il Try the H om e P rin t Shop F ir at THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW ENTY-SIXTH YEAH BRIDGE APPROACH "Tha People's Paper7* A L IV E N E W S P A P E R IN A L IV E T O W N flPRINOKIBLD, IoANE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 14. 1929 S p rin g field W ins fr o m St. M arys EUGENE DIM BUYS GARAGE OPENS IN School W arran t COUNCIL MOVES 10 D ebt is R edu ced OUT STORE IN CITY DANNER LOCATION COLIECIJLO LIENS Qtuoe Fast with Local Squad Report Shows Gain In Local Showing Better Form; to District’s Finances During Contrnct Calls for Completion Play Grove Next R A. Kennett Takes Over Stock Vivian Bailor, John Parker of Last Half of Year Property on Which Nothing has May 31; Full Equipment Now Of Inman’s Store; New Man Junction City, Proprietors of The Im iil high school hnopstnr* Been Paid to be Taken; Six- On Job; East Side Fill to be The net warrant debt of Springfield to Continue Business in Same e a sily 27-888 95 at the end of June. tersections to Go. In the be ginning o f the flam e as If It -------- 1928 to 810.288.91 at the end of Dec- Tini min fur ili« n«w H prlngfl.-ld | would be a scoreless gam« fo r d u rin g Il A. Kennett, of Eugene, this week A new garage opened for business erater, 1928. Warrants amounting to Foreclosure on all property on bought the stock owned by J. F. in- ( 'his week ... „ „ „ , ■ ” » - - which there has been no principal or In «o days ui -ordlng to A. C M ethews, ■core<1- S p rin g fie ld broke the scorless c o n tra cto r, who lias started the w ork J M1M l1 '* ',lb “ n i,'nK,'“ n<'». le a d in g out will continue In business at the same company, under the proprietorship of! ' wh ‘ h *"ere aIao pa,d- making a Interest paid on city 1 ens was author­ The tim e allow ed fo r com pletion o f ' * " ? , ? b" f ” r " »»*•’ «•’ opponents place. Mr. Inman haa been operating Vivian Bailor and John Parker, both tot4* wlth *nte,,‘;,t 07 >30.928.75 of war- ized by the council at Monday night's , , , . ‘ « « M connect. The rest of the game general men's and women’s dry «nods of Junction City. The men have ran'8 paid. meeting. The council was unanimous tnv brldtfo MpproachttH, accord trig to was easy fo r the local boys The cash balance on July 1 was 810 T h e ir business here for about a year. Mr bouflht the mechanical equpiment left the co n tra ct w ith the sta le highw ay In backing Mayor C. O. Wilson up In e a rly lead was augm ented throu gh ou t Inman had been In business In Eugene by the former concern and three of 356 47 and on December 31 was 82^ de p a rtm e n t Is May 81. Solid fills are that these old liens should be cleaned the game. H a lf tim e score was 19 to 7. Jefore coming here. the older concern's mechanics, Hugh <36 32. The warrant debt was re- to be b u ilt at each end o f ib e bridge The last fa m e w ith St M arys was 30 up. Recorder I. M. Peterson reported Mr Kennett will dispose of the wo- ItaT Stump and Owen Header- duced 817,378.04 and the cash on hand W ork commenced Monday on the to 19 In fa v o r of S pring field . men's apparel In the stork that he l,o,1• wl11 w,th them. , was reduced only 87,820.16 making a that his notices had beep Ignored In east approach which, w ill be com pleted | The home boys played the best bought and will stock a complete line Bailor and Parker will operate a full J?ain during the period of 89,557.89. many cases so the council considered before any w ork w ill be done on the The last six months of 1928 also that more drastic action was neces­ game o f the season was the opinion Of men's wear He plans on specially i equipment garage with all service and west approach M r. M athews says. Ac­ o f coach Leonard M ayfield. “ T hey log In workingmen's clothes. repair facilities and car storage. In «hows a greater Income and less ex- sary. co rd in g to the surveyors estim ates 1 showed more accuracy In passing and , Mr- Kennett has been In the spec addlt,on to the "boP facilities will be pendlture than for the corresponding “Borne of the property has as much 4500 yards o f gra vel w ill have to be . . . . 