The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, February 14, 1929, Page 4, Image 4

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th e spring
At th e first glance it m ight be said th a t in case
of consolidation of the cities of Eugene ami
Springfield, which carried out to conculslonI
would also be a consolidation of (be school dis-j
triet, our school system would be bettered. The
larg er cities have the new er courses of study ami
latest m ethods generally. Also they usually have
the better plants and equipm ent.
Published Every Thursday at
Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, by
H. E. MAXEY. Editor.
Entered as second class m atter, February 24, 1903 at the
poetofBce. Springfield, Oregon
One year In A dvance....... J l.iS Three M o n th s _____75c
■tx Months ........................„...51.00 Single C o p y _______5c
But individual instruction is one of the chief
factors in considering the quality of the schools.i
A study of th e tw o school sytem s m ade by the
University of Oregon show s th a t Eugene has an
average of 30 pupils to th e te a c h e r while Spring-
field has but 25. In every grade from th e first to
th e high school Springfield lias less pupils i>er
teacher. Assum ing th a t Springfield tea c h e rs are
as capable a s those employed in Eugene, and we
think they are, then, it m ust be adm itted that
from th e standpoint of in struction Springfield is
b e tte r off under the present system .
T here are several pieces of property in Spring-
field w hich have stre e t, sew er o r sidew alk liens
a g a in st them on w hich th e property ow ners have
never paid principal o r interest. T he city as a
w hole has carried th ese property ow ners for as
long as ten o r twelve years. T his is a n e a r sighted
policy on the part of th e c h ic governm ent and a
hardship on taxpayers. T he council should fore­
close on th is property and th en sell it. It is u n ­
Following is the average num ber of pupils per
reaso n ab le to ask th e taxpayers to c a rry it longer te a c h e r in the different grades in both districts:
especially when th ere are upaid balances on o th er
Spring field
p roperty th a t is also being carried.
Average Pupils
Average Pupils
....... 1 ....................... .............
.... ..
............ 4
Jr. H. S .............. ............. 25
H. S ...................... ........... 23
... -
............ 30
25 ........... ____ Total Average
Per Teacher
If leniency is to be show n it should be show n the
p ro p erty holder in hard circu m stan ce who is m ak ­
ing som e effort to pay and is keeping up th e in­
tere st. B ut for the property ow ner who is “letting
th e city hold the sack " th ere should be no leni­
ency. Might b e tte r tak e this property now th an
la te r on w hen th re is a still g re a te r am ount
ag a in st i t
31 .
At a meet lug of the cham bers of
com m erce of cities affected by Inter-
JtMÒrx. firvtntav • prr.M>N<W rrptp ana <nirinn
M m Fto. u run» o/ l l u ntwtpnitrr.
ly, hut his affection Is hMtnwefl
upon another. 1 have known him
sin ce I have been a llllle girl, and
he treuts me like a sister. He tells
me nt his love tor snot her girl, and
ask s me for ailvlce as to how he
should act towards her, unit I an.
sw er as best I can while I milter
Dear Ml«« V era:
I am going with a boy two years
older Qian iiiyaelf. W> are deeply
In love with each other hut my
parents are not w illing tor m e to
go with him yet. They Ihlnk I
should lie older They know I love
¡lie hoy hut yet they say I am too
Please ndvlse me what to do.
How old should one be before one
cun go with boys?
Brown Eyes.
I am Jealous. How can I express
my love?
• • •
• • •
P ear Lenh, the present relationship
Dear Brown Eyes, why don't yen betw een this hoy and you se» ms to lie
tell me your age? That might help me very beautiful. I don't see I iojv you
advise you. Your parents mu .1 have *'an sw ing II from u brother and sister
reason for their belief Nndouht they i •'» 14 girl amt boy relationship all at
are trying Io do I heir best for you once.
Don't disobey them rather try to gel
All you can do Is Io keep giving him
them lo see your viewpoint by gentle the best advice you can and lie as
not quarrelsome, explanations of vour sym pathetic amt kind (<> him us you
cun be.
There Is no special age when a girl
It m ight he well occasionally to
Is "old enough'' to see boys. It Is
gxioil for girls of all ages lo have many make som e subtle remarks that will
friends, both boys and girls. But It wake him up to your feelin gs.
might oven he advisable to say som e
you are in your early teen s I don't
thing like "Why do you nlwnva tell
think you ought to devote yourselt
me about other girls?" There are
to uny one boy w ithout the perm ission
many things that you can suy and do
of your parents.
