.'¡•Id T ry the H o m e P rin t Shop F ira t THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWKNTY-H1XT11 YEAR HOUSE LIGH1 RATE CUT 61 Ml. STAETS SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, LOCAL ODD FELLOWS INSTALL OFFICERS AT PUBLIC INSTALLATION The local Odd Fellow s lodge held their sem i unnual Installation lust night In the Odd Fellows hall. After the regular lodge m eetin g the $59,000 to Bo Snved to Resident Users of Electricity on Light follow ing officers were Installed: E. Bills After February 14; Light­ K Pyne, Noble Grand; Oswald M Olson, secretary; Karl Glrurd, trea s­ ing and Cooking are Affected urer; Brneat Black, warden; Harry in Now Rnte Schedule. W ooley, conductor; It. W thnlth, chaplain; Charles Nnlf, right scene A voluntary reduction In house light supporter; H N Campbell, left scene Ing and conking rate» that will affect supporter; W F Walker, right sup­ an annual saving to custom ers of j porter to the noble grand; John N inth, >69 quo In the valley Is announced by | left supporter to the noble grand; A the Mountain S tates Power company | C I’eddlcord, Inside guurdlnn; John through Its local Manager, W K liar ! Gates, outside guardian. Oswald M nell Thia Is tile lurgest reduction the , Olson, district deputy grund master com pany turn made for som e tim e anil • was the Installing officer. Glenn I n received here with satisfaction hy Riddle, elected vice grand, was un­ residents, able to he Installed on account of Ill­ The com pany's statem ent follow s. ness. "The Mountain S tates Power Coin The Installation was a public s e s ­ pany announces another voluntary re sion open to both the Rebekahs nnd (luctlon In rates for lighting and cook I the Odd Fellows. lag which will affect an annual BSV- ! R efreshm ents were served follow Ing to couNlotncra of approxim ately Ing the Installation after which games (58,000. were plnyed nnd a social tim e was "The new rates are a p p lica b le; had. Creamed chicken, hot rolls and throughout the company's W illam ette ■ coffee were served. Valley sy s t« n and are to he made ef The com m ittee In charge o f refresh fectlve, subject to approval hy t h e ' merits were: M isses Amy Ixive, Public Service O im m lsslon. on all Dorothy Girard nnd Mrs. N ellie Pyne. electric hills after February 14, 1929.” i Next W ednesday night follow ing a short sosslon o f the lodge Captain C. Saving» Shown I’nder the idd rate the first 30 kilo­ II Boyd of the Salvation Army of Eu­ w atts cost >3 00 and under the new gene will show about 300 stereopttcan rate It will be $2 40; 50 k ilow atts was ' view s o f the Hawaiian Islands nnd will >5 00 nnd will now he >4.00; 100 k ilo­ explain each picture Other numbers w atts was >9 50 and will now he >0 50. | will also be on the evenings en tertain ­ There Is also a 16 cent reduction on ment. The m eeting will he open to the com bination cooking and lighting Odd F ellow s. Rebekahs nnd Invited A in and a slight reduction In the com friends m erclal lighting rnte. THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1929 “The Psopia's Papar" A L IV E N E W S P A P E R IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 2 High School Squad Wins Two Games Scouts Will Have Mountaineer Club Cottage Grove and University High Beaten During the Week’s Games. New Unit for Older Boys to be Started by Lions Troop and ’ Expanded to Other Troops. Kenneth Gile New Police Chief, — Fireman and Traffic Officer; Plans for an older boys unit com-' O. C. Thurman, Street Com­ posed of first class scouts that would J missioner; Dr. Phetteplace, eventually Include the scouts from ' Health Officer. every troop In Lane county were dis- Victory crowns the heuds of the local high school basketball boys. In two of the most strategic games of the scheduled series the local quintet carried uway the honors. In what appeared to he a close con test between two teams having their off night Hprlngfleld won from Cot luge Grove last Tuesday with u score of 19 to 10. The first half of the game was slow and close ending with u 10 to 8 score hut during the second hulf the local squad came to life and managed to nose out a substantial victory. The Invaders mnde only one basket during the lust half. This makes a clean record for Hprlngfleld high with 3 games won and none lost— a straight victory since the scheduled Rcrles started. The game last Friday night with the University high of Eugene was a much faster game. The score was 24 to lv In favor of Hprlngfleld and In the opinion of conch I-eonard Mayfield It was one of the best games yet played on the local floor. The plavers of both squads were on their feet during every minute of the game. The line­ ups for the two games follow: MAYOR MAKES FOUR cussed by Scoutmaster C. R. Aldrich ' at the troop committee of Springfield I Four changes In the city department Troop No. 11 Tuesday. The move- P*”'Bonel were made at the first meet- ment Is first to be started In the Lions lnK tbe new city council Monday Mayor C. O. Wilson appoint- Evelyn Mills. 