/ Try th« H o m i P rin t Shop F init THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T W E N T Y - S IX T H Y E A H CHAMBER TO AGI ON M W M T ISSUES SPRINGFIELD, I a ANE COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1929 WEST SPRINGFIELD Grows A t a—-J A C T IV E ON C A M P A IG N Miss ill FO R F L O O D C O N T R O L S prin gfield High M eets F irst Loss “The People's Papar" A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 3 CHI M T SUFFER FROM T H REPEAL J. II Rower who bus had 1'hurgo of Eugene Takes Games With 20 getting signers for the Wint Spring- s to 16 Score; Return Came field drainage petition has this week Consolidation Expected to be Here Wednesday Springfield May Pay Approxi­ sent a letter to Hoy Klein of the state Topic at Friday Evening’s j mately Twice as Much If r* engineering department unking for Ry a small margin of two baskets Meeting; Bridge Celebration Present State Millage Law Is the Springfield high school basketball help In the preliminary survey work. « - .i Plans May be Started is Re­ ÍT ' Revoked is Opinion of County team took their first defeat of the In the letter Mr. Rower has pointed port season at the hands of the Eugene School Superintendent. i out the Importance of flood protection might. The game was played on the . fo the highway, The fill which haa The re-uhir no ntlng of the Spring M iai Vivian U t M m 'n „in n e r of Eugene floor. Springfield may have to pay approxi­ j been considered to connect the new field C ham ber of C o m m erce will be i the till« o l " U m Jllinoia." ia at mately a four mill local school tax: The game was one In iwhlch two i bridge with Pacific highway according Miami Reach. Fla., where ab» l av lu'ltl F riday nt thn chamber room*. ! well matched quintets took their turn "here now is paid a two mill tax If 1 lo the letter will be In the course of ahowo great interest in sviatimi and fiig i.it made many at give and take with the home boys the state elementary school tax Is T h ai coiiNolliInlloli of the cities of , I the high waters during the floods and < U rriu t W illzrd ul New York, losing In the breaks. Both teams repealed. It Is possible that the water may not S pringfield ninl E ugene 1« ex p ected to , ahm ‘T h e Man Who Growa," can at The following figures show what played excellent ball although the go back Into the river but may ho be SCHO O LS END T E R M be up for d iscu ssio n 1» thn announce- will s t i c l i h Im body more iban aeven a local boys were a trifle under form may happen In this district If the law diverted ns to aggravate flood condl- inchca, elungating hu ucck aloua by lio-nt of President F. It llnnillli. He W IT H GOO D R E C O R D while the Eugene squad, enheartened Is repealed. Last year the local dis­ (our inchry. i tlons. Invites everyone Interested to be on E X A M S T H IS W E E K -E N D ' by tbp return »he four regulars trict received from the state elemen- , Mr. Rower further points out In his --------- , who recently had been suspended. fary school fund approximately $4900.- hand that they man express their NURSERY MAN TALKS AT letter Hie vital need of protection for 00. This money lepresents the local The local school.- finished their first were In the best of fettle, v I«* wh U h n*«’ll in heir whiU 1 m to bo 1 Ihe highway. During the last flood C IV IC C L U B ; E X P L A IN IN G semester of the school year this week | Th„ game wa9 nlp and tuck from the district’s share of the funds received two years ago a great chunk of sur- •»Id on th « question. N E E D S IN R O SE C U L T U R E I face was washed from the road under­ with a good record both as regards at- beginning with both teams careful on by the county under the two mill P roliniliuiry plane for » celeb ratio n i tendance and application. Examina defense and watchful for breaks, state tax based upon a unit of $270.00 Hoy Woodruff of the Eugene N'urs- neath Ihe overhead railway trestle. O i I h Hprln» when th « now hrhlico 1» tlons are being held this week-end A few minutes before half time Eu- per teacher for 18 teachers ln the ele­ The drainage district nt the pres­ com plot «<1 1 m ii I ko mc I mm I u U m I to ho ry talked to the Civic club here laat ent time Is at a standstill with regard Desplte the fact that during the mid- gene edged ahead on a foul converted mentary schools of