T IU 'R SD W . PHHKUAKV H. 10*2» T iru s p R iiio v iB L n n h w s PAGHI TWO eropa In Hit« aerilo# ha»» »iifferetl COLO WAVE MODERATES annui from front, farm ers report. «I- LONGEST COLD SPELL ! thounh Ih» ileiiiBg» m far la not g reat FELT HERE FOR YEARS Tim hay situation la tl«ht»r than II ' Fur the Aral tim e aine» a gripping cohl ilcacaiiileil iltucti ovor the north . . , . ¡ haa baiali for aovara! years with prarlL , t ally all of the saleable hay giÄi» H ay , ftom Portland and K lam ath huili« n boina ahlppixl In at $21» per ton nini tl-ilc til a reni m o d eratio n In te m p era ' m ore Tint front Inn nipped down tini grana m ak in g panturo short. w eal o ver a week Ugo. VentenlllV evi- . . . ,t M axim iini tem perature venter- , W h rn ln r nan o ren se n t out by conn day wa i 45 w hich wa« ft d egreen high i ty o fficer. to o w n e rs of heavy tru c k s »r th a n I lie day before. T he niaxImiKU for th em to loud an lightly an pon»l- lust n ig h t wan 21 and th e night before hie and line Hit' highw ay« an little an 18. I pouHlhle iwhen th e » e th e r hei'lnn Io \c o ri ng to the rep o rt r.l-.tli by O '! .o fte n herenne of the d a n g e r of cut- M. f P rot k liert, w e a th e r iciin of Hu 1 t |t,K up th e load« T h e m ucadem gene, th is lanl spell ha« been the long 1 surface of th e highw ayn ban been est se v e re nnap sin ce he begun keep ­ frozen, I'liftioii llu rd , county conim i.- ing ret o ld in 1915. D uring th e w in ter sin n e r ha« ex p lain ed , am i w hen III» of 192* 25 th e m ercu ry tlroppetl low er. 1 th re e of four In ch es of fronted n u rtu re going dow n nt one Hunt an tow an t th a w s th e reniiltlng ex p an sio n will below xttro, but th e d u ra tim i of the soften the m acadam . sev ere folti w e a th e r wan «bori H e reach ed th e do o r, gave h e r oil CHASE FAMILY GATHER unquenchable spirit, w nnian's resolvt last p iercin g glance— to fix fo rev er in , deep and mighty as life. AT BIRTHDAY PARTY "1 love you. Duane,” she said. "I memory that w hite face with Its dark, staring, tragic eyes, A birthday party given by Mrs .Mur could suffer anything for you. I'm not "D u an e!” via P h ase of the (.'hast) Uardeun tl« selfish in this. It's for you. 1 know He fiml with th at moan like thunder, trlc t to her husband last Tuesday. Mr. what your life has been. 1 can't let The following are minimum tt-iu|><-i' H a rd in g ’s Dogy Dias death, hell, in his ears. P hase's an n iv ersary conic« on Hit« you go back to it. L isten—you don't atu res recorder ln degrees above zero Duane had been three m onths out of same day as th at of A braham Lincoln N e w to n , Munn., Feh H . ( A P I know me. You thiuk you're with the since last W ednesday night » hen I he Those present at the purty were Mr severe cold commenced Wedliewlay | O old Jennie. But I'm different. I've the Nueces country. At El Paso he n c e he was the "first suffered and I've learned in these I bought the finest horse he couhl find. a nd yjrs H arry P hase and family, Mr nticht, F eb ru ary 6. 16; Thuraday nlglit. < in the lutid.** The fnrnoUH Alrdule, years. I believe I'm right in asking and. arm ed and otherw ise outfitted to and Mrs. Ilom ar P hase anti family, 15; Friday night. H ; 8aturduy night, wiu> WHM W hite llouae m aarot »luring you to give up this ran g er service. suit hint, he hud tak en to unknown Mr. anti Mrs. C hester P hase and fam 17; Sunday night. 16; Monday night. |h(> ad m ln ,Hlra , lou ,)f t |,„ p r „»i. trails. lly, Mr. and Mrs. E verett Phase anti 1 s Will you?” i dent Hurtling, succuniher to ugv and Leisurely he rode front town to family, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Phase "Jennie, I can 't. Hoy could you town, village to village, ranch to A ccording to a rep o rt from th e conn i , „ n„ M a l N„ wt(mvllle hom e of and family. Mrs. L ester P yr, Miss ask it? ” e . . . . . ... ranch, fitting his talk and his occupa­ Maud Phase. J. \V. P h ase anti John ty ' a g e n t's . office th e , g re a te . s . t . d am ag . , H urry L. Baker. S ecret Service man. "How could you go if you love m e?” tion to the Im pressoiu he wanted to Thompson. R efreshm ents consisted to cro p s has been done to fall seetletl | Ctovor, » h l.lt had ju«t s o t t M abovi | ! ” 1'" ' Bo> « • " • h-‘ir tT..»b.T of "If you were a m an you'd under­ m ake upon different people whom he of delicious food provided by a pot lh»» gro u n d w hen th e front cam o. K ale I IT enldent C oolidge’» («addle Buck. stand." met. luck supper. "But I’m a woman. You don't u n ­ He was In tu rn a cowboy, a rancher, derstand th a t!" she cried passionately. a cattlem an, a stockbuyer, a boomer, W ins Q uoit T itle "Can you expect a man who lives a lan d h u n ter; and long before be Geneva. N. Y., Fab. 1*. (AC)—Tie like a hunted wolf to understand tne reached the wild and Inhospitable Orti finer feelings of a woman? 