T ry the Hom e P r in t Shop F trat THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW ENTY-SIXTH YHAlt Ï ROLLS FOR TERM SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. JANUARY 31, 1929 EVANGELIST WILL OPEN SERVICES AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH SUNDAY A. M. H o o v rr’j Son W E STATE BODY M rs. M ary Sm ith P a sses a t N atron “The People's Papar ' A L IV E NEW SPAPfcR IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 4 GROUP APPOINTED Floyd A R ohm will open hl» evangel- Istlc campaign nt the Christian church Deceased Long-Time Resident, her« next Hundny. Hl» flr»t servloe of This Section; Lived Fxcellent Record is Made by will be nt 11 o’clock Hundny morning. Local Growers Join Cooperative Here 76 Years. Committee of Five to Meet L’fce Students In the Three Local Till» «will follow the regular Bible Organization to Curtail Over- Body from Eugene and Dis­ Mrs. Mary Susannah Smith, one Schools; Junior High Gets 27 school da»» which will meet nt 9:4B. Production of Hops; Acreage The booster choir will sing »t the cuss Union of the Two Cit'es; of the earty pioneer» of Lane Pupils Who Pass Out of 6th clone of tho Bible school meeting to be Cut One-Third by Agree­ county, passed away at her home Bridge Committee to Handle Grads. ment. The Rosses will have entire charge near Natron last Friday. Mrs. Celebration. *b” music for the morning service. Bmlth was 76 year» old and hag Htudent» and pupils of the local To curtail the overproduction hop lived her entire life In this section. ' They will furnl»h special vocal and In­ A committee of five to discus i con­ schools made un excellent record In grower» of this section are Joining She wag born August 3, 1852 In the solidation of the two cities with r rp strumental music. The choir will wing, Hsrbsrt Hoover, Jr., 2$, will tuon thu first semester of thu »chool year. "It 1» a Good Thing to Hlng Praises.*’ a three state cooperative organization. Bristow home near Pleasant Hill, men from the Eugene Chamber was become Director of the Radio Tele­ The grower» met Tuesday In Eugene which has been said to have been A considerable number of pupil» of At 8:30 In the evening Christian authorized at the meting of the phone Communication» of the W elt* and many of them signed up with the the flrgt house built In Lane county. 'Endeavor will meet and at 7:30 the arn A ir Expre»» and technical assist­ the primary grade» mud« the honor Springfield Chamber of Commerce Fri­ ant to the president, H M Hanthus. I association which Includes the ntates Mrs. Smith was the daughter of day evening. President F B. Hamlin roll and few failure« were reported It) evening, service will open with the k was announced in Lo» Angclea of Oregon, Washington and California. Mr. ahd Mr». Cornelius J. Hills, who has named Mark Peery, Harry 'Pew- Itoieo'» In charge. A feature of the eTther the grade or Ihe high »chool». evening »ervlce will be. a »olo by L. George Hewitt 1« representing the were among the very first settlers of art, Mayor C. O. Wilson, Dr. W. C. ' association in this section. He take» The term was started with a good C. Hunkier entitled, "I Find No Fault Lane county. Mrs. Sm iths father Rebhan and H. E. Maxey. a tte n d a n c e In all of th e »chool» O nly In Christ My Lord." , lSa»es on one-third the acreage of the crossed the plains in 1847 with Isaac Since the meeting the Eugene Cham­ tw o w ere ab»«nt nt th e L incoln school . Next Munday will be the first San- ( , Individual hop grower and no hop» Briggs, who later filed a claim on the the flr»t day and tho Brattain «chool dny for the diiHses to meet in the new are produced on this acreage. Growers land of which Springfield Is at the ber of Commerce has appoln’ id a re p o r ts almoNt 100 p e rc e n t a tte n d a n c e . Sunday schodl room». The work which agree to "work for the Interest of the present time a part and who also committee consisting of Frank J li­ T w e n ty »even pupil» passed from th e ha» ben under way during the pa«F Industry and not »ell hop roots to non­ gave Springfield the name which it king, Mayor H. E. Wilder, Bruce Br n- dage, Hugh Rosson and Joseph K-dte. 6 th g rad e Into th e Ju n io r H igh «chool. weeks imrtltlonlng off the large Koclal member». In this way It 1« hoped to now bears. Mr and Mrs Hills settled The ronun!ttee w)n , fact The honor roll follow»: curtail the production of hop» suffici­ first room Into two floor» with 6. »mall near Jasper. later moving to no make ently so that grower» may make a Hills room» on the lower floor for cla»»es H IG H SCHOOL Bids for Springfield - Cogswell profit on the crop«. creek, which now bears their n id a tio n s according to the anti ity Scholarship: Ituth Carlton, I>ale baa Ju»t been completed and laat Fri­ name. Mrs. Smith ‘ 1 was married ' ' " ‘ to granted It by the directors. Section of Highway to Be Daniels, Mary Hadley, Irene Mutklcy, day and next Hundny will be the Ini­ Hops will continue to be »old to the William Smith who passed away 9 Nadine McMurray. Submitted February 26; East dealers by Individual growers as at years ago. tial meeting» held In the remodeled Considerable discussion took yt-ca room». Side Project Not Taken Up at present but the association will keep L IN C O L N SCHOOL The deceased is survived by two at the Springfield Chamber mcc-ing i the members Informed as to the cur- daughters, Mrs. J. M. Tallafero, of Friday night In regard to the iwls-’- m 1ST G R A D E Church night, held Friday night, Meeting. Scholarship: Frank Btuart. Beryl win a complete »uccea». A large as­ rent price of hops so that they may Springfield; Mrs. Alvin Olson. Cres- of even appointing a commltl»-» to Robertson., Dorothy Jean Stewart, semblage attended and a delightful Contracts for the construction of act Intelligently. weH; five brothers, Jasper Hills, of study consolidation of the two t — ns. W illard H ouse, J a n e Alice P e n g ra. p ro g ram wan given. Very much en­ the Gate creek bridge and the Mc­ All local growers who own their Oakridge; John Hills, of Lowell; Many thought that the question v-ot A tte n d a n c e : Frank Anderson, Billy joyed was the play. ’’Mother'» Influ­ Kenzie bridge were awarded at a own yards and who attended the meet- j Sheridan and Joseph Hills, of Jasper; ! comfr-< “P continuously and It r>’~ht Dow, Willard House, Andrew Oott, ence.” given by the Chrl»tlan En- meeting held In Portland Tuesday. Ing signed up and others who were Elijah Hills, of Portland; and tw o ' as wel1 be 8ettIe<1 one time as =n- Merle Nice, Frank Btuart, Dave Smith, deavor. Higdon Bros with a bid of 817,01200 not present are being interviewed. ' sisters, Mrs. Henrietta Jacoby and other. The Springfield committee - "g Joe Hlaggle, Alberta Keeler, Winifred -—— ■ appointed with Instructions to rc--rt secured the Gate creek contract and Those who have »igned with the new i Mrs. Jessie Humphreys, of Jasper. the Northwest Construction company organization include William McBee, I-yon«, D orothy M ull'gun, E m m a Lou EUGENE HIGH BEATS Funeral services were held in the back to the Chamber of Comr-i^-ce Hlnitton, June Alice Pengra. 'with a bid of 140.920 00 secured the L. Edmlston, Anderson Brothere. : Walker-Poole chapel Sunday after- after It had met with the Eugene c m - SPRINGFIELD 31 TO 19 McKenzie bridge work Work on the H. 2ND A N D 3RD GRADES Ed Stafford and Welby Stevens. i noon. The attendance was one of the mlttee. Scholarship; John Spore, Doris McKenzie bridge I» being held up by Bridge Celebration Talked j largest that has been held from that In a Kbme marked by good team Munn, Muriel Tyson, Frrnk Bennett, work and tip-top pluylng by the en­ right-of-way delays. j chapel. Interment was in the Mount M. E. SUNDAY SCHOOL A celebration at the completir n of Mahlon Pengra,, Bobby Davis,, laiwr- tire visiting team Eugene high school Tho approaches to the Springfield the new Springfield bridge aero»' TO COMMENCE CONTEST Vernon cemetery ence Thompson. defeated the Springfield »und by a bridge »fill remain In the same status Willamette river was discussed e’ ”-e A tte n d a n ce ; M ax im ' C ogiti, B e ttle score of 31 to l.<* at the high school meeting. The program of the H-’—!s- a» heretofore. The contract was; A membership campaign has been SPRINGGFIELD’S SHARE Currie, Isyl Keeler, Vivien Miller, gymnasium here last night The game awarded last fall to A. C. Mathews started by the Methodist church Sun-1 burg bridge celebration was read ~"d OF COUNTY ROAD FUND Doris Mutin. Roberta Putman, Muriel showed one team In the be»t of form of Eugene, but due to flood hazard j day school. The campaign is being REPORTED AS $2,171.04 T°tPd ‘° refer the Tyson, Murrlel Crider, Bobby Itavi», j playing admittedly their bewt ««me of work has been postponed unt.l the conducted through a contest between to the bridge committee. Kenneth Ables. Frank Bennett, Bert . th„ geaH<)„ an(, , ho o, hpr ,)>am g„„ flood danger Is past. It Is possible the different classes of the Sunday Springfield will get $2,171.04 from! Currie. Oene Demaotlskl, Junior Endi-, ln , he d,imp8 of „„ ofr.fortn week this work may start by March. school and will be conducted through Lane county as its share of the road CAS STATION ON MAIN cott. Bobble Foster, Bonney Findley, The contracts for the stretch of out the month of February. Both money collected In the county taxes. Ì The Eugene bov» led out from the Burnell