— things every girl can ihlnk o f at the
T his problem of yours Is an old
right tim e—whlcu w ill slow ly, grudu-
on e—and most girls have found them­
ally, penetrate.
selv es happier in the end by obeying
their parents rather than Ihelr Im­
pulses. If the boy loves you he should
be w illing to wult until you are ready
to go out with him. In the Interim
perhaps your parents w ill allow you to
Invite him to your home occasionally
N evada is rapidly com ing to fam e b ecau se of
th e facility of execution m anifested there. Speed
is th eir slogan. Speed in th e courts, especially the
divorce courts, rapid fire and decisive settlem ent
Gordon N orthcott last week w as convicted of
of disputes «n th e hills, and now the bill to in­ m urder in the first degree with a capital verdict.
c rease th e speed limit from 45 m iles per to 50.
If N orthcott is hung. It will be but a n o th e r one
• • •
to the grim pageant of d istorted abnortnall-
S en ato r Jay H. Upton in a speech at Salem says
have passed acro ss th e screen of public
w h at Oregon needed was a change of governors.
Mr. U pton thought th a t th e sta te needed him , perform ance. Som e will wail and o th ers will
Dear Mies Vera:
w hen he ran for the nom ination against Mr. P a t­ j plaud if they h e a r th e tale of the final m arch up
There Is a boy I love very dear-
terson. T he people thought otherw ise. We sup­ j the gallow s steps and the re st of th e gruesom e
ported Mr. Upton but we will not do it again. He
proves to us th a t he is a poor sport, alw ays sp eak ­ detils of an execution.
ing out of turn. W hat he has said ab o u t Mr.
B ut w hat is gained by it all— how far yet a re we
P a tte rso n and Mr. H oover proves th a t he is n o t a from solving th e problem of crim inal m enace.
A fire broke out on the roof of a
very good Republican either.
residence belonging to V iolet Yoast on
• • •
It is said and tftily said th a t capital punishm ent 17th street last Saturday at 12:40 p
is necessary because of its d e te rrin g effect, but m. J esse Sm ltson, Are chief, arrived
China, w ith alm ost as m any problem s as she
h as inhabitants, decides to cu t her arm y in two, th is falls fa r sh o rt of a tru e solution. It is un- upon the scen e with the Springfield
leaving only 715,000 fighting m en to be fed by 1 scientific to tre a t abnorm al m en as norm al men lire truck before the fire had spread
others.. Only 40 per cent of the n a tio n ’s total and to base social conduct upon such co n sid era­ and put It out with a chem ical ex ­
tinguisher. L ittle dam age wa.A done
rev en u e is to be spent for m ilitary expenses.
tion. Too m uch stre ss is laid upon th e trial and other than a sm all hole being burnt
If those 715,000 m en could be put to work rais­ punishm ent of crim inals and n o t enough upon a In the roof. T he fire was supposed
ing food for the starving, and 40 per cen t of n a ­ 1 study of th eir genetics. It is too late to head off to have started from a spark, Smlt-
tional revenue devoted to the sam e starving, th at J th e m ortal wound of an arrow a fte r the sh a ft h as son states.
would probably please th e ghost of old Confucius .been se n t— It is too late to d e te r the vicious and
j unsocial a c ts of crim inals a fte r the protoplasm SPRINGFIELD RESIDENT
j has been poisoned by a crim inal fluid.
say 880,000,000 sausages,
Miranda Jane Kanst. 79. of this city,
com m only called hot dogs,” w ere eaten last year.
We have not yet arrived w here we can h u n t out
away at the Pacific Christian
P roperly m ade, well cooked, eaten a t reg u lar ! and cure th e abnorm al m ind before it h as coin- hospital In Eugene last Bunday morn­
hours, and chewed slow ly to avoid swallow ing ! m itted a horrible crim e. O ur system is only a ing.
sm all pieces whole, the “hot dogs,” are good for m eans of rem oving th e abnorm al crim inal th a t he
Mrs. Kanst was born hi W isconsin
m en. But. eaten betw een m eals, h aphazard and m ay n o t fa rth e r harm ou r people.
May 8, 184®. and cam e to till section
rapidly, they c o n trib u te to the 50,000,000 cases of
35 years ago and sin ce then lias lived
• • •
A m erican dyspepsia.
with her son Arthur Roy Kanst of
• • •
“Andrew C arnegie m ade his first $400 w ithout Springfield.
Mrs. Sippel, head of the General Federation of spending a c e n t.” T h a t’s how big fo rtu n es often
W om en’s C’cbs ?- wom en do n in e-ten th s of the s ta rt.
buying, spendin
pout flftv-tw o thousand million
C arnegie bought $400 of insurance stock, gave
do lars each year. T h a t’s im portant to adver­
his note in paym ent, paid for the stock w ith its
, dividends, owned it for nothing.
r T he fact th a t wom en spend fifty-tw o billions a
i ? a -.
