The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, January 17, 1929, Page 6, Image 6

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    PAG« SIX
H enry Holden, resid en t a t the N orth
Fork com m unity, n e a r Florence, w as
killed in stan tly wheu a large log rolled
over him.
S h eriff T aylor of Lane county has
recovered from an assa u lt by thugs a
Principal Events of the Week tew days ago, who w aylaid him and
knocked him unconscious. He w as not
Assembled for Information
robbed and th e m otive Is supposed to
have been revenge.
of Our Readers.
Ike W eatherford, w hose hobby t*
aviation, recen tly purchased 80 acres
Tha Oregon Wool G row ers' associa­ i of land n ear A rlington and has a crew
tion held its annual sta te convention I of men erectin g buildings unJ leveling
In Baker recently.
th e ground p rep arato ry to estab lish
P ostal receip ts at th e A storia post
ing an aviation field.
office during 192* totaled *67.214, an
M ary M argaret G rim es. 7 year-old
Increase of *250.47 over th e 1927 re­ d au g h ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. G rim es,
living 14 m iles n o rth w est of Junction
Illinois valley P ort O rford cedar 1* City, was fatally shot by h er 9-year-old
being shipped to Jap an . T he logs are b ro th er R obert w hile th e two w ere
obtained n ear Bandon and hauled to playing w ith a sm all rifle.
W aters Creek by truck.
A ttain m en ts of E dgar G rim es of
The Inland G rain com pany, a new H arrisb u rg . 1928 n atio n al 4-11 club
lead er cham pion, bore fru it recently
*26.000 corporation, has been o rg an ii
*d at F reew ater by H. S. M urray, A. in th e ap p ro p riatio n of *850 by th e
county court to re sto re th e office of
L. G rover and John R. B arnes.
Linn county club leader, vacated five
A ccording to a recen t survey. Eu
y ears ago by failu re of th e co u rt to
gene's population is now estim ated at
provide funds.
*7.542, an increase of 150 p er cent
C. M arsters of R oseburg w as elected
since th e decennial census of 1920.
p resid en t of th e O regon s ta te fair
A pproxim ately 40 new business
board at th e ann u al m eetlug of th e I
houses, rep resen tin g a large num ber
board held in Salem recently. T his Is
of various lines of endeavor, were
Mr. M arsters' second successive term
opened in Medford during th e year
as p resid en t of th e board. Mrs. Ella
S hults W ilson w as re-elected s e c re
The oil p rospecting well at Fossil ta ry of th e board.
h as reached a depth of 700 feet and
W hile cleaning out th e mail boxes
th e crew is now drilling in red shale
used in th e house and sen ate during
W ork is going on continuously day and th e leg islatu re tw o y ears ago, w ork­
n ig h t
men found th ree le tte rs w hich were
All-time building records in McMinn
overlooked and not tak en to th e post
ville w ere sh attere d in 1928 when a office. T h is carelessn ess will be call­
to tal of *463.984 was invested. The ed to th e atte n tio n of th e m ail clerks
am ount is *237.000 more th an was at th e 1929 session.
•p e n t in 1927.
A gavel fashioned from a piece of
Medford and Jackson county during tim b er which had been In th e W hite
th e year 1928 broke all records in pear H ouse for m ore th a n 112 y ears was
shipm ents, lum ber production, C rater , p resen ted to th e P o rtlan d cham ber of
L ake travel, school atten d an ce and com m erce by F. C. Knapp, p resid en t of
the P en n in su la L um ber com pany. In
hank deposits.
W asco county's to tal of tax to be behalf of the N atio n al L um ber Menu
raised for county purposes th is year ■ fa ctu rers' association.
S tate prohibition o p erativ es p artici­
will be *421.318.80. T he county nurse,
previously dropped from th e budget, pated In 83 a rr e s ts for v iolations of
liquor law s during D ecem ber, accord
will be retained.
W ith a cash balance of *155.532.97. ing to a rep o rt filed w ith G overnor
the Linn county court en ters th e new P atterso n by G eorge A lexander, sta te
y ear well supplied w ith funds. The prohibition d irecto r. F ines im posed
balance is one of th e larg est in the in th e cases ag g reg ated *7925, with
jail sen ten ces to talin g 520 days.
histo ry of th e county.
