____ Davis, daughter of Eva ____ _ erected ~__ tu re ___ Was five years ago for Notice Is hereby given that the un All seven of the children of J e rry McMurray Davis; E arl Mount; M rs., 23" ~ “ >• Salem, Peb. 27,—“T here Is not much dersign.«l adm inis'ltrator’ ot' the estate Miller, railroad brakem an, were born Helen H ouston; and also all other the purpo8e of housing financial ln- argum ent as to th e advantages of the o f Zlba Denny, deceased, has filed his with bowlegs or acquired them soon persons or p arties unknonrn, or un-I sH tutlons a t a cost In px < ess of $15C,- named, claim ing any right, title. In- 000, while the ground lease calls for i ', *n derff»rt®»-” S enator Edward P. final report aud account and the after. May, now 14 has outgrown the ( ourt of laiue County, Oregon, hus terest, lien or estate In the real pro- a net ren tal equivalent to 6 per cent Bailey, Junction City, said In dlsjua- sot the 30 day of March, 1929 at the D»cull»rl1),> '» v1" » of whl Pounds. I. ‘X ’r a T h ^ G u t ^ t ÿ ' ^ r u r t T m . 1 - - t that w ent of Albert Graves, deceased, by now ” ” d h p lay In the H arvard Dental G„ckey; Emma Luckey McDonald; Hie County Court of Lane County, » bool Museum. T his tooth, found In ; Ray L uckey; Mrs. Bessie Brooks; Eu Oregon. All persons huvlng claims Alaska, Is more than 50.000 years old. <»ne L ester ----------, Luckey; the ............- unknown — ---------- , — - ¡ a g a in s t .a id estate- a re re q u ire d to w„ „ , o f th e . I heirs of H annah E G ardner; William p re s e n t th e m , w ith th e p ro p e r vo u ch ers, w ith in s ix in o n lh s fro m th e 21st tla y o f F e b ru a ry , 1929. to sa id execu t o r u t th e la w o ffic e o f L . L. R ay In th e M in e r B u ild in g . E u g e n e , O reg o n . A N T O N O R A VO S . E x e c u to r o f th e . . „any was represented bv JoseDh M the average per capita cost of a child ,, . , a n . . T. X . P ' in the first grade Is »75 to the tax- Mea,K ana TO . r, v - c 11088 acteo to r tne payer- The per capita cost of kinder- ®o n d Mortgage company. gtudent8 ,g |g 2 pej. year , atomy of a m astadon. “Only four sta te s in the Union, In­ W estern Bond & Mortgage company. 8ta te th a t the W estern Bond & Mort- cluding Oregon, do not have kinder­ N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S . , , company was retaining space in garten laws a t present,” concluded NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: T hat lhe bulding and continuing its opera- se n ato r Bailey lutst WHI and T estam ent of Albert Floyd I-. Mourer has been appointed tions as heretofore; th at the G uaranty i --------- executor of the Last Will and Testa- G rave s, deceased. mi nt of W F. Mourer. deceased, by T ru st company, on account of Its in- I T heft of Beans Brings Life Term L . L . R A Y A tto r n e y f o r E s ta te . the County Court of L ane County, Ore creased activities, required more I Caro. Mich., Feb. 28, (AC)—F rank F. 21-28: M. 7 14 21 : I gon. ..... .....................» All p erso n s h av in v. g c la im s. space than Its present location afford. Bower, of King’s Mills, was sentenced amiinst till , Mt ,t,. -,r,. r..„,,ir,.,i OREGON. You are hereby required to SUM M ONS Ij.r.--. nt th.-m. with the proper vouch^ a PPear an<1 answ “r the com pialnt filed ed thus enbaling the W estern Bond & to life under M ichigan’s habitual IN T H E C I I I C C I T COURT O F T H E e r8 - w * th ln s ix m o n th s fro m th e 7 th IaKa,n8t Tou In the above entitled suit Mortgage company to make a satis- crim inal law for the th eft of th irty S T A T E ()E O R E G O N F o l t THE ,iav of February, 1929, to the aald ex four (weeks from the date of factory disposal of its property. bags of beans. This was his fourth . . . c ecutnr ----- - at . .. -- publllatlon of this summons. ' - - the - law office of - - L. - L. - Ray 1 th e first COUNTY OF LANE. is ».ii 1 The G uaranty T rust company, head- felony, and If you fall to so appear and a n - ! I r v in I t P ox. P la in tiff, -vs- E d n u M o r- In the Miner Building, Eugene, Ore swer. the plaintiff will apply to the by A. J. Perkins, is largely control- «ton. phew, whose name is som etim es Some Key Court for the relief prayed for in the , led by Eugene capitalists, L. L. RAY. A ttorney for E state. w ritten E. Morphew, Defendant. Mr. Perkins, president of th e Guar- London, Feb. 28, (AC)—Every door PLOY’D L. M Ol'RER, Executor of complaint, to-wlt: To Edna Morphew, whose nume Is T hat the plaintiff be declared to be an ty T rust company, said: the laist Will and T estam ent of W. F. lock In th e