T ry the H o m e P r in t Shop F ir a t THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW ENTY-SIXTH YEAR SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY OREGON “The P eo p le', P ip e r" A LIV E NEWSPAPER IN A LIV E TOW N THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1929 NUMBER 8 FOUR-L MEETING WELL ATTENDED. RAY DANIELS TALKS ON EMPLOYMENT INSTITUTE H H. 5. 9 N a tio n a l G u ard Inspection Tonight Flying lia r on Dies CHANGES TO BE MADE IN McKENZIE HIGHWAY NEAR NEW POWER DAM W hatever pinch of bard tim es we may think we are feeling In thia sec Urgent Invitation Extendod by Members of Company Education Subjects to be Dis* lion. It Is only (Mniporary and local For Attendance cussed in D a y ’s P r o g r a m ; ‘" " b 18 oplnl‘’n •’«Pressed by liny Plans for changing the highw ay In th e fish hatchery section will be taken up next week by the county ’ a.H and highway r.en In scrip tio n s City Leases 63 Feet of Land to of the Inad affected by the change In ' An u rg e n t Invltutlon and re q u e s t it County Superintendent and , I iiinlob ' " r 4 ’’ headquarters In Federal Government for Site; the road have been obtained, so de- ! Port Intuì, In u talk nt th e m o n th ly Ment out by m em b ers of th e H ead University Professors Will be Steel Tower to Be Built; Re­ finite arran g em en ts can now be made. [ rneetlnc of the 4 L held In the W. O | quarters com pany, 1st B attalion, 1«2 Speakers. flector to Throw Gleam 80 gene w ater board dam because t h e ' W. hall here Monday night. Mr ' Infantry of the National Gourd to th e Miles. w ater will probably cover parts of the A local co u n ty ten. hern Institute D an iels p ointed out that the trend of citizens of Springfield to attend th, It will be necessary to move the road I Will tic held nt th e Springfield high e.l,..,(.i„i .. , ,, , To guide mall planes on their coast hack at certain sections above the Ru __ i . o . . . . . . . nniinciat h > ctirltl'M show ed Hint over i u nnuul In spection to be irlven to n lir h t school Hiiiiirdny. M arch 9. It I m nn ......... , , I given u in ig n t present highway If, according to th e fl‘Kht a la r*e beacon » « h t will b« the country business was g o o d In the Armory over Egglm ann's store nniinceil tiy l 'm int v School Huperln present indications, the dam will be erPCted hy the federal governm ent on The till.» o f Mr. Daniels* ad d ress at 8 o’clock. Major A. M Jones, 7th te n d e n t E .1 Moore P rin cip al Alfred com pleted early th is sum m er, work EmPra,d heights soon. A co n tract .1 M organ of th e high school will he w as, ''Em ploym ent and Cneinploy- Infantry Vancouver b arrack s will be will have to commence on the en- *eBa' n5 a tra c t 63 feet square, owned the prealdlng officer T h e multi nil m ent From an Economic Htandpolnt." dangered sections before th a t tim e, by tbe p,ty on top o t the heights, waa the Inspecting officer. d re s se s will he m ade by I»r N ils n lie explained what mav Seem to sort!» In order to have the new sections com 8lBned S taurday by the city and an It Is as much In the in terests of I, B oss,,ng and Prof IlirA'ard T livlor •o he a p arad o x ical situ a tio n w herein Pleted before the w ater comes back. aBent to r the governm ent. Mayor C. everyone In Springfield to have a good | of th e school of ed u catio n of flic I'n l Irrosperlty m ay s.-i-m to reig n yet Highway officials are still at w o r k '0 w,lHOn has been Instrum ental In th e re 1« In p laces an a p p a re n t aggra showing made by the local company c v rsltv of O regon. In clearing up the right-of-ways of the in ' Pre8tlnK the governm ent in th is site. vaf.