The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, January 31, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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vchool Friday uftiM'iioou, F ebruary 16.
A »hurt program will t>« given.
The rum tiiltteo In t'ham e Itti'lude:
Mr». G I, I’rui-hnow. Mr». 1» C. Ogll
vie. Mr», tt II Smith. Mr» W alter
l.axton. Mr» It T hatcher. Mr». Otto
M ePheraon.
The m eeting Friday wa« railed for
the purpose of cnnaMerlng llnam-lal
"I’d Other m atter» of conrern to the
Parent t eacher» group. Those pre»« pi
at til" meeting were Mrs Pratt llol
ver» «in. who preNlded; Mr» W ( '
M> Laisan, Mrs W W W a lk e r. Mr»
tJ I,. Prochne «, Mr». It I’. Ogilvie, and
I hue.
W alker I'oote
company Incorporated lent Hnturday
tinder the nam e of the W alker Poole
I'ndertuklug Company Inc.
The officer» elected w««ra: president
IV. F. W alker; vice pre»ldent. C. I’.
Poole; »««cretary. Mr» W F Wtalker;
treasu rer, Mr», I*. P. I’oole. The
above-named officer» are the »«do
director» and »tockholdcra of the com­
W alker-Poole I'n d ertak ln g company
operate« both here anil In Eugene.
course, that you are a strange« to him h old th v talking screen for th ree «lays,
Buck Duane, quick on the draw, Cast of Principal Characters in This and to the country he dom inate.. Il's starrin g Antonio Marino and II. ’.-■..«
Thrilling Story by Zane Grey
kills Cal Bain in self-defense and finds
five hundred miles west of yout Costello. It is a W arner B rothers Vita
him self an outlaw. Flying from pur­ Buck Duane . . . . Last of the Duanes ground, big as that is.
p h o iu »how
a rum running kin
suit, he meets Luke Stevens, another Cal Bam ............ A Texas “ Bad Ma.i”
“ Well. I w ant you to d rift over Into thieves, bond purlolners, and rival hi­
outlaw , and the two become pals. Luke Stevens ................... An Outlaw Cheseldlne's country. What« v.-r way jack ers aboard a tr a in a n d a few «if
Luke narrowly escapes capture and Bland .......... Leader of Outlaw Group you decide is best you will proce«-«l Ute ch aracters In the play. Myrtia Loy,
Duane is shocked to find his brother Mrs. Bland ............................. His Wife to aet upon. You are vour own ho»». T.Hint« Dugan. William Kit »»ell. it
Jennie ............. Girl at Bland's Camp You know such men and how they can hie Agnew, and others are In th e sup­
outlaw severely wounded.
Duane buries Stevens. Then he goes Capt. McNelly . . . Captain of Rangers he approached. You will take all the porting east.
on to Bland's camp, whwere he gets Cheseldine ............ Dangerous Outlaw tim e needed. It It's month».
Into a fight with a man called Bos-
“It will be necessary for you to com
A c c id e n t V ic tim
Im p ro v e s— Word
om er and wounds the latter. He
"T hat way my hands are d e a n .” re ­ m unicate with me. and that will be a received today from the Eugene hospi­
m akes a friend of an outlaw at Bland's
difficult m atter. For Cheseldine dom in­ tal says that lly Casteel, who was In­
plied Duane.
called Euchre, who tells him of Mrs.
"You never held up a man. robbed a ate s several counties. You must find jured in an automobile accident last
Bland and the girl Jennie.
store for grub, stole a horse when you some way to let me know when 1 any week is Improving Mr. Casteel bail
Duane m eets Jennie, and prom ises
needed him had—never anything like my rangers are needed. The plan several rib» broken In the accident.
to try his utm ost to get her away
It to break up Cheseldine-a gang. It'»
from Bland's camp. To avert suspi­
“Somehow I always kept out of that the toughest Job on the border.
cion, it Is planned th a t he pretend to
“A rresting him alone Isn't to bo
when pressed the h ard est.”
care for Mrs. Bland. E uchre intro­
“Duane. I'm glad?” MacNellv ex­ heard of. He couldn’t he brought out.
duces him to the la tte r and he en­
claimed. gripping Duane's hand. “Glad
gages in conversation with her.
