THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, ETÖRRUARY 14, 1929 ■ 1 1 " TRAIN SCHEDULI Visit Her«— Mr. and Mr». Thomas Sp rin gfield Stop« Allen and »mall children, Alfred and Virginia, »pent Sunday at the home nt NORTH Mr. and Mr». A. It Sneed. Mr». Allen No. 16 at 4:27 A. M. (Flag) 1» Mr». Kneed’» »Inter. No. 6 at 3 4« P. M. (Continued from Page 2) Bu» connection for train leaving 1 > Return to Work—E. O. Sweatt. Hob ene at 2:20 P. M. ° f doubtful Sweatt and B. F. JohnsMin returned Eugene from which surely winding trails led SOUTH to Booth-Kelly ramp no. 40 where they 'town Into the free and never dis­ No. 7 at 12:47 P. will resume work. turbed paradise of outlaws—the Big No. 15 at 10:03 P. M. (Flag) i Bend. 8UMMON9 FOR PUBLICATION 7" „ ,7, I H# M w a br1«ht H rtt before h s | IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE , k. . ... . . STATE OF OREGON FOB LANE , Illness Breaks Record— Illness haR ma,ip mane out the dark outline of the rablo. COUNTY caused a break in the perfect attend Th »n he heard voices, a merry whistle 1 Gertrude C. Koke, Ilalntlff, vs. I^ane ance school record of Bobble Pugh „ . „ . „ „ | a coarse song, and the clink of Iron FOR H A L E — 8 Tube All Electric j County, Oregon, a municipal cor­ .. the small »on of Mr. and Mrs. Ray 1 cooking nten, „ , “ poration; Charnel O. Mulligan and l«ugh who wan confined to his home I ran. _ .,o d Crosley Showbox Iladlo—Beautiful rra * Sadie Mulligan, his wife; Frank .. , . ! ant »coon »moke. He saw moving C abinet— Dynamic Speaker. Ha« week-end. Hart «m. . _____ .. Mulligan; Lawrence F Mulligan; over the ___________________ aark n w res cross the light. Erl- been used only a »hort time and 1« i Mrs. Frank W Meriwether; Francis dently there wa» a wide door ' or • - * 1- * - Penny C . f . t . r l . AOa in - T h e Rebe , thg flre WM QUt )n M. Mulligan, and Mrs. Francis M. perfect In every respect. Can be bought ut a big discount. If you are 1 Mulligan, his wife; Frank Kennedy k a h lodge will give another penny ! Fortune i» favored a n d Rosa R o sa Kennedy, K e n n e d y , ms ire ; Arn A rn e irw him. mm. There wag hi» w wife; buying a radio tbl» 1» the chance • and ena Collins, and Frank Collins, her cafat. ... y n n P'inrae«. STATE OF ORBOON E tH LANE Luckey; the unkonwn heirs of Han took a trip to Junction City last Sun- no « Pain, no dread. COUNTY. nah E Gardner; William P. Gar m ere was as much danger here, per- Flor. tic- M( Qulllln, PlaintIfT. v s. d rie r; Mr« la na J o r d a n ; P ercy B day where they attended a birthday haps more, yet it ws nt the 'am«. Thomas Crowley and L. iJavts, IX- McMurray; Mrs. Percy B. McMur-, party given to Mrs. I .arson's mother, Then he looked. fetxlants. ray; Itavls. daughter of Eva j Mrs. Charles Toftdahl. To Thomas Crowley and L. I>avls, He saw a bright flre. a red faced McMurray Davis; Earl Mount; Mrs Defendant»: man bending over It whistling while Helen Houston; and also all othpr IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Lowell Msn V isits— John Payne persons or parties unknown, or un he handled a steaming pot. Over him OF OREGON: You. und each of you. named, claiming any right, title. In­ came down from Lowell Monday. are hereby required to appear and was a roofed shed built against the terest. lb-n or estate In the real pro-1 answer the complaint filed ax»ln»t you wall with two open sides and two sup- perty described herein. Defendants. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the above entitled action within the To Lane County. Oregon, a munlcl- . Notice Is hereby given t h a t __ t^rtlng posts. Duane's second glance. four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summon», and If pal corporation; Charnel o. Mulligan c o Unty Court of Lane County, Oregon, not •*> blinded by the sudden bright ........................ you fall to so ______ appear ......... and answer, the and Sadie Mulligan, his wife; Frank bag appointed the undersigned A. H. light, made out onther men three la plaintiffs will apply to the Court for Mulligan; Lawrence F Mulligan; Mrs j Head executor of the will and estate the shadows two In the flare hnt with prayed for In the complaint Frank W. Meriwether: Francis M oj Dora Head deceased, and all per-1 hack« in t il« the relief prayed Mulligan and Mrs. Francis M Mulll I „„„„ haT)ng claim« against said estate 1 to.w it: gan. his wife; Frank Kennedy and wm pregent game duly verified to the it s a smother trail by long odds, That the plaintiff have and recover Judgment against the defendant. Rosa Kennedy, his wife; Arnena Col-1 executor at the office of Whitten but ain’t so short as this one right Thomas Crowley. In the The LAST o f the DUANES Ads Classi PAGE THREW —T M . 6CT RESULTS, FOIt SALE- 3 dozen Rhode l»land NOTICI TO CREDITORS White Hen». One yearling ItooMter Notice I» hereby given Unit the un- and on« Cockerel. Mr». II. C. Harker der»lgned ha» been appointed Ex­ TIB F lin t S tr e e t FI4 ecutor o f t h e Batata o f Lydia Mayo, deceased, by the County Court of la tti« County, Oregon. All persons PAINTING and KalniMiitntng In all Ita having claim» against the »aid Katate brauche». Seduced Prices. Koy are hereby notified Io preaent the Koch. Call 125J. ■ante, properly verified, to him at the olili « nt Well» ti Well», Hank of Com­ FOB HALE— Carbon paper In larga merce llldg, Eugene, Oregon, within sheets, 26x30 Inches, suitable for elx month« from Jail 17, 1020, the making tracings The News Office date of the nr»! publication of till» notice. A. II. 8BRFLINQ, Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice In hereby given that the un­ WELLS A WKI.I.S, Attorney». dersigned ha» been appointed Admin Jn. 17 24 31: F7-14: Intrutor of Hie Estate of Etfrena Kai- NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT nnqtiin, deceased, by the County Court Notte« m hereby ulvon that Un- un •of Lane County, Oregon. All person» deralgneil Admlnlntrutor of the Enlate having claim» against the »aid Estate of Willie Emery, deceased ba» llliel III» 1 are hereby notified to present the final report and account an »lieh Ad j name, properly verified, to them at the nilnlntriitor with the Clerk of the office of Wells A Wells, Hank of Com- Coqnty Court of lauie County, Oregon. | more« Bldg., Eugene, Oregon, within ami that Saturday, the 16th (lay o f 1 »lx month» from Jan 17, 1929. the February, 1929. at 10 o'clock In the I «!•»• "f »he ""•» publication of this forenoon of »aid day. In the County | no.»i<7’. HAROLD J WELLS, Adinlslntrator. Court Boom In the Court House ut WELLS A WELLS, Attorney». Eugene, lain« County, Oregon, ha» Ja 17 24 31: F. 7 14: _____ been »et by the Ilon C P. Barnard, Judge of the County Court, as the EXECUTOR S NOTICE time and place to hear objections to IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE the sanie, and for the final settle­ STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR ment of Huid Estate THE COUNTY OF LANE . . IN HAROLD J. WELLS, Administra­ PROBATE. In re Estate of Amanda tor E. Miller, deceased. WEL1-H WELLS, Attorneys. Notice Is hereby given to the pub­ Ja 17-14 31: F.7-14: lic that by virtue of a Judgment of the above entitled Court duly ----------------- ... given and SUM M O N S made In said probate proceeding on IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE December 20. 1928. I was appointed STATE OF OREGON. IN AND executor of the above entitled estate; F<)R THE COUNTY OF LANE Ih u f n il n w in if t o R llid A at the rate of seven per cent per an num from and after the 7th day of January. 1927; and the further sum of | ir>0 0() as a reasonable attorney fee; h,,r costs and and for her and disbursements disbursement« jjere|n ».>» « i... e ,.f„ > > e o J in in illia m H. i t l.u e k e v h his is wife w i f e : I n Dated ,.._.. . . _ _ , first « . . . published .„ « ((.