I THURSDAY, P B H ItllA ltY 7, I »29 T H E SPR IN G FIELD NEWS PAGE T H R E E Here On Bueineei i—Mr. and Mre Robert Huy«» und » in, Robert, wer, In Hprlngll« Id luet H uturday on busi neae. TRAIN SCHEDULE ORDER Springfield Stops IN THE COUNTY C< URT A T » 1 » . NORTH GENE, OREGON, IN AND FOR No. 1« at 4:27 A. M. (F lag, LANE COUNTY. No. 8 at 3 46 P. M. In the Matter of the Adoption of Home from Hospital— Mrs. Ollie M< Bus connection for train leaving George Raymond Gabe, Minor. Denial cam e horn«« last Katorduy from Eugene at 2:20 P. M. This m atter com ing on for hearing at this time upon the Petition of the Pacific Christian hospital where SOUTH Madge Evelyn Woodruff and Perry C. she iiiidi rw» tit .in operation. No. 7 at 12:47 P. M Woodruff, husband and wife, for thft No. 15 at 10:03 P. M. (Flag) adoption of George Raymond Gab«, SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION who was born on the 16th of January, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEM ENT 1921. being the son of the said Madge BTATE OF OREGON FOR LANE Evelyn Woodruff, the petition In this COUNTY. N otice Is hereby given that the un ______ m atter being filed in this Court la Gertrude C. Kobe. Plaintiff, vs. I^ane w n n ’ ,i,'A',,',lnJ H' rat"r " i ,hp E*u t * * “ “•« on ‘he 23rd day of January 1929 FOR HALE— Carbon paper In large PAINTING and Kalaumlntng tu all Ita County, Oregon, a municipal cor of W illie Emery, deceased has filed his and It appearing that the Court hag poratlon; Charnel O. Mulligan and final report and account as such Ad- Jurisdiction herein, branches. Reduced Prices. Roy aheeta, 20x3V Inches, suitable for Sadie Mulligan, his w ife; Frank m lnlstrator with the Clerk of the Koch. CaU 126 J. m alting tracings. The N ew s o n ice Mulligan; Lawren,.- F Mulligan; County Court of Lane County Oregon „ ‘* i ° W THEREFORE, BASED UPOW Mrs Frank W M eriwether; Fran« I- and that Saturday, the 16th day o i S A ,D PETITION, IT IS HEREBY M Mull1“““* - — -* z r»p n g * t > o*Tk a *™-» *■* NOTICE TO CREDITORS Here from Thurston— Fred Gray of Mulligan Thurston was u visitor here lust Mon­ N otice la hereby given that the un and day. deralgned has been appointed Admin­ istrators of the E state of John O. husband; A. Franklin Hubbard and been set by tlm H o r /c ' P* Vtarna^rV Marc^ ‘ 929 at 10 °'clock In the fora NOTICE TO CREDITORS Griffin, deceased, by the County Court Louise Hubbard, his w ife; W illiam Judge of the County Court as the ? ° ’>n o i. , 8ald day, a»d It appearing given , thut , the un- . N otice . . Is . hereby . >•“ '><’ County, Oregon. All persons H. Luckey and Mrs William H rime and place to hear o h lM - tto t .« » ' from Rald p* tl‘lon that George SterE deralgned haa been appointed Admin having claim s against the said Estate Luckey, his wife; John H. Lackey t ^ X . ^ a n d for the final ." ^ 1^ i"* fath" °< - < d child Islrator of the E state of Elfrenu Kai are hereby notified to present the and Lillian Luckey, his w ife; Ella rnent of said Eetate Snd that he 1s not a resident of the anijuln, deceased, by the County Court sam e, properly verified to them at the L Doremns; Allen Luckey; Emma HAROLD J. WELLS. Admlnlstra- T h t r e l n i ? ^ . " « ' i ” '’ C? i DOt be found of Lane County. Oregon. All persons „«i, «. ,,r n. cl » ii . i . • c therein and that he resides at and his Luckey McDonald Ray Luckey; ! tor i . «S Post Office address Is 624 W est 42nd Mrs B essie Brooks; Eugene L ester are hereby notified to present the fr,„„ i„ n ,7 iia a ,h« WELLS ft W ELLS, Attorneys. Place, Los A ngeles, State of Califon, Luckey; the unkonwn heirs of Han sam e, properly verin««l, to them at the J d .. . . . . L J * 2?’ ,1*5 Ja. 17-24-31: F.7-14: office of W ell, ft W ells, Hank of Com ! „ “ tic. Publication o f this nfa, and that a copy of said petition, nah E. Gardner; W illiam P. Gar dner; Mrs. Lena Jordan ; Percy B. t h f JITHTICB» p o iih t b » c , d t o c " * R‘hpr w ,‘h a copy of this Order b« merce llldg , Eugene, Oregon, within ADAH M DAUGHERTY. McMurray; Mrs. Percy B. McMur S V , ^ ^ L A T , J -2 iV L HE personally upon said father of "lx montila from Jan 17, 1929, the EUGENE JUSTICE DISTRICT. said child and that a copy of said peti­ Il F. HEARN, Administrators. ray; Davis, «laughter of Èva date of the first publication of this LANE COUNTY. OREGON tion together with a copy of th is Order MtMurray Davis; Bari Mount; Mrs. W K U J ft WELLS, A ttorneys. notice. SU M M O NS be forthwith mailed to the said father Helen Houston; and also all other Ja 17-24-31: F .7 14: HAROLD J WELLS, Admlslntrator persons or parties unknown. or un- v | c H endershott, Plaintiff, vs., Percy ° t »aid child at his said place of rest- WELLS ft WELLS, Attorneys. Hall, DefendanL I dence and Postoffice address by U nited named. claim ing any right, title. In­ Ja 17 24 31: F. 7 14: j NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEM ENT S ta tes’ Mall, postage prepaid and that terest, Hen or estate In the real pro- I To Percy Hall, D efendant: ____ described _________ __ ..... Defendants IN THB NAME o f THE STATE a copy of th is Order be published one» EXECUTOR’S NOTICE I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That perty herein. To Lane County. Oregon, a munlcl , OREGON: You are hereby re- a w eek for three su ccessive w eeks la IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE ' Slg Moe and K enneth R Chase, as ail STATE o f OREGON IN AND FOR : m lnlstrators of the partnership estate pal corporation; Charnel o. Mulligan q, red to appear and answ er the com- The Springfield N ews, a w eekly new», THE COUNTY OF LANE IN of Henry W. Chase, deceased, and Slg and Sadie Mulligan, his «wife; Frank p ,nt fi|pd a*®ln»t you In the above paper nt general circulation, published cause, within six w eeks from at Springfield In Lane County, Oregon PROBATE. In re E state o f Amandu Moe, heretofore doing business as Mulligan; Lawrence F. Mulligan; Mrs Frnnk W. M eriwether; Francis M the date o i the flrat Publication of thle the first publication being January E. Miller, diwcased partners under the firm nam e and Mulligan and Mrs. Francis M Mulll sun,m ona. and If you fail to so appear 24th, and the last publication being N otice Is hereby given to the pub­ stylo of Springfield Sand ft Gravel gan. his w ife; Frank Kennedy and „ Z?6. ab,OT.e entitled cause w ithin the February 7th, 1929, and that a copy of lic that by virtue of a judgment of the Company, have filed their final *c- Rosa Kenm ely' hhi wife; Arnpna CoV “ ld Period of four w eek , fT ^F the above entitled Court duly given and «««unt In said partnership estate, and jjnR and (.-ygnv C n i||n n h e r h im h s n r i- 'late of the first publication of th is. the petition and Order herein be ser­ ved upon the CHILD W ELFARE COM­ made In said probate proceeding on L o n * Franklin Hubbard and Louise H u h .,h e . * 111 »PP>r to MISSION of Oregon, more than December 20, 1928, I was executor of the above ¿1WY1NG 0 2 SELLING 8EPTIC T AN K »— Ready for you to Install 2 - 4 persons $21 1)0 > • 6 peraona ......................... 