11“’,d1 more ‘ l"“n ‘ l"v"r '“I »“ os business with offices In Eu- T bat,ery and Hectrlcal service unit, period of 1927. The 1927 Income was as 78 per cent Interest against It,” m oved in to the m i on th is side and , . ’UM. ‘ f 4 than rtny throe gene for the pn»t five years. He will ^‘*aXi,uer Jobe rwMll also be done ‘ $20,512.86 and expenditure 119.896.17 said Mayor Wilson. "The city has 10 500 yards on the west approach **>* to Springfield to live. by the new «“" g o . j with a gain of 8616.69 while the In- been paying this interest for the pro­ On account o f flood haxard. w o rk on the ! „ _ _ ,, „ ’n' h" ." ay’ ' n g flcld through- west side m ust w ait u n til the sp rin g game was ea sily Kpr pr>»go< io 's s m rnugn Mr. Inman has been selling off his ' Mr *" 7aniaI,a»' with the me- e corresponding period of perty holders for years and the prac­ stock with the purpose of getting j ^hanlcaI Pnd nt the garage business. 1928 iwa» 823.108.60 and the expend! tise is unfair to the taxpayers. I don’t brenkup and the flood haxard Is past Tomorrow night the local quintet down t„ where he' c’oJld dispose of it’ At ° “e tlD>e he worked * * S lm m o n s ture wa" >17,309.68 with a gain of In- believe In working a hardship on peo. Full operating equipment has been will go to C o tta * Grove where they ! at Eugene, being their Lincoln car come OTer expenses of 85.898.91. Pie who are making an effort to clean moved onto the ground which consists will play their return game 'with the !.. mechanic. Last year he was at the ' Receipts for July-December, 1928, up their old liens but I do believe that of trucks and a mechanical shovel. ’CAN A MAN BE SAVED Cottage Grove high school. The team I where no effort is being made the city | cannery In Junction City. The build- period follow: The gravel for the east fill Is being Is working hard and althcmgh they ex J j lng In which they are operating b e-, Taxes _____ taken from the river border on the pert a tough game, they are going I OUT OF CHURCH" TOPIC ........—- 813,742 44 should collect, especially on income ROSS’ SERMON SUNDAY 1 lonK" tO Jame8 L*Xton and James State school fund .... north side of the bridge. 1,205.76 property which Is worth more than down Inhued with the spirit of tight j _____ i Humphry. High S c h o o l_____________ Mr. Mathews was awarded the con and hope to come home with another ! 2.743.15 the amount against IL” continued the mayor. Can a Man Be Saved Out of the I E. R. Danner, who formerly occu- Elementery school fund __ tract for the »prlngfleld bridge fills at 2,430.00 the last meeting of the state highway ” 'J'1' alr'M‘'’y f'hurch” "HI be the text of Rev. Floyd P*«d the place, is now with the Sim- County s c h o o l___________ Ask Sixteenth Street Improvement 2,925.00 A petition asking for the grading commission. The award was made I , ' . ‘ " ar 1 8 ««ason on y . Ross' Sunday night sermon at the j mons Ford Agency of Eugene. Rent, tuition, etc., ________ 62.25 and graveling of Sixteenth street la upon a bid submitted last September. losses have been marked up against Christian church. them, having won R out of 10 games j _ , Total They won from Cottage Grove last I arowln* “ '-"dance attests the In- JANUARY DAYS LOST AT 823,108.60 the Stewart addition was received from the property holders. It was time, hut the Grove team has showed j ,e " ” t ,hat »hown In the evan BRISTOW FUNERAL MILL EXCEED DECEMBER referred to the street committee for marked improvement since that Mm.. I " ’T T W'?Ch ™ be'n* held MRS. KETELS TO GIVE HELD AT PLEASANT Investigation. Another victory of the week for the- '' r ”* an , , l r c '1 during the The number of days lost by era- DRAMATIC RECITAL IN Street Buttons Must Go Funeral services of William Bristow .' local sqund was with the Black Hawlts ' PftHt fortn’*h‘- Subjects of vital Im ployees at the Booth-Kelly mill during EUGENE FEBRUARY 16 AU the Inverted "dlshpans" or but- "0. well known pioneer of lo»ne county of Eugene of the class C league which T r ' g,>rmon8 *d’ren January exceed those lost in Decern J.tons at street Intersections wlU be* was held last Sunday afternoon at the ! netted the boys a 58 to 22 score. ; V‘ ° flg i her by 7 days according to a