Sinking of a num ber of wells which,
John Laing of H aines and two p a rt­
n ers have uncovered a com m ercial if successful, will provide Salem with
vein of ore in th e ir m ine 14 m iles from an im proved w ater supply, was an
H aines which show s values as high as nounced by th e O regon-W ashington
W ater Service com pany. W ork on
*450 per ton in silver-lead.
one of th e w ells w as under way last
A seagull flew into a 2300-volt powei
week. The Salem w ater h as had a
line at Seaside one day last week,
peculiar ta s te for sev eral w eeks, and
causing a sh o rt circuit and leaving the
many h ouseholders have obtained th eir
town w ithout pow er for an hour. The
d rin k in g w ater a t sp rin g s and from
gull recovered and flew away.
wells outsid e of th e city.
The sea going tug G eorgia M. Brown
M erger of 125 re ta il grocery sto res
owned by th e S ta r Towing company,
w ent aground recen tly on th e beach in th e W illam ette valley, p resen tin g
just south of th e Siletz Bay bar when ag g reg ate reso u rces of n early *1.500,-
000. was perfected in Salem recently
a tow line fouled h er propellor.
The m erger, created by th e W iliam
Although th ere w as no g reat activ ­
ette G rocery com pany, b rin g s into ex ­
ity in building in P endleton during
istence one of th e la rg e st chain sto re
1928, records show th at perm its issued
org an izatio n s in Oregon. T he o rg an ­
during th e y ear had a value of *157,-
ization will be allied for buying w ith a
442, or *63.691 m ore than in 1927.
chain of 450 sto res in W ashington.
Oregon land in 1928 yielded farm
Theodore Roth, p resid en t of the com
products w orth *565.000.000, su rp ass
pany, said.
ing the to tal of 1927 by n early *20.
R ural re sid e n ts from various dis
000.000. Eleven m illion m ore dollars
triers petitioned th e Hood R iv er city
was taken from th e stream s in fish.
council for d o m estic w ater supply
The W est Lane L um ber company
from th e new *250,000 Cold S prings
plant n ear Sw isshom e sta rte d up th
m unicipal w ater sy stem now under
first of the y ear w ith 40 em ployes
construction. City A tto rn ey Sm ith In
The plant, recen tly tak en o v er by ne«
formed th e co u n try re sid e n ts th a t they
ow ners, had been idle for about a year
may form w ater d is tric ts along the
In the tw o m onths in w hich th e cc
pipeline and th a t th e city will deliver
operative shipping association of Wal
w ater to th e d is tric ts a t its pipelines.
Iowa county farm ers h as been in exls
Each d is tric t will a rran g e Its own dis­
tence, 3756 hogs have been shipped
trib u tin g system .
bringing the farm ers a to tal of *62,-
S. G. Simon of T an g en t w as elected
U 3.
p resid en t of th e O regon D airym en’s
Dogs killed 448 sheep and 19 goats
association at th e closlDg session of
in Linn county during 1928, according
th e 36th annual convention of th e or
to records of claim s filed w ith the
g anlzatlon held In Medford. Barton
Linn county court. The loss is more t A ldrich of R edm ond w as nam ed vice
than *5000. The court is now auditing ; p resid en t, and P. M. B randt of Cor­
the claim s.
vallis, secretc.-y-treusurer. M arshfield
was selected a* th e convention city
R ichard Cayzer. a rtist, lost heavil)
for n ex t year, with th e u n d erstan d in g
a t Tillam ook recently when fire de
etroyed his studio with many valuable
th a t an e a ste rn Oregon city would ba
nam ed th e following year.
paintings. Mr. C ayzer was severely
burned in an a ttem p t to save some Of '
The public schools of Oregon are
his property.
the la rg e st single en te rp rise in the
A report compiled by Sheriff Tayloi
shows th at 296 persons were Inm ates
of the Lane county jail during 1928 I
This is considerably less th an the '
three preceding years, which show an ;
average of 525.
P. G. Gilmore, ow ner of the Gilmore
hotel in Newport, was killed In an
autom obile accident six m iles e a st oi
Toledo on th e icy Newport-CorvalllH
highway. Mrs. Gilmore, who wag trap
ped under the car, wag badly bruised
but not seriously injured.