-.l co n d itio n of unem p lo y m en t, to as the mem bers them selves. ('. A. Following Is the program: Springfield-Cogswell Hill section. Dif- ■ The big ,lght when •"'ected w ill he m erely ’ th e m ala d ju stm e n t of em ­ S w artst lieutenant of the company 10:00 A M Acuity has arisen there on account of throw' a beam of light 80 miles, A ploym ent a ris in g u n d er th e situ atio n points out and this allowing will he M usic, A m erica th " >t iiitlful, the new road cu ttin g some of the these lights Is to be e re c t'd Alt Htnndlng cau sed liy th e m ach in e age. T h e ma aided greatly If u good crowd will he farm s In two. Bids for the construe- a11 alf>nB the mall airw ay. No cn- out to the Inspection. It m akes a Invocation lt,>v t'lics II Itlom. chin» has b ro u g h t in Its w ake an ago t'on will be subm itted at the m eeting nouncolEBn t has been made yet afc to Biron von H ueneleld, hacker and much b elter im pression on the In­ of sp ecializatio n and th e need for P a s to r B a p tis t C h u rc h of the sta te highw ay com mission next when the ,fg ht will be built. The pasac-ngc-T of the Bremen m its east* Special M usic, H igh School O rchestra, y o u n g er labor, th e sp e a k e r pointed specting officer If he sees th at the transatlantic flight, passed away week. tow er Is expected to be of steel 51 in Berlin. out Men m ust he q u ic k e r o f body com munity Is hack of Its N ational itlr ls Vocal Quart "tie C ontracts for the McKenzie bridge feet hiBh and w1n c a rrT the light and Guard unit. T here arc 25 men In the A nnouncem ents by the chair or Coun and m ind u n d e r th.» p re s e n t sy stem and the Gate Creek bridge were let a larB‘’ th an before b ecau se th e In s ta lla tio n ! Springfield unit Including two officers, DOLPH LINGO FUNERAL ty School Sii|HTY way pornmi88ion. hut SO far no work m ade here about th ree week« ego “T h e T each in g ProfcH 'loii and sp eed ed up p re cesses, he said. T he i W a lte r G ossler second lieutenant. has commenced cn eith er of them . I by ^ederaI »gents who preferred thia .o n ly so lu tio n Mr. D aniels offered for P rofess tonal C onduct" MuJ.tr Jones Is on an In sp ectin g Owen Dolph Lingo, for the past ------ '----------------------- 18ite to onp fu rth er w est because It P icture Story Heading Lesson — A th e unem ploym ent of o ld er m en was to u r o v er th« S tate was m ore nearly In a straig h t Hue T u esd ay night se v eral y ears an em ploye of th e SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS Dem onstration liv Mrs. M arjorie sp ecializatio n he Inspected th e E u g en e u n it and Booth-K elly L um ber com pany, w ho I betw een P ortland and Medford th e GIVEN ENTERTAINM ENT air mall stops In Oregon. I-aselle, Lincoln School. The m eeting Monday night was well W ed»*8'l» r night he was a t Corvallis. dleral r ,’m Pany made a high ratin g W hlppel officiating. Funeral services to h er Sunday school s tu d e n ts la st ! ______ ENDED NOON on the program were: a p.ano and bell “ d 11 dp8*r* of the local w en to held *t 1:30 at the Miller chapel. Friday nig b t. Among oth er tblnKg j About 50 fa th e r, and sons atten d -d A rn feterla lunch will be served by < t >y oren.-e May and B arbara ” *<,od «tandlng. Mr. Lingo was born in Junction City enjoyed by the guests w ere a series tb e fafh er and son banquet, held In the Domestic Science girls of the a r " '' a minuet recited by Ruth Besides being a patriotic asset to an<1 exceP,!n g f° r the tim e spent In of guessing gam es. R e fre sh m e n ts the basem ent of th e M ethodist church Springfield high school at nominal amh.-rs In costum e and danced by Springfield, the N ational Guard is an Spr*nKfleld has lived th ere m ost of were served. Mondy night. prices, under direction of Mrs. Ruth Cham hers and Janice Plndtner. ¡econom ic asset. S w arts has pointed h ,“1 H,e He |H s" ^ ' Ted by h l, m other ' The following were there- Thelm a Donald E rb ’ o f ,h « e c o n o m ic do- G eorgina Peterson. in.l a reading by Pearl H elt,.rhrand. ( out.. During the past two years the •ind ,wn brothers, E rn est and William. Sweeney. Edith Horning. Dorthea Pa rtm « t th e U niversity of Oregon, I l l s P. M. R efreshm ents