THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 14. 192? PAGE FTYE T H E HI’KINGEIELD NEWS Comes to Town— Frank N Emme­ A cougar measuring nine foot from rich. of Waltervllle. come to Spring- N rw Idiule 1 * tip of tail to Up of none and weighing field Monday. O re fln n , lia ll« 'd Io c o u rt fo r !>«'»( ln g I 275 pounde wae treed and caught by Ida w lfn , WM a llo w e d to Ito by th e Down from Leaburg— Mrs. Frances J. T and II J. Burke »«rath of Heaetde Juilg« a f t e r n h n y ltig a ro tn u in n d to UI mm ’ Stone came down from Ixaburg the last week. II le aahl to be the largest Ilia w ife a n d h la m o th e r 111 la w to a llo w F lu V ic t im — Georg«, P e rk in » has r«-- Motors to Seattle— Mr». Mary Ke» ' first of the week. cougar ever oaught In Clataop nouuly h la g r iilltm l« ' to th e m fo r ib w h lln g Io covered from an attack of flu. sey motored to Seattle yesterday. A small farm building owned i»y D Principal Events of the Week Fractures Jew Bone— Il Montgom­ d ro p th e r lin n ii- o f awMitult. U Cochron ut 1'ortlaud, ettualed on Make Trip— Mr and Mr». Roy Smith III at Home— Mrs. Dave Worley In ery. of Leaburg. suffered a painful ac­ Assembled for Information the east bank of the Willamette river »pent tho week-end In Portland. quite ill at her home. cident this week when he fell and H e ra F ro m L o w » 1 1 - - M r " I'' N Hoy near the Wilsonville fe rry , «as con struck hl» head upon the frozen of Our Readers. d e r, o f L o w e ll wua III town Wednoa Baby Boy Born— A baby-son wan Goes to Salem— Allan Kefoury took » u n iw l by fire last week, together with ground and broke his Jawbone. d a y. born to Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Pine, of a trip to Salem last Monday. Jts contents, which Included a printing T h u C la ta o p c o u n ty a u d ito r's r» p o rl tht» city, last Sunday. plant valued at >1400. R e tu rn » to Oriel -I V ia l— ' d in O b im Here Saturday— H C. Wlkham, of »how» H int tin * to ta l tu x r o ll fo r 1827 retu rn « «! Io l l r i d i i l VI I ln » l Momlny Ixioe estimated at >45.000 wua cans D«-xt«-r, spent Saturday In thl» city. Father Dies— Ray S tu m p , of the new i w h e r e h e w o rk » III th e m ill» . lie lll»n a m o u n te d io >2,190.065 8(1, o f which ed by fire which gutted the 42 room Parker-Ballor Garage, was called to. 1 1,071.807.44 tin» hci u c o lle c te d . le e ii VI h IH iik h e re w ith Ilia N lo tlie r. Anhlnnd hotel last week. Insurance Goes to Brownavllle— Mrs. Georgle Tacoma Monday on acount of the a A plan tor curtailing production of will partlaUy cover the loss, according Griffis 'went to Brownsville last Fri­ death of his father. All persons having acco in ts H o la t In a ta ile d - i ‘a a « y’a a e rv h n ata hopa wna a g re e d on at a recent meet­ to Lew llanaeu, manager of the hotel day afternoon. i w ith th e D anner M otor Com­ t lo il la ic o t t llll n ndy to llia ln ll a co in for the la»t three years. Origin ut the , in g In M ilv e rto n One third of the Here from Brownsville— Mr and p le te h y d iiiu llc h o la t equipment, ac- Goes to 8wiaa Home—Tom Aheen re­ i Msr. Templeton, of Brownsville visited pany can eith er pay th e sam e a t bluze waa not determined. g ro w in g acreage la to be cut down. « 'ordloK to w o rd g iv e n o u t th ia w eek. turned la»t. Monday evening to Swiss this week with Mrs. Ivan Male of this th e Com m ercial S ta te R ank, Sixty one patlants at the Oregon liable» hiia appeared In the Here T h e h o la t In c lu d e « n il new K re iia ltiK Home, where he has been working. Springfield, or a t th e E. C. Sim ­ ' city. ford district of linker county, »even state hospital died In January, eStab facilities llahlng a new record for d< aths at the head of r u t ile und a dog having died From Junction City — Mrs. Jack Garage Force Adds Man — Fred m ons Ford Agency in Eugene. Institution In any single month. Two Sprinkle was here from Junction City an a renult of bite» by Infected coyoeg Spencer, a former garage man of this Signed, E. R. DANNER. of the patients who died were more last Friday. Logging operation» In Lane county 1903 1929 city ha» this week accepted a position than 90 year* of age, nine were more and aoutbern Oregon have decreased Sells Realdence— Mrs. L. A. Smith, with the Rodenbough garage. than 80, and 27 were past 70. BIRTHDAY SALE to 40 per cent of normal by the heavy last Saturday, »old her residence pro­ Nine hundred acres of beets, beans, Local Woman III— Mrs. Van Valzah »now» plied up ut the mills and In carrots, squash, cabbage and parsnip» perty near the high school to tier son Is HI at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. the woods.