The total tax levy In E ugene this
year will be 58.5 mills, according to
County A ssessor Keeney. L ast year
the to tal was 54.6 m ills. The big Item
o f increase Is the 4-mill levy for con­
stru ctio n of th e M cKenzie and F lor
snee sta te highw ays.
The Hood River county court ha*
announced that fund* available tor
aounty fruit Inspection work will be
used In employment of a county agent
The coat of the agents annual work
Will be *5000 a year, of which tfeg
flpouty will pay *240&
Raym ond Moor«. *». xaraxe employ«.
was dead and hl* nephew Clyde Moore.
2*. was in custody a fte r a wild flight
thro u g h the hills a* a resu lt of the dis
ch arg e of a rifle In the hands of the
nephsw during a tu ssel with the uncle.
The shooting occurred at Radio park.
IS mile* from G rant* P ass
Chester r. Mills Wins Dui ju t Prize,
54a j or Chewier P. Mill* l u m a i Ih »
Chief of New York, sud the *23.18X1
check he received from W C. D u i ant st
die Hist award ui the ewtay contrai spurt
a- veil bv Pui ant for (he beet pirut for
making pi «dubitimi tfia rti« *.
T h e S o u th ern Oregon Sale* com ­
pany. p rom inent fruit buying, selling
and packing concern of Medford, an-
nouncee th a t It will s ta r t work Feb­
ru ary 1 on th* construction of a cold
sto rag e and packing plant to cost
*100,1)00. It will be one of th e largest
p lan ts of th e kind In the state.
Linn county has Increased Its e<iulp
m ent by n early *10.000 during the last
year, th e Inventory for 1928 show*
Value of m ach in ery ow ned by the
county now is *133,134 15. L ast y e a r’*
in v en to ry show ed county oquipm ent
valustl at *133,186 50. T he equipm ent
co n sists chiefly of gravel plants, rock
cru sh ers and road m achinery.
.tv eF sei*»
Members of the local t r i p of
T h ro u g h th e c o u rtesy of S e n a to rs
T h e C latsop tax roll for collection
In 1929 will am ount to *2.112.992 64. Bell an d B ailey and R e p re se n ta tiv e s
according to figures announced at (he P o tter. Ilo w u rd an d M cC ready th e
county a ss e sso r's office In A storia. S pringfield N ew s h a s been placed on
T h e roll is *71.501 03 less than that th e m ailin g list to receive copies of
collected du rin g 1928. A lthough the bills In tro d u ced anil d iscu ssed In both
roll to tals less m illage, levies a re gen • houses of th e leg islatu re.
erally h igher In view of valuation re-
On « count of th e c u rta ilm e n t of ex
ductions am ounting to *2,0d0.000.
pensea few er n u m b ers of copies have
Llnn county m ark et ro ad s built d u r­ I been sen t out th is y ear th a n h e re lo-
ing th e last season cost *5257 41) a fore, ao th e copies at the N ew s office
mile, w hereas th e average m arket road a re open to acc e ss by th e public.
A letter received by the N ew s from
cost thro u g h o u t th e s ta te is m ore than
*6000, according to C. H. Leonard, Senator Bally sta tes In the event that
county eng in eer. In his rep o rt to the anyone want u copy of any particular
sta te highw ay com m ission. T he re­ m easure for them to write to Senator
Bell o r h im self an d such re q u ested
port sta te s th a t 19 4 utiles of m arket
road w ere built a t a to tal cost of *102.- copy will he fo rw ard ed .
541 32
W hile th e com bined business car­
ried by 195 stock tire In surance com ­
panies and th e ir 65 subsidiaries, oper­
atin g in O regon, show ed a gain of *9,-
000,000 in 1927 as com pared w ith 1926.
ap proxim ately 75 stock life insurance
com panies show ed a gain of (33.680,-
026 94 In o u tstan d in g risk s at th e close
of 1927 o v er th e sam e period of the
preceding year.