Springfield. If uinde. A comtnltte from the Lion* Tuesduy night upon rone culture, die of the term there was much sick- by Moffett, making the score 10 to 9. during the period the property lnclu- ! d u b him been appointed for some time Mr. Woodruff took up various to action upon word of the county f ness and time was lost by the pupils A field goal before the half time shot i dpd ln th,s dl"tr1ct wprp assessed for court. The bond that Is required for , — ----- ----------— ------ ------- ------- ■ . . . on Ihe celebration m ill us the sp> plumes of growing roses. He urged p relim in ary su rv ey s has not yet been a * ° o'1 q u a ,l’y of w ork h a " bpen rp pndpd »bp flr«» b a >1 w " b 12 to 9. The I i ”’8 monpy thp amount received would proache* ure expelled to he put lu us Ihe need of Immediate spraying with I ported. rx z tW o rl ’ ‘ 1 iagt half held plenty of speed with bp onIy ,2739 83- L««* year’s valua- mimiu an the high water period Is over a preliminary chemical spray then In provided. The Rrattaln school has the record both teams mixing It for all they J f*On was (T.369.917.00 and two m ills It I* deemed necessary to sturt work 10 days or two weeks to follow with of an Increased enrollment during the were worth. Before the end of *eTy on tb*8 Fives the above amount. M A R C O L A W O M A N D IE S on preparing a program for the oc- a lime and sulphur wpruy. | term. The enrolment at this time Is the game Eugene edged ahead ! The proposal o f the state tax re- easlon. | Thn speaker also suggested the A T H O S P IT A L IN E U G E N E 218 Mrs. Hemenway reports »he one more point giving them, a lead i ’ IsihF commission Is to repeal the two Contrary to published reports need of consistent and cpreful prun- school In a good healthy condition Of 4 points with the final score of 18 ! n*,,T ,aw which was enacted In 1920. liellher the Chamber of Commerce or log- the rose hush should bo cut down Funeral serv ices of Mrs Mildred M and , ayg that indications are for a to 20. Coy Leathers who has suffered Thl" provides for a state-wide two any of It* officers have hud unytblng »<• iwtthln 12 or 16 Inches of the Kester. 28. of Marcóla, who died at rery few failures. an abscessed knee was not able to «»» »ax on *H of the property of the to do with the move to consolidate ground. The old brush anil half-dead Thp high school reports a slight , play. Leathers has been one of the state. Each county’s share of this two the two towns, says Mr. Hamlin The "talks should all tie trimmed out und gene last Saturday were held Tuesday faning off in attendance but nothing strong pillars of the team and his tax Is the two mills assessed valua­ meeting tomorrow night I* expected to carefully segregated and burned Ihe afternoon at the Veach Fum-rsl Home more than average. Several matters lœin Is felt. It Is doubtful whether he tion of the county. This money is kept determine whether the chamber will speaker emphasised ihe need of care- In Eugene. R ev E V Stivers "»”‘'’a‘ , of imporUnce have been taken up by ! wln be able to play ln the next game. In the county and Is distributed among t a k e a n v u. (l,,n OR ltd fu tu re . N l l j i l- a r ln . - » W 1 J t h i s w a - t - in or tn<. Interment was in Laurel H ill1 the - high school - during - - r )g wajt,ng the term. One ’ j n e j t 1 I the districts In proportion to the nuu> I der to leave the living plant clear cemetery. ••••* | of the things of more than local •»»• • Wednpgday night when they will get ber of elementary school teachers In Eugene Falls to Appoint Committee fn>m fM, CaHf'ornK X l l T l X n.J d c°amer't°o ’" f 1 ’h* entr\ ,n‘° tb’ ' U U - a chance to redeem themselves In'a , thp <” 8,rict- The Eugene Chamber of Commerce; Mr W(ll)dnlff trr„UKht roRe bushes i wl*le oratorical school superintendent board of director* nu't last night with f s nursery for dem.instratlor, Marcola with her parents In 1910 7 , , contest. 7? , return game „!•>, w,,h the Eu*enP vi_». bl,rtl - Lane connty 7 #Cl1001 the announced purpose of discussing un(j ji( n,e end Of He- m e, -,,ng rave 'w as married Marcm 3, 1920 to L. ? ‘ T h ”* o im T b lg b sc Z T L Z 7 / the hi*” Rrh001 ^ n a s l u m E- M o o ye, criticU e, the movement to consolidât ion of the two cities. The member, of .be club. Kester. th,6 h'*h a« « nde\ here. This game will be ___ well _____ worth rpPpa *««« » re on the ground ___ for T thp thp tpams district?