« .a February Mrs. w William Luckey, and John J. Luckey and Lillian Luckey, 14th, 1929. , wife; Ella L. Doremus; Allen _____________________ A. H. HEAD, Executor of the will L op «? y : Emma Luckey McDonald; an’d" eHtate of Dora Head. Dec’d. Ray Luckey; Mrs. Bessie BrookB; Eu­ WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Atty. gene Ix-Kter Luckey; the unknown F. 14-21-28: M. 7-14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS i 'What's eatln’ you. Pan Handle?" ejaculated another. “Blossom an’ me rode from Faraway Springs, where Poggln Is with some of the gang.” “Excuse me, Phil. Shore I didn’t see you come In, an' Boldt never said nothin’.” “It took you a long time to get her«, but I guess that’s Just as well.” spoke up a smooth, suave voice with a ring In It. Cheseldlne’s yolce! H^rP ,bey wer£~ properly verified to them at the E. F. Schmidt. John 8 Miller, Julia deceased. survey^her«,? all the above land be OREGON You are hereby^«■QUlred to offlce of We„ g & WeUg Bank of Com. Miller, and Nellie L. Bane, Defend­ H E SLATTERY. Eugene Oregon, ants. Attorney for Executor To Bessie Hills. Amos Hills. lx-atha Ja. 24 31: F 7-14-21: i - - ' ; n d \ ,bat’,7h.ra^ r^ m ^ £ b>— — Kelsay, and Nellie L Bane, defendants named above and to all other defend­ Duane had holed them, and his sen­ r i M DAU NOTICE TO CREDITORS ants named above; You are hereby sations of the moment deadened H. F. HEARN. Administrators. In the County Court of the State of above referred to. and that plaintiff Court for the relief prayed for in the required 10 appear and answer the | sight an sound of what was before WELLS & WELLS. Attorneys. complaint filed against you In the Oregon, for lame County. In the mat complaint, to-wlt: Ja. 17-24-31: F.7-14: him. He sank down controlled hlm- above entitled suit within four weeks ter of the Estate of John McDonald, have and recover a Judgment against That the plaintiff be declared to be ! the defendant. Thomas Crowley, for the owner in fee simple of the prem-1 from the date of the first publication Deceased self, silenced a mounting exultation, Notice Is hereby given thffi Charles I any deficiency thereafter remaining ises described herein, and particular-1 o f this summons, which Is first pub­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS then, from a less strained position, he lished on January 24. 1929; und you E. McDonald has been by the above unpaid; and ly described as follows, to-wit: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That peered forth again. That the defendants, and each of are hereby notified that If you fall so entitled court appointed as adminis­ Beginning at the Southeast corner Floyd L. _ Monrer __ has been appointed , outiawg were waiting? for sup. to appear and answer, your default trator of the above entitled matter them, and all persons claiming by, of I>ot No. 2. In Block Number 12 In ¿x^-ut< ^' ô'f”the’ Last Will and'Testa will be entered for wnnt of an answer All persons having claims against said through or under any of them, be fore that part of the City of Eugene which ment of w . F. Mourer, deceased, by per. Their conversation might have and the plaintiffs will make applica­ estate are required to present the : closed and forever barred from any was originally donated to Lane County (he c ounty Court of I>ane County, Ore- been that of cowboys In camp, ranch- tion to the court for the relief prayed same properly verified to said admin- i right, title or interest In and to said bv Charnel Mulligan and wife, running gon ^11 persons having claims ers at a roundup. Duane listened with within Ihe said complaint 'which Is tatrator at the office of Howard M. real premises, save only the right of thence W est along the North line of agajngt said estate are required to that the following described real Brownell In Eugene, Lane County, ^ F o r Psu7h 8othZrdand 'further’relief Nln,h Avenue East 42 feet 1% Inches, present them, with the proper vouch- eager ears waiting for the business estate located In Ijine County. Oregon, Oregon, within m I x (6) months from ns to the Court mav seem equitable In »h«’»«’«’ north 114 feet to the South line erg w}thln six months from the 7th talk that he felt would come. All the . nr miCp« equitable in of thpncp Eagf a]one gal() of February 1929 t0 the gald ex. time he watched with the eyes of a be sold In this partition suit, to-wlt: this 24th day of Jdnunry. 