The contest am ong the hoy scouts
select men. the ones he operales «with,
Evidently the outlaw 's wife liked for your m other's sake! Glad for the
to m ake th«> b e s t model airplane will
are as dangerous to the community ns
Euchre, for her keen glance rested —R*e Person who has been Insturment-
close today. The planes now being
he Is.
w ith am usem ent upon him.
al In Interesting me In your case. But
plae«>«t on display In the «window» of
“We want to kill or Jail this choice K etels drug store will be Judged and
Buck plays the game, making Mrs. all the same. In spite of this, you're a
Bland think he loves her. To avert Texas outlaw, accountable to the S tate •election of robbers and break up the prtze!< w,„ b„ nwar(tm, for , h„
. ___ Mrs. _____.
them, to get
Following are the prises: a »6.00
Bland's suspicion,
Bland pre- You're perfectly aw are th at under ex re st of the sanK' To
tends to h er husband th at Buck has Isting circum stances, If you fell into am ong them somehow, to learn their vest pocket folding kodak, first prise;
p r„ „ .
come to visit Jennie. Bland urges the hands of the law, you'd probably m ovements, to lay your trap for us a , 3 0„ follnta| n
Buck to become a regular m em ber of hang—at least go to jail for a long ran g ers to spring—that. Dunne. Is your aml a „ 60 acou, knlf(, , h |ri, pr|i,e
a ■*v i ,«/» ♦ «v m »» « n r« « l
service to m e; and God knows. It's a I
his outlaw gang.
term .”
A quarrel later develops in which
‘‘T h at's w hat kept me on tho dodge g reat o n e!”
"I have accepted It,” replied Duane.
Duane kills Bland and rushes off witn
these years, replied Duane.
Jennie a fte r a terrific struggle with
MacNelly removed h 's
now a ranger. In my service; but no
Mrs. Bland. He plans to leave Jennie ctea r -
Mr. and Mrs It. L. Burnett, of this
few ................
1 choose .....................
to tell will
In good hands until a relative or friemi
Hls eyea n arro ’ re^ and glittered one
_— the
, . .
1» located, and then go on alone on 711 e muscles along hls brown cheeks know of it till we pull off the Job. You f , .
1 n, WH ,h ®
tragic death of
the trail. He
keeD s careful
c a r e f u l guard
m a n ) over
He keeps
over set hard and tense. He leaned closer will simply be Buck Duane, the Lone Mr. B urnett's nephew Robert Burnett
jxe r.
to Duane, laid sinewy, pressing fingers Wolf, till it suits our purp«)se to nc-1
quaint Texas with the fact th at you of Albany, In an automobile accident
Despite his care Jennie is lost. Then uP°n Duane's knee.
on the l*aclflc highway close to that
for three years Buck is on the trail
“Listen to this,
he whispered are a ranger.
and legends about him spread, and hoarsely. “If 1 place a pardon in your
"You'll see th ere's no d ate on th at ■
T he accident happened when the
finally he takes the risk of calling on hand—make you a free, honest citizen pardon. No one will ever know Just
which young Burnett was riding
Captain MacNelly of the Rangers, who once m ore—clear vour name of In- when you entered the service. Perhaps r a r
he has heard w ants to see him. Mac- famy. m ake your m other, your sister we can make it ap pear th a t all or most m et head-on with another car. A boy
proud of you—«will you sw ear vour- of }.our outlaw ry has really been good by he name of Ackerman was driving
Nelly greets him rath e r warmly.
NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY — self to a service, any service I de- service to the State. At th at. I'll be- thB <ar he won riding in.
m and?”
lleve It’ll tu rn out so.”
I Robert B urnett was 19 year» old nnd
Duane sat stock-still, stunned.