bulletin Mrs. Doris Smith, 'of the Ellison- taken out- On motion of councilman fol m Th” ‘° plC f0r ton,*ht W,U be ’'How recently posted. The total of days ineusant HUI Christian church. Rev Lineup for last night’s game FW. ) Tom and Sally Went r,n* fl" ld " an d tomorrow night the ember total was 63. nnce nt the funeral was so largv that SL Marys recital at the McMorran Washburne do awaf wlu» these ob st^ ction s to sermon will be. "Facing the Kingdom." ' f some were not able to get Into the Vitus Lynch the I ( store In Eugene next Saturday night Itraff,c and Chief of Poflpe was in­ Bible school will meet Sunday morn-1 Following , are . , days lost and . church. A gorgeous floral offering Orender f McMurray lng at 9:45 at which an effort Is he- structed to take them up immediately. "h™1"0*1 18 day,; broken “ 7 o'clock. was contributed. Houck c Roof lng made to bring the attendance to ■ ^>>n< ? Many Applications for Police Job from monorail,, jjrs. Ketels is an artist student g Mr llrlstow was one of tha best Murre Several applications for patrolman Heed. 280. ... ......................................... 12; fallen stomach due to riding on ^ th the conservatory. An Invitation Is extended to g E. Squires carriage, 8; acldent to finger, 5. known pioneers of this section. He Berger stagecraft department and Saturday and fire chief were read to the councU.' I everyone. The Sunday morning ser- Suhs for Springfield were F. Squires. was the grandson of Elijah and Sus­ j night's recital will be her senior re- The applications of Harvey Jones and j mon "The Lord's Supper" will be anna Bristow who were among the Hughes, Morrison, Potter. Fred Louk were signed by a large, MASONS HOLD BANQUET i cltaL , given at 11 o'clock followed by special very earliest pioneers In latne county number of citizens. Mayor Wilson ' music. The recital will consist of three IN ODD FELLOWS HALL The Bristow home In this section has P. T. A. TO HAVE SILVER parts In which Mrs. Ketels will said he would e.ppoint Mr. Jones If Christian Endeavor will meet at the been said to be the first built In the About 60 members attended the I dramatize the characterizations in the the council wanted him. The council, TEA AT LINCOLN SCHOOL »»uni 6 30 hour and at 7 o'clock will county. Mr. Bristow was born at Assisting Mrs. Ketels will did not, so all the applications were --------- , commence a half an hour's concert banquet and smoker held In the I. O , plays. Pleasant HUI January 10. 1859 and was A silver tea sponsored by the Par ' by the orchestra followed by the even- O. F. hall here last Tuesday night by ' be Pauline Gutherie, soloist. Barbara filed for future reference. The mayor the third son of Abel K. and Almira K ent-Teachers' association will be held lng sermon. Liberty Lodge No. 171 A. F. A. M. ! Edmunds, accompanist, with Mrs. announced that before he removed Bristow. at the Lincoln school tomorrow. After Rev. Jennings, past master of E u -' Levi H. Neet ta the piano for Mrs. Patrolman Fred Hinson or Fire Chief Special music for Bunday evening Jesse Smitson he would give them Mr, Bristow engaged In various a short business meeting a patriotic will consist of a trio; violin, cello and ’ K-»e lodge No. 11 was the principal I Ketels. vocations Including surveying, store program will ho given hy the first, piano ny Mr. and Mrs. Ross and Wlni- »P-nker of the evening, with E. C. | Mrs. Ketels has studied under some notice so that they would have a work and fnrmlng On July 23, 1890 second and third grades of the Lin­ frld Tyson ent'tbd "Ave Maria”— ¡Clark also a past master of the Eu-' of the best dramatic leaders, having a t ! r, ancnt elsewhere, th a t Io > A I v) A A A AW KAm A » k ., that is if H he decided to W remove them he innrrled Miss I.uella Hnndsaker. coln school. Shubert; n saxaphone duet, "Slxtet , Kene lodge giving a short talk. ' one time studied under George Nate : at all. Surviving nre his wife, two sons, Everyone Is urged to attend the tea From Luela" by Mr and Mrs. Ross; Among the events of the evening 8on- '-“ding man of the Alcazar Musi . . i - t ,-, h - p i,™ Arlo, of Butte, Montana and Morton, and the past presidents of the P.