tr PAGE TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY. JANUARY 17. U» >9 r 1'» ■ and C rucified", Bunday evening, ''T h e leeond Coming of C h ris t;" T h ere will he no serv ice on Hiiturilisy evening. T h ese m eetin g s a re being well a t­ tended by both m em bers and frien d s nnd m ore than 22 have m ade ninfea- aion of faith so far. On W oitnesady evening lite ¿liu reh w as crow ded T he m eetin g s will co n tin u e through to and Including th e ev en in g of Ja n u a ry 24 DUANES hJuslrjleJ tyVerae(.Chriify W HAT HAPPENED BEFORE— Buck Duane, quick on the draw, kills Cal Bain in self-defense and finds himself an outlaw. Flying from pur- suit, he meets Luke Stevens, another outlaw, and the two become pals. Luke narrowly escapes capture and Duane is shocked to find his brother outlaw severely wounded. Duane buries Stevens. Then he goes on to Bland's camp, whwere he gets Into a fight with a man called Bos- omer and wounds the latter. He makes a friend of an outlaw at Bland’s called Euchre, who tells him of Mrs. Bland and the girl Jennie. Duane meets Jennie, and promises to try his utmost to get her away from Bland’s camp. To avert suspi­ cion, it Is planned that he pretend to care for Mrs. Bland. Euchre intro­ duces him to the latter and he en­ gages in conversation with her. Evidently the outlaw's wife liked Euchre, for her keen glance rested with amusement upon him. Buck plays the game, making Mrs. Bland think he loves her. To avert Bland's suspicion. Mrs. Bland pre­ tends to her husband that Buck has come to visit Jennie. Bland urges Buck to become a regular member of his outlaw gang. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY — Cast of P rin c ip al C h ara c te rs in T h is T h r illin g Story by Zane G rey Buck Duane . . . . L ast of the Duanes Cal Bain .............. A T ex a s “ Bad M an ” Luke Stevens ....................... An O u tla w Bland ............ Lead er o f O u tla w G roup M rs. B l a n d .................................. H is W ife Jennie ................ G irl a t Bland's Camp Capt. M c N e lly . . . C a p ta in of Rangers Cheseldine . . . . . . . Dangerous O u tla w slant he relaxed his hold on the rltlc- T aylor, se c re ta ry . T hey w ill m eet barrel. w ith Mrs. J a n ie s H ill on Wediiesda> W ith a su d d en , redoubled, Irre s is t­ to m ake co stu m es for Mrs I’su l J* n ible s tre n g th , she w renched the rilie k in s' class of folk d an cin g , wh eh w II dow n an d d isc h a rg e d it. D uane felt give an e n te rta in m e n t in th e n e a r a blow—a shock -then a Now Located in Miner Building 75? burning future. agony te a rin g th ro u g h h is b reast. He T he p a re n t - Teaehiu* asso ciatio n sta g g e re d b ack w ard , alm ost falling. m et at th e high school last W ednes T he w o m an 's stro n g h an d s, wwkwurd day a ftern o o n , th e re w as a program from p assio n , ag ain fum bled a t the given. T he s tu d e n ts sold candy. C ontin u ed on P age 4 Born to Mr. und Mrs. G eorge H art ut the Puclfie C h ristia n h ospital In step. Duane read in his eyes the des­ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ E ugene S a tu rd a y J a n u a ry 12. tw ins, perate calculation of chances. For a a boy and a girl. ♦ UPPER W ILLAMETTE ♦ fleeting instant Bland shifted his gaze * * * « « « * « • « « « « « « « Mr. and Mrs. L aw rence G o ssler are to his wife. Then his whole body seemed to vibrate with the swing of his arm. Duane shot him. He fell forward, hts gun exploding as It dug Into the floor, and it dropped loose from stretching fingers. Duane stood over him, stooped to turn him on his back. ... , . , _ then gasped his last. “Duane you’ve killed hint!” cried Kate Bland huskily. "I knew you'd haTe {o .. T h u lialij, w a l found j„ t , iw e , in New Yo rk b* m ilkm an Joseph e ro tv iti while hr was making hit varl> m orning rounds H earin g Sounds issuing Iro m * , f w „ n , ro « i t i investigated and found this h ttle tot P a tls n t C onvalescing — Miss K ale B axter, se cretai y of Dr C arl II I'h e t - tep lace, has been confined to her hom e during the p ast week w ith the qillsy. She Is Im proving und Is ex peeled back Io work next week Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bails of Philo-j the parents of a baby girl horn Sun math spent the week-end at the home day January 6, 1929. of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Kilpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Needham and Mrs. Bails Is a sister of