He took a long earn est gaze at
"C aptain MacNelly, I'd like to know had Just recently finished high school
Slowly, m ore persuasively, with how this came about. 1 can't realize it and preparing to come to tho nnlver-
Duane, and his nervous spontaneity,
the m anner which had been bright, sh ° w
earn est agitation Captain y e t Some things are strange to me. slty.
prom ising volubility, changed to one MacNelly reiterated h 1 s startlin g Who 'nferested you in my case? Won't
of grave thoughtfulness.
you explain?"
“My God!” burst from Duane.
‘T v e lots to say—but w here to be­
“Sure I will," replied Captain Mac­
"W hat’s th is? MacNelly, you can’t
gin? he mused. “Duane, you’ve had a
Nelly ns he reached for another cigar.
be in e a rn e st!”
hard life since you w ent on the dodge.
“ It m ust have been three years ago
“Never more so In my life. I've a
At the m eeting of the executive board
I never m et you before, don’t khow
when I first began to hear your name
deep game. I'm playing It square.
the Parent-T eachers nssix Ir.tlon
w hat yon looked like as a boy; but I
mentioned at Austin, In the adjutant-
W hat do you say?”
held last Friday afternoon In the Lin
can see w hat—Well, even ranger life
general's office and elsew here. I ■ f
He rose to hls feet. Duane, as If
coin school It was voted to have n
Isn't all roses.”
impelled, rose with his. Ranger and casually, you understand, and I took silver tea to be held in the Lincoln
He rolled his cigar between his lips outlaw then locked eyes that searched
and puffed clouds of smoke.
“Then I hpard that women of your
each o th er's souls. In MacNelly’s
“Ever hear from home since you Duane read tru th , strong, fiery pur­ fam ily were working to get Influei ■ “ i
left W ellston?” he asked abruptly.
pose. hope, even gladness, and a fugi­ for you. This wa. before you b cam e
famous as an outla w. Of course. « .
tive, m ounting assurance of victory.
“Never a word?”
Twice Duane endeavored to speak, little later, a fte r the Bland affair, your
“Not one,” replied Duane sadly.
failed of all save a hoarse, incoherent name grew to he a household word in
“T hat's tough. I'm glad to be able to sound until, forcing back a flood of Texas. From then on your reputation ,
tell you th a t up to Just lately your speech, he found a voice:
m other, sister, uncle, ail of your folks,
“Any service? Every service! Mac­
“About this tim e which was about |
I believe, were well. I’ve kept posted. Nelly, I give you my word,” said the tim e I became exceedingly busy j
But haven't heard lately.”
with my ranzers, I got an annonym ous
Duane averted his face a moment,
“Right here ends the career of Buck letter. It wan from a woman, and It
hesitated till the sw elling left hls Duane, outlaw and gun-fighter,” said entreated me not to go on your trait.
throat, and then said:
MacNelly. and seating himself, he took It was a rem arkable letter. I have It
“It's worth w hat I w ent through to- the pen from Duane's fingers and somewhere, and shall find It for you.
day to h ear th a t.”
wrote several lines In sereval places
“I can Imagine how you feel about upon tb® paper. Then, with a smile.
It. W hen I was In the war—But. he handed it to Duane,
let’s get down to the business of this
“T hat m akes you a m em ber of Corn-
m eeting.”
pany A, T exas Rangers.”
He pulled hls chair close to Duane's light breaking In upon hls bewllder-
M c D onald theatre
“You've had word more than once In
“So th a t’s I t! ” burst out Duane, a
the last two years th a t I «wanted to see ment. “You w ant me for ran g er ser-
A gay, light-hearted comedy which
comes as Reginald Denny's first talk- ;
“Three times, I rem em ber.” replied
“Sure. T h at's It,” replied the cap- Ing show, is to be at t.he McDonald j
tain dryly. “Now to h ear «what
th a t T hursday, Friday, and Saturday. It !