4, who has been an club troop and then carried to other Carl H. Phetteplace, health of- actress since the age of eight months troops acordlng to the plans discus- Is now In the “talkies"—the youngest sed by C. R. Clark. Lane count execu- hcer; O. C. Thurman, street commla- sloner; Kenneth Glle, traffic officer girl star of the screen to have a tlve, who was at the meeting. The new organization will probably an<* •'roman and C. A. Wyman electrl- speaking part. be called the Cascade Mountaineers wiring and plumbing Inspector, and have two degrees, the pathfinder He also re-appolnted Ira M Peterson, CONSOLIDATION TALK and guide degrees. To be a path- c'ty attorney; E. E. Kepner, city en- RENEWED AS RESULT finder the scout must be a member K'neer and Mary Roberts, city llbrar- OF MEETING MONDAY of the troop at least three months tan- besides a first class scout and also ’•'h® mayor’s new appointments Considerable discussion on the be 14 years of age and has put Into wer® ratified by the council after con- slderable discussion In which council- old question, "whether the two cities practice the scout oath and law. The guide degree includes a climb men luestloned the advisability of should consolidate” has resulted here und In Eugene after a meeting .Mon­ to the peak of one of the Three Sister 'hanging present appointive officers. day evening of seven Springfield men mountains, to be familiar with the The mayor deciared that hp was de" Ganges which hs who talked over Ihe subject. Discus­ upper McKenzie region and to have termlned sion pro and con Is heard and con­ passed the camping, cooking and thou al"° operate for It. Two of the men who attended them with the country In which they cb,ef of W ith Cottage Grave ]lv6 the tractor-grading machine In spare Cottage Grove the meeting have said they doubted Springfield __________________ | time. His salary will be (150 a month Swanson the wisdom of the move at this time Ix-athers ; and It Is expected that some saving and did not wish to be numbered BLUE RIBBON CONTEST Gates McMurrny i will be made by this method according among those who were for annexation. Goff Roof i to the mayor. The appointment of FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN The meeting was called after Harry Townsend E. Squires WILL COMMENCE SOON flrp ch,ef and n,ght Patrolman was Stewart and Jess Seavey has Issued Mcldn F Squires _____ left open at this time as the mayor Adams Invitations to a dozen or more busl- Deeds The blue ribbon contest will start raid he desired further time to make K elly I ness men on the street Saturday. But FEW DAYS OF GRACE I at the local primary schools beginning appointments In these deoartments. ! five of those Invited showed up at the W tlh U niversity High SPRINGFIELD BAND next Monday. The purpose of this Is ’•’he new mayor said he was for meeting. Those In attendance besides LEFT FOR LAGGARDS Springfield Unlv. High to eecourage health habits among chil- strict economy In civic affairs. In this | Deeds f Ludlow Mr. Stewart and Mr. Seavey were C. TO HAVE BAND CAPS councllmen said they concurred. Coun- Gnly three more days are left for McMurray f • Clark E. Kenyon. W. G. Hughes, L. K. Page, dren In htelr early formative years. _ . . . . __ _ ul„„ . . . : W. . P. Tyson dllutory m otorists to get busy und The local hand Is lo come out In For the child to become a blue rib. c'lman . .. was elected presl- , Roof c Lake B A. Washhurne. and Allan Kafoury. ' dent of the council. i The attitude of the average business uniform attire according to plans rec­ upply for their 1929 Renose plutes. I E Squires bon child on the first of May next g Burnett The following committees were ap- ently resolved hy the members It | Kenneth Giles, traffic officer, has F. Squires , . . g Oxner man In Springfield seems to he that he when the ribbons will be awarded he i . . must . , follow during j .u , j ; pointed by the mayor to serve during Is witling to have the matter discussed has been decided to have a suit with j Just received Instructions from Salem Leathers or she the period ___________ s McCully the coming year: light colored trousers. Band caps will to arrest motorists carrying 1928 lic­ • s Hayes but that a definite plan should he con­ intervening between now and then Judiciary committee: W. P. Tyson, ense plates beginning with Januury 21. sidered rather than merely annexa­ also be procured.