village of Nerw Conisbor- sometim es w ritten E. Morphew, De­ Mourer. deceased. the ow ner In fee simple of the prem "We have purchased the W estern ough, a m ining village n ear D oncaster, fendant : lses described herein, and particular F. 7-14-21-28: Mar.7. IN TH E NAME OF THE STATE Bond & M ortgage building In order can be opened with one key. ly described as follows, to-wlt: OF OREGON, You are hereby required Beginning a t the Southeast corner th a t our concern m ight own its home s SUM M O NS FOR P U B L IC A T IO N to appear und answ er the Complaint of Lot No. 2. In Block Number 12 In office building In P ortland’s financial ; $1 Fine for Eeach Fish filed against you In the above entitled IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TH E th a t p art of the City of Eugene which d ls tr tc t We believe ^ a , we have ' STATE OF OREGON FOR THE New York, Feb. 28, (AC)—Louis Court and cause on or before four was originally donated to Lane County COUNTY OF LANE weeks front the date of the first pub­ by Charnel Mulligan and wife, running m ade a profitable investm ent, The K ostow etsky told a fish story to the lication of this summons, and If you Emery D. Lake. Adelaide Lake and thence W est along the North line of building will be remodeled quite ex- Judge to explain his failure to stop fall so to appear and answ er, for want Em ery D. Luke, G uardian of the N inth Avenue E ast 42 feet 1% Inches, 1 tensively, and we expect to s ta rt twork his anto on signal. He said h e was thereof the plaintiff (will npply to the E state of B ertha M Lake, Insane. thence north 114 feet to the South line imm ediately. Our offices will occupy in a rush to bring th e fish he had Court for the relief dem anded In his Plaintiffs, -vs. The Unknown H eirs souuT Rner 42t ’f w t ni% E“nihe8°nto 7 h e a la r*e P°rtlon of the «round floor caught home to his wife. The magis- com plaint on file herein, to-wlt: for of Joseph Bradford, Deceased, and the sum of One Hundred Two and also all other persons unknown W est line of th e alley running North of the building, and the re st of the tra te fined 31 apiece for the three fish 50-100 dollars (3102.50) and for his claim ing any right, title or Interest and South through said block No. 12. space will be leased out to oth er fin- he had caught. costs unil disbursem ents In this ac­ In and to the real p roperty described run thence South along said W est line anclal Institutions. We h?ve retain- ------------------------------ tion, and for the fu rth er order of the In the Complaint, Defendants. 114 feet to th e place of beginning, all ed Bulller & Bulller, realtors, in the S. O. S. Only Signal Court for the sale of the personal To the Unknown H eirs of Joseph In L ane County, Oregon. property of the defendant which has Bradford, Deceased, and also all oth er W ashington, Feb. 28, (AC)—It has T h at the defendants have not. nor P o rter building, for th is last purpose. been attached by the plaintiff. persons unknown claim ing any right have an y of them, any right, title or The building will be known as the J been explained th a t ‘‘S. O. S.” has no This Summons is published once title or in terest In and to the real Interest or lien upon said prem ises. ! m eaning In Itself, but the letters were G uaranty T rust company building." each week for four successive weeks property described in the Complaint. T h at th e title of the plaintiff in and Space will be arranged to provide ! adopted In 1912 because the combina- In the Springfield News, a weekly ----- D efendants: to said prem ises be forever quieted • " ,1 d" h" " • - new spaper of general circulation pub­ IN THE NAME OF TH E STATE s . 1 7 . 7 > 1 ™ ; ^ , ' , " " , " ; lished In Lane County, Oregon, by OF' OREGON. You are hereby required sons claim ing by. through or under Bond and M ortgage company, and two , th a t even the m ost Inexperienced order of the H onorable G. P. Skip- to appear and answ er th e Complaint them , o r any of them. other concerns whose nam es are with-1 radio operator would have have little worth, Judge of the Circuit Court of filed against you In the above entitled T hat the plaintiff have such other held for th e present, according to difficulty In directing It. Previously Ijtn e County. Oregon, which order Court and cause on or before six fu rth e r relief herein as to the Albert S altier. T here Is, however, a th e d istress call had been “C D Q ’’ hears d ate the 13th dny of February, weeks from the date of the first pub- and Court seem m eet in the prem ises. ,, . , .... 