* directo™ adjourned without tukin« ...... ways and means committee de The deceased Is survived by her 1 the high school convention at Eugene Rppne tO ,Pa™ arp arP we„ WP” - I that b it ‘ w'll rob r’ b the smaller SD” --------- action on a committee and announced , meeting to give over the husband. I. 5». Kester- two children \ 7 ? ° r b ? « hXvi .r,H nt mBtcbp<1 an nppde<« I man ; and her grandmother, Mrs. Kate Examinations will be over by Satur­ by the small districts where the pro­ Chamber officials asking that a com , C IV E P R O G R A M S U N D A Ÿ The first string score wax day and the students will be ready to 1 8tr*n** Ankeny, hU Marcóla, nilltee be appointed to meet a like j 1 19 to 8 and the secon"t “‘»In« 17-11. perty valuation Is low and the sehooz A T C H R IS T IA N C H U R C H enter with a clean slate the new one from the Springfield chamber I i Both ffsmes were fast and well play­ _ outlay Is considerable. Manv district* :i9 i < iu u w en TWO CARS GET TICKETS were acting without authority from term at the first of the next week. with the second Mriflg showing , baTp a R® aI1 **<} the pre* A demonstration W the Rlble ■chool ed that boily the Eugene directors found work now being carr/dd on In the FOR POLICE STATION Tbe PXpmptlons from examinations at very good team work. •Pnt law helps them to put things over.” ----- - j the high school are about the same as Mr. Moore further urges the need of elemeutury grades here will be given The lineups follow; LOCAL REBEKAHS HOLD taxing the larger holders of property nt the Christian church next Sunday , Traffic officer Kennettf Giles, has during other year. The greater por- W ith Eugene High IN IT IA T IO N M O N D A Y »‘Tternoon at 2:30 by pupils of the bpn b,,i,y *ni-'' week checking up on I ,lon of »hp f,pn|or class were exempt, in butlaying districts where the school ¿ogene: Sprlngfleld: outlay Is small. The present law make* Brattain school. Jtbd curs having 1928 license*, So far* ” f Deeds Near them pay a more equitable share o* Tlie Springfield Rebeknhs, Juanltit1 Tbp I,r”Krn»n follows: song by the ° n,v ” *'»» w,r" havp *>pn found with W. C. T. u. HOLD9 MEETING McMurray Moffett ” r the to»*1' school tax. chapter No. 86 Initiated Mlsr Thelma *ch<»Olj prayer; Rlble Information. '“s » year’s licenses and no evidence Roof Jacobs e Sweeney Into membership at the meet *ehool; “M mw We Got Our Rlble”. I apllratlon hu .'ng ben made for J? Sipilres McClain • lug Munday night In Ihe (hid F c II owh »»I preseniatlotl of the nnclent Heb- »»”’ »®29 licet se. F. Squire« Jefferies e hall. After lodge a dainty luncheon n ‘w si-roll, fi A; song, ’’Take the Dear TT’P order tt at has been sent pr<>- church. « Woods Potter s' TO CONDUCT DRIVE FOR wns served nn,l games were played. »Md Rlble With You." school; Bible i v»dp* leniency for the first Offense. Mrs. E. Det'efpfttix, connty presi­ Refere*5. Frank Reinhart. Monday night’s meeting was the bo<>k ra8#’ i A; n,pmor5r bo”k c a s e ., Thp ““»nbers tre sent ln but no fine* dent. was present at the meting Mrs. INCREASED MEMBERSHIP W ith Lebanon ; Sprlngfleld lineup« first that has been held since the new 4 ’"’n,r “Jp"u"' J'”"»"”, «chool; , «»-p n*p -sed entll the second offense, Rice of Springfield gave the devotion only. drapes have been hung The new I *"rh‘> , 'nn two teams were appointed with M. B. hue lend n delightful tone to the In­ Deeds f Franz Huntly as captain of one team and J. terior of the Odd Fellows' hall. Mem­ by fhe sehiHil; story. "The Man of E Squires g Potter M. Larson, captain of the other. The ber» expressed them selves as le I l l g Faith," S-A; Rlble drill, the school; F. Squires Prochnow g "The Fing That Grew." 4-A; "Thp two teams will vie with each other highly pleased with Ihe Improvement. 