LIKE PUTTING MONEY IN YOUR POCKET HAVE A SUIT MADE Don’t Delay - - A Big Selection of Fine, Dependable We hav<- the fam ous Det- n ier W oolen line o f coat- nine made c lo th in g . We are a llo w in g now tin- latest sp rin g p a tte rn s and fa b rics priced fro m $80 io $70. Here are ju s t a few sam ples of our m any ba rg a in s: P ontiac S p ia i K oudstcr, lik e new B uick I I >oor S ta m la n l Sedan O verland " tí” De l-uxe Sedun Kord Sedan SALE STAR TS W. A. HALL, the Shoe D octor 333 M ain St. These units cost no more than re a d y -to -w e a r b u t they are made to yo u r m easure and are g u a ra n ­ teed to (it lik e tile finest hand tu llo re d suits. $595.00 $1085.00 $395.00 $85.00 " I f it’s in the Drug L in e— W e have It.” P rescript Io n a 'o u r S p e cia lty.— A ll com pounding done by registered P harm acists. Your m a il o rd e r slg n llle s your confidence. It sha ll have ou r personal and pro m pt a tte n tio n . W EDNESDAY W E C A L L FO R A N D D E L IV E R 1929 License w ith Each Car All S tandard M akes and Models Every C ar P la in ly Priced Phone 75-J B u ick Dealers 1927 Kord Roadster. Rumble Seat. 1927 Kord Coupe. 1926 Kord Coupe. 1925 Kord Coupe. 1923 Kord Coupe, 1926 Kord Touring. 1926 Pontiac Coupe 1925 Star Sport Rdstr. 1926 Hudson Coach 1924 Oldsmobile Tr. 1925 Oldsmobile Tour. 1924 Buick Master 6 Tr. 1926 Nash Touring, Glass 1926 Kord P ickup Enclosure. 1924 Kord Pickup. 1923 Studebaker Big 6 1928 Oldsmobile Coupe Sedan. L aw rence “ H a p p y ” Anderson F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 7th and O live Sts. 1929 License with Each Car B rin g T hem In NOW USED CARS à See These and See Bargains having the Old Shoes R e b u ilt, OR some day th e y w ill he T O O F A R O O N B Service Cleaners Eugene, Oregon —• Eastm an Kodaks and Supplies. Ketel's Drug Store H prlngfleld, Oregon Campbell’s Used Car Market 10th and Willamette, sire. Phone 615, Eugene, Ore. ’ k t i sLi«>er > je t j O W T Q O O M , A H ti O S W fr A V O M fs V THAT GOOD COAL YOL ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND OUR SHOWING OF THE For Real Comfort Burn Coal or Briquets Outstanding Chevrolet OK CHEVROLET HISTORY AT ALSO BLACKSMITH COAL RAINIER COAL CO. THE 69 W. Broadway, EUGENE Phone 412 F A T H E R T IM E M A Y O V E R T A K E YOU S O M ED AY Automobile Show EU G EN E A R M O R Y BEGINNING FRIDAY, JANUARY 25* 6 P. M. NIGHT, JANUARY 26. try the home print shop first ENDING SATURDAY P L E N T Y OF E N T E R T A IN M E N T — LO T S OF FUN — FR EE A D M IS S IO N Gannett Motor Co. 942 Olive Eugene, Oregon $ 9 Phone 627 o n íí óf'í.kGUÍ mP