R oseburg's building record for 1928
was th e best in th e city's history, ex
cept to r th e y ear of 1925. T he total
am ount w as *439.165. which w as only
*72,000 less th an the city 's banner
year. The new court house, now In
process of construction, and the med
leal a rts building, for w hich the con­
tra c t was only recen tly let. co n stitu ted
th e tw o m ajo r p ro jects of the year.
In h erita n ce tax In the am ount of
*700,212.58 w as collected by th e sta te
in h eritan ce tax d ep artm en t during the
year 1928. according to announcem ent
made by T. B. Kay. s ta te tre a su re r.
The sta te tre a su re r ad m in isters the in
h eritan ce tax law. T he incom e from
in h eritan ce tax during 1928 w as *83,-
000 In excess of th a t collected In any
one y ear in th e history of the d ep art
m ent
P oultrym en of e a stern Orogon will
m eet In P endleton on Ja n u a ry 11 to
h e a r th e re p o rt of a poultry survey
m ade by th e Oregon A gricultural col­
lege for th e p art of th e s ta te east of
th e C ascade range. T he college was
asked to m ake the rep o rt early in the
fall when poultrym en m et th e re to
draw up a plan w hereby they could
tak e ad v an tag e of the new "pick up”
o r "In tra n s it" freight ra te offered by
the Union Pacific.
F rid ay and S aturday. F e b ru ary 1
and 2, have been set aside for the dedi­
cation of th e n ew est addition to L in­
field's cam pus, M elrose hall. At th a t
tim e B aptists, th e people of McMinn­
ville and th e college will Join bands in
the opening of a building w hich Is the
initial m ovem ent tow ard a series of
new buildings which will Include a
library, a chapel, com m ons building,
dorm itories, a n e » gym nasium , a new
science hall and a now m usic hall.
Jo* M iller of A lder slope hag been
chosen head of th e W allow a County
M arketing association, form ed a t En
te rp rlse recen tly . T here a re six o th er
d irecto rs, w ith one of them actlDg as
secretary -treasu rer. Inform ation from
th e county ag en t show s th a t during
th a tw o m onths co-operative shipping
has been done from the county, m ore
th an *60,000 w orth of hogs alone h a re
been m arketed by the farm er* of the
county, as well a* a considerable nuro
bar of sheep and cattle.
state and re p resen t an in v estm en t of
L egislation providing relief from
more th an *40,000,000 in building*, d ep red atio n s by dog* am ong sheep in
grounds and equipm ent, according to
O regon Is th e purpose of a m ovem ent
the biennial rep o rt of C. A. H oward,
sta rte d In A lbany by local sheep own­
state su p erin ten d e n t of schools, which
ers, who com plain th a t th e ir losses are
was filed with G overnor P a tte rso n re- co n stan tly grow ing g reater. In Linn
cently. D aring th e fiscal y ear and- ; county proceeds from dog license* dur
ing Ju n e 18, 1928, th ese schools ex­ Ing 1628 totaled *3112 35, w hile claim s
pended *22,000,000.
A pproxim ately
for sh eep losses have alread y far ex
8000 teac h ers a re em ployed and more ceeded th is a m o u n t D uring 1827 dog
than 187,000 children are enrolled
licenses yielded *2343, w hile claim s
T here are 9624 clerks and school board
w ere n early *6000, leaving sheep own­
m em bers.
ers to b e a r h alf th e ir losses.
S tate highw ay m ain ten an ce forces
T h e land se ttle m e n t re p o rt of the
are spread in g gravel south from Myr­ O regon ch am b er of com m erce from
tle P oint tow ard Bridge, w here th e dis­ Jan u a ry 1, 1928 to Ja n u a ry 1, 1929, In­
tance Is supplied with reserv e piles of cludes th e follow ing Inform ation:
gravel for 11 m iles. T his gravel is
N um ber of inquiries received, 12,123;
being leveled with a g ra d e r as fast aa signed q u estio n n aires retu rn ed , 735;
laid. The sta te expects to oil h alf of num ber sta tin g th ey w ere com ing to
the road th is sp rin g or sum m er. The
Oregon to locate, 867; with specified
thoroughfare is the sta te highw ay be
cap ital In v estm en t of *1,875,223; le t­
tw een C oot county and D ouglas, and
ters m ailed out, 31,723; pieces of lite r­
th ere are said to be m any soft and bad atu re m ailed out, 25,920; callers a t of­
placeB In th e road as far as Cam as fice, 2,618; new s e ttle rs reported, 457;
valley, due to tru ck in g of logs in the
inv estm en t, *2,123,316.50 and acreage,
sum m er m ouths.
