PAGE TH R EE train s c h e d u l i REVENUE MAN TO HELP order SprtngfUld Mapa ON INCOME REPORTS COC" TT c o u r t NORTH TV* GENE, OREGON. IN AND FOR No. 1« At 4:17 A. M. (FU g) Word twas given out thia week by LANE COUNTY. • No. 8 a ....... t 3 .......... 46 P. ..... M Ilua connection for train leaving ° I’’D E McCormick, Incom e tax offl , In the M atter of the Adoption of ene at 2:20 P. M r **’ ,h a t bi 2 WeX iiERBPf,RE- based UPON Bewer Pipe, Well Curbing, Drain Tile NOTICE Is hereby given th a t John N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S Notice Is hereby given to all whom I Louk- ,T 13 HEREBY and Chimney Slocks. II. Hlanim, Eugene, Oregon, who, on ORDERED AND ADJUSTED th a t R toa X concern. th at the undersigned. I November 28. 1923. m ade Horn« »lead Notice Is hereby given th at the un c . E. Kenyon, has been duly appointed ! E U G EN E C O NC RETE P IPE CO. hearing thereon be had in the Court Entry, No. 015307. for W*A NBU. H Etl derslgned has been appointed Admin Executor of the last Will and T e sta ­ Visits F riends—Ju liu s Fulop, whose Room- of th is Court In Eugene. Lana NW 14, & NW*4 SE14, Section 33, Istrator» of the E state of John O ment of Annie Knox, deceased, by the borne Is In Portland, spent Sunday In County, Oregon on the 9th day of N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S In lb« County Court of the M ate of Township 18 a., Range 1 West. WII- G r,ffln. deceased, by the County Court ( CuunfV ___ March. 1929. a t 10 o'clock In the fora ounty Cnurf Court nt of tho the S tate of Oregon, Uinette Merudlan. hus (lied notice of !,f <’°unty, Oregon. All persons for the ( ounty of Lane, and has quali­ this city visiting w ith friends. Oregon, for lain« County. In the m at noon of said day, and it appearing te r of the E state of John McDonald. Intention to make three year Proof baylng claim s against the said E state fied as such executor, and all persons ,petlUon th a t George Sterl- Deceased. to establish claim to the land above “ rB b*r,’by , notified to present the having claims against said estate are Cinflned to Bed— Mrs. Scott, of ' * V i’T 2" .t he fatb er ° f ’»I« child Notice I» hereby given that Charles described, before E. O. Imincl, U ». *arae, properly verified to them a t the hereby notified and requested to p res­ and th a t he Is not a resid en t of the E McDohnld has been by the ubove CommlsUoner. a t Eugene. Oregon, on "«Ice of, Wells & Wells, Bank of Com- ent the same, verified as required by south Second stree t, 1s confined to her S tate of Oregon, and cannot be found bed with sickness. ¡Bierce Bldg., Eugene. Oregon, within law with the proper vouchers, to the entitled court appointed us adm lnls Ihe 14th day of February. 1929 n 'el»e Jvw^Dd th a t he re8ldes a t and his < lAMDABt nurriCH u* wltneflsen: n il monthn «n 1 17, 7 i 1929, m trn lo r of the above entitled m ailer. Post Office address Is 624 W est 42nd m onths from from J Jan the «aid executor at the office of Charles All persons having claims against suld Miner It, Wegner. Edwin A. W eg­ date of fhe first publication of this A Hardy, In the United S tates Na­ ™ 8 T IC « C O D R T T H E Place, Loa Angeles, S tate of Califor­ e state are required to present the ner. E. II. H andsaker, L ester Nye. all notice. nia, and th a t a copy of sa id petition, tional Bunk Building. In Eugene, O re­ EUGENE JU ST IC E DISTRICT sam e properly verified to said admin of Springfield, Oregon. to g eth er with a copy of this Order ba ADAH M. DAUGHERTY, non-coal LANE COUNTY. OREGON gon, within six m onths from the date Istrato r a t the office of Howard M of this notice. ’ en e a ^ a r ,he PubUcaHon being j 2 n u a ^ ..... „ » j office of Wells A Well SUIT IN EQUITY in the above en titled cause w ithin the 24th, and the la s t o u b llc a H o n E lm er A Miller, Kllsa J Amen. Lula me date £ f °n r,°UT k T ® * * ’ froln th e P eb rjary 7th, 1929. and th at a copy of E tha Nelsen and Alvin L. Nelson, six d ate of the first publication of th is the petition and O rder herein heP3lee Idalntlffs, versus, W illiam F. Kelsay, data th ^ C o u r’t WlH aPP’r t0 Ted npon the CHILD W ELFARE COM- Pearl Kelsay, Floyd E Kelsay. Mar not he Court for the relief prayed for in MISSION of Oregon m o re •caret Kelsay. Clayton Kelsay. Mary ^ 5 ®°®p ,a,n t1 flle<1 h ere‘n- to-w lt: to r tw enty days prior Mid “ ay T. Kelsay. Effie Robinette, Belle set for «c, ,a5 B n st you ln t*1* 8Um of bearing herein F arrier, John F arrier, Ethel Dyer, »oi.zs, with ,u In t''resl terest thereon *** __ „ ___ ____ duly given a n d xr from | Joseph Dyer. latvlna Hills, Charles l-ane County, Oregon, as the tim e and I i"ad e In Bald probate proceeding on N ovember 15, 1928, a t the rate of four e1? 