were served Thorval I" ^ e W oodm en ! hlK\ 7 hoo! ^ a r '®‘ - Ing und he 1« especially desirous of a w*" mBpt tomorrow In the C ham ber! W ITH SEA Supt. E. J. Moor». ------- SOLDIERS ha„ was enJove() by e.Khty ppopie d ^ 7 b: rsro; j h,’ d" a^ ; ar®^ O Ol’O- good turnout of business men. of Commerce rooms In the Bank of ' 3:00 P. M. W hlle looking forw ard to service on T he I’r n ir " m the evening was put ence' M o fn tt ’ ° *r ’ 30 Commerce building. Assembly Address, Prof Howard The regular m eting night scheduled ' an<1 ° F ,he ü ' S' Marl" p8' ! S” by TOemhpr8 of the club and was a TREE FALLER FATALLY Taylor, V. of O.. "Different Kinds for last Friday was postponed on ac i An,on L' Schuessler, of Springfield, 2!" X'*” 11 f™m beg1nnln* to end- M c K E N 7 I E «INCIIA/ ctP C lD T C of Is'arn ln g and When to Us» INJURED AT CAMP 3 9 count of W ashtlngton s birth, la v T h e Orp*on' w111 soon com plete his preli- T Bur,on c°-pd orch estra furnished ' E SNOW SPORTS Them." tln g to n 's blrthdav. The , ----- ARE ENJOYED BY MANY "S ta r Spangled Banner” Zetnery P. R an d all, 43, of Eugene, C h am b er Will ta k e up Its re g u la r “ ar>' ,r a ,n ,n K w " h th e so ld iers of j 'h e music. the sea a t San Diego. California, ac- A banfluet was held and the en te r | D ism issal. w as fa tally In ju red M onday when a ro u tin e b u sin ess a t th e m eetin g. I cording to a recent report of enlist- ' ainm ent took Plaoe at the sam e time. ! Sixty m em bers of the Obsidian club E verybody Invltd to a tte n d th ese fallin g tre e stru c k him w hile he w as I Club m em bers disguised as African °f Eukcne and Springfield atten d ed m ents from th at train in g station. sessio n s. B ring tills pro g ram w ith von , w orking at Booth K elly ra m p No. 39 GARDEN WAY P. T. a . GIVE Schuessler, who Is the son of Albert ' cannibals, dressed In skins, initiated th e second w inter outing of the club An am b u lan ce w as called from E ugene i ew cubs into the den. T hree sets of above Lost Creek ranch on the Me- PLAY TO RAISE FUNDS A. Schuessler of RED No. 2 of Spring- hut Mr. R andall tiled on th e wav In. SPRINGFIELD MAN OPENS blackfaced com edians put on singing Uenzle during the week-end. Snow field. Joined the Marine Corps at P o rt­ A fund of $33 twas raised by th and talking acts. B esides h is w ife. B essie, th e de­ was about tw o feet deep and the tim e UP STORE IN EUCENE land. two or th ree weeks ago and was was enjoyed by skiing and toboggan­ ceased is su rv iv ed by one d au g h te r. Garden M ay P arent-T eacher associa to San Diego for training. W ith a CHURCH TO ing. Many o th er people were at Lost II. K. IfftllllpH for the past 7 years Miss Leila Randall and one small son. : " l,n n' 'h p Play given at the Garden sent in a few weeks he will probably leave U M K l o I IAN C H U R C H T O w ith Gray's Cash and Carry store In Jack. M ay school house In th e Chase Gar- Creek ranch Sunday and used th e for some foreign station, go aboard HAVE SUNDAY SERVICE toboggan slide there. Sprlngfleld lias this week opened up | Mr. Randall was born at Oregon ’!<>n" d U tr,ct ,aat M ’U y night, a naval vessel, or be assigned to one i -------- a grocery store In west Eugene a f t h e City. November 29, 1885 and had lived i T be p,ay pn" ,lp_ . Ray' . ^ s H arry ™ ase. Mrs, but during th is period free educational' Slng to My R o e m e r . " The q u artet last . „ six m iles. H arry W right fa u g h tr bv , he Marine Corns conB,s' a ' bp following m em bers: f Ma’ ey WPre am on* tho8e Including groceries and part of the da'I and fam -v wen. from Eugene to J >rn R'pb«rd Mrs. Elmo Chase. Miss _i__ a n d n ll a n and d u* (. orps _t_„ McDowell. „ ____,, A gatha Beals. Lawr- In atten d an ce from Springfield. ■tOMr * w n C n t , f t , 1 . 1 " W ? eniliin- T d " nK ” i ' ■ ir„ te r 3 . p,a* ; r ... '" .... llyp Alma I M c Fish. T a v C <' larence ’aP’ BCe C CaU<’a11 M r .. ’" ......... 