1929. nnd the date of the first publl I licatlou of this Summons, and If "you This summons Is published once each 8ma11. am ount of sPace s1fn available. Naval Com munica.tons have been de­ cation of this Summons Is F ebruary fall so to appear and answ er, for week for four successive (weeks, by T his transaction is significant In luged by le tte rs asking the m eaning of 14, 1929 ! want thereof, the plaintiffs will applv the order of the Hon. G. F. Sklpworth. th a t the E quitable Savings and Loan "S. o . S.” POTTER & KING, A ttorneys for Io the Court for the relief prayed for Judge of the Circuit Court of the Coun- ■ - 1 ■ _ . ± ________ _ . . i ___________ —- — — —3 Plaintiff. Residence nnd Post Office In their Complaint, herein, to-wlt: for ty -r°h»Iia n.» r IN THR CIRCUIT COURT OF TH E quent for taxes for the r e a rs 1922, Address Eugi Lane County, Ore­ a decree of this Court forever quieting The date of th e first publication of STATE OF OREGON FOR to g eth er with penalty, in terest and gon. the title of the plaintiffs In and to the th is summ ons Is Jan u ary 31. 1929. , r-m -v -rv I costs thereon upon the real property U. 1» : 1-28: M. 7-14. IMMEL * EVANS. A ttorneys for L A N E COUNTY ! prem ises described In the Complaint assessed to you. of which you are the herein, and described as follows, to- Plaintiff, Residence and Postoffice ad Viola B. L arsen, plaintiff, n .im .i. t t v ' . Ja n e ow ner as appears of record, situated wlt: dress, Eugene, Oregon. Griffiths Jones, or h er unknown in said County and S tate and particu- Lots Numbered Tw enty.nine (29), Ja. 31: F. 7-14-21-28: heirs. If deceased, also all other ia r iy bounded and described as fol- | T h irty (30) nnd Thirty-one (31) of persons or parties unknown claim- lows, to-wlt: | D ensm ore's Plat of Lane County, Ore- ing any ri«ht. title, estate. Hen or An undivided one-half of Lots 1. 2, . gon, and part of Ix»t Thirty-tw o (32) SUM M ON S in terest In the real estate described 3 and 4. the west half of the southeast of said plat bounded as follows: Begin- (»Ilice Phone 176-J lies. Phone 176-M herein, defendants. q u arter and the southeast q u arter of nlng at the N ortheast corner of said j 1^ TH E C1RCXHT COURT OF THE SU M M O N S IN the southeast q u arter ot' Section 22; Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE Lot Numbered Thirty-tw o (32) being FO R ECLO SU RE OF D E L IN Q U E N T 1 the southw est q u arter of the north- General Practice, Special Attention COUNTY. In (lie center of County Road at angle T A X C E R T IF IC A T E west q u arte r; the northw est q u arter Io O bstetrics and Diseases in boundary of the W illiam Luckey E. G. Jurgens, Plaintiff, versus, T. J. of the southw est q --------- u arte r; - the south S heridan; J. R. Sheridan; Jam es E. , To Ja n e G riffiths Jones, or her un- L — ------- Donation Land Claim No. 52 In Town of Children. K indred- Ruth-Robertson Powder hnown hetrs. If deceased, also all other half of the southw est q u arte r; the ship 18 South. Range 3, W est of the F irst National Bank Building Company; J W Copeland Y ards' l,er80ns or parties unknown claim ing south half of the southeast qu arter W illam ette Meridian- thence Souther­ Springfield, Oregon John F. Howell; I-nne H ardw are ’ any right, title, estate. Hen or in terest of Section 26; the n o rth east q u arter; ly along center of said Road and Hast Company; N. T . J u rg U B M B ; R a y ­ in the real estate described herein, d e .; the east half of the northw est q u arter; line of said Ixit 774 feet; thence South the n o rth east q u arter of the south- mond M arlatt; H. W. Melby; E. M. fendants: 88 degrees 40 m inutes West 593.7 feet, Hill; and L. B. Sigwart, Defendants. IN TH E NAME OF TH E STATE OF J w est q u arter; the north half of the more or less, to the W est line of said DR. W. N. DOW To H. W. Melby and E. M. Hill, two OREGON, you are hereby notified th a t \ southeast q u arte r; and lots 1, 2, 3 and I.ot No. 32; thence N orth 774 (eet to Northwest corner th ereo f; thence of the defendants named above and Viola B. Larsen, the holder of Certifi-1 4 of Section 27, all in Tow nship 16, D e n tis t r a te of Delinquentcy num bered 2493 | South. Range 12 W est of the Wlllam- North 88° 40' Ehst 8.11 chains to place all other defendants h e re in ;- F irst National Batik Building isued on the 29th day of Jan u ary ette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon. You a re hereby required to appear of beginning, containing 10.03 acres, Phone 43 Springfield, Oregon You are fu rth er notified th a t said containing in all 48.46 acres of land and answ er the complaint