5“ ® ,n open Court tb l» 23rd day N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S SALE Hills, Bessie Hills, Amos Hills, wilt ta b . a . o í January. 1929. y fling»«» for /«.s' • the U hearing 1. - <■ n-. K.. _ A 20, zl 1928, I was apnolnted ,1, .. i i , Place of said final . a t I^s.z December CeDI annuln- an« w ill take an Luatha Kelsay. M argaret A Schmidt, " . J l”;..‘ n. ' required to present such . e - „ u i |t . court . of - the .. Notice is hereby hereby given given th that C. 9. 9. S _. tate of Oregon for N ot,ce ls a t C. NOTICE OF 9H E R IFF S SALE e tte M eridian In Lane County, Oregon, de bonis non <>f the E state of Prank claim s duly verified with proper sal« county on the 3rd day of Ja n u ary Calef has fl>pd in the Countv Court of n v containing 540 acres of land, and that W Tuell. In the ic S tate of W ashington, »«jcb.ers attached, to the undersigned J92»- in a suit In said court wherein the of Oregon, in and for r^ n e EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE after nttorney fees and other expen­ und Josephine L. Veatch, as Ancillary „ at tb ‘ <,,n,p of I M P eterson, atto rn ey J- B Young was plaintiff and George c °unty. his final report as a d m its - 8 herb,y given th at by Tlr' ses are paid the proceeds of said sale A dm inistratrix with the Will an ' n I |Ih«P, B’” a te ' 234 Ma,n 8,r,‘e, BPrin k- I-eroy lo v e less nad Allano Loveless tra to r of the estate of Jefferson F in m e Ie c u t*on and order of sale be divided ns follows, to-wlt: Each of nexed of the E sta te of Frank W. Tuell, field . O r e g o n , w ith in six m onths from b *8 wife. Edward Button and Dunten. deceased and th at n foreclosure Is su e d nn> ♦».- the seven heirs at law of Abraham deceased. In the S tate of Oregon. Miller receive 3-31 thereof, nnd each of FRANK E. TAYLOR, Sheriff of the nine heirs nt law of Robert B. lam e County, Oregon. Kelsay receive 10-279 part thereof By BEULAH BBINNICK, Deputy. An order of tho above entitled court J. 3 10-17-24 31: Wd,|O i 'u n , WIU^ nd T e8tam ent of cash, at the front door of the court 1 ed as the tim e and place for hearing poration- plaintiff, recovered Judg- (Intel Ja n u ary 23. 1929. directs that U ila m F Wilson, Deceased fo r the raent ag ain st Lucille Rainville for th e house In Eugene, Oregon, at 1:00 P. M. 2b^ ct,ons to sald sa*« report and for th is summ ons he published once each I M ETERSON, A ttorney for said of Saturday F ebruary 9th the finaI settIem ent of the estate of said sum. of 51300.35 and Interest thereon N O T IC E 1 0 C R E D ITO R S week for a period of four successive Ex cu tr x ____ foiowlng e s c r ib e d ,-.i . deceased. »he ra te of 10% per Per annum annum from from ring property property d described in said weeks In the SprlngSeld News, and Ja 10-17-24-31: F. 7 C. S. Calef, NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN. T hat decree and in a m ortgage executed by I ------- ad m in istrato r March 1. 1928, and for the fu rth e r that you appear nnd onuwer the said sum of $94.11 to g eth er with In terest defendants Loveless to Lynn G. Lans- A- W heeler, Attorney. com plaint within four weeks from the tho undersigned, has. by an order of thereon at the rate of 10% per annum burg and Grace Lansbury, dated Sep., Ja. 17-24-31: F.7-14: date of the first publication of this ilie , County Court of the States of from Oct. 5. 1928. and for the fu rth e r S U M M O N S Oregon for the County of latno been 20th, 1926, and recorded Sept. 25. 1926' summons. sum of $14.00, and for th e fu rth er sum appointed A dm inistrator of the estate IN TH E CIRCUIT C O U R T O F tut ? b.