—a PAGE R IG H I THH SPRINGFIELD NEWS THUR8DAÌ J \ m \u v •! I l •> ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ UPPER WILLAMETTE MANY C O M IA CAR FEATURES DISTINGUISH NEW CHEVROLET SIX CYLINDER LINE ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ The Pleanant Hill cooking club met Monday and chose the name of Hepta for their club as there a re Just seven members. The following com m ittees w ere appointed: Program . Lucetta Boughman chairm an. Evelyn Phelps and Nancy Barnum ; exhibit. Bonnie Jean T inker chairm an. Mildred Swift and Helen S ettle; special, Euna Drew chairm an. Helen Settle, Mildred Swift adm inistration. Bvlyn Phelps ch air­ man. L ucetta Boughman and Bonnie Jeanne T inker; rep o rter Bonnie Jeanne Tinker. Mrs. Sharp and Peggy were visitors at the meeting. A crowd of young folks met Sunday- night January 13 at the home of Nina McPeek and gave Allhea Boughman a surprise party. Those present were Allhea Boughman. Nina McPeek. Thelm a McPeek. Nina Dilley, Mike Dilley, Dell S tu ti, She.don Stutx. Lloyd Awhrey, Lyman Tinker. Bonnie Jeanne Tinker. Verna Wiley, Shirley W iley .! H ugh W allace, Rex W allace, Mildred W allace. Chrvstal Boughman. Buni K elsay, Clifford Baxter. P leasant Hill won three basketball i gam e last Friday at Mohawk The L P leasant Hill boys first strin g win by 9 32 to 22. The second strin g 28 to 8. T he girls won by a score of 22 to 14. The Women of P leasant Hill met T hursday afternoon Ja n u ary 17 at the home of Mrs P. N. Laird at Edenvale. The afternoon was spent tying a quilt and visiting until refreshm ents were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Ross ^ h « S lc L ? re ta rd e d . . r e v o lu tio n .,, In the In ,I,..tr y to evidence«! by the Mathews. Mrs C. E. Jordan and Mrs * ~ r k T?* “" ' L c , r ’ *" U w h '« her P ^ e d c l« .« - . . Th e converUhle brndeu whfch .u I J r t d L “ J ‘ i * * * ‘•.fe a tu r e d h> In n o v .tl.,,,. which up 1» the p r e s e t Urn# h w , m Laird. The gathering was also in |F Ule * ° P r e ,r tu n r te r to be com pletely folded down In the a c c o m n n n v tn r l a , o u t th e ,,,u r-cy Ib id er model, and In the accom panying la , nut la ahown a t the the lo w # , toft, the oeupe a t the low er rig h t and the ¿ I J u . U b l e d r iv e , " I c U to m i, centor. ’ " • h ,’Wn U« * r ''« * “ • • ' " » » » *« " «» “ >• IMvawnger M home of Mrs. C. E. Jordan Fabruarv honor of Mrs. Laird’s 5Sth birthday. _________ _________________________ _________ _____ — _______ - T he next m eeting will be held at the IN TH E JU STICE COURT F O R T i t r n n . - v r - c . . . . . . - - _ 21. Mrs. Sheridan and Mrs. L. Miller EUGENE JU STIC E DISTRICT PRIZES WILL BE GIVEN subject o f " B e p " He pointed out WEARIES GET WALKING assistin g with the refreshm ents. LANE COUNTY, OREGON FOR BEST SCOUT MARKS certain things with the view of put- P ro /J^ a P i H ui/ T hose present 'were the M esdames ff the c ast student body president. Shirley Wiley. 1116 com plaint filed herein, to-wit: for and ,h e ,eB,° " on thp 15th of Febru n o n in the group, five of whom Georgia. President and Mrs. Coolidge L am bert ia build­ vice-president; B eatrice Edminson »«'t’« 6111 1a5 ain st you in the sum of &ry when th e defeated team In the were Cl (mi b a ! Ntw Y c a i» escaped before Mr Giles apprehended ing au airplane in •ecretary and tre a su re r; W illiam Kel- N o v e m b e r15. S t t h e T X V f 7 J t ?* 0", mr bershlp drlvp entertains, guests. which he liopee to i them, tin,, man was taken Io the city say. athletic m nager; A lbert Mathews Ppr cent per annum , and will take an Th° P ” ’° have mem‘bers of troop make a flight to I Jail Iasi night and three were shown reporter. order of sa'd Court, ordering the sale N° ' 11 do ,he aw ar 1929 1 Marcóla, when they m eet th» Black HAROLD J W ELLS Hawks. P,l y ^ L * EVANS, A ttorneys for , t Plaintiff- Eugene. Oregon, T h e r*ip-,q->„f Tpt* school p]j,v ____________________ W alker at Pleas------- May n ’eht SUM M ONS T he. Junior End-«,- • a partv IN t h e CIRCUIT court OF TH E F ridav nleht at th E ■- STATE OF OREGON. FOR LANE Patrick. T h o -- e ,e ................T COUNTY. M arine and M-x B,, , h ,rt. V iM - d Swift JM vn Pc p, . s pbQ)na J °u ? ? l ' ? np' P o n tiff- vs. Rena Higgins. Ed H iggins, Ollie