8‘‘‘»‘*' arp ay a" ab le to Marine all m em bere . T Lou,8a Mr. W llllps and family moved to with the Int-nC on of moving there. McKay' of the Corps. Many v „„n g men take SUnk' e r’ 3nd GeraM M0^ 8®"- Eugene Tuesday where they 'will live F u n e ra l s : vices will be held from Preceding th e play was a sh o rt pro- advantage of these studies and com- Bible school will s ta rt at 9:45 and CROUP HAS PARTY In the rea r nf the building where the . L ^ ‘ni ,h f'!n" r“ ' h ""1* a ‘ 2 P m - I *r “ m i" flu d l7 a reading by Mr. M e plete th e ir enlistm ents, especially 'h e m orning w orship at 11 o’clock. AT GOSSLER HOME grocery store will be. Mr Phillips tomorrow. aj an, mus cn se ectlons by W alter equipped to tak e up some trade, a rt, ! Tbp serm on by Rev. Childers will be plans on continuing half tim e with Ix>e of Eugene with two of his pupils, or profession. A p arty was held a t the home of Continue S teadafstly.” The choir G ray’s Cash and C arry here for two KENSINGTON CLUB MEETS Mr. and Mrs. W alter G osier Monday will sing, “Let the E arth Rejoice.” m onths yet. working here In the after- C hristian E ndeavor will be a t 6:30 i nl«h t’ Brld«e was played and refresh- AT MRS. W. F. WALKER'S i f noons. Mrs. Phillips will run the and th e evening worship at 7:30 bv m en' 8 v ®re served. P resen t were Mr. sto re ln Eugene while ho Is here. Rev. Childers, th e topic being "An(1 and Mrs " altp r Gossler, Mr. and Mrs. The K ensington sewing club met George Carson, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton last Friday nt the homo of Mrs. W. F. It Was N ig h t” FOUR H PRIZES WON BY B arber, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kafoury, W alker. A covered dish luncheon was Mr. and Mrs. L aurence Moffitt, Mr. SPRINGFIELD MEMBERS served. P resen t w ere: Mrs. Alice BRIDGE FILL ON EAST and Mrs. Clifford Wilson. I-orah, a guest of the club, and Mrs. H ow ever th is Is but one of the many The following article Is one of a SIDE NEAR COMPLETION Gladys Cooley, Springfield route 1, 8. C. W right, Mrs. I-awrence Mny, series ln the Prize winning essay reasons why L ane county hom es built won first prize for Plymouth Rocks Mrs. J. T. Moore, Mrs. H. W hitney, contest sponsored by the 4-L Em ­ of wood are preferable to o th er types BABY SUCCUMBS AT T he fill on the east approach to the for both cockerel and pullet a t the and Mrs. lx>vl Neet, Mrs. John Hend- ployee Wood Prom otion com m ittee of of houses. One reason is th a t we who GRANDFATHER’S HOME Springfield bridge Is rapidly nearing poultry and rabbit show held In E u­ eror, Mrs. W C. Rebhan, Mrs. W. N. Springfield. The sto ries w ere all live In Lane county are so n ear the com pletion. C ontract wth the bridge gene last week-end. Dow. Mrs. C larence Chase, Miss Edna w rlttten by students ln the high and sawm ills th a t It Is the cheapest build­ K athleen A, Sweeney, Infant daugh­ will be m ade by Saturday night Is Carlol Cooley won second prize for S w arts and Mrs. W. F. W alker. grade schools of the city and contain ing m aterial we can buy. Lum ber in te r of Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n Sweeney of the opinion of A. C. M athews, co n trac­ pigeons. O ther m em bers from this th is clim ate is considered by most The next m eeting of the K ensington Im portant tru th s why we should sup to r ln charge of th e w ork, and by Mon. th s city passed away yesterday. The section to have entries In the exhibit men who build houses superior to port the lam ber in d u stry ln Lane child w as 1 year 7 m onths and 15 club will be held qne week from to­ day th e fill should be completed. w ere A rthur McChesnny, R obert Me- stucco or brick, for the outside finish, county. days old at the tim e of death. D eath m orrow a t th e home of Mrs. C. E. No definite word has been received was caused from pneum onia. Chesney and Helen Cooley, all of and much b e tte r for In terio r construc­ Savnrts