« consistent habit3 of cleanliness hygi­ Tomorrow night the local quintet chairman, H. J. Cox, W. A. Taylor. At a m eeting Inst w e e k the follow- ! j will meet Lebanon at Lebanon This tion. The promoters of the movement ene proceedure. A form is furnished Street committee: W. C. McLagan, Sells Poultry Ranch Ing officers were elected: Il K P hil­ I have announced that they expect to each pupil upon which is to be re- 1 games has premier of being a fast one chairman. W. P. Tyson, W. A. Taylor. lips wns re-elected m anager: Dallas Scott Wiles of Marcola sold his poul­ The game next Tuesday «sight with bring the proposal before the Cham­ ' corded the daily habits such as brush­ Fire, water and light committee: W. Murphy and Frank Hamlin, directors; try ranch one mile north of town to the Eugwne high school Is ‘h one the ber of Commerce at Its next meeting ing teeth, baths and proper food eaten. A. Tavlor, chairman, W. P. Tyson, W. Bill Cox, secretary; A Dandles of Eu­ Ray A. Wlnnegar of Burbank, Califor­ local boys are grinding tholr nxes for. | In an effort to have a committee ap­ Last year 28 Springfield pupils were c McLagan gene bnml director The m anager and nia. The deal wan mnde through the The dope so far places this foe as th<- pointed to work with a like committee awarded the blue ribbon. It Is hoped' Hpalth. w c McLagan. chairman, secretary are ex-officio m em bers o f ; WalkerJennlugs Real Estate firm of strongest of the group of hoopstera [ from Eugene. that this year a greater number of w p Tygon w A Tay,or the hoard of directors. this city. the home hoys have to play this ypar. pupils will try for the awr.rd. A festl- and printing: H. J. Cox. chair- Already they have won from Benson LOCAL GUARDSMEN AT val Is promised at the time of giving fflan w Q McLagan. W. P. Tyson. Tech nt Portland and the Hills Mili­ the ribbons. Police: W. A. Taylor, chairr-ca. W. DINNER FOR GENERAL tary academy. Miss Beth Konkel. executive secre- p, Tyson, W. C. McLagan AT EUGENE ARMORY tary of the Lane County Public Health FALL CREEK TEACHER Have Birthday Dinner Springfield headquarters company Association, I j in charge of the blue SUCCUMBS AT EUGENE and a number of other local people ribbon movement. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Avitt gave A birthday dinner last Sunday honoring ___ n - * «a , z- . of appropriation to be >3044 OR, less Mrs. Bessie Gilbert, school" teacher were present at a dinner and program Auditors Report City in Good u , , . . . . , Mrs. Harry Chase, Mrs. Avitf’s sister. Here from Portland—Mrs. Lulu given hy the national guard Tuesday “ •* iho balance unextended of >829 26 of nt Fall Creek, died at the Pacific Those present at the dinner were Condition Due to "Untiring w(l!ch ,ht< tmiergency shows to be the Christian hospital in Eugene Monday. evening at the Eugene armory. Gen­ Lester and son Govia with his wife Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chase, Mr. and and small son, Jack, arrived here Sat­ eral George White, brigade com­ Efforts of Administration" Go- largest Item, leaving >2214.82 reyres Mrs. Gilbert had been a resident of Mrs. J. W. Avitt, Miss Helen Haugann ing Out; Councils Have D iffi-1 • ming an overdraft; to this we add Eugene and vicinity for 22 years. She mander. was the guest of honor of the urday evening to visit with Mrs. and Miss Thelma Wells. evening and numerous other mi.itary Lester's mother, Mrs. Mary Magill. culty to Keep Inside Budget. ,6U3' or ,he dlffprpnce between net came here from Colorado. officers were In attendance. _____ llhraiy receipts and appropriations. The survivors are: two sons, Robert The Springfield company made a The city’s Indebtedness has been re deducting >561.64 received In Street and Donald; two daughters, Ruby and duced >71,199 during the past five Eund la excess of amount approprl Myrtle; a mother, Mrs. Elizabeth snappy appearance and were compli­ years according to a report of the j aled. Bavly; three sisters, Mrs. Frank mented by General While along with auditors Just filed with the city coun-< "j, ^as been the practice In the past Hannagln of Independence. Mrs. C. F. the Eugene units. Among