1929. CHARLES E. McDONALD, Admin All of section 35 In township 19 touth ifciM t’l x- ''’VANS Attorneys for “outh line 42 feet 16k inches to the ecutor at the law office of L. L. Ray wolf upon its quary. In range One (1) enst of Ihe Willam­ Istrator. • Postoffice Ad­ w e st line of the alley running North ¡n the Miner Building. Eugene, Ore- Blossom Kane was the lean-Ptnbed Plaintiff. Residence and Ja. 24 31: F. 7-14-21: ette Meridian In M ne County, Oregon, and South through said block No. 12. gr)n dress.' l í e me. Oregon. messenger who had so angered Flet- containing 640 acres of land, and that run thence South along said West line L. L. RAY. Attorney for Estate. F. 7 14-21-28: Mnr.7. after attorney fees and other expen­ Estate of Jefferson F. Dunten. Dcc'd. FLOYD L. MOURER. Executor of cher. Boldt 'was a giant in stature, 114 feet to the place of beginning, all ses are paid the proceeds of said sale NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT the Last Will and Testament of W. F. dark, bearded, silent. Pan Handle In Lane County, Oregon. be divided ns follows, to-wlt: Each of That the defendants have not, nor Mourer. deceased. Smith was the red faced cook, merry, Notice Is hereby given that C. 9. ! S.U M M O N S the seven heirs at law of Abraham have any of them, any right, title or F. 7-14-21-28: Mar.7. profane, a short, bow legged man re­ Miller receive 3 31 thereof, and each of Calef has filed in the County Court of IN THE CIRCUIT ÇO1 GURT OF THE Interest or lien upon said premises. sembling many rustlers Duane had Ihe nine heirs nt law of Robert B. the 9tate of Oregon, In und for Ume | STATE OF OREi That the title of the plaintiff In and CG IN­ FOR LANE County, his final report us admlnls i Kelsay receive 10-279 part thereof. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE known, particularly Luke Stevens. to said premises be forever quieted COUNTY. An order of the above entitled court trntor of the estate of Jefferson F. ] against the defendants, and all per- ON EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE And Knell, who set there, tall, slim, date! January 23, 1929. directs that Dunten, deceased, and that ten o'clock W. Stone. Plaintiff, vs. Rena song claiming by, through or under Notice is herby given that by vir­ like a boy in build, like a boy In years. this summons be published once each In the forenoon of Monday, the Ihtn Higgins. Ed Higgins. Ollie Robb. T th,,m ,,r any pf them. tue of nn execution and order of sale paie smooth, expressionless week for a period of four successive (lav of February. 1929. at the Court D. Robb, W. I) Robinette, Etta Rob­ That the plaintiff have such other w e e k s In the Springfield News, and room tlo-n-of In Eugene. Oregon, have inette. Genoah Robinette. Mina Pet. and further relief herein as to the In foreclosure Issued out of the {acp an(, hJg coM Rray eypg that you appear and answer the said been by said court fixed and appoint­ < ircuit Court of Lane ( ounby, Oregon, ^ n(j pi,eseidjne wh0 leaned against tet, Frank Pettet, B. T. Hines. Juda Court seem meet in the premises. complnlnt within four w e e k s from the ed as the time and place for hearing This summons Is published once each on the 1-th day of January. 19-9. lb w handsome, with his pointed Chrisman, F. M. Chrisman. J. R. date of the first publication of this objections to said report and for the Robinette. Matilda Robinette. Chris- w,,,,k for four successive (weeks, bv a suit wherein The Pacific Savings & • ■ final settlement of the estate of said tina Robinette. Opal Robinette, Mil the order of the Hon G. F. Skipwortli. , Loan Association, a Washington cor face and beard, like an arist ocrat, summons. II E SLATTERY, Attorney for deceased. drod Robinette. Effie Robinette, D. j ,„ |Rp of the Circuit Court of the Coun- poration, plaintiff, recovered Judg resembled many a rich Loulsana plaB- C. 8. Calef. administrator. Plaintiffs and nty residence and post Oregon. ment against L u clle Rainville for the tpr p uane i,a(i TOet. The sixth man sat J. Robinette, also all other persons tv v of of Lane. Lane. State State of of Oregon. office address Is Eugene, Oregon. A K. W heehr Attorney. and parties unknown claiming any publication of S ^ n n u m 7r7m *" the that he couW The date of the first public Ja. 17 24-31: F.7-14: Ja. 24 31; F 7-14 21: right, title, estate, lien or interest this summons is January 31. 