field I >70 THURSDAY. JANUARY 17, 1929 TW» BPRJNG1HELD NrW R Springfield Mill Makes Good Production Record in 10 Years TOWN AND VICINITY Hara from Portland— Harold Jeur- Hara fron» Leaburg— Mra. Archy S p rin g fie ld V is ito r — G . A. »peary of Harria of Leaburg wna a Tueaduy Ing of Portland spent Thurwlay In Arlington spent T uesday In the city. Hprlngtleld on hualneaa. vlaltor. From Harrisburg—Gladys Rawver Hera from Albany— Mra. Rlale waa a vlaltor from Harrlaburg last Move* to Eugene— I’hll Gnaaler haa moved to Eugene where he will live Ihivla of Albany la here vlaltlng with Tuesday. her slater. Mra. Opal Roberta. with hla daughter, Margaret. Here from W altervllle— Mr. and Goea to Junction C ity—Mra Robert > Mra Lee Fountain, of W altervllle. Return» Homo— Mra. Allen Kufoury 111 I It I It <1 II Hu h t n a t i bought Iron *ho haa I....... vlaltlng In Hulem return Hprlnkln went to Junction City the were In town W ednesday. Rimer Rtivno through n receiver tin latter part of laat week. id thia week. concern which I n i w w known an thi Hera from W altervllle— Harry Jack Rprltigth bi Mill nml Groin company Here from W endling— Mra. Robert Bon, of W altervllle, ana one of the From Flah Hatchery— Mr Jnekaon on Mill street At that tim e the mill of the McKanale flah hatchery wua a Haya of W endling wua a Monday shop­ week » vlaltora In the city. per In the city. la g cupiK ltv wao mo tion bushels per Monday vlaltor In town. Goes to Portland— Dr. W. H Pollard day w hile now It I n 225.000 huaheh Goea to Marcola— Mr and Mra. left thia morning on the 4 o'clock D eputy S h e riff M akea T r ip — la iw r per iliiy. B esides putting the Inalltu lion on U n feet financially and sub once llaxtor of Thurston yeaterduy A im Rtevena went to Marcola laat train for Portland. Monday lo vlalt with Mr and Mrs atantlally Increasing Itn rapacity. Mr took deputy sheriff W W. Kdoilalon H ere fro m Pleasant Hill— R. H Charles Paris of that place. to the Florence auction, Buahman haa added other lord* unllN Tinker of Pleasant HUI waa a bual of output A com m ercial feed plan' From Reedsport — Mr and Mra nesa vlaltor to Springfield W ednesday. Return« to Falls— Mra Rather Rich I ih n been added .which I n modern and cnliurg of Klamath Raila returned to f haa. Iloaxg. of Reedsport, arrived U|>lo»late In every reap ed and which Ill with Flu— J. s . McKay o f the her home Friday evening after a vlalt here Munday enroute to Marcola to haa a capacity of 20 ton« per dnv with her mother, Mra Lynch o f thia attend the funeral of Mra. Hoagg'a Home grocery store on F street, la T here I n alno In connection with the city. nephew, Mr Addington, which waa confined to hla bed with the flu. plant a whnleanle grain hualneaa held laat Monday. From Fall Creek— Mrs D W. Oliver Daughter Born — Mr and Mm which handle» nil eoarae grnlna n i i c I i of Fall Creek wua a visitor to Spring Here from Loe Angele»— Mr and O n hurley and corn. George Heaton, of Leaburg are the Mra, Jeaae I .arson cam e up from Loa Held laat Tuesday. parent» o f a baby daughter born at j The atory which Mr Ruahman tella Angeles Saturday afternoon Mr. of hla effort» In Oregon I n a good ilcin the Pacific Uhrlatlan hoapltal In Eu Here from Maleóla— Ida D. Lydy I-araon works at a camp 35 miles gene thia week. was on of the Mareóla vUltora to thia onatratlon of what clear thinking and above W endling,. city during the week. concentrated application can do Mr Return Home — Mr. and Mra. I Ruahntan cam e from H aven. Kanin» Chnrlea K enneth W ilson o f Salem ' Mother Seriously |||_ W o r d rec- Ill With Pneumonia— Dorothy, the In 1907 where he had gotten hla flrnt who »pent Munday In thia city re J from Hugh Jolllff who daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney experience In the m illing hualneaa He turned to their home In Mnlcnn. w"" ra,,w > ,r> Dayton, W ashington, on Ward. Is 111 with pneumonia. moved that rear to Sheridan where he account of the aerloua lllneaa of hla Move to Junction City— Mra. Roy mother, atatea that hla m other la In bought the Yamhill Milling and Power Mr. Wright Better— S C. Wright com pany He operated the plant In Sprinkle and children left Monday a critical condition. who has been confined to hla home flherlden until 1912 During thia time even in g for Junction City where they with a bad cold la recovering and Is SIster-ln-law P asses— Arthur Rush expected back at the atore soon. he practically doubled the output. In­ plan to make their home for som e man received word Monday morning creasing the m illing capacity from 75 time. of the death of hla wife'» slater, Mra Baby Bom — A baby boy waa born to barrel* per day to 150 barren per dav Break» Leg — Mr». M J. Kanat, Lilian Shell, who passed awny Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jakewaya of H e alno Increaaed the lighting bu»l 72« O street, who fell nnd broke her I night nt Corvallis, Mra. Shell haa W endling last Tuesday at the Pacific nean aeveral fold building up the pat hip laat Monday morning la Improv been very seriously 111 with the flu Christian hoapltal In Eugene. ronage from 200 pa Iron a Nerved hv the Ing slow ly The cause of Mra. Kanat'a nnd pneumonia, concern at thnl tim e to a much larger From W altervllle—C linton TTOtter fall waa slippery pavement. number when he nold out In 1912 from the W altervllle section was a Here from W elaee—Mra. H C. Whit visitor to Springfield yesterday. He In Auto A ccident—The son of John Buahman and aona, for Mr. Htiah man hn* In hualneaa with him twi. Gates of Sprlngfled Monday suffered worth la vlaltlng at the home of Mr cam e In for medical attention. aona, Arthur G and John If , hnve In­ a gash In hla leg Just above the knee and Mrs. C. K. Kenyon. Mr. and Mra. R eturns from Portland — Prank stalled a rigid ayatem of Inipectlon aa a result o f an autom obile accident W hitworth are In the hotel hualneaa at Rvery day ample teata are m ade of the i In the Marcola vicinity. Tho victim W eiser. Idaho. She la on her way to W echter returned Monday from Port­ flour In an up -to-date laboratory which ! wna attended to by one o f the local Honolulu where she will vlalt her son land where he has been visitin g the who la a prosecuting attorney thero. past few w eeks with his daughter th ey have In connection with the plant j physicians. M iry. and a aample of the flour la taken and i By 0 K WII-HHIItK Bprlngfivlil run Ixiuat of tht, large*) w ill Mini grain plnui betw een Portland and Harm men to Tim a iu x iln g port ol llm ijlnry I n lliut thia has bean built uj »Ince ISIS from ii defunct com i.rn To M eet rtero — M ra. M made Into bread which m ust com e up to the atnndnrd thev Impose unon Thia »nmole that 'a thelr output bread la the t h e flnnl f i n a l teat 0..1 baked Into the bread The Springfield Mill and Grain com* pany keepa three Inrae truck» with which thev give aervlce to their cua- tomera T hev deliver produce aa far aa SO m iles awav from the plant. The com pany en gages In atrlrtly a whole- aale buarlneaa J M c K lln T eacher Vlalt» — A. H Pengra. j of Sprlngflcbl will entertain the m«*m hers o f the New League club of Eu- school superintendent of Newport. gene at her home on Jaunary 26. The who heen •H anding the high society held It» laat m eetin g ut the "rho° ' conference In Eugene vlalted home of Mra. A. Lombard on the river relative» In Springfield over the w eek­ road laat Saturday and elected offl end. Mr. Pengra waa form erly prln cera The New le a g u e la a wotnun'a clpal of the school