Mr. Kilpat son. Bay Mitchell, and mother. Mrs rick. Teeters motored to Hadleyvlile last At the annual meeting of the Up- Sunday and visited Mr. und Mrs. per Willamette Telephone company Harvey Hadley. They returned Mon- recently, E. A. Lewis was re-elected day. president, E. E. Schrenk. secretary treasurer. An extra assessment of FORMER WENDLING BOY one dollar was levied per member for GETS NATIONAL HONER the purpose of repairing and keeping the line in repair E. A. Lewis was O rlo C um m ings, a fo rm e r W endllnv She staggered against the wall, her elected director on 51 line, J. W. eyes dilating, her strong hands clench­ Wheeler on the 12 lino, H. M. Parivu boy, w as re c e n tly aw ard ed n atio n al honor In form of rhe p re s id e n t's m edal ing, her face half stunned, but showed on the 21 line, H. Merriam on the 25 of th e N atio n al S afety C ouncil for no grief. line and Morton Bristow on the 32 sav in g th e life by re s u sc ita tio n of the “Jennie!” called Duane sharply. line. little D nm aschafski girl a t We idling “Oh—Is it you—Duane?" came a Several residents of the Pleasant last year. O rlo had learn ed th e prt i.e halting reply. Hill district are recovering from the p re ssu re m ethod w hile he w as In the “Yes. Cotne out Hurry!” Accounting for the short cut across She came 0U( with uneven steps flu. among them are Mr. and Mrs. E. boy scout o rg an izatio n and on th is E. Schrenk and family. Mrs. O. H occasion had th e p resen ce of m ind to grove and field, It was about five min- seejng only him. and she stumbled , Wangelin, C. L. Williams. Mrs. Frank u se It. utes walk up to Blands house. To < OTer Biand's body. Duane caught her Smith. Duane it seemed long in time and arm swung her behind him. He fear Mrs. Ralph Laird has recently rec distance, and he had difficulty in re- e(j the woman when she realized how straining his pace. she had been duped. His 'action was ?ived a shipment of 1100 Rhode Island As he walked there came a gradual! protective, and his movement toward Red baby chicks from Corvallis. The cooking club of the Pleasant and subtle change in his feelings, the door equally significant. Hill public school met Monday after- ( Again he was going out to meet in “Duane!” cried Mrs. Bland, conflict He could have avoided this It was no time to talk. Duane noon at the home of Mrs. E. E. Kil­ meeting. But despite the fact of his edged on. keeping Jennie behind him patrick. their leader. After making. courting the encounter, he had not as At that moment ere was a pounding plans for the coming week the clul»'; yet felt that hot, inexplicable expul of Iron-shod hoofs out In the lane was entertained with several piano b solos by Mrs. Mildred Swift. Those sion of blood. The motive of this Kate Bland bounded to the door. When deadly action was not personal, and she turned back her amade was chang present were Mildred Swift, Lucettac | Baughman. Bonnie Jeanne Tinker, somehow that made a difference. Ing to realization. Nancy Barnum. Euna Drew, Helen No outlaws were In sight. He saw “Where're you taking Jen?” she Settle and Evelyn Phelps. several Mexican herders with cattle. cried, her voice like a man’s. Basketball fans were treated to a Blue columns of smoke curled up over “Get out of my way!” replied Duane Ann Moss Gaynor of New York some of the cabins. The fragrant His look, perhaps, without speech very lively game of basketball In smell of it reminded Duane of his J,was enough for her. In an Instant the Pleasant Hill gymnasium Friday charges Earl Carroll, producer, night when the Coburg teams were de­ with rejecting her and Louis« home—that he used to cut the wood i she was tranformed Into a fury, feated by the Pleasant Hill teams. Blakely because they refused to ap­ for the stove. He noted a cloud of; "You hound! All the time you were The scores were as follows Second pear before him nud> as he waa easting his next product.on creamy mist rising above the river fooung mo. You made love to me string boys Pleasant Hill, 24. C oy dissolving the sunlight. You let me believe—you swor6 yon burg 14; Pleasant Hill girls 32. Co­ Then he entered Blands' lane. loved me! Now I see what was queer burg 11. Pleasant Hill boys 41. Coburg HOWARD AND McCREADY While yet some distance from the about you! All for that slut! Bui ARE BUSY LAW MAKERS 34. When time wa« cal'ed »he bovg cabin he heard loud, angry voices of you can't have her. You'll never leave gaite stood 28 to 28. After five min­ man and woman. Bland and Kate still here