the speak­ ell. The report reflects a healthy con- ,o overdraw the budget on account of Ijitin of Pleasant Hill and Mrs. Virgil ers of the evening were Mayor C. O. dlllon of city financial affairs. In 1924' growing need- nnd unsufllclent re- Reese of Richmond. Oregon: and four Wilson, of Springfield, and Mayor The following article Is one of a shape. It is durable, strong, and will the city s Indebtedness was reported <-«.tpts; but with (he overdrafts show- i brothers, D. F. Bayly of Eugene, Wilder of Eugene. After a good din­ stand rain and age. It is good wood as >150,617 68 and with the end of this |n / ,n (j,e VRr , funds and warrant ’ Arthur Bayly of Eugene, Elmer Bayly ner wns served bv the guardsmen a series In the Prize winning essay for the exterior because It takes paint contest sponsored by the 4-L Em­ year It Is but ><9,31. 94 or a reduc- n(younts, It w >• '1 appear essentially I of Chicago, and Howfcrd Bayly of program of entertainment was had. and hold paint well. tlon of nearly half. j Important to n'’’’«ro more closely to Seattle. Funeral services will be held Boxing, music and a dramatic skit ployee Wood Promotion committee of Shingles and shingling are the most Springfield. The stories rwere all Outstanding warrant Indebtedness ,hp hu,jgett an,| ,|Ta within your In- at 2:30 this afternoon Rev. E. V. were well received. Important part In the building of a appears to be the only weak spot In ; come Stlvera. officiating. Interment will be The Springfield unit was In com­ wrlttten by students In the high and house because they have to protect city financial structure. Due to the In the Eugene Odd Fellows cemetery. mand of Lieutenants C. A. Swarts and grade schools of the city and contain the interior of the home. Shingles Important truths why we should sup­ Inability of the city administration In "In '«oklng over the past records. It Walter Gossler, are better than tiles because the wind keep all departments strictly within gratifying to note the reduction In LANE COUNTY CHAMBER port the lumber Industry In Lane can get under the tiles and rip them the budget for many years back and thp nPt wh,rh Indicates a healthy county. YOUNG PEOPLE TAKE off. Red Cedar Is the best wood for TO CONVENE TONIGHT the failure of the city to get by taxa- ‘»"«»Itlon of your town and the untlr- shingles because It does not warp, and CHARGE OF CHRISTIAN tlon all money budgeted Ihe warrant ln* efforts of the administration go- ‘W h y Lane County Homes Is very durable. For example, there Springfield men to attend the meet­ CHURCH SERVICES indebtedness has crept up to (11,- ,nK oul- Should Be Built of Is an old church In Sweden that wae ing of the Lane county chamber of 668.96. "For example, December 31, 1925 commerce to bo held tonight at the erected In 1729 and completely shing­ The young people of the Endeavor Wood." shows a reduction In the net debt of ; Eugene hotel In Eugene are W. A. society will have charge of the even­ Auditors' Recommendation led on sides and roof. It still holds The recommendation of the audi­ (29,124 68, 1826 — (13,653.15, 1927 — ! Taylor, W. K. Barnell, and J. A. ing service« at the Christian church By WAYNE KENDALL the original shingles and Is in good tors, O. H. Tyson nnd C. A, Horton, (13,690.18 and 1928—(14,731 67 and j Seavey. Seventh Grade Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Miss shape today. taking al In acount, the net debt has follows In part: Lane county has a large quantity of Delegations from chamber of com­ Katherine Hemenway wIU be the West Coast Hemlock Is the best "The budget shows to be overdraw« been reduced from (160,617.62 as merce throughout the county and from leader. standing timber. It has between fifty- wood for the Interior because It Is (172131, which figures are arcounteo shown In 1924 audit to (79,317, this farmer’s unions and the granges will The theme of the evening will be five and sixty billion. Most of the fine grained and closely resemble« for as follows: Our examination dis report a saving of (71,199.68 during attend the meeting. "Seeing the Good In Men Everywhere” timber Is Douglas Fir and Hemlock. hard wood. It takes stains and paints closes the amount expended In excess thte five years Just passed.” Lane county homes should be built well. It does not take much hand The present legislature and such The scripture lesson will be from CITY BALANCE SHEET rubbing to give It a very fine finish matters as tax relief, automobile lic­ John 1-45 to 61 conducted by Miss of wood because: December 31, 1938 (1) Our snood Is durable and strong. or polish. It Is bright and clean In ense reform and other matters that Frances Frlzell. Miss Hemenway will ( 9.448 86 may be brought up at this session speak on "Looking for Jesus In Out Bond Sinking Cash ................. - ___________ _____ (2) Wood home are more healthful appearance, and does not darken very 1,712.67 will be discussed at the meeting. Bancroft Sinking Cash .............. .................................. Youth.” There will be a vocal solo to live in. The brick houses always much with age. 876.74 Bancroft Sinking W arrant.....................................- .... ( Window sashes made of wood are by Uldlne Gartln and a piano duet by have a damp and musty odor. The 1,501.86 Bancroft Interest Cash ............................ —...... —.... Lena and Frances Frlzell. A quartet rain gets in between the bricks and better than the sashes made of steel CIVIC CLUB TO STUDY 165,000.00 .Bonds Goneral Obligation ............................. ........._... BULBS AND ROSES composed of Misses Wlnlfrld Tyson. forms a moss which holds the damp as it takes less fuel. Frequently steel 28,631.56 Bonds Bancroft Improvement ..................................... Agatha Beals. Frances Frlzell and ness. sashes do not fit well thus letting In 6,630.10 General Cash .............................. - ..............— (3) Wood contains air cells which rain making the house damp. The civic club will hold its regular Laura McDonald will sing. 6,303.48 General Warrant ............................. ............................- meeting next Tuesday at the Chamber A short dramatiztaion, ‘‘The Tie act as a non-conductor of heat and We want to build up the Industry 6.226.99 Improvement Sinking Cash ................. ........................ of Commerce. A study of Spring Thnt Binds,” will be given by the fol­ cold thus are easier to heat and this in our own community by building our 13,487.20 Improvement Interest Cash ......................................... bulbs and roses will be taken up st lowing: Barbara Adams, Elizabeth means saving of fuel. homes of wood. We can advertise our Inventories Equipment Supplies .... (2376.87 the melting. Mrs. Carl Olson and Hemenway. Eunice McDonald. Dor­ (4) We should build our homes of wood products In colors and show the 9.913.34 Inventories, Fire Department ........... 7636.47 .......... Mrs. Dave Snltsnian will have charge othy Withers, Julia Pederson and wood for It Is cheaper than any other people what pretty home can he made 46.443.66 Leins Receivable .... ................................... ........... ....... of the meeting. Evelyn Harris. material. The trees are wasted if of wood. In this way we may be able 26.24 Library Cash ................................................. ................. At the morning services there will they are not cut down when they are to convince others to build their 291.69 Library W arrant............. ................... - ........... ...... ...... be music by the choir, "Lead O King ripe. homes of this product. If we build FIRST TW INS OF YEAR Real Estate ......................................... - ........... - .............. 11,236.00 (5) Frame structures are better nice houses others will admire these BORN TO LOCAL WOMAN Eternal.” 8,246.28 Street Improvement Cash ........................ ................ - than the brick houses In time of storm and will probably build their next Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hart of 5,197.06 Street Improvement Warrant ........- ---------- --------- Springfield motor route No. 2 are the Visiting Her Son—Mrs. Mathown. Tor wood will give a little before It home of wood. The lumber Industry 12,716 96 parents of the first twins to be born matron of the county hospital at will break. Treasurers Cash ______________________________ of Lane county brings in more money 79,317.94 In Lane county In 1929. The twins, a Crescent City, California, has been The exterior of a house should be than any other Industry and furnishes Town of Springfield ..... ........................................... - 11,668.96 boy an<( girl, were born Saturday visiting her son, Cecil Mathes at 144 made of Douglas Ftr because It does more work for the people of Lane Warrants Outstanding _________________________ (morning. not warp, rot, crack, or bend out of county. •’* A 8 tr e e t ............ t . - - (206,388.29 (206,388.29 C ity’s Net D ebt Is Reduced $ 7 1 ,1 9 9 in Last Five Years “W hy Lane County Homes U Should Be Built of W ood” f Jp 3n