8 Inman. Mattison Temple” by the Junior high school in an effort to procure the greatest Next Monday night the Rebekahs group; song by Ihe school. number of members between now and will hold a penny enfaterla which will EVANGELISTIC COMPANY ■ the 15th of February. The W eek Ikty Clinreh school un­ he open to th, public. The cafnterln The following article Is one of a I per,ty dpPe»ds largely on this Indus- ( der which name Rlble work In the The losing side is to celebrate their TO CONDUCT SERVICES will start at fi o’clock In the Odd Fel­ schools Is being r devotes a series lu the Prize winning essay , ^ ry- A T C H R IS T IA N C H U R C H defeat by ProvldlnK food. a”d pn»p»- lows hall. The proceeds from the Wood houses offers more protection _____ tainment for Joint festivities of the I event will go lo pay for Ihe drapes portion of each we- n he different <«ntest sponsored by the 4 L him- rooms of the two rr • schools here I’loyee Wood Promotion committee of . dl,ring a fire, | Commencing one week from next I *pFion and auxiliary. At one time the recently put up. to Rlble study. M The stories were all | A wood bpuse can readily be re Sunday, February 3. the Ross Evangel- ,eg,on berp bad a membership of ap. o lia Kinith Is Springfield. wrlttten by students ln the high and | ®odplpd '»r adapted to new uses. u tlc company of Portland will give Drolim afply 80 persons and the hope the teacher. SHOWER GIVEN TO MISS grade schools of the city nnd contain i n <'0!,»,, more »° bea» » brick build services nt the local Christian church of tbp Drp!'pn» drlre Is to bring the important truths why we should sup-1 in* \ | This company has been holding 1 mplnbprship back to that amount. M A R Y V O R IS T U E S D A Y G IR L S L E A G U E W IL L port the lumber Industry in I^ane Dirt and moisture clings to brick meetings in the larger churches After the rou»inp business of Fri- M E E T N E X T M O N D A Y county. A shower for Mary Vorls who Is buildlngs making them more unhealth throughout the western states and j (lay niKbt'" meetings conducted sep- soon to be married was given at the f“1 have been meeting with remarkable aratply tbp legion and auxiliary met The G irls League o f Ihe hig h school home of Mrs. W. A Mtibey last Tues­ Wood dwellings are easier to sell success. They are coming dlrectlv ' »°'8p,bpr and a program was given, will m eet n ex t M onday. T h e etiarin W h y Lano County Homes day by Mrs. A R. Van Valzah and bem use they are more home like. here from Lewiston. Idaho. Mr. and I Folk,winK *• »bp program: a reading ■ school rep o rt will he g iven by a rep- Should Be Built of Mrs. W. A. Mnbey. Lane county has the largest amount Mrs. Ross are talnnted musicians. by M1’’8 Faye Par’ons. tW(1 readings by i re s e n ta tiv e from th o U n iv e rsity of Wood.’ The following were present; Mrs. 1 O regon. of standing timber of any area its both play saxaphones and Mr. Ross ! Miss Ka»bprine Hemenway; Mrs. H. J. size In the world . We have from fflty-1 also plays the violin and Mrs. Ross Cox played several selections; U n d in e A. R Van Valzah. Mrs W. A Mahey, i Three girls from the delegation ,who Ry ROBERT McLAQAN five billion to sixty billion feet. plays the cello. Mr. Ross comes her- Gartin, of the Eugene Bible University Mrs A R Vorls, Mrs. Mel Rice, Miss wunt (o tjle pigi, school cenference In 7-B Grade Douglas Fir Is useful for all kinds aided as being a powerful speaker, sang two selections accompanied by Mary Vorls, Miss Edna Platt. Miss Eugene two week* ago will give re­ Gur homes should be built of wood of building purposes. It does not He will talk on Christ and the Bible, Winifrid Tyson and two selections Thelma Sweeney, Miss Anna Oorrlo, ports of the conference. These re­ Miss Margaret Gorrie. Miss Wlnonl ports will take up tho matter of what beenuse it I* durable. Homes built warp or split and stays nailed. This The Christian church sends out an In­ with her own accompaniment Rice, Miss Theo Rarthopirnew, Miss other schools are doing. The follow­ many years ago, are Just as good now wood has strength and durability. It vitatlon to everyone to attend the The meeting was well attended with Is the strongest reslonons wood pound meetings. approximately 38 or 40 person* prei^ Elizabeth Hughes. Miss Dorthea Rally, ing girls will report: Mnxlno Snod- nt they were when they were built. A wooden building has greater en­ for pound that has ever been tested. The program for next Sunday Jan-1 e n t Sandw»ehes, cake and coffee Dorris Myers, Dorothy Girard. grnss, Ruth Carlton nnd Loudelle durance In time of storm than a A roof shingled with tin rusts and uary $7 follows: In the morning at were served. Mis* Vori* la a teacher In the local Williams. cement or brick building for wood will leak* ln a short time. A house shing­ 9:48 the Bible school will meet and at school*. give a little