Springfield Girl Scouts who met last
Friday and elected officers, will meet
this afternoon at the llratt ilu school
at 4:30. Patrol work ami work on the
merit badges will com m ence
Officers elected last Friday were
Eva I.ouk, president; Ethel Adams,
vice p resid en t; Ruth Stratton, secre­
tary; Adeline Perkins, Evelyn und
Barbara Adams, patrol leaders. Alta
Manning Is leader of the troop.
The ladles of the local .......Ilecraft
club will meet at the home of Mrs, C.
O. W ilson tonight ut which m eeting
the follow ing n o s m em bers will lie In
Itlated: Mrs W N Dow. Mrs Jack
llen d erer, Mrs G eorge Carsons, and
TO ATTEND MEET TODAY Mrs. Allan Kafoury.
After the Initiation and the regular
S ta te officers of th e A m erican Leg m eetin g the ladles of the club will en
Ion will be p re s e n t ut th e a n n u a l d is­ te r ta ln th e h u sb a n d s of the members
tr ic t co n feren ce of leg lo n n u lres and
au x iliary to he held In E ugene today.
M eth od ist Church S erv ic e *
T h e au x iliary groups will m eet a t 3
T h e follow ing se rv ices a re an n o u n ­
o'clock th is afte rn o o n an d ut 6 45 a ced for th e M eth o d ist ch u rch for next
b anquet will be held a t th e C h am b er S u n d ay ;
of C om m erce for all ex-service men
S u n d ay school at 9 45.
and m em b ers of th e au x iliary .
Ju n io r ch u rch nt 11 o'clock.
B etw een 75 and 100 v isito rs a re ex­
Morning worship at 11 o'clock Suh-
pected to a tte n d Including a probable Jcct "Jesus Surveys a Church." T he
d eleg a tio n of 10 o r so m em b ers from choir will sing the anthotn "How Ex­
Springfield. O th e r tow ns to be re p ­ cellen t Is Thv Na-me ’*—W oolev.
re se n te d Include C ottage G rove. J u n c ­
Epworth League nt 6:30 P. M
tio n C ity, C orvallis, T oledo, N ew port.
Evening W orship 7:30. Subject, "A
L ebanon and o th e r tow ns
Man of the Tombs."
V isitin g officials Include:
B en
F ish er, s ta te co m m an d er; C arl M oser,
s ta te a d ju d a n t; H arry N elson, s ta te
co m m u n ity se rv ice c h a irm a n ; J e r ry
The Modern Woodmen of America
O wen of th e A m erican L egion staff. will Install officers at their meeting
Friday night to be held In the W. O.
M inister V isit»— Rev. D em ing of W hall The Roynl Neighbors of Am
C orvallis sp e n t S unday In th is city erica will hold Installation on the
v isitin g w ith Rev. Ted G oodw in who sam e evening ami probubly a Joint In
is co n d u ctin g m etln g s here.
stullatlon wilt he held.
There were 91 births and 58 death*
ruported to Hr W. II Pollard, the city
health officer, during the year 1938
according to a report made public
lust Monduy.
T he report glvea the follow ing re
cord of cases of sick n ess during the
year, chicken pnx 9; scarlet fever 18;
m easles I; imumps 3; typhoid 1;
diphtheria 1; Influent* 'reported 24;
pneumonia 3; culture» taken of dlph
therln 3; «pacific d iseases 5; tuhercu-
toala 1.
There were 21 exam ,nations made
o f w ell w ater during the vear the re­
port show« with the follow ing results-
8 good for drinking purposes, 5 pot-
| luted, and 8 not fit for drinking pur-
: pose«.
I Dr Pollard recomm ended that the
city council lak e steps lit regard to
the city sew erage system
He sug­
gested an extension of sew ers needed.
l - 'u i i b i - r
r.-, , o i i i i u n d u l l . . i i
b m u g fi
The loss from Are dam age for
Rprlngfteld during the past vear was k
*843 00 nrcordlng to the report given
In last Monday by J esse Sm ltson.