“Why didn’t you hunt me up?”
service Is to be. I've been a busy man j lg "Red Hot Speed.” a story of a youn I
"I supposed you Imagined m<> one of since I took th is Job and as you m a y . a ssista n t d istrict attorney who wage» i
those gun-fighters who couldn’t take a have heard, I’ve done a few things. I an anti-speed campaign. He gets In-
dare and expected me to ride up to don't mind telling you th a t political In -, to trouble, however, wh«-n the daughter
your camp and be arrested.”
"T hat was natural, I suppose,' went Austin way, th e re’s a good deal o f : cam paign proves to be the liveliest
on MacNelly. You didn’t know me, friction In the D epartm ent of S tate In | speeder of them nil. Alice Day Is
otherw ise you would have come. I’ve regard to w hether or not the ranger c a st In the leading fem inine role.
been a long tim e getting to you. But service Is any good, w hether It should
M orrissey and Miller in th eir "Vita-
the nature of my Job, as far as you’re ( be discontinued or not.
phone Revue" will be the special fea,
concerned, made me cautious. Duane, i “I’m on the p arty 's side who’s d e - tu
re __________
prelim inary to
the feature
you’re aw are of the hard name you fending ranger service. I contend that | a t the McDonald Thursday, Friday and
bear all over the Southw est?”
, It’s made Texas habitable. Well, It’s' Saturday. The two have been In all
"Once In a while I'm Jarred Into been up to me to produce results. So k |r.!s nf vaudeville pud musical corn-
realizing,” replied Duane.
far I have been successful. My great e(jy piaya pnfl now present th eir Idea
“It’s the hardest, b arring M urrell ambition Is to break up the outlaw of w hat the public wants In a revue,
and Cheseldine, on the Texas b o rd e r.' gangs along the river. I have never
A rriving here som ew hat later than
But th ere’s this difference. Murrell Is ventured in th ere yet, because I've
expected, but still the first and only
hls day was known to deserve hls In- been waiting to get the lieu ten an t I
Photographic record of th e muchly
famous name. Cheseldine In hls day needed. You, of course, are the man
publicized Lewls-Sonnerberg w restling
I had In mind.
m atch will be shown at the McDonald
“But I’ve found hundreds of men In
„ __ / ___ _____ ,___ ________ « , . “ 1“ " Thursday, F riday and Saturday.
Southw est Texas twho’re your friends, Rio Grande and begin with Cheseldine.
The films, which are described as the
who sw ear you never committed a H e’s the strongest, the w orst outlaw
best, photographed of any sporting j
crime. The farth er south I get the of the tim es. H e’s more than a ru st­
event, show In g reat detail the m any
clearer thfs becomes. W hat I want to ler. It’s Cheseldine and hls gang who
highlights of the m atch, the finale, dur­
know Is the truth.
are operating on the hanks. They re
ing which the sm aller Sonnonherg nuts
"Have you ever done anything crlm doing bank robbing. T h at’s my prl-
the up-untll-then champion, "S tran g ­
nal? Tell me the truth, Dune. It vate opinion ; but It’s not backed up by le r” Lewis, out. of the ring tim e after
won't make any difference In my plan, any evidence.
And when I say crim e I mean w hat I
“Cheseldine doesn't leave evidences,
The McDonald’s Sunday hill will In­
would call crim e on any reasonable H e’s Intelligent, cunning. I assume, of clude "T he M idnight Taxi,” which will !L=
Tremendous Bargains for You
E xtrem e V a lu es
For the duration of U i I k Sale only, you m ay Hclcct
any of pravtncally 150 articles of th e highest quality
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ing offered does not m ean th at th e m erchandise Is In
any way Inferior to what *e regularly feature. It Is
(lie sam e dependable line of goods.
S ym bol H o t W a te r B ottle
Regular Price »2.00
Birthday Sale
Prie» .......................
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SYRINGE ............................. »1.39
2-Quart Size
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A R lb. aervlt-iMiblo Iron. G uaran­
May be used on any 110-volt
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Come» equipped with necessary
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Birthday Sale
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Every ¡lent c n this 2<ith B irthday Salt* is hacked by
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Easy W asher
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