before breaking. led with composition roofing suffers 11 o’clock the regular morning ser­ PLAY AND PROGRAM TO PARTY HONORS BIRTHDAY more damage In a wind storm than vice. Special music will be a solo Wood Is stronger than steel weight ACCIDENT VICTIM STILL FEATURE CHURCH NIGHT ANNIVERSERIES OF TWO for weight. a house shingled with Red Cedar by Ixmlsa McDowell entitled. "Tell 4 SUFFERING FROM INJURY Wood is a natural Insulator against shingles. If good nails are used they Me Jesus Why Do Roses Grow so Friday night, January 25, will be A birthday party was given at the heat and cold making our homes will lBRt, twenty-five or thirty years. Red." church night at the Christian church. Ily Casteel Is In tho Eugene hospi­ home of Mr. and Mds. I. N. Endicott, Red Cedar shingles do not decay A special musical program com­ A program will be given and all are tal suffering complications which mny Tuesday night In honor of both Mr. warmer ln the winter nnd cooler ln easily. the summer. mencing at 7:30 will he the feature Invited to come. A feature of the en­ develop Into pneumonia ns a result Endicott nnd Mrs. Opal Roberts whose Hemlock Is a soft wood used for of the evening. The following num­ tertainment will be a play, “Mother’s of an ncldnnt with iwhlch he met Sat- nnnlversarles come on the same day. Wood can be cut to many different the Interior. It Is good for floors. It bers will he given: “Let the Heavens Influence" which Is to be given. urdny night. Cards were tho order of the even­ shapes making It more henutlful foj can be finished with a pleasing color Be Glad”—Wilson, by the choir; violin The program follows: reading, by The accident, occurred on 8lh nnd ing with bridge nnd BOO the popular It Is a material that can be easily and takes paint exceedingly well. It solo group, waltz in A major and Ser Katherine Hemenway; trio, Winifrid High street when tho Ford coupe games. Refreshments, consisting of worked. is used for panels, wainscoting, casing, enagn, by Vivian Lemon; a selection Tyson, Agatha Beals, and Louisa M c­ It can be put Into place quickly driven by Mr. Casteel collided with sandwlchos, cake and coffee wore ser­ molding, colonades, newels, and turn­ by the orchestra; song "Jesus Is Dowell; piano duet, I^na and Frances while brick buildings have to be put a Star ear driven by Chester Smith. ved. ed stock. Hemlock is light, stiff and M1ne,” choir; a number by the or- Occupants of both enrs were Injured Tho following worn present: Mr. together one brick at a time which easily worked. No wood is better chestra; a violin solo. Miss Vivian Frlzell; reading, Teddy Carruthers. The play will be put on by the fol­ and were taken to tho Eugene hospi­ and Mrs. I>a Salle, Mr. nn,l Mrs. takes a long time. In building cem­ adopted for the Interior. Lemon; a song, "It Is Good to Sing lowing cast: Maurlne Lombard, Carl you have to build a tal. but Mr. Cnstonl was tho only one Wayne Clover. Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur ent . buildings , , . ,. . All the homes of Springfield should Praises,” by th echolr and a conclud­ McKinnls, John Lynch, Dora Peder­ wooden frame to hold the cement ' i,„ hum who suffered serious Injury. The Roberta, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fir own t„„e.h«, „am I. bP bUllt ° f W° ° d 80 t0 «»COUrage ing number by the orchestra. son, T-aurence Sunkler, Ralph Cole, cars wotc badly smashed up. both field, Mr. and Mrs. 1. N. Endicott, together until It dries. others to do the same. This would and Nellie Luce. cars being nltnost completely wrecked. Renlrlce Ony, Elsie Davis, Mrs. IT. E. Wood Is plentiful and Inexpensive. In time incrense the demand for lum­ Ill with Flu—Paul Garhoden, of the Refreshments will be served by the Reports from the Eugene hospital Iieplej/. Mr. nnd Mrs. Benjy Endicott It Is cheaper than cement or brick. ber an dthat would mean develop­ Rodenhough garage, Is 111 with the Loyal Men’s class. Tomorrow night’s are that. Mr. Casteel has flvo broken iill of Springfield nnd Mr. and Mrs. The forest is a source of support to ment and prosperity to, "Tho Great flu. He has been confined to his homo meeting will be the first to held In rih*. Frank Rochlll of Eugene. one tenth of our population. Our pros- Northwest." for almost a week. the new social hall. “W hy Lane County Homes Should Be Built of W ood’’