Gates. Jnck Hake, Norman STREET IS COMPLETFD beginning and kept their lead aug­ highway between here and Cugsyvi-ll former members and those not now Last year this figured $1,626.14 which Nealon. Robert Nice. Robert Perry. hill will be awarded at the next meet- attending Sunday schools of other was augmented after the Initial pav- menting It as the game progressed, Earl Stevens. Bernie Slagle, John The gasoline station on Second «nd bringing It to a 6 lxi»ket gain by the tag of tho commission on February 26. churches will be canvased by the ment by remittance of $290.38 making Mafn gtreetg whirh hag Spore, Iawrence Thompson, Mahlon been under This road mill pursue Ihe route sur-1 classes. The main purpose of the cam- end of the second half. The half time veyed by slate engineers last month. Is to Interest members already y e ^ o f i u i X . " onst™ct,on ‘he past month Pengra. »core wns 18 to 9 Tho local boys, 4 T H A. GRADE ^ " th ' Th6 “ ““e* ” " U*raed ‘° the e r Z lo n " of a taken off of their feet by the speed ip ^ x im a te ly S a Y o f^ " “" ’T e Scholarship; Rolland Farnsworth. and nccuracy of the Invading quintet apiroxlmal. ly half of the way already. At the end of the campaign which city is figured upon a 1.9 millage of couple of Doles will com plete th e tab Barbara Bnrnell, Florence Mny. will be the fourth Sunday In February the city’s valuation. The money Is _ j during the first half of the game, heimn Judge Barnard said, and the remain- Attendance: Frances Keeler. Flo­ to And themselves In the second half der will be secured as soon as a des- a social affair will be held at which returned to the city according as it EaF J° De8 Wh° W ' owner and !'nd rence May. Via Weight, Neal Peder­ and played an almost even brand of crlptlon of the territory has been got-' the class bringing In the greatest num- is taken In by the county in the form proprietor of the place plans on o-»n- son, Floyd Green, lloscole Cole, Emer­ hall with their opponents. The win­ Ion. So far no condemnations condemnation» have li.-iv*» her h e r of o f members m -m h iir a 'will m-in be k — the honor . of taxes, usually around the 1st of ing up about February 10. All h<* Is son Ables. ' class. ners gained only three points of th< lr been necessary. April and the 1st of October of each waiting for now is for the weather to 4 T H A. GRADE FOR S E M E S T E R get so the finishing touches can be 12 points lead during the second half. The comtnislson promised to affect -------- -------------------- year. Springfield uses Its share ln Scholarship; Barbara Barnell, Flo­ put on the station. The next hoop game for the local Imrvdiate graveling of the new sec- MARCOLA WOMAN PASSES stTeet Improvement work. re n c e May. The station, Mr. Jones says, will be boys will be played here next 8a*'ir- on on the Willamette highway be- Eugene’s share of the fund money A F T E R 1 D A Y 'S II I UFCC Attendance: Emerson Ables, Neal day night with Shedd high school. This t tween Lowell and Oakridge. The Lane 1 1 PAY S ILLNESS for this year is $26,111 46; Creswell, modern throughout with a hydraullo Pederson, Florence Mny, Roscoe Cole, promises to he a tight game and «he , delegation to the meeting asked for Mrs. Bnmetta Lovetta, 67 of $295 Mar 90; ■ Cottage Grove. $1.885.52; Co- greasing hoist, a tire room, two un-to- Frances Keeler. home boys plan a rigid week of prac j extension of this section 3 miles be-1 cola passed away at the Pacific Christ. burg’ U21.34; Junction City, $780.49 date greasing pits and two visible gaso. 4 T H B. GRADE tlce in reparation for It. i yond the point where It Is now being ian hospital in Eugene la s t Sunday 8nd Florence »««9 98- The fund for line bowls. Mr. Jones will carry stand- Scholarship: F ran d ea Jean Lloyd. The first string game Inst night was : worked, but no promises were made after an Illness of one day. Mrs. L ot Florence was Increased by the addi- ard 0,1 Ppfx,urts—red crown gasobne Ruth Keeler. and oils of the standard oil company. preface tlon of a special tax. «faced by a preliminary between the | The Florence highway problem still i ette suffered from acute Indigestion Attendance: Frnncls Jean Lloyd. second tsrlngR of Eugene high and The station also will carry a complete remains in an Issue between the Rail- j The deceased was born in Green’ Dale Carson, Detains Glaspev. Jennie Springfield high In which the visitors line of automobile accessories. “nd the hlghwav pec Tennessee, and came to Oregon LINCOLN TEACHFR COES Jackson, Bernice Smith, Maxine Smlt- took the honors with a score of 10 to T pie. The highway is being built be about 6 years ago to live with her TO BRATTAIN SCHOOL son, Ixiutse Coglll, Ruth Keeler, Max­ 8. MISS MARY