1929. March 1. 1928. and for the further not be plainly discerned, and though tn the real estate described In the IMMEL & EVANS. Attorneys for complaint heroin. Defendants. Plaintiff. Residence and Postoffice ad­ sum of $94.11 together with Interest addressed, his name was not men- thereon at the rate of 10% per annum tioned. To Rena lllgglns. Ed Higgins, Mina dress. Eugene. Oregon. from. Oct 5. 1928 and for the further pgn Han(J,p g mith carried pots and Pettet. Frank Pettet, W. D Robinette, Jn. 31: F. 7-14-21-28: sum of $14.00. and for the further sum Etta Robinette, R. T. Hines, Juda of $15.20. together with interest there- pans Into the cabin, and cheerfully Chrisman, F. M. Chrisman, and D. J. __ 1 U r M O NS m uv 'IRCUIT n S in tu M T ’ COURT pYirnT (IF THU on a» the rate of u,r'ou gents alr hun^ Offlce Phone 176-J Res. Phone 176 M Robinette somtlmes called D. Z. Rohln- i v I H E (1101,11 t u t i t i July 30. 1928. and for the further sum fer grub don , look fer me to feed yon R««. Phone 160 Plano Moving ette, also all other persons nnd parties IX STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE of $150.00 as Attorneys fees: and Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. . . „ unknown clnlming any right, title, COUNTY. SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER General 1’ractlco, Special Attention ,ng!(, e ma(Je g estate, lien or Interest in the real E SheHdan:";.' r ' sS e r id a T J a V s E I wherein the defendant C. A. Winter WILI.IB BKRT8CH. Prop. to Obstetrics and Diseases estate described In the amended com­ defendants Lucille Rainville and great bustle and clatted as they sat OFFICE AT SERVICE OARAGE plnlnt heroin. Defendants. of Children. Kindred; Ruth-Robertson Powder Walter Rainville. her husband, for f0 their meal. Like hungry men they 633 Main 8treet IN THE NAME OF THE STATE First National Batik Building J ^ PaFy ;iniwen- U ^ a r V ™ ^ ‘^ n ^ f ‘in ■accessor to Sutton Transfer OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ Uine Hardware J»0 of ,a,ked llttIe' John F. Howell, Lane Hardware »he "“« tberpon at , hp ratp of Springfield, Oregon quired to appear and answer the Company; N. T. Jurgensen: R av-: i m d for the I Dllane waited there a 'While, then amended complnlnt filed against you mond Marlatt; H. W. Melhy; E. M. jur(her snm nf ,50.00“ as Attorneys guardedly pot up and crept round to In the > above entitled suit witnin within Tour four , n siew art Defendants. . ruriner 01 .u .v .u rja the other side of the cabin. After he « H W Melbv and E M Hill two tees, which said Judgment was weeks h from the day of the first publl- WM. G. HUGHES , of th is su m m o n s and if you fall “nam.’d above anS ' -J d iv of became used to the dark again he DR. W. N. DOW cation of this summon FIRE ANO AUTO INSURANCE D e n tis t swer for want thereof the plain .. otupr defendants herein-- ■ Clerk of said Court on t h e llt h day of ventured to steal along the wall to the to answer NOTARY PUBLIC First Nntlonal Bank Building tiff will take a decree aenlnst you ' y _p hprpbv required to appear January, 1929, and said Execution to crack, and peeped In. The outlaws quieting the title to the following de an(, angwpr ,hp Complaint fil’d against ^ J ^ M h e s ’tO a?en'oifnOrne g o 7 e|n order Phone 43 Springfield, Oregon Office at scrUiod real estate: vm, thp aboVe entitled suit within "8I" H«rvh«sld 1 id^men Interest At were In the first room and could not Offlce hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Beginning at a point 60 feet south four WPeks from the date of the first »« . « « V o“ t« (if 'suit and ac- be seen. Evenings by Appointment S^rlngff« Id, Oregon For Duane the twenty-fifty of Oc­ and 40 feet east of the southeast cor- publication of this sumomns In. the ‘pl, , fo il,wing des- ner of T-ot Six In Block Five In the Springfield News, which first date *a . " r«7l n^ner v to w it’ tober seemed a whole lifetime In com­ Town of Croswell In Lane County. Ore January 31, 1929: and you are hereby wlbed real p p _• tb o. ing When that day dawned he left Io also „1.