-T. A. and a vocal solo, "The Holy City" by : was n concert given hy Springfield i cal Comedy company of Portland. She ! 1 s ta tio n ' l° ule MC' states Power company nt home: one daughter, Mrs. C. P. are especially Invited. Mr. Ross. orchestra which is a branch of the bas also studied under -» — « Elizabeth ”■ Two xylophone Barnes of the Elllson-Whlte Conserva ‘ ^ îh T t ïe '^ COUn‘ Mason, of Gallup, New Mexico; four Springfield band. siren at the plant grandchildren, Betty Bristow. Marian LOCAL S. P. MEN FETED Visit Sick Brother—J B. and E. C. solos were played by Ted Lenhart. ' ' ory. who Is now head of the drama | can be sounded. Permission to use' Luelln amt Kenneth William Bristow, ___________________ I department of the Oregon State Col- AT PARTY FRIDAY NIGHT Helterbrnnd. of Harrah. Washington, the telegraph company’s poles for • anil Morion Pnrnell Mnson; and by arlved here Tuesday noon, having Joins Chum—Alfred Frese went this '-6 e “ Corvallis, and under Helen this has been granted. The matter three sisters. Senn, of the Portland center A party was given lo the local been called here on account of the ill I week to San Francisco to Join his boy- ness of their brother. Noah H elter-Lood chum Arthur Potter, who has -»tension department of the JTniver- was left to the fire and water commit-:- Southern Pacific force by Mrs. Emma tee wjth power to act. ■» PROGRAM TO BE GIVEN 8,'y o i Oregon. Mrs. Ketels Is a gradu­ I Olson and her son. Oswald Olson, at brand who is In the Eugene hospital, been there for the past few months. *( ate of the University of Nebraska. AT CIVIC CARD PARTY their home at 639 6th street. She has studied S h a k e s p e a r e LOCAL GROUP VISITS Those present at (he party besides under the late Mrs. Thorne of Eugene LIONS CHARTER NIGHT An Interesting program Is promised lhe host and hostess were Mr. and who for many years was on the New nt the benefit card party to be held to- i Mrs. George L Prtvhnow, and two Local members of the Lions club I York stage. night nt the Chnmher of Commerce 1 children. Mr. nnd Mrs. N. C. Chrlsten- and their wives made a trip to Stay­ rooms. Mrs John Ketels will give a ¡son, Mrs. Carl Olson and Mrs. Barnard ton last Saturday night to be present» reading, Winston Strong from the BUS ACCIDENT VICTIM at the charter night m eeting of the The following article Is one of a where It does the most good and that t ’ntverslty of Oregon will piny the CHAMBER MEETING IS RECOVERS FROM INJURY Stayton Lions club. series In the Prize winning essay the house must be cool In the summer nccordlnn. and Mrs. W. K. Bamell Members of the local delegation POSTPONED TO MARCH 1 contest sponsored by the 4-L Em­ This requirement is best met by a will sin g The program will start David O'Laverty, brother of John promptly nt 8 o’clock. Following the ployee Wood Promotion committee of wooden dwelling because about three- O'Laverty. of this city, Is at his provided entertainment in the form On ncount of the Washington Springfield. program will be cards—bridge, 6Q0 The stories were nil fourths of the weight pf an undrled brother's home here recovering from of vocal solos by Mrs. Arah Hoyt Rae, nnd other games for which prizes will birthday holiday Friday Februnry 22 wrlttten by students in the high and tree Is contained In the moisture cells injuries he received In a tragic bus accompanied by Miss Wlnlfrid Tyson. the local Chamber of Commerce has be awarded. grade schools of the city and contain which become air cells when the tree accident a week or so ago near Red Dwight Kessey presented the new club postponed Its monthly meeting to the Important truths why we should sup­ Is dried. The Insulation effect by a ding, California. Mr. O’Laverty was members with a large Lions • 'The purpose of the party Is to raise next Friday March 1, port the lumber industry in Lane five and one-half Inch wood wall Is on his way from San Francisco to see banner. funds for street slgus nnd anyone who Present from Springfield were: O. equivalent to that of a twelve Inch county. does not play cards but wishes to his brother here, who was ill with G. Bushman. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. D o*, brick wall, an eighteen Inch tile 'wall, GIRLS LEAGUE TO GIVE contribute to the fund Is Invited to or a thlrty-slx Inch wall of cem ent the time, when the bus he was riding Dwight- Kessey, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. corns. It wns decided at the meeting PARTY AT HIGH SCHOOL ‘W h y Lane County Homes The cost of the wood wall Is only one- in turned over on the highway near Maxey, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Walker, of the Civic club that wood signs Should Be Built of third that of the brick and much less Redding. All of the pasengers on the Allan Kafoury and W. W. Walker. The Girls’ Ir busi­ Lawrence Earl Thompson, young shortage of logs commenced opera­ Jule Helterbrand, daughter of Mr. proved by the fact that 80,000,000 peo­ both of those are factors which Influ son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson, ness next Saturday. tions last Tuesday, and Mrs. Noah Helterbrand, wns ple In the United state live In homes A complete new eulpment hns been ence to a great extent the cost of was given a party on February 7 to Camps 35, 39 and 40 which have brought homo today from the Pnclflc built of wood. building materials which are shipped celebrate his 7th birthday at the home been Shut down since the heavy snows Installed by Mr. Jones Including hy­ Christian hospital In Eugene where A survey of the building situation draulic hoist artl other service equip­ from the centers of those products. of his parents. came have resumed operations this sho has been very HI with pneumonia. ns It exists at the present time In dif­ A few years ago most of the new ment. Standard oil products will he Present at the party were Bobby week. Several Springfield men who She is getting along very nicely. Mrs. ferent sections of the country shows homes that were being built were Foster, Frank Bennett, Burnell Gates, have been here since work shut down carried. Helterbrnnd. who has also been 111 Is a falling off In connection with the stucco. Owing to the dairipness of the Kenneth Ables, Bobby Davis, John have returned to the camps. reported Improving. Nonh Helter- building of hotels nnd apartment climate in I-ane county, however, it Spores, Junior Endicott, Bobby Perry P. T. A. to Have Play—The Garden hrand who Is still sick In the Eugene houses. This is because the auto­ soon became evident that this was im­ and Harold Gillette. Way Parent Teacher’s association Librarian III—Mary Roberts, local hospltnl Is Improving slowly the hospi­ mobile Is continually making it pos­ practical, for the stucco houses soon plnn to put on a play on Washington's librarian, has been Ul during the past tal reports. sible for more people to live In the crumbled to ruin and were no longer birthday at the Chnse Gardens school S. P. Offers Birthday Rates— The few days. Mrs.. L. K. Page has sub­ country suburbs. Tho consequent de­ attractive. Wood houses, on the other house. Southern Pacific cpmpony offers stituted for her at the library. Out-of-Town Visitors—Among the mand for homes is usually antiwered hand, last forever If they are built of Washington birthday rates on all of visits Here—M. Northrup, of Wis­ out-of-town visitors this week were with houses of wood. materials of the best quality on a good Its llnea effective between February consin, is visiting this week at the Visit Here—Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Enrl Tuller, of Jasper; Perhaps the chief requirement of a foundation to begin with. One of the •Conrad have been visiting with Mrs. Robert Stevens of Camp Creek and 21 to February 25. Tickets will be sold home of Mrs. Hannah Lepley on 4th home is comfort. This means that in outstanding features of a building of Conrad of this city during tho week. Mr. and Mrs. Q. R. Onrtln, of Dexter, the winter the heat must be kept from the local station on February 21 street Mr. Northrup is on his may to (Continued on Page 6) and 22. visit his son In California. bridge are expected to be com pleted , 'h e firs t few m inutes n e ith e r team a “W hy Lane County Homes Should Be Built of W ood” z a a