ROBERTS IS * 'i ’l-t»' tween the railroad an dthe Sluslaw daughter Mrs R. W. Earnest of Mar- ine Valller, I-nwrence Jones, Mnry Mrs. Paul Basford, who has been river and there are a few places where cola. GIVEN BIRTHDAY PARTY Fritts, Ila Putman, Rnlkh Hickman, Here from Dextei— Mrs. C. F. Bedell it will be necessary for the track to > teaching the 6-A class at the Lincoln (Continued on Page 6) of Dexter, was here over the week-end. be moved back to give sufficient room ' Y k t W° / ° n 8’ D' lard school, has been transferred this term Miss Mary Roberts, local librarian, for the highway right-of-wny. I “Y Y 7 “8'£ Ka"888* tw° daU2t>’ to the Brattain school to take the was given a birthday party Tuesday . . ! ters. Mrs. Macy Whlttenburg of Colo- Among other things taken up at the rado and Mrs. R. W. Earnest of Mar- place of Miss Mary Vorls who resign­ night by Mr. and Mrs. Truman Gay. ed at the end of last semester. Miss Roberts’ birthday anniversary meeting was the adoption of a $1.225.-, cola. The class which Mrs. Basford has was last Saturday, but the party was 000 oiling program. This money Is to Funeral services will be held from ben teaching at the Lincoln school held for her later. j be used over different sections of the the Walker-Poole funeral home in Eu­ was graduated Into the Junior high state. Those present at the party were: gene. and interment will be in the old school. There were 27 pupils in the Miss Mary Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Tru. Nothing was done about the east The following article Is one of n are not only making yourself happy side highway due to the calling off Odd Fellows cemetery. class.fi Mrs. Bastard Is teaching the man Gay, and Mrs. Welby Stevens, series In the Prize winning essay and comfortable hut are helping pro- of the convention of those Interested 3rd grade at tHe Brattain »chool. Mrs. Gay's mother. contest sponsored by tho 4-L Em­ bnbly many of your friends and even The Cascade asHoalation. members of TROOP 11 OF LOCAL BOY ployee Wood Promotion committee of relatives. Just suppose all the people, Lane county were using other ma I '' 1 ' 1 aro supporting the east side SCOUTS VISITS EUGENE Springfield. The stories were all of terlals Instead of lumber for building I blKbwa>’ plan WHS b»ve met In wrlltten by students In the high and their homes. All business would stop, i ’ ° r,land ° n Jan"ar>- ’ ’ and map a The local scout troop No. 11 visited grade schools of the city and contain troop No. 2 of Eugene Tuesday. The All of the people would have to g o ! pr,* ^ ,m P a n t e d at the state Important truths why wo should sup­ meeting, but on account of Inclement two troops enjoyed a social time port ths lumber Industry ln Lane where they could find work and the weather this meeting was called off. together entering In an Inter-troop con­ cltltes of Lane county would be only county. With 13 feet of snow at the summit Springfield mill can run for some The members of the Lane county test. Members of the two troops vied ruins like ancient Rome. with each other In knot tying contests of the Cascades, from. 2 to 6 feet up In time yet, possibly a month or more court were all In attendance at the Wooden homes make you comfort­ “W h y Lane County Homes able for wood is a non-conductor of state highway meeting. and relays and other things. the Wendling section and similar with the logs on hand, the headquar­ Should Be Built of During the trip taken by troop No. depths throughout the mountain sec­ ters office at Eugene reports, but the heat and cold. This Is done by the 11 to Willamette heights last Sunday tions of the country. Lane county be Wendling mill's log supply may give Wood." « cells ln the wood called dead air LOCAL LEGION MAY JOIN several of the boys passed scout tests. Ing universally chastised by severe out in a week or so. spaces and of course homes built of GROUP FOR LOST CREEK Telephone lines are down between By M A R C ELIN E SEAV EY So far five members of the scouts and plentions weather. other materials cannot furnish this this section and the upper McKenzie Eighth Grnde comfort. Therefore wooden homes The Springfield post of the Ameri-1 haTe been found t0 baTe fulfilled the Up until ’•»sterday, this section had region, snow depths rangings from 1 Oregon stands first In standing tlm are really more comfortable than can Legion have been Invited to ac­ reulrements necessary to become a been very fortunate—excepting for a to 10 feet are estimated. Appearances ber and third ln lumbering. Many others. company other legions of this dis­ member of the Mountaineer’s club. few squalls of snow which melted as are that members of the American mills have been torn down In the last Woo