PAGE TWO 'Pi 11 ' ,{ si > av ^22]21 ì 1— T H E S P R lN G F re tn NWW3 — ——-!—■ —■ U. OF 0. SURVEY PLAN OF MERGER C O M M ITTEE Inaugural Stand A m eeting of th e tw o c o m m itte e s on Kpi tnglleld E ugene collsolldutIon wn« lield In th e C h am b er iif C om m erce room s h are last T h u rsd a y . A com m lttee « in s istin g of It E M axey mid ErunU Je n k in s w as ap p o in ted Io In­ te re st the u n iv e r s ity of O regon In a fact finding survey of th e situ a tio n Ro far the t'n v e rs lty h as not algnM ed th e ir w illingness to do this. To Rssums “You can go back to her. Duane! (t never seemed possible, but now It s true. Fight with us from cover—then jo back to her. You will have gerved the Texas Rangers as no other man fcas. I'll accept y o ir resignation, Fou’ll be free, honored, happy— and rich. Jen n ie's rich. Duane. And she loves you! My God! how th a t girl loves you! She's------” But Duane cu t him short with a ie rc e gesture. He lunged up to his leet and th e rangers fell back. Dark illent, grim as he had been, still there ra s a transform ation singularly m ore m ere was mac«.., «« ...... . . . . . . . . . . . Ing consuming tire. He '» as rolled and wrapped in it—and a dark cloud carried hint away enveloped him SH» V» VUVU dimly a room ,---- strange, strange people moving and go far from Texas, north som was where— to Indiana, Michigan, any about, over him. with faint voices, far w here th at we Want. I have money. away, things in a dream. Duane! Isn 't it wonderful? The little, He saw again, clearly, and con­ sciousness returned, still strange, still ragged girl you met out in Hl— out In unreal, full of those vague and far­ the Rio Grande! “Do you rem em ber my breaser san ­ away things. He was not dead. then. He lay stiff, like a stone, with a weight dals—no stockings! And I was lame | ponderous as a m ountain upon him then. o n . It all com es back! But W e'll buy a fawn, and you .la to o A. Tibbe. X), the fatbef | And slow dull b“ rn ,u « agony ‘¿ “l of the modern corn c o b pipe, and racked all his bound body. will be busy with horses and cattle the m an w h o put W a sh in g to n ,„Mo« tlnister, stranger. A m an bent over him. looked deep and sheep. on the Mi* Ç M! the IUC map as capital of ---- "Enough. I'm done,” he said som- souri au m " in d u s try , died Into his ¿yes, and seemed to w hisper "You’ll forget 111 ‘" e you so. i » V S>w*> M eersch . —------- _ . . . . . - -----3 j >erly. "I've planned. Do we agree— pray — ; at Oakland, Cat. after an illness Duane— Duane— M aybe—I —I hope — oh. I . >r shall I m eet Poggln and his gang from a d istan c e: months. th ere'll be children. W e ll be happy. I Ah, he knew m e!” Ilona?** of Duane.” A fter th a t ano th er long time F alls and B reaks R ibs—C h a rle s Itiv MacNelly cursed and again threw T ands, th T hey ey w wa atched c e< the . sun set golden fo rm e r|y of S pringfield, k n the ip his hands, th is is tim tim e e in in baffled baffled dark n ess; when the light came again. T here w as deep reg ret In ; clearer, this sam e dark-eyed earn est ' “ 7 * the X ueces, far beyond the Bryan Memorial hospital at Lincoln •hagrin. ___ ___________________________ 1 - . o n K ..r x t n v o r h im It M a c N C llV r o w i l U » tT * I. r lh u m ill II ’ im Of T h ? « , G-rande Which Nehraaka. _ wUh four ribs and a tls d a rk eyes as they rested upon man bent over him. It was MacNelly —and w ith recognition the past flood­ shoulder broken, as the result of a fall inane. they were never to see again. from a building. He Is In a serious "I accept. Duane,” he rejoined quiet, ed back. T H E END Duane tried to speak. His lips were j condition acordlng to Inform ation re y. “IH go about the arrangem ents at weak and limp. T heir movement was ceved here by his daughter. Mrs. W » c e .” P. Tyson. Mr Rlvett. who Is a con barely perceptible. Duane was left alone. “Have— you—sent—for h er?” tractor, built several of the business N ever had his mind been so quick, "No, oh no. It’s not th a t bod blocks In Springfield and Is well io clear, so w onderful in Its under- You’ve a chance. Why. man, you 11 known by many people here. Itandlng of w hat had heretofore been get well. You'll pack a sight of lead a tric a te and elusive im pulses of his Ill with Pneumonia— The Infant son all your life, Duane. The whole | g range nature. His determ ination of Mr. an d Mrs. Jean M artin is quite Southw est knows your story. You ¡ gas to m eet Poggin. Meet him before seriously 111 with pneum onia at the need never be asham ed again of the ■ iny one else had a chance— Poggin home of Mrs M artin's purents. Mr nam e Buck Duane. It’ll live In Texas i jr •st—ana s t—and tnen then m the e o others! rn en ,: H n e e was »»» as and Mrs. W H. laim bert. la lterab le In th a t decision as if. on : with th a t of ^ ^ e t . T hink of ,e in stan t of Its acceptance, he had J e n n ie - h o m e -m o m e r ! i Then there was a iwhite house— ¡ T í “ 6 f e T m in u te s before half-past h o m ^ -a n d his h eart beat thick, O perations M on day— T he Booth Kellv m ill w hich h as been H|,ut down d u ring the week will s ta rt up again ix-xt M onday acc o rd in g to Inform ation given out now. The partially ccsnpleted insiigursl stand in front of the Canitol where Herbert C. Hoover will take the oath of office as the thirty-first presnlaut of the United 6tates. G ann ett Expands Used C ar Business T he Aelieas ('lu ll m et W e n esd av aftern o o n with Mrs N K. C h riste n se n . Mr mill Mrs C h riste n se n a re leaving shortly for th e n o rth an d th e club m ade tills m e e tin g th e o ccasion fo r a h an d k erch ief sh o w er for M rs C hrist- „nsen Hewing and v lstln g w ere the aftern o o n s d iv ersio n A d elig h tfu l tw o course luncheon wns served. T hose p resen t w ere M esdum es 8. E. W right. M J M cKlln. N W E m ery. Ella L om bard. J o h n P a rk e r, L 1« May. C B K enyon. F re ld e rlc k W. X W illiam s, th e h o ste ss and M rs E. It D anner, who wns a g u e st of th e A new used c a r lot on S eventh ami Oak street« E ugene has been recently openisl by the G unnell Motol c. pany to ta k e cure of th eir Increased b u sin ess III used e ars w hich will run In conjunction w ith the m ain establish m ent. E x ten siv e Im provem ent« In club. eluding a sales house poweful lights, and attractiv e a d v e rtisin g po sters arn H ere from H e a th e r— Mr and Mrs. planned for the lot. George Boyd, of H eath er, w ere In tow n Ihls week T hey re p o rt tw o feel of H ere from W a lte rv ille — laiwr.-n. .• snow still at H e a th e r w h ir., la up In M illican of W alterville. wns a Sunday th e hill» on th e S P. line. vialtor In Sprlngfleld. HEILIG EUGENE. OREGON THURS. ♦ FRI. • SAT. "THE BAD MAN” No Gas T a x fo r M all C a rrie rs Salem. Feb. 28—"T he mall carriers should not be obliged to pay the state ro a dark com pact body of horsem en How fam iliar It a was, ow gasoline tax because they use only ppeared far down, turning Into the ’ strange. too! And all seem ed magni- j five per cent of the sta te highways, lad T hey came a t a sharp tro t— , ®e*t- The someone in whit£ cried low and I Frank Hawks XOC- — _ . - i for the upkeep of which th is tax Is de- group th a t would have a ttra c te d at- Oscar E. GmH>. ftrw l e « ■ slgnated.” was Senator E F Bailey « knelt by his bed. ention anyw here a t any tim e. Angries to the F arter, J version of 8. B. 6» which passed the H is m other flung wide her a r m s 1 hour,. 21 mtmMr* » 1 * They came a little faste r as they ' S enate and is now under consideration with strange gesture. beatmg the record of Cowoel Art Utered town—then faste r still—now ' in th e House. The bill proposes thut Goebel by more than 6 rrmxrtr*. “T h at m an — th a t's his father!, hey w ere four blocks aw ay—now the sta te should refund the gasoline W here is my boy? My son, oh. my jjree— now two. Duane backed down Here from Signal— Mr. and Mrs. J. i tax to the rural mall carriers. he middle of the vestibule, up the son! ” eps. and halted in the cen ter of th e ¡ It was sheer pleasure to lie by the R. Clark of Signal, were In Springfield PAINTING and Kalsomlnmg in all Its F w est window and w atch Uncle Jim W ednesday. branches. Reduced Prices. Roy T herTsTem ed to be a rushing In his w hittle his stick and listen to him Scout M ountaineer Club to Meet— Koch. Call 126-J. its through which pierced sharp talk. He was old now and broken. . A m eetin g of th e C ascade M ountaln- He told so many Interesting things I er club of the hoy scouts will he held lnging clop-clop of iron hoofs. He S U M M O N S FO R P U B L IC A T IO N about people Duane had known, pete next Monday evening. ould see only the corner of the pie who had grown up and m arried IN T H E C IR CU IT C OU RT O F T H E tree t. But suddenly into th a t shot S T A T E , E i IH .O oN F o i l T H E Move to Eunene— Mrs. Rev W right ean-limbed dusty hay horses. T here failed, succeeded, gone aw ay, died COUNTY O F LANE. ras a clatterin g of nervous hoofs pull- But it was hard to keep Uncle Jim off plans on moving from lo r place at F lor, nee Mi Q ulllln. P laintiff, v s. the subject of guns, fights, outlaws. 