* will be grown for the cannery of the O. H. Smith. H. Pollard. Dr. and Mrs. Pollard are The J. H. Hawley barn three mile» W hen you husband gets Kugene Fruit Grower»' a»aoelatlon, the C elebratin g 2 6 Year» o f at the present time In San Francisco. ' Here from Waltervllle— Mr. and so u th of Cottage (¡rove with two local co-operative concern, this year. George Easton, of Waltervllle, were grouchy and kicks the dog Progreaaive L eaderah ip calves and 40 tons of hay wua de- It waa announced recently. The as needlessly, d o n ’t give up Has Been Away— Mrs. Frank Ben­ Saturday’s visitors In town. atroyed by fire la»t week, causing a eoclatlon will begin contracting with , th e ship. A p air of c o rrect nett, who has been visiting In Oak- j Kuril article advortlaed on loss of f700U. growers February 16. New Recruit—John Lynch enlisted land, California, returned here la s t ! glasses a re som etim es like our Birthday Hale la care­ The motion to dissolve the union oil on a trobuled sea. Drilling of several wells by the Ore In headquarters company 1st battal­ Tuesday. fully made of the hlaliuat high school district alluuted at Clover­ gon Washington Water Service com ion 162nd Infantry of the National Make Appointments grulle material», under strict dale, III Tillamook county, win defeat puny will get under way In Salem Guard here last week. Whenever Possible Sales Territory Extended — The »unitary condition» You urn ed at a special election by a vote of within the next tew days. In ca»>- Young Son III—Eugene May the sales territory of John Henderer local UHaured o f purehnaltiK arti­ more than two to one. the wells prove a success, the water D r. S h e r m a n W . M o o d y cle» of the highest quallly at Optometrist ■ Eyesight Specialist taken from them will be turned Into young eon of Mr». Grace May, was 111 I merchandising man for the Mountain ‘ A number of Lane county a a w n illla Suite 831 Miner Bldg. Phone 362 money-Having price». and logging camps that were closed the mains for drinking purposes. the first of the week from what waa States Power company has been ex­ East Broadway, Eugene Ore. down recently because of deep snow Salem's water has had a peculiar taut»- j thought to the the after-effects of the tended to Include Cottag^ Grove and flu. He has been absent from school adjaecent country. will resume operations during the for several months, due to algae. »Ince the latter part of last week. week. It was announced. Inspection of dairies and dairy bains should be placed under the Jur The Deachutea county court hna de Charles V. Brown, 53, merchant and elded to give 1200 toward the purchase Isdlctiop of tha livestock sanitary prominent lower Columbia sportsman, of a site for a fl»h hatchery on Fall board and not with the stale dairy and shot and killed himself last week with creek to replace the Tumalo hatchery, food commissioner, a<**rding to a a .22-callber rifle when stumbled resolution adopted by the Willamette on the stairs In his store and accident­ recently destroyed by fire. 942 W illam ette St., E ug ene. Oregon. An "unloaded" gun exploded In tha Valley Veterinary Medical association ally discharged the deapon. hands of Kermit Knutson, son of Mr. In session at Salem last week. It was RdHerlck L. Mac'euy of the salmon and Mrs. Carl Knutaen of Klamath said that the inspections would be canning Interests at the mouth tt the Falla, last week, and resulted In a conducted by the same men who make Rogue river states that there will De the tuberculin testa. severe Injury to hla right wrist. no attempt to change the commercial A fire started under a balky auto­ season at the mouth of the river at Total subscriptions to the Astoria mobile Is Just as effective as a blaze this session of the legislature. community cheat are reported as >15.- under a stubborn mule, Harold R 000 by Charlo» I’. Hall, who baa been An Increase In Oregon's death rate "Teach economy. That is one of Schanno, raneber In tha Bend coun elected president of the organisation from 1123 tor each 100,000 population Pu retest try. Is willing to testify, bis friends the first and highest virtues. It be­ Coat of the recent campaign waa >100. Rubbing Alcohol reported. With the temperature rang : In 1926 to 1146 for each 100,000 In 1927 gins with saving money." F u ll P in t Tho week of February 18 has been tng around 14 below one morning last was reported by the department of T he J. C. Penney Company has built commerce. The total number of all V n a tirp a a a m l f o r r e lie v in g designated aa "Farmer»' week” In week. Schanno attempted to crank his up a large business by saving money Horen»»», lantene»», b ru la e a Jackson county. Two meetings are to light car. The engine would not turn deaths in the state was 9857 in 1926 for its customers. W e buy in carload a n d a p ra ln a . be held In Ashland and three In Med­ over, so he started a small fire under ! and 10.206 in 1927. lots — by the thousand dozen — and B irth d a y Saia Five thousand head of Rambouillet ford under the direction of Agent IL When be twisted the crank again these economies are the secret o f our ewes and 11,400 acres of ranch and Fowler. Price the car started. Low Prices. range lands have been purchased by Itouglua county granges are asking The Owen Oregon Lumber company Save! Save! Save! I t 1» that the "model farm" near Roseburg, plant will be In full operation by Fred Falconer, well-known sheepman the watchw ord o f o u r bu«i- which has teen run by the state at a March 15, it was announced In Med­ of Pendleton, from Joseph Pedco, pio- ' neer sheepman near Pilot Rock. The loss for the past 10 years, be turned ford. The logging camps In the Butte back to the county for fair ground Falls district, employing 150 men and purchaser has been granted 21 years pnrposes. Idle since last fall, will start about to pay. TJL- Jtwrw The clean-up pool of the Douglas Three tons of poisoned barley to be March 1. The sawmill is now on a five-day basis and may be placed on a County Turkey Growers’ Co-operative used In the campaign against gray dig gera In la n e county Is being parked four-day basis soon for a short period association was sold February 1 in In five-pound sacks for distribution to to curtail production. It Is planned Oakland. The pool consisted of about Out Station is to cut all tho logs now on roadway» 2000 pounds. This was the associa­ farmers, who plan to start the cam 100% ASSOCIATED OIL and in the mill pond before March 1. tion's final shipment for the season, paign on April 1. and growers were released from theii Slxty-flve pounds of gold ore from I contract in disposing of last year s 11. H. Klockars was swarded the con tract for constructing 1500 feet of the latest strike at the Robertson mine ; orders. dyking around the Mouth Marshfield containing gold valued at approximate­ Pernaps the lowest maintenance Ir- 2nd and Main Streets area on a bid of >894. The dike will ly >7000, created a near-sensation ! rigation fates in the state are those hold dredging to be taken from the when exhibited In Grants Pass by K of the Little Butte Irrigation com­ Dean Butler, manager of the Robert­ Coos bay channel. pany, near Eagle Point which recent­ Articles of Incorporation have been son Gold Mining company, located on ly notified Its users that the rate this Sliver creek near Gallce, 30 miles west filed at Albany by the Jordan Com­ season would be >1.25 per acre. There munity club, whose purpose It Is to of Grants Pass. One piece of the ore, is no rotation rule. The water user stimulate modern farming, good busi­ ten Inches long, eight Inches wide at | can have the water whenever ready ness and better living among farmers the widest point and four Inches thick, for it. Land under this ditch is pro­ contained >2000 In gold. The chunk ducing five to ten tons of alfalfa hay of the community. of ore weighed 14 pounds. i per season In four cuttings. Tho Klamath County Chamber of Bend’s payroll In 1928 aggregated Commerce hns received word from O. F. Morrow, mill employe, who >5,476,974, It was announced following . lives in Ashland, sent to California Washington thut the pine beetle con trol bill, appropriating >300.000. has the completion of an Industrial survey for his automobile license plates. WE HAVE PURCHASED THE EQUIPMENT AND LEASE passed the senate and Is now In the The payroll of the two local lumber When presented before Judge Roberts mills In 1928 has been placed at >3,- by traffic officers on this charge, the conference committee. 760,000. The number of persons ' judge stated that the process of mak OF THE E. R. DANNER GARAGE AT FIFTH AND A STREETS Completion of a >5.000.000 merger of permanently employed here was plae i lng an "Oregonian” instead of a "Cali- Port Orford white cedar Interests Is SPRINGFIELD AND WILL CONTINUE TO OPERATE IT AS A ; ed at 3666. In Deschutes county out announced nt Marshfield. The new i side of Bend the value of dairy pro ■ fornian” of him would cost him >28 company will control two veneer ducta In 1928 was approximately >1. ’ for an Oregon license, a >10 fine and MODERN REPAIR PLANT FOR ALL MAKES OF AUTO­ plants, one white cedar lumber mill 000.000, the survey revealed. In thi >3 he spent for his California license. MOBILES. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. a total of >41 instead of >23. and 81,000 acres of timber. last 12 months Deschutes county pro Erection of a memorial building at We have retai"ed Three, of the Mechanics of the Danner Work has been commenced by the t duced 230,000 pounds of clover seed United States engineers on the con­ ! and 437,000 bushels of potatoes. It has | Champoeg park as outlined In a bill garage and with our Mr. Bailor are prepared to give expert service. struction of three dikes at the upper been estimated that 270,000 dozen eggs before the legislature, was Indorsed at the annual meeting of the Chantpoeg end of Walker Island near Mayger to were sold by Deschutes county farm Historical Highway association last preserve the alignment and keep the era In 1928. 1 Sunday at Butteville. Other resolu­ river channel from shifting. Alan Carley, eagle scout of Medford. tions adopted request the Marion Ross Francis Chenowlth, son of ! heads the list of scouts from region county court to grant the market road Judge and Mrs. F. A. Chenowlth, who i 11, who have been awarded the Har asked for by residents of Butteville, are prominent pioneer residents of mon scholarship for 1928. Region 11 covering part of the proposed highway Benlon county, died suddenly at his Is composed of the states of Oregon. and for the state board of control to home in King's valley. He was born Washington, Idaho and Montana. Install a telephone at Champoeg park. F o r light or lii'at mid in 1852 ut Port Townsend, Wash. There are four scholarships awarded a »core ninl more of Douglas county’s lamb crop will run annually In each region by the nation Tho tuberculosis death rate In Ore honaehohl usee. less than 100 per cent this year, ac­ gon among girls of high school age is al council. Boy Scouts of America, to cording to present Indications, weath­ No aoot. Burna w ith a showing a gradual increuse, and Is eagle scouts who nre outstanding and er and range conditions having caused c lea r, whit«- flame. A twice ns high as the denth rate for excel in scholarship, leadership and a considerable reduction In the number TH IS IS THE ONLY clenn, » w rrl o«lor. boys of the same age, according to scout activities. There are 52 scholar of lambs as compared with last sea- ships of >100 each awarded each year Miss Jean Besley, director of health It eoats no m ore. Ask : son. In 1928 the lambs in some flocks to the eagle scouts In the United ' went as high as 150 per cent, com- education for the Oregon Tubercu y o u r «h-nh-r o r grocer losls association, who Is In Medford Stntes and possessions front an endow­ i pared with the number of mature IN TH IS TERRITORY. WE INVITE YOU TO LEAVE YOUR f o r th e i n t e r e a t ln g to spend two woeks In Jackson county, ment fund created by the lato Wllllatn ewes, and for the entire county the itu rn h rite booklet. CAR W ITH US FOR STORAGE E. Harmon of New York city. on heulth education work. percentage was slightly over 100. It A total of 203 persons were killed is estimated that there will be 75.000 Tho total shipment of turkeys from We invite- all the patrons of the E. R. Danner garage to let to 85,000 lambs this year. the Redmond district for the season nnd 6021 persons were injured in 29, us continue to service and repair their cars and also would like of 1928 was 250,000 pounds, which wns 787 trafflo accidents during 1928, ac­ While the Hood River Traffic as to meet new patrons. We guarantee the same high type of ser­ made up of approximately 21,000 birds. cording to the annual report of T. A. eoclatlon. composed of all mld-Colum- The shipment of these turkeys re­ Raffety, chief Inspector for the state bla fruit shippers, has gone on record vice that this garage has been noted for in the past. Refiner» A dittrihuliir* o f Aaaoelulr44. 114.74 8s «wee tageeeA. was declared, have taken eff the large eesdeed. Fined Two Klee«« T u r k . Fab. 14. (At'l OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST TOWN AND VICINITY NOTICE J.C.PENNEYC0. Lincoln Once Said 49c Flanery’s Drug Store Lum's Service Station Bi ll MUUTE E lise w ick New Garage .. Open .. General Repair Work, Motor Reboring, Battery and Electric Service, Light Testing, Painting aud Car Washing will be given Our Prompt Attention. • Fireproof Storage Garage A SSO C IA TED O i l COO PA W A w. A A. A. A A. A. A John Parker and Vivian Bailor, Props. Parker & Bailor Garage Springfield Service Statloi ____6th and Main S t r e e t « ___ See ° uf Ueed Care Before B uylnar Elsewhere.