„ the fho northeast n^rihen.t no„ fle(1 that (. Lot \ X five 0 v (5) Block tttree a GO or a lonely camp in the brush and rode which point » Is If ---- you »„¡i fall so to appear M<^ ’, ^ in Park’AddRlon s ’the DR. N. W. EMERY corner of the Caroline M. Morse lot an,i answer, then for want of answer . ™ nnd reoorded In Ijin e ,\ ' .. ns known In the yenrs 1889, 1890 and yOur default will be entered and the same 1. P,a» ‘ 1 Into Bradford. DENTIST 1891: running thence south 1 degree plaintiff will make application to the » J; ' . . He went to the old Innkeeper, with Sutton Bldg. Phons 20-J 30' W est nlntoen (19) rods and eight court for the relief prnyed within the Oregon In oomp'liance with whom he had made acquaintance, and R«sld«nca Phons 15S-M (8) fe e t thence south _ 88 degrees 30' eomp,aint. to-wlt: T h a t. the » " * to | h)g horgp (hp gtable get East eight rods (81 and eight (8) feet. fot 10 in block 12 of Drlverton Addi-1 off in in eearci» search ox of i»uei Buell. thence North 1 degree 30’ East 19 tlon to EtaBene. U m e County, Oregon, I J” to » d e f y i 1 on Springfield, Oregon rods and 8 feet, thence north 88 de- except the North 9 feet of the aaf<1 costs on Satur Inquiry discovered the night opere- greos 30’ West 8 rods and 8 feet, to lot, he quieted I t him as against you. a"2 a£ e h r im r v 19°9 10”9 Itor »or at , »h,, Mr(i rtnv nf F February al his nls boardl boarding-house asleep, 228 Main St. Residence 125 C Bt the place of beginning containing one ' and that any apparent claim lien or «»T- »np • thp puane bad Wm awakened. Buell came General Law Practice 62 J 62 M B U S IN E S S !) I R E C T O R Y Walker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors 1. M. PETERSON Attornoy-at-laiw Utty Hall Building Full Auto Equipment Lady Assistant Springfield, Ore. FRANK A. DE PUE D. W. Roof JEW ELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Sutton Building 3pringfleld, Oregon Oregon, being on the south side of I above entitled Court entered an order | said town. j dated January 30, 1929. directing this And that yon nnd each of you be fore ! summons to be published in the closed of all right, title nnd Interest Springfield News onee each wek for In nnd to said promises and every part a period of four successive weeks, and thereof. The orde- dlroeilne service ! ordering you to appear and answer of the summons npftn von hv the puhll j t, P said complnlnt within four weeks ration thereof Is dated January 23rd., from the date of the first publication 1929 and requires publication once each of the said summons. FRED E. SMITH. Attorney for Plain­ week for four consecutive weeks. Date of first publication .Tnnuary 24, 192.9, tiff, nnd my residence and post office C A WINTBRMEIER, Attorney for address Is Eugene, Oregon. Plaintiff. Residence: Eugene. Oregon. Ja. 31: F. 7-14-21-28: Ja. 24-31: F. 7-14-21: [ ^ o ^ d ^ r of the Coun^Cotirt^Honse. fer for sale and sell for cash, at public auction, subject to redemption as pro­ vided by law, all of the right, title and Interest of said defendants Lucille Ratnvllle and Walter Rainville, her hushand, and all other persons claim­ ing hv, through or under them or any or either of them In and to said prem­ ises. HARRY L. BOWN. Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon. Ja. 24-31: F. 7-14 21: "Buell. Vm sorry to disturb yen." said Duane, "hut my business Is urgent You can aid me. I’m going to arreet a man here today, a prominent clttren. Now it’s likely some of his frlende —somebody, at any rate—will shove a gun In yonr face, or the day opera­ tor’s and make you send telegrama along the line.” (TO BE CONTINUED) (