Robb. T. Bonnie Jeanne Tinker. Jsm cs. Wn ”nf any right, title, estate. Pen or in te rest * * * * * * ♦ + + + * in the re- 1 c s t-te described In the » T HURSTON ♦ com plaint herein. D efendants 4 a- « To Rena - H'g; ♦ 4 - + - - * , i ^ n s , Ed Higgins, Mina » arry Baugh had the mlsfi....... IPt his band eat on a di iy saa a • fe w Jack H arbit | s ||| w„ h pox Mrs. George H art and twin babies cai"e homr from the hospital in Eu gene la st Saturday Mrs „ j Beaman who unrtor- w ent a m ajor operation some tim e ago has recovered enough to return to h er school at Antelope O ree-on w here she fs te a c h ln r - is learning. ' “ Ladles Aid fkmiety will meet with Mrs. Paul Jenkins on T hursday to s»»w. The High school students are taking ttet; ro '".'ek Pettet, w. D Robinette. S T’ ’••‘"“h /oda , , ?ma" P M Chrisman, and D, J. Robii ' tt, sorrt m -s called D. Z. Robin- ' ett,-, also all other nersens and parties unknown claim in'- an - r ’vht. c’ K V ' T eSt in the rea* , • , " T ”' in ’h** am ended com- p,a!nt herein. D -fendants. T7fE VAME OF TU E STATF OF OREGON: You are hereby re- „ qulred „ „ „ a a to appear — '. T and “ answ — » n er r m the e com P*a,n ‘ filed against vou - the above entitled suit w thln four weeks from the day of the f ir s t n n h lt. ration of this summ ons and 'f you fall ani,WPr to r w ant thereof the plain- ti” will tak e a decree am Inst you . S e d ^ r e a ? esUte'- ff” ,'” ,ln g d'” exam inations this week. Beginning a t a point 60 feet south Howard Boughmon from Eugene and 40 feet Paat of ‘h'» southeast cor­ epent the week-end with Carl P latt Slx ,n B,oclt E've In the $1.00 Dress Sale Sale Closes Saturday Night fy )W . . . Beglrs at Johnson’s i hursday Morning DOORS POSITIVELY DO NOT OPEN -TILL 10;00 — ALL SALES FINAL - NO EX­ CHANGES, ALL ALTERA PIONS CHARGED FOR Both Beauty and Comfort Positively the Greatest Event Ever Held in Eugene Here are Hundreds ofStyles to Choose from -A ll Sizes /« a Bedspring o f Moderate Cost Now! R ead The Trices I T S famo«i< for comfort— the Rome DsLuxc Bcd- •prinj; And now it become» one of the inovt beautiful! The maker# of the Rome DeLaxe liedsprir.g have per­ fected a prrefttrf #J;p’cover. One that v«ts th is sprmg all of the neat, trim appearance you b a r e ad m ired in th e m oet expensrve box springs . th a t keep# all Just and dtrt Iarp nt b a n n i n g , containing one trs. Ross Mathews from acre more or less, said lots adlnlnino- P leasant HR, visited Mr and Mrs. 'b e town of CreswelL }^n e County H erbert W eiss last Monday. Oregon, being on the south side of ' T here was a basketball game be ! I n a tn J A - i wpen Vida and Tburotnn t And (h at you and each of you be f o re .! , T hurston team s on closed of all right, title and Interest nmo local floor last F riday evening both la an '’ ‘a s«H prem ises and every part I >'•« ÍJ3 your choict n f tw« Ma team s won. i thereof. T he order directing service I b—ta ifu l a n d t* a ttita i colon ()Tibid or Prtntb Gray ------------------------------I of the sum m ons upon you by the publl- <5et Q uarterly p-,u me, v 1 ‘hereof Is dated Janunry 23rd ' ars c o m n n n n i , J - T I L’ '1 « re(JU>res f l“ 1«-®» Publication tarn rom nnnv nf n, *r 2’ ** 8? * ',u publication once once each each I m an ‘b p 1«t batfaB'oy " 'pp,< to r four consecutive weeka Date . V c v v v : v ' i \ M . 175 132M Infantry of the N ational Guard of first publication Ja n u ary 24 1929 Df0; A- ^ N T E R M E IE R . A ttorney for Î S U .T " ’ " ' " ” 'r I laintiff. Residence: Eugene, Oregon Ja. 24-31: F. 7-14-21: Wright & Sons g P ' u RE0ULAR L0W PR,C£ ge* “no,h‘ r DRESS >"« — — $1.00. If , „ u canno, us. .„ o DR iSSES, bring a friend and spli, ,he cos,. $5.95 Dresses $ 1 °° $1?.CO Dress* s $ | °° $15.00 Dresses $ i °° $19.75 Dresses $1*°° $25.00 Dresses $J-°° This is a Sale that fo r S eco n d q D ue. . . fo r S eco n d O ne S econd S eco n d 2 for 2 for 2 for S econd I n D ^ h T se L ^ ^ c Z lO r 2 for $6.95 $11.00 $16.00 $20.75 $26.00 is a Sale n ° U GET ° NE DRESS AT J0H N S 0N ’S L0W POPULAR PRICE E SECOND DRESS IN THE SAME PRICE GROUP FOR ONLY $1.00. Attend Johnson’s Dollar Day Dress Sale Remember— Doors open at 10:00 A. M. Thursday Remainder of COATS at even Greater Reductions JOHNSON’S Popular Price Store EUGENE 957 Willamette OREGON