24 00 Uewer Pipe, Well Curbing, Drain Tile and Chimney Blocks. EUGENE CO NCRETE P IP E CO. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In Ibe County Court of the S tate of Oreaott, for luiue County. In the mat ter of the E slute of John Mf Ihe Hon. G. F. Sklpworth. i? T“yJor’ W - and the feeSi which said Judgment was enroU- W i l« «.m«. p \ Wooley, Connell. dr«»«l Robinette. Effie Robinette, D. Judge of the .%u7eni^ e rtBo ° ? he C° Un- redemption as hv la..v allowed. nHn,i\8a. T X o ^ r « yn the' d ^ -'^ Orson Vaughn, Clerk. J. Robinette, also all other persons ty of Ijine, HARRY L. BOWN, 8h riff. anil (Kirtles unknown claim ing any Ja. 10 17-24 31: F. 7 in ^ h e 'i'.'ai e^tat'e"’ described'"« The ' h^ M ? r f ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ^ ” 0? O c t X r ^ T ^ / T h F S ™ 1 8 U S I N line, Phone 1(0 E S S Piano Movlng SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER WILL19 BERT8CH, Prop OFFICE AT SERVICE GARAGE 533 Maln Street Surcessor to Sutton Transfer Office Pilone 176-J Rea. Phone 176-M AND AUTO INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Office at FIR S T NATIONAL BANK Springfield, Oregon DR. W. N. DOW D e n tis t First N ational Bank Building Phone 43 Springfield, Oregon Office hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. E vening« by Appointment DR. N. W. EMERY D EN TIST Sutton Bldg. Phene 80-J Reeldenee Phone 163-M Springfield, Oregon General I jiw Practice Walker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors 228 Main St. 62 J R esidence 126 C 8t. 62 M I. M. PETERSON Attorney-at-I-aw fcftky Hall Building !t.a Robinette. B T. B in e .. Juda Chrisman. F. M. Chrisman, and D. J. M , 31,’ F ’ 714 21-28’ 1929. comm anding me to sa tb fv said ndlng me to satisfy said crtbed real pronertv to-wlt- Judgment out of the personal property Ix)t flve ,P5) Pin Block ihree (3) of Carl H. Phetteptace, M. D. General Practice. Special Attention to ObatetrlcR and Diaensea of Children. First N ational Bank Building Springfield, Oregon WM. G. HUGHES FIRE « Z-Vv«. -« Full Auto Equipment Lady A ssistant Springfield, Ore. FRANK A. DE PUE D. W. Roof ATTORNEY AT LAW JEW ELER Repairing a Specialty Springfleld, Oregon NOTARY PUBLIC Sutton Building Springfield, Oregon I estate descrllwsl in the amended com ­ Sheridan; J. R. Sheridan; Jam es E. T n i a n t T ^ R Í»T plaint herein. D efendants. Kindred; Ruth Robertson Powder »„"1 ti-wR:' IN THE NAME OF TH E STATE 2 h T aF y : H owen- lS anH n?dw iri B eginning at the Southeast corner i OF OREGON: You are hereby re- qulred to appear and answ er the Comnanv- N T tori-*»«,« i, •' l j tbe ‘rac‘ of 'anu arp bpreby rp<”Jlred, apppar thence south on line parallel with S ' S K S ' ’? ” .".'.' .?„"SL.” T l - and 40 feet east of the southeast cor- ner of Lot Six In Block Five In — the Town o f Creawell In Lane County, Ore which point Is also the e northeast corner of the Caroline io M. M Morse lot publication n u u n v a iiu ii i n i n i s sum omns 11 Springfield News, which first January 31 1929- and von nm notlflp„’ fhnt „ ’yoS fnil so to in, m e date Is hereto» X ear I e ,,« m rinniol o - - j ... » C ' J "2, Wi,T’ No 72' n Sectlon 31, in Township 17, : M ^ r X ’ "Mttmtod’ 'In 7 ° W ‘ C nnd answ er then for want of answer o . 1 ted n IjAne CountY» ThaetenoO^ ° ^ n i ¿ '¿ " o f lot 5 h,ock ii» : ’ i - ^ ^ r ^ ’^ s ? E ugene' (8) feet, thence south 88 degrees 30 « " i n ' h l ^ ’i i oTfl D,r,vtehreto ',,,Aedd, ,° East eight rods (8) and eight (81 feet, thence North 1 degree 30' East 19 tion to Eugene, Lane County. Oregon, tlon to Eugene, lam e County, Oregon rods en ce and north 88 de­ grees nnd 30’ 8 W feet, est 8 th rods 8 feet, to I {‘„’‘"b.