T r y the H o m e P r in t S hop F ir a t THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW ENTY-SIXTH YEAH DANNER MOTOR CO. MOVED TO EUGENE HPHINHEIELD. I^ANK COUNT Y, OREGON. SCOUT FATHERS ARE GUESTS OF SONS AT I TROOP NO. 11 MEETING Springfield Wins From Shedd H. S. The viilu«' of Hoy Scout work In Springfield was ««mphlslied Tueoduy Game Gives Local Boys Seven night with a meeting of Iho father* Victories, With Two Losses Merger Joins Local Concern un«l m o ih of troop No. tl sponsor«! by During Series With E. C. Simmons Ford tho Lions club. The nmol lug woe woll The local high school basketball A gency of Eugene; M r. Dan- • « « « * »• received ... . . , i- I Pit'* for more than on» year In scout- hoys added two more victories to their nor will l.o in Charge of Ser- ,n)( (.|ark K|(lirll>(„ EtlK,.„H list this last week when they won one vice and Sales Department. ( «rout, who was aelected lu»t summer game lust Saturday night from Shedd to visit Coniiniindcr Byrd, south polo A merger waa affected between E. explorer, at New York, was the chief high school und one Monday night I*. Simmons Ford Agency, of Eugene. I speaker. 11» detailed his trip with fnniii Coburg. The Shedd score was und the Danner Motor Compuny of ! much Interest to the hoya and their 33-7 ami the Coburg score was 26-5. The game with Shedd was marked this city luut Friday, whereby the Ford j futhers. by a decided superiority of the local equipment and |uirts und some of the j personnel of the local force were taken | The meeting waa presided over by boys over their opponents. They kept Charlea l‘noie, public relations coni [ possession of the ball throughout the over by the Eugene ttrin. •niliteeman of troop No. II. All the i game, homing the Shedd squad down The purpose of the merger, Mr. Him father» and mont of the scout* talked ! to a 3 point score during the first half tnons aaya In to concentrate the Ford ' during the evening. Many tributes and 4 points during the second half. agency amt service thereby affecting were paid scouting by the futhers of The entire squad of the home team, u more efficient und expeditious ser 1 the scouts who could see the value both first and second string, was sent vice. "We would liked to have kept , „ ............ . . . . I of the work. Into the game, with the second string the place in Springfield open. Mr. Simmons explained, "but It was hard 1 W ’’ Tyson, deputy commissioner players holding up strong against the to keep two places rutin Inti so close'^<,r «Prfngfleld. talked on cooperutton Shedd boys. together and to run them efficiently. | "f fu,hPr ttn'1 "on “■»» awarded The gume Monday night with Co- By combining the two crews we will . **”’ P*n* Burton Nelson, Eugene | burg was a practice game. Next week lie able to render better service than ' "^outmatter, was present aud gave a holds promise of two still contests for we could under the former plun of ’ i the Springfield team when they meet her of stunta ami refreahmenta were St. Marys at Eugene and Cottage having the placet divided." served. Grove high school at Cottage Grove Mr Danner will be In charge of the and the local boys plan on putting In a service and sales department of the hard week of practice. Eugene office and be will have with SCHOOL BOARD MEETS; him as a salesman, Ernest Black, who Up until now the local quintet haa VOTES TO SEND BIDS was Mr. Danner's salesman here. Neal won 7 and lost 2 of the scheduled FOR COUNTY INSTITUTE Robertson will have charge of the , series games and during the series has service floor work In Eugene and M An Invitation will tie sent by local scored 234 points to their opponents I*. Honnell, Mr. Danner's shop fore­ school officials to the Dane county 134 point«. * man here, will be over at the Eugene achol superintendent to have one of Lineup for Shedd game follow«: place In the capacity of a service man the county’s Institutions held here In Springfield Shedd to