1 am o ut­ he had acted the p art of an outlaw title of city champion bus been con ferretl upon A. 8. Childs, 76-year-old side, Jennie— the o utcast—the outlaw. drifting Into new territo ry. quoit pitcher. Tile veteran spends And even so. I've kept myself different He passed on slowly because he three hours dally tossing three-pound from the others. But Heaven knows— wanted to learn the lay of the country. , g ,n HeBM,onM Hw perhaps I'm coarse, hard, inhum an.” the location of villages anti ranches. of {be mgn ,n h)g g(|1, "H u sh !” She put a hand over his the work, habit, gossip, pleasures, and I ,(>yal . b,lrn),apd g' ’ “ her* «•«“ * cam e in contact. T he one subject him a t it. for your arm s—a starved woman—and m ost Impelling to him —outlaw s—he ' you don t know It. never m entioned; but, by talking all R etu rn to W en d lln g — Mr. and Mrs Duane becam e suddenly weak, and around It, siftin g th e old ranch and w ent around his neck and drew him Byrle Crow returned to W endllng last gcarce,y had gtrength to ,,ft her t0 a cattle story, he acquired a knowledge Monday. geat bes,(je b | m g be seenled more calculated to aid him much In his deep-laid plot. In this, game tim e was (ban dead weight. H er calm ness had SUM M ONS flerf gbe wag throbbing palpitating. of no m om ent! if necessary he would IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T OF T H E 1 take years to accom plish his task. S T A T E O F O REG ON . IN AND F o il qUiver| ng> w ith hot. wet cheeks and The stupendous and perilous nature We Will Carry Exclusively LAN E COUNTY. tb a t c]ung to b| m Meg vines. She of It showed In th e slow, wary prepa- The l*aclflc Savings & Loan Assncla I her. lifted her m outh to htm, w hispering: | ration. W hen he heard F letcher's tlon, a W ashington corporation. D espite his care Jennie is lo s t Then ‘K iss me! Plaintiff, vs., W illiam W. W hite untl 1 nam e and faced Knell he knew he had for three years Buck is on the trail Mary A. W hite, his wife, W E Duane bent down, and h er arm s reached the place he had sought— lini Powells, C. A. lbrultt and laiura May and New Zerolene and Mobiloil, all Well-Known Products of the and legends about him spread, and w ent grounr hs neck and drew him the ITuitt, Defendants. Standard Oil Company Anally he takes the risk of calling on close. W ith his lips on hers, he seem ­ was a ham let on the fringe of T o A. C. P ru itt an d L au ra May (Continued on Page 3) Captain MacN'elly of the Rangers, who ed floated away. T h at kiss closed his ITuItt, Defendants The new plant is the Only Super-Service Station in Springfield. he has heard w ants to see him. Mac- eyes, and be could not lift his head. To C. A. IT u itt and L a u ra May ITu It is equipped to take care of you every service need. Need a Railroad? Nelly greets him ra th e r warmly. Itt, D efendants: He sat motionless, holding her blind IN T H E NAME O F T H E STATU Denver, Col., Feb. 1* (AC)— The Captain MacNelly offers Duane a and helpless, wrapped in a sw eet, dark vutu.auu „„ „ ¡Southern ~,t* ...... ............ Colorado and Railroad an OF OREGON. You a re hereby re- pardon if he twill accept an offer to glory. ... , . , oui reti to a p p e a r nml a n s w e r th e Com nounced it was ready to m ake a gift plaint “ become a Ranger and go afte r Chesel- filed „gainst against you you In the ahov. She kissed him—one long endless dine s gang. MacNelly had become in­ kiss—or else a thousand tim es. H er of a J3.000.000 branch line, together entitled suit within four week.