* qTfetmi’lT t o - m ! ! “!? sa,d M o m e n t and * w c u t lo n 'V w in I , K im ““ ‘U j i w s i n n i i auu x a e c u im n l w ill, ""F- '’'intninlng 0 / " * ° o’clock "hZ'th the place of beginning, containing «ine one [ 1 and that any apparent claim, ilen ot^ aere more or less sa d lots a«,joining |nt,,rest ,which vou clalm to havP fn ’n ' h‘ ' ,t e ‘ well, Lane e a l e psta»p sta te h b p e e ,- a a n n e e l t i ie e d day» at_ the southw est the town of Creswell, t.ane County. c o u n ty ,; an|d 8a«d r rpni T h h e e , " „ o o n . R?,d , Oregon, being on the south side of above entitled Court entered an oM er H o u T a * I n £ r<,K°»n ' said town. «lated Tanunrv 3(1 1 9 1 9 d t r e e tin e - »hi«. „ ,rt Ho"ae in Eugene, Lane County, And that you and each of you be fore «.„pinions to be’ published in the ?.reK° n’ off’'r ior sa,e and spn to ,hp closed of all right, title and Interest Springfield N ews on.-,» o.ich ivek for - - h e’ t i dder f°-r C?"h-’ a” tb e - ’,,«ht n and Io said prem ises and every part pprto,l of four su ceesslve w eeks, nnd title and Interest of the said H. R thereof. The order dlreetlng service I ordering you to appenr and answ er Taylor nnd W. C. E lltott, or either of o f the sum mons upon you by the publl ,„ p aa)d rOmpiaint wtthln four w eeks them , tn and to the above described cation thereof Is dated January 23rd. from the date of the first publication real property, to satisfy said Judg­ 1929 and requires publication once each of the said summons. ment, less the sum of $800.00, hereto­ week for four consecutive w eeks. Date FRED E. SMITH, Attorney for Plain, fore paid thereon, costs and disburse­ of first publication January 24. 1929. tiff, and m.v residence and post office m ents, and accruing costs. MEIER, Attorney for j address Is Eugene, Oregon' Dated the 10th dav o f J«»inuary, 1929. HARRY L. BOWN, Sheriff. Ulalntiff. R esidence: Eugene, Oregon, | j a 31. p 7-14-21-28 Ja. 24-31: F. 7-14-21: Ja. 10-17-24-31: F. 7 of the S tate of Oregon, In com pliance with said execution and order of sale and in order to satisfy said JudgmenL In­ terest. attorneys fees, costs of suit and accruing costs, I w ill, on Satur­ day. the 23rd day of February, 1929, at the hour of one o’clock in the after­ noon of said day. at the Southw est front door of the 1,10 County v Court ° urT H ouse, 1” Lane County, Oregon, of- fer for “ sale and sell for cash, ------- at public ------- - auction, subject to redemption a s pro­ vided by law», all o f the right, title and Interest of said defendants Lucille R ainville and W alter R ainville, her husband, and all other persons claim ­ ing hy. through or under them or any or eith er of them In and to said prem­ ises. HARRY L. BOWN, Sheriff o f Lane County, Oregon. Ja. 24-81: F. 7-14-21: NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TS HEREBY GIVEN. T1 at the undersigned has been, by order of the County Court of the S tate of Ore­ gon for Lane County, duly appointed adm inistrator of the esta te o f Ira Cline, deceased and has duly qualified as such. All persons having claim s against said estate are hereby notified to pres­ ent the sam e, duly verified to the ad­ m inistrator at the office o f Frank A. DePue, Attorney for the estate, at Springfield, Oregon, on or before six months from the date of th is notice. Dated January 5th, 1929. ISAAC CLINE, Adm inistrator. FRANK A. DePUE, Attorney for estate. 4 Ja. 10-17-24-31: r. 7 ft