take care of the cars which Mr. March f Pennell This was decided at the M c M u rra y Danner hat already sold. Eugene monthly meeting of the school board Lynch f G. Danner Walker, the battery and electric man hold Monday night. The county has Roof c Y. Danner of the merged plant will also he trans­ more than one Institute and the one E. Squires Miller g ferred to Eugene as will Viola laine. desired for Springfield Is the one to Deeds F. Danner g It J Schrader and Glen Robertson. be held In the east part of the county Referee—Pat Beals. W ith the consolidation of the tw o This convention will be on some Sat- plants the aggregate of the Ford con | urday In March and the program will CLASS IN FORESTRY tracts for the coming year reaches include a discussion of educational VISITS LOCAL PLANT 600 cars. Mr. Simmons ami Mr Dan problem«. ner are confident that In the future Authority extended by the Professor Starker'« class In Wood they can make Immediate delivery of «phooI boafd Alfrpd Mor. Technology at the Oregon Agricul­ any model of the new Ford.. , „„ , hP ,(K.a, h, a vocal solo by Paul Potter ac- California where they plan on visiting companied by Frances Frizzell, which The Lane county Michigan society for a few weeks with friends before 1was followed by a bean guessing coa •will hold Its next annual picnic at the > going on back to Nebraska where they jeg| |n whtch Oscar Gladdlsh won by guessing 408 beans as being in a Jar Eugene chamber of commerce rooms ' will live. Mrs. Phlnney was a teacher in the containing 403. Pillow fighting and a In Eugene at 6:30 p. m. February 19. A good program Is being arranged and Brattaln school here before her mar- horseshoe contest followed the bean all former members of Michigan are riage and Mr. Phiuney is a stockman guessing wh.ch awarded to Paul Pot- invited. Refreshments will consist of and rancher of the Nebraska section, ter and Harry Wilson prizes of boxes i Mr. Phlnney is owner of several of marshmellowg for being the best covered dishes. : ranches. horseshoe players. After refreshments cards were played. BOY WILL FACE GRAND This is the first social of the year JURY FOR BURGLARY M. E. GROUP ORGANIZES given by the members of the W. O. W, Edward J . the Infant son of Mr. Among the weddlnxn of Interest to —-• ■ nnd Mr« Carl Holm, of West Spring- local folks during the past week was George W. Lambert, 74, passed field died nt the home of the parents that of Jenny Holverson, daughter of away early this morning at the home Inst Wednesday morning. Mrs. Hannah Lepley of this city, to | of hi» daughter and son-in-law, Mr The baby was born Octouer 24. Raymond Wallace, also of this city. «ltd Mrs. (’. E. Hill of West Sprlng- 1928 and was 3 months and 10 davs The «eddlng took place In Albany last Held old at the time oi the death. Funeral Mr. Lambert was horn In Belvadere, services will be held from the Walaer- Friday with Hex Dallas, of the Christ Illinois on March 12. 1854 During his Poele chapel nnd Interment will be In Inn rhurch there officiating Those present at ihe wedding be­ early years he lived In Minnesota, the Laurel Hill cemetery. sides the bride and the bridegroom Nebraska nnd Wyoming In 1904 his were the bride’s mother. Mrs. Hannah wife psased away and he nad his M. E. Brotherhood to Meet—The M. YOUNG MARRIED CLASS Lepley and the br¡ le’s sister, Mrs. daughter enme to Oregon where he E. Brotherhood plan on having a Joseph Crandall 18, Springfield, has has lived ever since. Elsie Davis. father anil sons banquet a week from, A class composed of the young mar­ FUNERAL SERVICE HELD The survivors are: two daughters. J next Monday night. February 18. Re- been bound over to the grand Jury by The couple returned to Springfield ried group at the Methodist church the Justice court, on a burglary charge, FOR MRS. SULLIVAN SAT. after the wedding where they plan on Mrs. C. E. Hill, of west Springfield, v » It is charged thta he broke Into and