filed against 1929, by the Tax Collector of the Olllee hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. In Lane County, Oregon, and all being you In the above entitled suit within County of Lane, S tate of Oregon, for Viola B. Larsen has paid taxes on said Evenings by Appointment a part of said Donation Land Claim four weeks from the date of the first 1llle. am ° ? n5o ? l - 9 ne J 1?,ntlred, Ninety prem ises for prior or subsequent No. 52. all In the County of Lane and publication of th is sumomns in. the eight and ^ O O th s Dollars, the sam e years with the ra te of In terest cn said Springfield News, which first date Is belng the am ount 1hen d«e and delin- am ounts as follows: Stnte of Oregon; nnd further decreeing th a t the defend­ Ja n u ary 31, 1929; and you are hereby Tax Receipt R ate of ants have not. nor have either of notified th a t If you fall so to appear Y ear's Tax Date Paid No. Amount In terest them, any right, title or interest In and answ er, then for want of answ er nnd to the said prem ises or any part your default will be entered and the 1923 Jan. 29, 1929 30552 $174.90 12% thereof. T hat the plaintiffs lie d e­ plaintiff will m ake application to the 1924 (July 1, 1926 29920 115.06 12% creed to he the ow ners in fee simple Court for th e relief prayed w ithin the (Jan. 29, 1929 31334 33.00 12% of the said prem ises, nnd th a t the de­ com plaint, to-wit: T hat the title to 1925 Feb. 21, 1927) 31328 18.63 12% fendants and each of them be forever lot 10 In block 12 of Drlverton Addi­ Feb. 21, 1927) 31329 12% 70.18 barred from claim ing an y right, title tion to Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, Feb. 21. 1927) 31330 12% 39.70 other and fu rth er relief as to the Court except th e North 9 feet of the said 1926 Jan. 29, 1929 31313 12% 156.20 228 Main St. Residence 125 C St. may seem equitable. lot. be quieted H him as ag ain st you. 1927 Jan. 29, 1929 30472 12% 107.27 This Summons Is published once and th a t any apparent claim, Hen or 62 J 62 M Said Jan e Griffiths Jones as the sive of the day of such service, or of each week for six successive weeks In In terest (which you claim to have In the Springfield News, a weekly news said real estate be cancelled. The ow ner of the legal title of the above the d ate of the first publication, and described property as th e sam e ap­ Full Auto Equipment defend th is action or pay th e am ount paper of general circulation, publish above entitled Court entered nn order ed in laine County. Oregon, by order dated Ja n u ary 30, 1929. directing this pears of record, and each of the other due as above shown together w ith Lady A ssistant of the H onorable J. W. Hamilton, R-mmons to be pu' llshed In the persons nbove named are hereby fur­ costs ag ain st the land and the pre­ Judge of the Circuit Court of Lane Springfield News once each wek for th er notified th a t Viola B. Larsen will m ises above named. All process anu papers In th is pro­ County. Oregon, which order bears a period of four successive weeks, and apply to the Circuit Court of the Coun­ date the 20th day of February, 1929, ordering you to appear and answ er ty and S tate aforesaid for a decree ceedings may be served upon the un­ nnd the first publication of this Sum­ L.e said com plaint within four weeks foreclosing the lien against the pro­ dersigned residing within th e S tate FRANK A. DE PUE mons Is Fehrtiarv "Ist, 1929 from the d ate of the first publication perty above described and mentioned of Oregon a t the address h ere after A T T O R N E Y A T LAW in said certificate. And you are h ere­ mentioned. POTTER * KING, A ttorneys for of the said summons. FRED E. SMITH, A ttorney for Plain, by summoned to appear within sixty N O T A R Y P U B LIC Date of first publication February Plaintiffs. Residence nnd Post Office Address Eugene, laine County, O re­ tiff, and my residence and post office days afte r the service of th is summons 21 1929. upon you, or of th e d ate of the first Springfield, address Is Eugene, Oregon. DONALD YOUNG, 860 W illam ette Sutton gon. publication of th is summons, exclu- S tr e e t Eugene, Oregon. P. 21-28. M. 7-14-21-28. A. 4 Ja. 31: F. 7-14-21-88: Building B McMurray; Mrs. Percy B. McMur ra \ : ..........^ D a v ls rlaughtcr of Eva McMurray Davis; Earl Mount; Mrs Helen Houston; and also all other persons or parties unknown or un named, claim ing any right, title. In- ' ,eTe8t- ,,en or estate In the real pro- i ^ ^ T H I ^ A ^ T i p T H E STATE OF D IR E C T O R Y Walker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors F. 81-28: M. 7-14-21: