. ■ PACK TTTT* «ni T H H S P R IN G Z 1 K J ) N B W S THURSDAY. JANUARY 24. 1929 — TOWN AND VICINITY : SMART ENGINEERING DESIGN SHOWN JN NEW PONTIAC: H«r» from'Marcola— Mr«. (’ M Mil Icr c a m s In from Miirml« lust Mumla) F ro m J a s p o r— M ra. Bob Wullac«, of Jitaper win a Monday vlaltor her«. Mayor Haturna— Muyor (’. () W I I koii returned to tlm city Haturilay « v h d I iik from u bualnaaa trip to Hun Fram Ixro. Hara Saturday—Mra. Hazel Ruxxell of Thurston, wua In town luat Hutur- duy. From F a ll C re a k — W II K I» m I iik «I’ of Full Crook win u wook end vlwltor hero. Hera fr o m R a in b o w — M r and Mm George William» rum« down from Itiilnhow Inal Huturilny. P rn g ra Man V la lta — Clarence Kk, of I’engru, wax In (own over tlm wook end. Down from L ea b u rg — M r and C h e a te r F a u lk n e r, o f I.enhurK Monday In th e c ity . M r* apent In From Thuraton—W Rennie, of Thuraton. wua one of the wook end vlaltora to tlm city. Son Born— A baby aon wua horn to Mr. und Mra. W K M urphy of thia oily liixt Friday. T o C r ra w e ll — I Mr m id M ra . F re d motored Io I ’n e tw i II ful sweep over the smart low w. ela> A forged fender tie rod replace ’he pressed steel rod and lamp su; port formerly used. Headlamps or four body types come in full chrome ?!??•, R rtu rn a fro m P o rtla n d — H r m id ixn ier R igh t: Showing the sturdy construction of new while on the remaining models the M ra W I I I ’o lln r d w ho lo ft T h u r a d iiy rear n-.J • assem bly in new Pontiac; liu ttu m : R a d ia to r “ rims are chrome plated. i i i u i t i l t i f o r F u r llm id returned to the line Including a 2-door sedan, 4 door les self-adjudtlng for wear; Increased i A full side view shows to be~t ad« city Friday. sedan, coupe, sport roadster with fold- value list and new Hotchkiss drive. vantage the original lines of the new F ro m M a rc o la — M r n il I M ra W e« lng nimble seat, sport phaeton, con­ The shell of tha radiator, narrow v car. The slightly arched w'ndoW le v H coKglna o f M a rc o la w o re In to w n vertible cabriolet with rumble seat, and built up to 36 Inches in height, design, with new paneling effe< * be« H u tu riln y . M r. H c ro g g ln x wua In ju re d and a laudaulet sedan with folding gives to the front the appearance of f tween the windows; a high waist line» In tin accident Tueaday. rear top quarter. The last two are power and fleetness borne out by the e and unique naw concave mouldin'* die« Innovations In the Pontiac line, having performance of the car. No emblem 1 tlnguish the Fisher bodies. Thi? new Leavra Hoapital— M ra Ix>o W II 'in Tlie new Pontiac ’’Illg 6" shown for Coast regional sales manager, «-ho the appearance of custom built bodies. or nameplate marks the front of the e belt moulding starts at the cowl and wua dlaohnriri'd from the I’aclflc Chrlat- Outstanding features contributing radiator shell, but the familiar ‘Thief 1 | completely encircles the body. It It Inn hoapllul In Eugene luat Moniltiy the first time ut the New York na­ predicts that the new Pontiac “Big 6” Him la now atnylnx with her slater In tional automobile show and which Is will still more firmly entrench Itself to the extraordinary performance of Pontiac" radiator cap ornament Is re­ not continued down the hood, as the Juw Mra, Norman bates on 6th atroet., being placed on display In dealer's in the favor of motorists everywhere the new Pontiac are a larger and more | tained. A chrome plated bar extends 3 ; Oakland models, but a new curved showrooms throughout the country by reason of the extraordinary value powerful engine; new counter-weight­ vertically from top to bottom of the - pillar line, quite similar in appear-nc# to one of American's costliest cars, Jaaper Woman Improvea — Mra this week, more than fulfills the ad­ evident In the 1929 car. ed crankshaft; new transmission; radiator core. Clark Randall, of Jaaper. who wua vance promises of big car perform­ Larger fenders, full crowned and d runs from the center panel on tht larger carburator. Intake manifold and a- cowl down to the rear of the hood. operated on recently nt tbu I’aclflc ance, big car appearance und big car All the bodies are entirely new, the valves; wider springs with new shack. with beaded edge, flare out in grace­ Chrlatlan hoapllul In Eugene la re­ Value made In the preliminary news ported convalescing. announcement In Ilecember, accord­ Look mol family Bunday to vlalt with Mra l.oiik’n pur e n tx , M r u nd M ra Howe Upper L eft! Cnaaaia o f new P o n t i a c ‘ ‘ B i ft 6 ” ; Lower L eft: l l i e new coupe; Upper R ig h t: F ou r-d oor sedan. New Pontiac “Big Six” Has Promise of Great Value A ccident V ic tim Im provea— ('h u rle y Jack, of Camp Creek, who waa re­ cently Injured In u aawmlll la recover Imr acordlng Io word received by one of the local physicians. Goes to Roaeburp— F. II Hmnlln went to ltoxeburg oyer the week end to aee Ilia mother. Mra J II Hmnlln who him been 111 Mr Hamlin report» hla mother Improving. ing to dealers and officials who have seen the hew care and driven It. "It Is essentially a now car from radiator to tall lamp and Includes chassis Improvements that give the car flexible performance com,«arable with cars In n higher price range,’’ ac­ cording to L. M Dreves, Pacific Tank Is Installed—The Springfield laundry hua recently Inalnlleil a new- hot water lank The Innk la effective In at Hiring steam ahot hack from dlf ferenl uppuruliia and condenaed there In. Sad News Received— Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Swnrts received the and newa Monday morning of the pnaalng at Goodlund. Xanana, of tin old friend of theirs, Mra T 1*. Imonnrd, Mra. Leon-1 nrd made n visit to Springfield u short , time back. Service Station Man III-—George Davenport, who runs a service station | In West Springfield. Is confined to Ills bed with Illness. Mr. Davenport Is one of the leading promoters of the > W est Springfield dralnugo district. Patient Improving— Mrs. J. Richter received word this week from Mrs J Vina McClain who last week was taken j to Portland following a serious Illness that she was Improving nicely. Mrs. McClain Is staying with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. F. EX Lemley In Portland. Back to Stage 'v ' | American actress, M aude A d a m s , w ho abandoned Ser career for a cloistered life ten years ago, will re­ turn to the stage, it is rumored in New York. It is said that she plans* 1 * 3 to give a scries of readings from hi.' repertoire. Coming To l-Ooor M an. r t f fl-U b r t u b a r announcing The New PONTIAC BIG SIX EUGENE Dr.Mellenthin S P E C IA L IS T In Internal Medicine for the past fifteen years i-r _Lntroducing Big Cap Standards of Luxury, Style and Perform ance at * 7 4 5 T T o D A Y a n o r typ e o f lo w eoat DOES N O T O P E R A T E W ill be at OSBURN Hotel WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 6 Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Truckman Leaves—Floyd Throope. who was chief mechanic for the fleet of trucks used In the construction ONE DAY ONLY work done on the Willamette Pass road left last Sunday for California. No Charge for Consultation Since cessation of the highway work Mr. Throope has been visiting his Dr. Melllnthln Is a regular graduate brother nt Marcoln. in medicine and surgery and 1s lic­ ensed by the state of