was organized Monday night at a making their home until spring. Mrs. Mrs. Van Dusen, of Hemlt. California.! n rr m pro am. robbed the J. M. Larson service sta­ meeting held at the Methodist parson- Funeral services for Mrs. Mary E. Wallace teaches school at Cheshire and one brother, W. A. Mmbert o f ! tion last Saturday night. Two other ■ age. Unlike the Agatha class which Sullivan, 64, of Marcóla, who passed nnd will continue to do ao. Mr. Wal­ Springfield. Rebekahs Plan Cafateria—Thp local The funeral services v 111 he held Rebekah lodge met last Tuesday night f boys also arrested have been paroled is for women only the new group will away last Thursday at the Pacific lace Is an employe of the milla at at the Walker-Poole chapel In Spring in the I. O. F. hall. Among things ! to their parents by the Juvenile court be composed of both men and women. Christian hospital in Eugene was held Wendllng. Next Sunday will be the first meet­ from the Veatch Funeral Home last Other robberies are also charged to field next Sunday at 2:30. Interment | brought up (was a suggestion to have the boys. A11 goons taken, however, ing of the class and at that time it Saturday. After the services the body will he In the Laurel Hill cemetery. another cafateria. CIVIC CLUB TO HOLD will be decided what name to give the ¡ was taken to Marcóla where Interment are said to have been returned. class and also a date will be set for , was in the Marcóla cemetery, BENEFIT CARD PARTY Injured Man Improves—Charles La- Visiting Here—Mrs. Ray Graham, of the regular meeting of the class. ' Mrs. Sullivan was born In Waster, Joy who wns Injured the first of the Cottage Grove. Is visiting here at the Cuts Finger—Maurice Porter, who A benefit card party for Ihe purpose Officers chosen at the Monday meet- Massachusetts on April 23, 1865 and week by having a tree fan nnd strike home of her stfiter, Mrs. James Lax- is In the employ of Ralph Cline, cut of racing funds for erecting street Ing were: president. Walter Gossler; ¡ came to Marcóla In 1914. Surviving him upon the head, Is Improving ac­ ton. a deep gash in his thumb Monday signs will be given nt tho Chamber of 1 vice-president, Mrs Willis Bertsch; her are: a husband, W. H. Sullivan; cording to the Intesl reporta. The ac­ night and was taken to a local physi­ ' Commerce rooms In tho Commercial sec.-treas,, A. E. Foote; class leader. one son, John H. Sullivan; and five cident happened while Mr. Lajoy was Goes to Portland—Mrs. Paul Brat­ cian where several stitches were State hnnk building by tho Women's Allen Kafoury; assistant. Rev. C. daughters, Mrs. B. F. Wilson of Port­ taken In the thumb. Civic Club on Thursday evening Feb­ falling timber and the impact resulted tala went to Portland Tuesday. J. Pike and Mrs. A. E. Foote was land; Mrs. Buia V. Tunson. of Van­ In n pninful gash being rut Into his ruary 14. Bridge, 500 and other games elected to be In charge of visitation. couver, Washington; Mrs. Pearl Heath nre on the program for ihe evening head. He was brought to a local phy­ Charter members will Include besides of Monmouth; Mrs. Vanderlundon and sician nnd given treatment, then taken and playing will commerce nt 8 o’clock. the ofTlcers the following who were Mrs. Alice M. Vaushrlevan, both of Tickets nre fifty cents. Mrs. W. K. to his home where ho is being cared present: Mr. Bertsch, Mrs. Kafoury, Hague, Holland, for. Barnell Is In chnrgo of the party. Mrs. Pike, Mrs. Gossler and Mr. and The Civic Club will hold Its regular Mrs. Orson Vaughn. BRIDGE. 