Authorized "Rnybeato*** THE SPRINGFIELD NEW« Brake Service Station DUNBAR SERVICE STATIO N lo th and ( lu k Phono 621 Eugene, Oregon With An O. K. That Counts SO LU BY A P E R M A N E N T ANO D E P E N D A B L E O R G A N IZ A T IO N THAT GOOD COAL 4 - 1927 Chevrolet Coaches Opposite P. O. You W ant Value fo r Y o u r M oney You Come to Coal or Briquets T hese ea rs have been thoroughly Reconditioned All have been relinlhbed w here needed In genuine Dueo, have Fisher Bodies, V. V. W indshields, and 2 to I new C a rry our O. K. in every w ay YOUR CHOICE - - Discount If No Trade-In. $ 4 5 0 °° Term s to S uit GANNETT MOTOR CO. . . . EUGENE T h a t's Proper. W. A. HALL, the Shoe D octor — T h a t's Understood. You Know the Place That's All. 333 Main St. Phone 412 Springfield Like Lightning V 011 Must Wear Shoes T h a t’s Necessary. You Like Good Repairing T hat's Natural. For R ea l C om fort Burn 69 W. B ro a d w a y. THE W IL LA M E T T E PRESS TO YOU ALL RAINIER COAL CO. 942 Olive St. X SPRINGFIELD. LANK COUNTY. OREGON THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 14. 1929 USED CARS T ire s . We can HU your neeTta In any kind o r size binder you w ant. “ As quick as lightning** Violet Ray g as pu ts pep in y our m o to r and does not leave th e heavy carbon de­ posits of o rd in ary gas. It is the ideal gasoline for w inter driving. Violet Ray, co sts n o m ore but goes farth er. try the home print shop first The W illam ette Press Eugene, Ore. “ If It’s in the Drug Line— We have it.” PrcRcrlptlons our Specialty.—All com pounding done by registered P harm acists. Your mail order signifies your confidence, it shall have our personal and prompt attention. I Kelel’s Drug Store Eastm an Kodaks and Supplies. »prlngfield, Oregon H A L-L-T -* K O \ WHV 6O k' > 011 ? I Drive in here and let us service your c a r for w inter driving. “ A ’ 'Street Service Station A St. a t F ifth, Springfield A T T A t W Y s '. L NOTHIMfc U K Ï « T T I M ' Î O a Ç T H E K kO tt «OOO ;------- - i T I M e 1 Y- “~ HENRI MELVILLE Leading m an W hat We Mean by “Pure Groceries” -■fr*-; with A Hero Taylor Players W hen we say "Pure G ro c e rie s’’ we m ean th a t we sell only products t h a t c a n p a ss th e m o s t ut the rigid HEILIG NOW PLAYING “Just Married” FOUR DAYS som eness. Clothes In Good Shape Theatre S ta rtin g Sunday "L A F F T H A T OFF'* Matinees: S at. and Sun. 2:30 Night Shows: S ta rt - 8:00 It pays to have us ta k e c a re of y o u r clothes, for o u r ra te s a re low and o u r w ork and service excellent. W e'd like to see th e su it th a t we can 't m ake ju st as fresh and clean a s a new one! W E C A L L FO R A N D D E L IV E R Phone 75-J Lawrence “ Happy” Anderson Service Cleaners governm ent te s ts for p u rity and whole- SPECIAL D E M O N S TR A TIO N — Captain G eorge Fried, of «he Steam ship America, the guiding spirit in the daring rescue of the crew of the sinking Florida. Two years ago Captain F ried tna • a sim ilar daring rescue, saving the lives of the crew of the Antinoe H is exploits form the m ost thrill- lug of sea dram as in m odern times Gebhardt Canned Goods W e believe th a t o u r c u sto m e rs are entitled to th is protection. Buy your groceries h e re ! FRIDAY AND S A T U R D A Y Phone 9-WHITE F Phone