°Oli 64 paKe 507 oi i-^ne County II E. 8LATTERY, Attorney for N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SALE OF of $15.20, together with in terest th e re­ Plaintiffs nnd my residence nnd post o f Arnold O. Tom seth, deceased and R E A L P R O P E R T Y UPON on at the rate of 10% per annum from all persons having claims against said office address Is Eugene, Oregon. E X E C U T IO N LUUNTY. tlon to Springfield, in I.ane Countv , J? 1?“^' an « to ---------------- r the fu rth v e r sum estate are hereby notified to present Ja. 34-31: F 7-14 21: the sasne to the said ad m in istrato r at John W. Stone. Plaintiff, vs. Rena " rne(K° n 1 ,w‘, h a | l ’be right and estate NOTICE !S H E REBY GIVEN th a t by feeS' an d tho office of Frank A. Delhte, the a t­ Higgins. Ed Higgins, Ollie Robb. T d J ptondants or any of them ,vJrtu„e, o f, an execution issued out of mplpr « C; A' W lnter- M O DERN W OODM EN torney for the estate at Springfield. D Robb. W. D Robinette, E t t a Roh ^ ?d 8ald pr"P ertv on the said 20th ,h e Clrcuit Court of the S tate of Ore T* a g s 'n st the Oregon, within six m onths from the O F A M ERICA inette. Genoah Rohm. tte. Mina Pet ' ’ ?f Septem ber. 1926. or any subs.- for Multnomah County, upon the x v i n n , L,?,C 1 Ra,nv,1Ie a “ <» date of this notice. tet, Frank P ettet. B. T H ines Juda ? ¡“" ‘a dnte; ‘° 8a,lsfy th e sums ad 5th day of Jan u ary . 1929. upon a Jude R a,ni « ? ' ber hu8band. for S P R IN G F IE L D CAM P Dated December 29th. 1928 Chrism an. F M. Chrism an J R ■*udged to be due plaintiff in said de- ment recovered and docketed in said I- .“ Tt, ° f ,_65 00 together with ln. Meets regularly Third Friday each »3«° T ‘Ih„ «nterest there- c « « « on the 12th day of May. 1928. in " at tbe, 8± pt r' PETER M. TOMSETH. Admlnlslra- i Rohlnette. M atilda Robinette: Chrisi month. Visiting Neighbors Always tor Unicom«, p £ Wooley, Council. FRANK, A. P< A ttorney for the 1 Orson Vaughn, Clerk. e s ta te .- J. 3 ' 7-74-31: -8U.I. «mu m e cosis TO accrue on thl^ at the ra te of 6% per annum from the Ja n u a ry - 19?i>- a ” d »aid Execution to I In the real estate described in the execution. Sale wll he Subject to 1st day of October. 1925. and th e fur me directed com m anding me In th e j com plaint herein. D efendants. th er sum of $85.40 costs and disburse- ? ame ,° i tbe S tate of °reF "n . in o rd er ; To Rena Higgins, Ed lllggins. Mina redem ption as by law Allowed HARRY L. BOWN. Sheriff. ’ m ents, which Judgment has b ee n 'a« . 9a,lsfv sa 'd Judgment. Interest. At- Pettet. Frank Pettet, W. D. Robinette Ja. 10-17-24-31: F. 7 slgned to J. s. L aird on August 9th tor? eys fees- 00513 °f suit and ao- ) E tta Robinette, B. T. Hines. Juda 1928. com m anding me to satisfy said Cr]Lnf <,Of<'5 to sell tho fallowing des- Chrism an, F. M. Chrism an, and D. J. Office Phon.- 176-J Res Phone 176 Al Phone f«0 Plano Moving Iteblnetto som tlm es called D. Z. Robin­ NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEM ENT Judem ent out of the personal property C , ed J rnl property. to-wlt: °f said defendants, or If sufficient can- — ' c t. bvo— RI°ck ‘ h r e e (31 of Carl H. Phetteplace. M. D. ette, also all o th er persons and parties SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER Notice Is hereby given th at the un- not bp found, then out o i the^real nro Mountaln View Park Addition as the General Practice, Special A ttention j unknown claim ing any right, title, W ILLIS BERTSCH, Prop. 1 estate, lien or in te rest in the real d?™ *p,ld A dm inistrator of the E state Pe r,y °f the said defendants I have ^nm” 8 p ,a ,tod anbe same, and for th e final ssttle- thence south on line parallel with fer ¿or saIe an(1 8ell to r cash, at piibltc Springfield, Oregon W illam ette S treet 81 feet, thence east u 7 ? ' 8,lbJect to redem ption as pro. Evenings by Appointm ent Beglnnlng at n point «0 feet south " i ? 