« from te rested in Duane afte r a Miss Lee lips, her wet cheeks, her hair, the soft- with sufficient rolling stock for ade­ the date of the first publication of this had spoken in his behalf. Duane pro­ ness, th e fragrance of her, the tender, quate operation, to any person or p er­ Summons, and If you fnll to «o ¡ins wer, for w an t thereof plaintiff will Blises Mac Nelly to do him, any ser- mov)ng c]agp her armg the gwt Los Angeles, Feb. 14. (AC)—Nor­ One (1) In Block Two (2) of Cherry Nelly, and finds her to be none ot er gtoo g0 ^ ¡ j ^ e re they of sw eetness man M. Britton, teacher of appl'ed Grove Addition to Eugene. Oregon. but Jennie. They talk and tell each and mPanlng and ,OV(? Other of th e ir love, and when Duane He rQge and ,et Je n n ,e gR back 'psychology, filed suit for divorce and and running thence South 40 feet. With Each Five Gallons of Red Crown Gasoline Purchased ... ask ed for for nollce protection protection f f om hts thence E ast 60 feet, thence N orth 40 tells Jennie he is commissioned . to again st fhp , hlona H H er fingers I ! asked the p„ cushions. er fingers a8lc 1 ror police I* 1 I feet and thence W est 60 feet to the Everybody Invited to Como and Get Acquainted With This capture Cheseldlne she breaks down c,ung weak]y tQ h ,m H er eyeg h u rt wife, Mrs. Myra Britton. D escribing p]are beginning. b rin g p art of NEW SUPER-SERVICE STATION and bees him to break his word w ith htak W hile be fum ble and for fu rth e r order of the Boys’ company has been here continuously since the advent she touched him, h er slender form Court for the sale of the personal i reaching to hls shoulders, and she property of the defendant which has 1 of the telephone. Patrick Bacon, now Portland man­ been attached by the plaintiff leaned upon him with h er face up­ $4.98 Values for ager, began as a boy operator more than 40 years ago. This Summons is published once turned. Ho felt her hands on hls, and each week for four successive weeks Good telephone service requires the mutual co­ they were soft, clinging, strong, like in the Springfield News, a weekly steel under velvet. He felt the rise new spaper of general circulation pub- j operation of the public and the telephone company. llshed ln Lane County, Oregon, by and fall—the w arm th of h e r breast. Pay a visit to any central office—it is an interesting order of the H onorable G, F. Skip- A trem or ran over him. He tried worth, Judge of the C ircuit Court of sight. Individuals and organizations are welcome. Boys’ to draw back, and if he succeeded a Lane County, Oregon, which order Ladies’ and Children’s little h er form swayed with him, press­ bears d ate the 13th day of February, All Wool 1929, and th e date of the first publi­ ing closer. She did not speak. She cation of th is Summons is F ebruary J. L. BLAND, Manager held h er face up, and he was compel­ 14 1929 POTTER & KING, A ttorneys for led to look. It w as w onderful now— Tsrw P acific T elephone and T elegraph C ompany a Pair white, yet glowing, w ith the red lips Plaintiff. Residence and Post Office A ddress Eugene, Lane County, O re­ parted, the dark eyes alluring. But gon. th a t was not alL T here was passion. F. 14-21-28: M. 7-i4. W HAT HAPPENED BEFORE— Buck Duane, quick on the draw, kills Cal Bain in self-defense and finds- him self an outlaw. Flying from pur Suit, he m eets Luke Stevens, another ouuaw . and the two become pals. Luke narrow ly escapes capture and Duane is shocked to find his brother outlaw severely wounded. Duane buries Stevens. Then he goes on to Bland's camp, w hwere he gets Into a fight with a man called Bos- om er and wounds the latter. He m akes a friend of an outlaw at Bland's called Euchre, who tells him of Mrs. Bland and the girl J e n n ie ., Duane m eets Jennie, and prom ises to try his utm ost to get her away from Bland’s camp. To av e rt suspi­ cion, it is planned th a t he pretend to care for Mrs. Bland. Euchre Intro­ duces him to the la tte r and he en­ gages in conversation w ith her. E vidently the outlaw 's wife liked Euchre, for her keen glance rested w ith am usem ent upon him. Buck plays the game, making Mrs. Bland think he loves her. To avert Bland's suspicion, Mrs. Bland pre- tends to h er husband th a t Buck has come to visit Jennie. Bland urges _ , . to become , . . m em ber oi Buck a ____. regular . , his outlaw gang. , ., . A quarrel later develops n w c Duane kills Bland and rushes off wUh Jennie a fte r a terrific strugg ei w t Mrs. Bland. He plans to eave enn e In good hands until a relative or friend Is located, and then go on a one on th e trail. He keeps careful guar ove r T^OPENiNG^. ]/. R. Jones Super- Service Station Saturday, Feb. 16th RED CROWN GASOLINE Hydraulic Hoist For Greasing, Two Greaae Pits and other Conveniences Read j for you here. Seiberling Patented Tires and a full Line of «Accessories for Sale. FREE GREASE JOB 2459 Oregon People Serve Your Telephone Rain Coats Short Pants Suit 49c $1.79 $1.29 Sweater Suits Knickers 98c Unious $1.39 $1.49 Hose 10c