at Thurston. Mayor Departs— Mayor C. O. W ilson left yesterday on the 1 o'clock train for San Francisco on a business trip He plana on spending the remainder of the week In the 'golden' state. From A lm svllle — Mr. and Mrs Claude Harwood, of A lm svllle, have Taylor Shop Rem odeled— Lawrence been visitin g friends and relatives In Anderson, who haa recen tly taken j thia city during the week. JOE HILL SURPRISES over the local aervlce clean ers, thia FRIENDS W ITH SMOKES week remodeled Ms place The door From Marshfield— Mrs. Edyth Ohl­ CUPID IS THE CAUSE facing the Springfield laundry which son and daughter, Lucille, cam e here LANE SENATORS ARE ON haa hitherto been closed has been this week from Marshfield io spend a Joo Hill surprised hla friends the opened and the equipm ent Inside haa few days with Mrs. Ohlsons' mother, IMPORTANT COMMITTEES first part of the week when ho paH.icd Mrs. Harl M cPherson. AT NEW LEGISLATURE around an extra good brand of sm okes. been re-arranged. T ro o p S coutm aster Changed— W . P Salem . Jan 17—Senator John W Invcatlgntlon revealed that Joe had Attend Marcola Session— Charlea P Bell, of Ijin e county, la chnlrman of been sm itten by one of cuptd'a nr Poole of Eugene, accompanied by W T yson Is to take over the scout- F W alker, Oswald Olson. A. C. Peddl m astership of troop No. 12. Mr. T y­ the aenate com m ittee on Aaaeaament rows. •i-a a t Monday at tho Baird hotel In cord, and E. E. Pyne of Springfield, son takes the place of Kenneth Dill- 1 and Taxation for thia leglalntlve »es- alon. having been appointed by ITeal- 1 ^ iv ld Joaeph Hill of thia city attended the Joint Installation cere­ ard who is too busy with his duties dent A. W. Norblad on Monday, the | 1 and Francos Marlon Averbeck of Snn m onies of the I O. O. F. and Rebekah at the U niversity of Oregon to con-I tlnue ns leader of the troop. first day of the session . Senator Boll i Diego, California, w ere married by , lodges at Marcola Saturday night. w as also appointed vice-chairm an of | Judge C. P. Barnard. A few Intimate the W ays nnd Mean» com m ittee, and ! friends were present at the wedding. la a member of the com m ittees on Mr. Hill la a resident of thia section Banking, Rnllronds. and U tilities, and Mra. Hill has been here for the Counties, and R esolutions, mnklng n , past two m onths tolnl of six com m ittees on which he i la serving. J.C.PENNEYCO. E u gene, Oregon. Fashions Change But Feet Do Not A very w itty Irishman once said, "Fashions change but feet do not." What a world of wisdom is wrapped up in these few words, and how we should all take them to heart when we set out in our quest for shoes. 1.75 j.75 Í.75 We have tried to do our part by providing you with shoes made of honest leather and whose excel­ lent workmanship insures the wearer real comfort. That isn’t all, however. You must do your part and select shoes adapted to the use you are going to give them. Don’t teeter around on spike heels during workaday hours It never was comfortable, and now it isn’t even fashionable. eed 'e ly »P 592 Brunswick Radio All Electric Tone P e rfec t TABLE MODEL — Com plete with S p eak er and T u b e s ................ $150.00 CONSOLE MODEL — C o m p lé té __ ________ 8 TU BE SU PER HETERODYNE — Com plété .......... .......... political club. AGATHA CLASS HAS PARTY Mrs Bel] will Join Senator Bell ' FOR MRS. R. P. MORTENSEN within n wck nnd they will reside j The Agtahn rlnss of the Methodist nt 993 Court street In Salem , when* j ! church yesterday afternoon honored Mr Bell is now living. Mrs. R. P. M ortensen at their m eeting Senator Bell hsn as his secretary ! given nt Mrs. M ortensen's home at Miss Marian Barnes, who grndunted 506 (J street. Mrs. M ortensen was from the U n iversity