Springfield Are chief.
The report briefly sta tes the follow-
Ing record for the year- calls an sw er­
ed 49; m iles traveled 73; gallons of
c h em icals used 1087; and fire loss
*343 00
B irth d a y P a rty G iven
Monday night a birthday dinner
party was given at the hom e of Mr
and Mrs C (1 W ilson honoring ?lr».
E S Riddel of Eugene.
T hose present at the partv were.
Mr and Mrs C (1. W ilson and »wo
sons. Donald and Hobart. Mr. and
Mrs E C Riddel rnd sons, Robert
and Slgrld. anil Mr and Mrs Clifford
W ilson and son
Mr Riddel Is Mrs C O W ilson's
brother. Mr. Riddel and fam ily have
recently moved to Eugene from Fort
D islge, Iowa.
Springfield Visitor»— Mr anil Mrs
II It Mulkey and I wo sons. W arn«
and John, and daughter. Mary Marg )
aret. anil Mr and Mrs. Chnrles Ken­
neth Wilson of Salem were Sunday
gu ests of Mr. and Mrs C <> Wilson.
The Telephone serves best when its
service is universal
TO U T» T E L E P H O N E la connectible with
143,000 other telephone* in Oregon, and with
aulhwa telephones all over tlie
United State*.
A moment’ s thn nght w ill show that such
a broad service—putting your telephone at
the center oi a network that covers Oregon
and tha n a tio n -ia mad» possible only by
mu/ornuty oi equipment, uniformity of
method, and duae-working harmony between
eparatinc com pomes of these widely
1 geographical area*.
About two-thsrda of the nation’s telephones
— (he nineteen million to which your tele­
phone la readily connectible—are operated by
a group of companies known collectively a*
tha Ball System. The Pacific Telephone and
Telegraph Company ia one of these operating
N ot only does the relationship give the
Pacific Company the right to all patents,
technical experience and results of scientific
research of the Bell System, but it enables
the Pacific Company to operate at the lowest
possible coot— thereby keeping charges for
telephone service at a minimum. T h ro u g h
tha Western E le c t r ic C o m p a n y — th e m a n u ­
fa c tu r in g , e u p p ly a n d d ie tr ib u tin g o r g a n ­
is a tio n o f th e B e ll S y e te m — th e P a c if ic
C o m p a n y ia a b le to g e t ita te le p h o n e au p-
p i i e t about
c h e a p e r th a n i t w o u ld g e t
th e m o th e rw ia e .
out In the report was that g rix -efl
«tores, ronfertlonnry stores, and all
places where m eals were served to
the puhlle he com pelled Io keen n well
covered garbage call In the alley for
collection of refuse and w aste Espec­
ial need of this during the fly breeding
season was urged
Tha co-ordinating head of tha Bell By____
ia the American Telephone and Telegraph
Company, a national erganiaatiou with more
than tao.uoo stockholdars. I t ewaa a m ajority
of the stock of the oparatlag
fundamautal intarast is tha beet possible tala-
phone service at tha lowest oast,
with safety, and ita fifty year aid
principle has beau ta sash ao speculative or
large profits, but to work solely for a com-
stantly enlarging and improving teiephewe
Tha ownership of a m ajority of T h e Pacific
Telaptuxie and Telegraph company’s stock by
tha American Talaphona and Telegraph Coun-
pany has been regularly published la the
American Company’s annual report. ***d
spread broadcast for many years. I t la one
of the chief reasons for ;l>e advanced type cd
telephone service enjoyed in Oregon and on
the Pacific Coast.
W e a r e p r o u d to b e o n e o f th e f a m i l y
o f a e a o c ia te d c o m p an iea w h o ae m u tu a l aw>
o p e ra tio n a n d acceaa to th e te le p h o n o aar-
p a rie n c a a n d re a e a rc h aa ro icoa o f th e notioaa
h a ve g iv e n to O re g o n a n d th e U n it e d S ta to o
th e m oat n e a r ly u n iv e ra a l te le p h o n e a e rv io o
poaceaaed b y a n y c o u n try .