500, PLAYED AT Rain Not So Deep—John Waring of meeting next Tuesday In the Chamber The name for the new class will be Creswell, was In town Wednesday on Wood is cheaper and easier to build. STAR ENTERTAINMENT The following article is one of a rooms. The meeting will be given business. Mr. Waring Is a farmer of series In the Prize winning essay It is more easily heated and does not chosen at the next meeting. over to (ho arrangements of a social Bridge and 500 were played at a evening for a future meeting. Mrs. the Creswell section and he says that contest sponsored by the 4-L Em­ draw dampness If It Is well painted. LIBRARY BOARD ELECT the amount of rninfall no far this year ployee Wood Promotion committee of Wood is healthy for us to live In. party given Tuesday night In the local John Kotels will be In charge. la not so excessive and that the ground Springfield. We should use wood so there will The stories (Were all OFFICERS FOR YEAR Odd Fellows hall by the members of Is not too wet for plowing. the Eastern 9tar to Masonic lodge be work for the men In our mills. wrtttten by students in the high and P. T. A. SENDS OUT CALL The Springfield library board met members and their wives. Husbands grade schools of the city nnd contain Lumbering Is one of the most import­ FOR CLOTHES FOR NEEDY Here for Funeral—Mrs. J. A. Mc- important truths why we should sup­ ant Industries In Lane county. Wood last night nnd elected officers for the of Eastern Star members were also Afferty, of Tacoma, Washington, nnd port tha limber Industry In Lane Is 'light so people can put it in any coming year. All of the old officers Invited. Refreshments were served. A call has been sent out by the par­ Frank Jones of The Dalles, who (were Mrs. Opal Roberts and Rex Shinn shape they wish It to be. Wood was were re-elected, which Included, presi­ county. ent-teachers association for o I d In Springfield to attend the funeral of put on this earth for our U8e so we dent, Mrs. N. W. Emery; vice-presi­ received high score honors for bridge clothes. On account of the severe their fnther, Eli Jones returned on and C. A. Swarts and Mrs. W. K. ‘W h y Lane County Homes should use ii before It gets over ripe. dent, Mrs. Fred Hinson; secretary, Barnell were the high scorers for 500. weather nnd the fnct that many men Sunday to their respective homes. Mrs. L. K. Page; and Miss Mary A home made of wood Is easy to Roberts, liorarlan. Should Be Built of are out of employment, the number of The entertainment committee for the keep clean, a home made of iwood It needy people In Springfield are In­ Go to San Francisco—Dr. and Mrs. Wood.” The other members of the board for evening consisted of Mrs. McMurray, easily remodeled. creasing nnd during (he past few days W. H. Pollard nre going to San Fran­ the coming year will be, Mrs. C. E. Mrs. Fraedrick, and Mrs. C. A. Swart*. By BARBARA BARNELL there hnve been calls upon the local cisco next Sunday. They nre going Homes made of wood can be moved Blom. Mrs. D. Saltsman, and Mrs. Vina Mrs. C. O. Wilson was chairman of the 4th A. Grade association. with little trouble from one location McClain. refreshment committee. down to Ree a specialist about Dr. Mrs. L. K. Pnge secretary of the prn- Pollard's throat. We can look In any direction nnd to another. ent-leachers association has asked nny. see beautiful forests. There Is so Pool Hall Man III—Charles Clover, The most Important woods in Ore­ Here from School—Ida ("ox, who Is one who hnR old clothes that have been Taken to Hospital—Noah Hllter- much wood In Lane county that we gon nre spruce, fir, hemlock and cedar. attending normal at Monmouth, spent of the Clover pool hall has been out-grown, or otherwise discarded to brand was taken to the Eugene hos­ ought to use it. Wood can be made, We should use wood so It will be a the week-end here at the home of her confined to his bed during the past eithor send them to her or to either of pital yeRterdny where ho will be treat­ when It Is finished, more beautiful good advertisement for our city, parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Cox on week. Ora Bosserman, of Eugene ha* the local schools, or to send her (word. ed for erysipelas. than other building materials. been In charge of the pool room. county and state. North 1st street. “W hy Lane County Homes Should Be Built of W ood”