1 ¿’i n n ' 1 r o 160 feet to th e place of beginning be , , by aw'' nR 07 *bp r ,Kb t> title and id 40 feet enst of the southeast cor . llAROI D WELLS, Admlnlstra- lng and reet cor- p art of th e original Donation Land J? . of ?ald defendants Lucille ner of Ixit Six In Block Five In the ,Or Claim of Daniel R. C h ristian and wife C n u , and W alter Ralnvllle, her WELLS & W ELLS, A ttorneys. DR. N. W. EMERY Town of Creswell In Lane County, Ore No. 72, In Section 31, in Tow nship 17 husband and all o th er persons clalm- Ja. 17-24-31: F.7-14: which point is also th e n o r th e n it' South, Range 3 west of the W illnm ette n ? f " r o«g:b or under them or any „ D E N T IS T corner of the Caroline M. Morse lot Meridian, situated In Lane County. i°„r__ b er tbem *n an d to said prem- as known In the years 1889, 1890 and NOTICE OF FINAL STEELEM ENT S tate of Oregon: also Ises. Sutton Bldg. Phono 20-J 1891; ru n n in g thence south 1 degree Notice Is hereby given th a t the un­ HARRY L. BOWN, Sheriff of L a n e Raaldonco Phono 1B3-M 30 W est ninteen (19) rods and eight dersigned executor of the estate of The n orth 123 2-3 feet of lot 5 ln block County, Oregon. 11 H enderson’s Addition to Eugene. (8) feet, thence south 88 degrees 30' C atherine Robison, deceased, has filed Lane County. Oregon; also Ja. 24-31: F. 7-14-21: 8 p rln g fle ld , Oregon E ast eight rods (8) nnd eight (8) feet, In the County Court of the S tate of Lot 6 In block 1 Lizzie Luckey Addi­ thence N orth 1 degree 30' E ast 19 Oregon for Lane County his final ac­ tion to Eugene. Ij»ne Countv, (Iregon N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S rods and 8 feet, thence north 88 de­ count ns such executor, nnd said court NOW. THEREFORE. Av v irtu e of 228 Main St. Residence 126 ç s t General Law Practice grees 30' W est 8 rods and 8 feet, to has appointed Saturday, the 2nd day said NOTICE IS HERERY GIVEN T1 at and execution I will, 62 J 62 M the place of beginning, containing one of February, 1929, at ten o'clock A. M. on the Judgment 9th day of F ebruary, 1929. at the undersigned has been, bv order of acre more or less, said lots adjoining I- M. PETERSON nnd the county court room In the the hour of one o’clock in the afte r the County Court of the S tate of Ore­ the town of Creswell. Lane Countv, county court house at Eugene, Oregon, noon Attorney-at-Law of said day. at the southw est gon for L ane County, duly appointed Full Auto Equipment Oregon, being on the south side of as the tim e nnd place for hearing ob­ door of the Ijtn e County. Oregon, ad m in istrato r of the estate of Ira UMy Hall Building said town. Lady A ssistant jections, If any, to said account and Court House in Eugene. Lane County Cline, deceased and has duly qualified And th a t you and ench of you he fore, the final settlem ent thereof. All per­ Oregon, offer for sale and sell to the as such. Springfield, Ore. closed of all right, title nnd Interest sons in terested ln said estate desiring highest bidder for cash, all the right All persons having claims ag a in st In and to said prem ises and every part to object to said final account are title and In terest of th e said H. R. said estate a re hereby notified to pre«, thereof. The o rder directing service hereby notified to file th eir obectlons en t the sam e, dnlv verified to th e ad­ FRANK A. DE PUE of the summ ons upon you by tho publi­ thereto In w riting with the Clerk of T aylor nnd W. C. E lliott, or eith er of m in istrato r a t the office of F ran k A. them. In and to the ahove described A T T O R N E Y A T LAW cation thereof Is dated Ja n u ary 23rd. said court prior t(< sald tim e nnd to HePue, A ttorney for tho estate, a t real property, to satisfy said Judg­ Springfield, Oregon, on or before stx 1929 and requires publication once each appear at said tim e and place. NOTARY PUBLIC • m ent, less the sum of $800.0(1. h ereto ­ JEW ELER week for four consecutive weeks. Date JAMES RUTHERFORD, Executor fore paid thereon, costs and disburse­ m onths from the date of this notice. of first publication Jan u arv 24. 192,9 Dated January 5th, 1929. Repairing a Specialty of estate of C atherine Robison, de­ m ents, and accrnlng costs. Sutton 8prlngfl»ld, C. A. W1NTERMEIER. A ttorney for ceased. ISAAC CLINE, A dm inistrator. Springfield, Oregon Building Dated the 10th day of January, 1929 Plaintiff. Residence: Eugene, Oregon Oregon FRANK A. DePUE, Attorney for Gordon S. Wells, A ttorney. H A R R Y L . B O W N . S h e riff. Ja. 24-31: F. 7-14-21: estate. J. 3-10-17-24-31: Ja. 10-17-24-31: F, 7 Ja. 10-17-24-81: F. 7 ’ LI WaJker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors D. W . R oof