alive. Give me that girl! Lei Salem, Jan. 17—Lynn S. McCready utes more play the gman stood 32 to quarreling. He took a quick survey me get at her! She'll never win any representative from Lane county Ore 32 and another five minutes Hay of the surroundings. There was now more men In this camp!” gon legislature was appointed chair brought the score to 41 to 34 In fivor not even a Mexican in sight. Then She was a heavy, powerful woman, of Pleasant Hill. There was much ex man of the education committee by he hurried a little. R. S. Hamilton, speaker, at the first and it took ail of Duane's strength to cltement and a lot of cheering Half-way down the lane he turned ward off her onslaughter. She clawed The Pleasant Hill Athletic club 'ay’s session. McCready is also vice his head to peer through the cotton­ at Jennie over his upheld arm. Every was defeated by the Eugene Fruit chairman of the banking and corpora woods. This time he saw Euchre second her fury increased. Growers by a score of 41 to 40 at lion committee and military and taxa­ coming with the horses. There was “Help! Help ! Help!” she shrieked Pleasant Hill Monday night. Those tion and revenues committee. Mc­ no indication that the old outlaw Cready is serving his second term as might lost his nerve at the end. Duane in a volce that must have Penetrated playing on the Pleasant Hill team a state representative. were; E. E. Kilpatrick, “Tubby” Laird, had feared this. It0 1116 ren,0te8t cabin in the valley. While In Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Mc­ Duane now changed his walk to a' “Let go! Let go!" cried Duane, low Jim Dilley, Lotus Cole, Lyman Tinker Cready are living at 1284 Court street and Bill Sharp. leisurely saunter. He reached the and sharp. He still held his gun in Mrs. McCready will serve as her hus­ porch and then distinguished what his right hand, and It began to be band's secretary during the session was said inside the cabin. hard for him to ward the woman off. Their home Is In Eugene. THURSTON ♦ “If you do —Bland, by Heaven, I'll His coolness had gone with her strlek ♦ Emmett Howard. Motor Route A., ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ « fix you and her!” That was panted for help. “Let go!" he repeated, and Eugene, beginning his third session Mrs. Margaret Campbell .who has he shoved her fiercely. out in Kate Bland’s full voice. been seriously 111 with pleurisy—pneu­ as Representative of Lane county. Is “Let me loose! I’m going in there, Suddenly she snatched a rifle off the monia following influenza at the hospi­ living at. 87fi Chemeketa street. None I tell you!" replied Bland hoarsely. , wall and backed away, her strong tal in Eugene Is much improved and of Mr. Howard’s family accompanied "What for?” 1 hands fumbling at the lever. As she expects to be able to leave the hospi­ him to Salem this time. “I want to make a little love to her. Jerked It down, threwning shell Into tal In a few more days. R. S. Hamilton, Speaker of the Ha-ha! It’ll be fun to have the laugh the chamber and cocking the weapon. There was a basketball game last House of Representatives, has ap. on her new lover." Duane leaped upon her. He struck ur Friday between the high school teams pointed Mr. Howard Chairman of the “You lie!” cried Kate Bland. the rifle as it went off, the powdei of Dorena and Thurston on the loeax committee on Roads and Highways, “Let me go!” His voice grew burning his face. vice-chairman of the commute on floor. Thurston teams won. hoarser with passion. "Jennie, run out! Get on a horse!" The Waltervllle district Bible Game, and a member of the commit­ "No, no! I won't let you go! You’ll he said, still low and sharp, school convention was held at Thurs­ tees of Administration and Reorgani­ choke the—truth out of her! you’ll Jennie flashed out of the door. ton last Sunday afternoon there were zation. and Bills and Mailing. The kill her.” With an iron grasp Duane held to many from different Sunday schools appointment of Mr. Howard’s secre­ “The truth!” gritted Bland. the rifle-barrel. He had grasped It tary has not been announced. “Yes. I lied. Jen lied. But she with hls left hand, and he gave such In attendance and a very Interesting program given, Waltervllle won the lied to save you. You needn’t—mur- a powerful pull that he sw u n g tie banner. UNIVERSITY MAN TO der her—for that.” , woman off the floor. But he could SPEAK AT M. E. MEET Mr. nad Mrs. A. W. Weaver enjoyed Bland cursed horribly. Then fol- not loose her grip. She was as strong a short visit from tlielr grand daugh­ lowed a wrestling sound of bodies in as he. Harold S. Tuttle, of the school of te r and fam ily from Ban F ran cisco , violent straining contact—the space of ; “Kate, Let go!” California, last week. They were education of the University of O reenn feet—the Jangle of spurs—a crash of i He tried to intimidate her. She did will be the speaker at the monthly driving through to Seattle. sliding table or chair, and then the cry , not see his gun thrust in her face j meeting of Methodist brotherhood The high school took their play to of a woman in pain. or reason had given away to such an Pleasant Hill last Tuesday evening j here which will he held In the Duane stepped into the open door— extent to passion that she did not care, and are planning to take It to Lea- Methodist church next Monday night inside the room. Kate Bland lay half »he cursed. Her husband had used The subject of the address will be, burg next Saturday evening. across a table, where she had been , the same curses, and from her lips "Character, Education and School.” Mr. and Mrs. Walter Edrmiston are flung, and she was trying to get t o ; they semed strange, unsexed, more A dinner will be served at G130. planning to move to Eugene In the her feet. Bland's back was turned. He , deadly. had opened the door Into Jennie s j Like a tigress she fought him. Her near future where Mr. Edmlston Is M a rria g e Licenses Issued room and had one foot across th e , face no longer resembled a woman's, acting as deputy sheriff. During the past week marriage Hr Misses Ruth Whitlock and Hazel threshold. Duane caught the girl's: The evil of that outlaw Ife, the wild- enses have been Issued by County Russell also Jerry Hanson attended low, shuddering cry. ness and rage, the meaning to kill the high school conference at the Clerk W. B. Dillard to the following; “Good morning! he called loud and was, even in such a moment, terribly TTnlversIty of Oregon In Eugene lest IJohn naHR and Kazp| nai”'' bo,h I clear. Impressed upon Duane. Eugene; David Hill, Rprlngfleld, and week. With catlike Bwlftness Bland whee- He heard a cry from outside—a The Ladles' Aid society held their Frances Averbeck, San Diego, Call ed—then froze on the threshold. Hls man's cry, hoarse and alarming, fornla; Wayne Walker, Eugene, and sight, quick as hls action, caught Du ' It made him think of loss of time, annual meeting at the church last Anna Tucker, Lebanon; C. A. Wlnge Thursday fteranoon and elected of­ one's menacing, unmistakable poxltlon This demon of a woman might yet ficers for the coming year. Mrs. John and Jtile A. Selim, both of Eugene; Bland's big frame filled the door, block hls plan. Price wtas elected president with Mrs. Asa Hadley, Springfield and Ila An­ He was in a bad place to rech far his ) "Let go!” he whispered and felt hls dersen, Eugene; Verne Cnlp and Iva gun. But he would not have time to lips stiff. In the grimness of that ln- Arch Shough assistant; Mrs. Charles Bhlrey, both of Eugene. EVANGELIST TO GIVE MEETINGS NEXT WEEK A. Ted Goodwin of Belllngh tu. W ashington, who Is holding evuugella tie m eetin g s at the B aptist church h e re has annou n ced his su b jects for th e com ing week. T he su b jects fol You can have m ore lig h t on defective sight by c o n s u lt­ ing na. Make Appointments Whenever Possible low: D r. S h e rm a n W. M o o d y T h u rsd ay evening. “ B ran d ed "; Erl day evening. "C alling on the Niwne of th e L o rd ;" Sum luy m ornlug. "Bound O p to m e tr is t - E y e s ig h t S p e c ia lis t r S uite 821 M iller Bldg. Phone s«2 F ust llrouilw uy, E ugene Ore. ¡/omen jh°y 7alk übo W ith IRENE RICH — AUDREY FERRIS Wm. COLLIER, Jr. — CLAUDE CILLINGWATER I COMING SUNDAY ! “GIVE and TAKE A T A L K IN G 99 F A R C E C O M E D Y W IT H GEO. SIDNEY and JEAN HERSHOLT COME ON OVER AND “ SE E snd HEAR" 56 S T O R E S IN T H E W E S T 605 - 609 Willamette St. Eugene, Oregon Fine Dresses 15 New S pring 192!* Styles In NEW PRINTED W ASH FROCKS Sizes 16 to 44 T hese w ere m ade to otir own specifications during the dull season of the factory. Ordinarily they retail for $1.95 to $2.50 BREIER'S SURPRISE PRICE $1.49 Fashion and Value Combine in THESE SMART SILK FROCKS liought a s a late sea; on t ;t‘- base at a big discount. To this group we’ve added u egular stock, to close all out in preparation for spring. Usually retail at $9.90 to $12.50 BREIER'S SURPRISE PRICE $7.95 High Grade* Uncommonly Fine SILK FROCKS Usually sell as high as $18.75 $12.95