’ nia^ e ®very ad v ertiser keep in the
,!s head
question, W hat do women
w ant
w hether he polls autom obiles or neckties.
j Thr Next bay After ,■
8he survivors are, tw o sons, Arthur
Roy. of Springfield and Edgar, of
Black Untie, Oregon and one daughter,
Mrs. C.olily B. Ferguson of Springfield
Funeral services were held Tuesday
with Rev. I’latt off.elating and Inter-
ment wns in the Greenwood cem etery
near Leaburg, W alker-Poole chapel In
Joseph P. Day, learned land scientist, says the
three g re a te st letters in the alphabet are “ O. P.
M.” , m eaning “ O ther People’s M oney.’’
"For 20 years I took soda for Indi­
gestion and stom ach gas. One bottle
of Adlerlka brought me com plete re­
lief ' .1 II. Hardy.
Adlerika relieves stom ach gas and
sourness in TEN minutes. A cting on
BOTH upper and lower bowel, It re­
m oves old w aste m atter you never
thought was in your system
Let Adl­
erika give your stom ach and bowels a
REAL clean sin g anil see how much
better you feel. It will surprise you-
Flanery’s Drug Store.
O lU lfO fr f
The eye catch es a glim pse of
an object and in sta n tly tu rn s
to look directly a t it- h ut suppose
y our glasses show distortion for
oblique vision? You m u st eith er
tu rn your h e a r or w ear O rtho-
gon lenses.
T he P e rfe c t Vision Lenses
*7 k c y Say that, kid over a t Tom Lincoln,’? i«
-tKekcmelie-jtH’J cu?s ye ever seen,*
* W en,-»hud«,-looks Ain’t eycr’OuW . T h a t l i ’i todoer
dger may
may be
be president,
president, o of f Ju;,
United States
day, For
.ve know
________ AUTriAMTAK
insatiate point railroad rates Iasi week
O ptom etrist
No. 14 » Ave. West
Eugere, Oregon
to Itoseluirg It was derided to In­
tervene In the ease of rail's which d is­
crim inate against Interm ediate points.
W illiam I’. Ellis, a Ralem Lawyer has
been retained and Ills m ailer will ha
taken up before the next m eeting of
the Interstate Com m erce Com m ission
which Is scheduled lo he held In Port.
Innd on March IK.
A d iscussion of the rulings nffectlng
railroad rates was had nt the Rose­
burg m eeting. The (Irst ruling p r e
vlded that railroad com panies could
not charge more for Interm ediate
hauls than they did for point lo point
hauls. (h«n In 1927 another ruling a l­
lowed a 100‘ , In charge made for In­
term ediate rales
II was not decided
Just what a d Ion would he taken at
the Interstntt Com m erce M eeting
It was also decided nt the
Itoseluirg m eeting lo try and affect
a charge of th e place of Ihc In terstate
Commerce C om m ission m eetin g In
March from Portland to Medford or
Her« from C ascade—J C. Thayer
cam e down from Caacnde lust Satur­
day. He reports lots of snow and
plenty of cold up In that section , In
fuel. It w as cold enough to freete the
pipes up there, m aking It n ecessary
to dispatch Mr. Clinger, of Hprlngfleld.
to properly plumb them back Into con-
Choice Candy
W hen you wish to choose can d les th a t will be c e rtain
to please, we know th a t you will find exactly wliut you w ant
here, packed In a ttra c tiv e boxes, o u r choice candies are
alw ays a welcome gift.
"Where the S ervice la Different"
» *
h w ill in
I f if*»4*Ulnc n u ttttf f o r
hunu •
cU u rK U y.
E a sy T erm s
L ib era l T rade-In
A llo w a n c e
The wringerless
E A E Y washer
is safer than any w rin ger-type washer
s p e c ia l
S a fe ty W e e k s O f f e r makes it
so easy to have n o w . Free dem onstration
Not only will an EASY do your
w ashing in record tim e and s u ­
perlatively well but will do so
a t m inim um expense. “ Easy to
Buy Easy to Use” is no m ere
slogan — th is you will agree
w hen you sec this rem arkable
w asher in action — in your
hom e; phone today — now —
for a
— w atch th e big
vacuum c u p s
suck the d i r t
rig h t out of the
w ash !
Easy, too, has
every safety de­
(¡J 1 1 f t
may no w be purchased
fo r as little as................
*P A A iz
$7°O wn $6'—
M ountain S tates P ower c o m p a n y