Oregon. He does When a W instonville woman was not operate for chronic appendicitis, told In Winston County Court to re­ gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils peat what she said to her landlord or adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful re­ when he asked her for the rent, she asked: "Are you going to clear the sults in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, court first T" kidney, bladder, bed ¡wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, scatlca, leg If a freight train at a crossing ulcers and rectal ailments. Hits an auto fair and square, Below are the names of a few of his There’s the freight train—Where’s the many satisfied patients In Oregon who an to? have been treated for one or the other Echo ana wares, "W here, oh where?" of tho above named causes: H. H. Blake. Marshfield. Elmer Booker, Condon. Burglar No. 1: "I think we have got Thos. Burke. Willamina. everything. We haven't overlooked Mrs. M. R. Cooper. Oregon City. anything, have ¡we, Spike?" D. 0. Horn, Bonanza. No. 2: "I don’t think so, but we'll E. M. Hurt, Arlington. get a newspaper In tho morning ai\d Mrs. George W. Mathes, Ashland. make sure.” Remember above dale, that consulta. tlon on this trip will bo free and that Housekeeper: “I never do food his treatment Is different. Married women must be accompan­ tramps.” Old Tramp: "Aw, who’s askin’ yn ied by llielr husbands. Address: 224 Bradbury Bldg., Los to? Give us the grub—I’ll feed my­ Angeles, California. self.” •«!•« i m o t o r in g lu x u r y Is a v a ila b le . I t em braces big ear style. I t provides big a a r rid in g c o m fo rt. I t em bodies b ig e a r q u a l i t y in u n s e e n p a r t « . I t la offered by a b ra n d new a u to m o b ile — th a New P o n tia c B ig Six. F ra n k ly , th e N ew P o n tiac B ig Six was designed to appeal to a c e rta in g r o u p . T h ia g ro u p is m e d « u p o f people w ho are b eg in n in g to m ove u p in th e w o rld , bftany o f th e m w ill aoon m a k e th e first step up in th e q u a lity o f th e ir ears. T h e N ew Pon­ tia c Big Six was deaignod fo r thean. I t comes to th e m e n tire ly n aw In appearance. S tu n n in g new bodies by F is h e r c o n t r ib u t e to t h e b ig e a r b ea u ty and big ear style presented by th a ear as a w hole. Progressive people are seeking greater lu x u ry . T h e P o n tiae Big Six o ffe rs t h e m t h e lu x u r y f o r w h ic h bodies by F is h e r are fam o u s th e w orld over. I t provide» th e s m o o th -rid in g q u a litie s o f a ear 167 inches in overall le n g th , w ith accurately balanced ro ­ ta tin g m ec h a n ical p arts and such advanced c o m fo rt features as ad ju s t­ able d riv ers 's e ata. I t is a six w ith th e added power o f a larg er L -h e a d engine and th e added smoothness im p a rte d by a d y n a m i­ cally b alan ce«, cou n ter-w eig h ted P H c m fT 4 f a n d u p , f ^ . h . f a c to r y , p lu » ¿»Horry rAarges. K u t u p o r t 4 fe jU a » d -P e » « 4 a c d s « N e e d jw is s s - th » y i a cia d» tassas« A c ran k sh a ft and th e fam o u s H a rm o n !« B alan cer. Its new brakes are o f th a d irt-a n d -w e a th e r-p ro o fin te m a ljfo u r» w heel typ e. I t re v e a ls b ig e a r p e r fo r m a n c a even to th e p o in t o f developing b ig ear power and big car speed. O n ly a few h ig h lig h ts in its cost», •tra c tio n have been m e n tio n e d . Just', enough to prove t h a t th e P o n tia e B ig Six is e n tire ly n ew and capable o f m e etin g piuaiesaiee A m erican s' da» m a n d . B u t the oesoaing th in g ehzm t i t is th a t I t gioas so m u c k big c t f la a u ry , styla