of Oregon at mid presented with a picture “ Venetian winter. Miss B arnes’ hom e la In I Autumn'* given by the m em bers of the Tacoma. ■ class. Rdward F Bally, sta te senator from IT csent were, Mrs. M ortensen, Mrs. Ijin e count, whose* homo la Junction G. C. Prochnow, Mrs. W. N. Dow. Mrs. City. Is chnlrman of the sen ate com ­ J L. May, Mrs. W illiam G. Hughes. m ittee on Education, having been ap­ Mrs. W. N. G ossler. Mm. W. H Poll­ pointed to this position h.v President ard, Mrs E. E. May, Mrs J. R. Fish. A W. Norblad op Monday, tho first Mrs. K. R. Otic, Mrs. J. B. Ernst. Mrs. dny of the session now In progress In Pratt H olverson. Mrs. Mildred L Gill Fhilem. ette. Mrs W illis Bertsch. Mrs A. L. Senator Bell haa aa hla aerretnry "Yhmell, Mrs. W illiam Ibodenhough, o f the com m ittee on Tnauranee nnd Mrs. M. C. W hltua, Mrs. R. L. Drury, vice-chairm an of the com m ittee on and Mrs. W F. W atson. Mrs. Whtson M ilitary AITalra, and la a mem ber of w as also a guest o f tho afternoon. Iho comimltteea on Ronda and Hlgh- waya. R evision of law s, and on Agri culture, mnklng a total of six com m it­ tees on which Senator Bally la serv­ ing. Senntor Bally la livin g nt R76 Chem eketn afreet In Salem , nnd hla phone number la 116«. Miss C hrestlne Rnum. of Junction M'HS C hrestlne Rnun, of Junction P L 1 Ä IG MISS TRAVIS SECRETARY TO REP. E. O. POTTER Salem , Jan. 17— E. (). Potior, of Eu- gone, mem ber of tho llo u so o f Rop- rosontntlvos from Lano county, Is servin g on four com m ittees during the leg isla tiv e sosslon now In progTPss nt Hnlom. Roprosontatlve Potter Is chnlr- mnn of tho public Institutions com m it­ tee, vice-chairm an o f the eonstltu tlonal law com m ittee, and Is a mem ­ ber of the w ays and m eans and the public lands com m ittees. Mr. P otter la living at the New Salem hotel w hile In Salem , lils a Em m agene Travis, o f Springfield, la ■erring an hla secretary. ger PA gBFTV W Come to BEARD’S Half-Price COAT and DRESS SALE All Winter Dress COATS No Reservations y2 price NEW PLUMBING IDEAS! W e can show you tho very m odem Ideas which distinguish new plumb­ ing fixturos designs. U n less you aro show n tho groat advantages In fixture designing, you may not bo satisfied with what you order elsew h ere! In tho rough plum bing field new Ideas aro being practiced. Lot us show you how much more now-ldoa plumbing haa to offer! W. N. LONG 95 high - grade Dresses, ranging in price from $16.50to $39.75 i/2 PRICE See Harry W right or Roscoe Perkins for Demonstration TERM S IF DESIRED ' To À MOST IM PO RTANT GROUP OF MOTOR CAR KUYEKS Certain Am erican people are g ettin g on in th e world. Many o f th em are ju st starting. B ut th ey ’re headed up th e ladder. T heir ideas o f luxury and beauty are expanding. T hey w an t finer h om es, finer furniture, finer a u tom ob iles. During th e past three years, hundreds o f th ou sand s o f th ese progressive Am ericans have been buying th e P on tiac Six. S om e o f th em have bought it as th e first car th ey ever ow ned. B u t to m o st o f th e m , Pontiac has represented th e first big s te p u p from the lowest priced field. BEARD’S Eugene ♦ For th is p ro g re ssiv e g r o u p , O a k la n d h a s now created a brand new P on tiac Six. It repre­ sents an even greater advancem ent over every­ th in g else in its field today th an th e original Pontiac represented in 1926. It will tuke its buy­ ers farther th an ever up th e ladder o f m otor car q uality in on e step. W atch for th e J *t j « . y h > ,i ft iu|w Values to $25 No interest or carry in g charge. Wright and Sons , m One Group of Dresses $10 — i . PONT lillà •t *745 k./a«tar? f e u .' f A i- is a and mall r for $895 $795 $545 $ $395 $445 $165 $485 $365 $ 45 s Up egon