and Miss E dna Sw arts. ro ute 1 8prlngfleld. Mrs. Janney than any th in g else, a t any where y et from the sta te engineer w hether . Funeral servees well be held from W h y Lane County Homes tion, Cooley, also of route 1 flprlngeflld Is the work on the w est approach will thp W alker.Poo]e cbapel w th Rey E n ear the sam e price. Should Be B uilt of GREEN-HOUSE RAPIDLY lender of the club. If we advertised the quality of Lane com mence Im m ediately upon the com I V. Stivers officiating. In term en t will Wood.” county fruit, and o th er products, using pletlon of th l, side, t will take much {be a t ’th e L aurel H ill cemetery, BEING CONSTRUCTED a trade m ark as a g u arantee of qual­ longer to com plete th a t side th an this DRAIN HIGH SCHOOL H ELEN DAVIS ity. we could soon have a lum ber because m ore than tw ice as much d irt The new green-house at the Chase May Locate H ere CALLS OFF BALL GAME 5-A G rade ! building program In progress which and grvel m ust be moved. Onrdens on the riv er road Is rnpldly Mr. and Mrs. L eslie B arnard, of The grent sta te of Oregon has more I could he felt from coast to coast, up. The Iron fram e work Is Drain high school basketball squad going Mackinaw. Illinois, who are visiting practically up and ready for the glass .T,"?'"»?, ,,m b er ,bnn a "X '" h e r sta te A salesm an from New York called BOY SCOUT TROOP 12 sent word down the first of the week and the concrete work Is half com at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. ,he 1 nion' " nd ln p<">nt.v with at our house one day. He said that MET LAST NIGHT HERE Jackson, plan on locating ln Spring- th a t they could not play RprlngfleM . . , th e total acreage of 452.192 acres. It slogan "Tillam ook on the rind" was W ednesday night ns wan scheduled. pleted. W hen the lions,' Is completed has more tim ber than any other coun j as well known In tho ea st ns in the field. T hey have been In California The local boy scout troop No. 12 for a couple of m onths since com ing It will he 50 feet wide and 450 feet No reason was given. ly of the state. , Btnfe of Oregon. If th e Tillamook m et last night In the Cham ber of Com­ Tomorrow night the local hoys will long. Tills Is tile standard size for tho T he m anufacturing of these vast | cheese m akers can put th eir county on m erce rooms. After the drill the group from th e east, but d u rin g th e ir sta y houses at Chase Gardens. play the last scheduled game of the here th ey have grown to like It b e tte r n,, . .. forests Into lum ber provides employ tho map by advertising. Is th ere anv w ent over to H untly’s D elicatessen th an California. senson with Lebanon here. This The Thompson construction com- m ent for a large num ber of men. And reason why Lane county lum ber man, w here a tre a t was given them by m akes tho second game with that pany Is doing tho work and according by using the lum ber In building houses faetu rers can nol do likew ise’ Mrs. B arnard Is a siste r of Mr. team , with tho honors of tho firat o present estim ates the new struc- and barns we help create a demand Then let ns help our g re a t'lu m b e r Mayor W ilson to chocolate, doughnuts Jackson and has n o t seen him for 19 gnme going to the homo boys. Fol­ titre should bo up by April 1. Accord- for the finished product, and In this Industry not only In our county but and candy. It was decided nt the meet- years. O. C. Jackson, of H lllshoro, lowing tho game tom orrow night will Ing to the present plans tho now space way help to give steady work to those In our state, bv using lum ber nro- ng to hike to Baldy next Sunday. an uncle of H. C. Jack so n , and E arl T here w ere nine m em bers and one Jackson, of Dallas, a cousin, a re also be a basket social. will be put into tom atoes. employed. ducts w herever possible. guest p resen t a t th e meeting. rlstln g here. ( j I . I. 1 ------- CHR,ST, N W hy Lane County Homes Should Be Built of W ood” iw