922 P, stre e t Into Eugene u ’lti" tin id to a halt. T!' m a- C row ley and L. Davis, Dc He could not seem to divine how m en­ next week. Dr Eugene K ster an '. fen ¡ants. Duane saw the taw ny Pogrin speak tion of those things m ade Duane family of 442 I! stree t v. . m T o I h uiia s C ro w le y a nd L . D a v is . o his companions. He dism ounted shrink. the house to be vacated by Mrs. I)i fendant.i: iniekly. They followed suit. They I IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E Uncle Jim . old. childish now. and he W rlg u t, so m etim e n ex t m onth. lad the m anner of ranchers about to had a pride In Duane. He wanted to Gi­ OIIEG- N: You, and each of you. ¡onduct some business. No guns h ear it all—all of Duane's exile. And n n hereby required to appear and H as P d rfu l Accident—Dennis Eo an. wer til*- anx-mled com plaint tiled ihowed. if there was one thing more than an- em plove nt th Ju n 'tio n S ghler ro'l . list you in the above entitled suit Poggin started leisurely for the other th a t pleased him It was to speak at Mabie had a tim ber fall on him b n four weeks from the date of tlx jank-door. quickening step a little, of the bullets Duane carried in his j W ednesday. He suffered Injury to his to ,:t , ubllcatlon of this summ ons, and li rh e others, close together, came be- j , o ( jv arm and was compelled to come to a you tail to so appear and answ er, tlx- plaint:!; ; will apply to tlx- Court for llnd him. Blossom K ane had a bag “Nine bullets, w asn't It? Nine in Springfield physician for treatm ent, the rch prayed for in the amended in his ms left te n hand. nanu. Jim aou F r letcher was left ‘ th a t last scrap. By gum! A m an's a i plaint to-wlt: .hind, and he had already gathered them And you , Stop Over Enroute— Mr. and Mrs. com T hat the description included In Bid Stuw er, form er resident o f ) th e bridles. . bpfo th a t certain m ortgage recorded at Springfield, who hav- he- n in Butte. Poggin entered the vesUbule first Page 195 In Hook 75 of tlx- Mortgage M ontana during the past year, stopped Records of Lane County, Oregon, be 1th Kane on one side, o on “Nine and three— th a t m akes twelve, over in this city last Monday enrw ite am ended so as to read as folio-*«, to- her. a little behind him - An even ,t -g tbe game. It will always arm and lost the sight of both eyes In through or under ttx-m or any of them, All fade-!—darkened. T he thunder be the same, Jennie. I'm full of lead, an explosion at the Dallas plant when be foreclosed and forever barred from he lit a defective fuse. any right, title or Interest. In or Io said idened. Duane fell, seemed floating, you know. But I don't mind th a t.” real prem ises or any part, thereof; It's th e old mood—th e fear?” The Roseburg land office, with Tin re it drifted—Jennie L ee’s sw et and for such other and fu rth er relief "Yes. It h au n ts me. Ml he able to 2*56,449.31, Is third In the United as to the Court may seem equitable in ce. white, sasd, with dark tragic go out soon. T hen It’ll eome hack.” States from the standpoint, of receipts the prem ises. e s—fa d I n g—fad ing—f a d I n g------ This Summons Is published by during the last fiscal vear. The Lake- “ No—no, Duane,” she said. L ight shone before Dunne's eyes— office transacted business order of the Hon. J. W. Hamilton, "Some drunken cowboy—some fool vlew Judge of tlx- above entitled Court. lck, strange light that came and with a gun will h unt me out,” he said am ounting to 273,324 31. Date of first publication February »nt. It seemed a long tltn - with dull i m iserably. “Buck Duane! To kill Ashland, wlileh has large Invest­ 28, 1929; Date of last publication, id lioomlng sounds rushing bv, flll- j Buck D uane.!” ments In municipal public, utilities, March 28, 1929. IMMEL * EVANS, A ttorneys for g all. It was a d re m In wh eh th e n electric light and water plants, will "H ush! Listen to me,” she whis­ Plaintiff. Residence and Postoffice Ad­ is nothing. Drift ng e n te r a bur­ contest the legislation advanced to tax dress, Eugene, Oregon. in—darkness—llgh’—sound — move- pered, with ten d er arm s round him. such properti's, the utilities b