Tl II ltSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1929 T M I BPRINGFIELD NTWS TOWN AND VICINITY III at Jiip «r—Mm Fred lllll, of In From Thurston— Mra. Roy Edmls- Jaxper, In null« III nl her home there ton waa In from Thurston yeaterdny. tr~ ^ v r Chase Garden Output Large; Service Wide Ñu b e -n III w l|li ih« I n f lu e n u h m 1« turned in work. In Town— Al Weaver wiim In frirn III« MrK«0«lc highway dlxtrlef yexter tiny. Leavea for Weatflr—M iix Foxley left Hiimlny night for West Hr where h« w yi b« employed. Flu Victim Recovera— Mrs Hugh Jullff I h i-nnvalexclng after un atttuek of Ih« Hu Here from Albany—W Smith of Ih« Albany office of the Mountain States Power company wna a vlallor to the city thia week. From Portland— Mra Iaiwaon Hard ley and daughter, Mary, of Portland »lulled yeaterdny iwlth Mr. and Mra C K Kenyon. P atlen te R ecoverin g — Mr and Mra Turner of the Turnera' Novelty atore are reeoverlng from a Revere attack Vf the flu A fte n d a S ta ff M e e tin g — Or. W . C Rehhan went to Eugene laat Monday where he attended a ataff meeting of the Christian Pacific hospital. B. V . P. U. Social H eld — A tafTy pull wax the feature of the B. Y. P U. ■octal held at the home of Roy Carl­ ton laat Friday evening. tba exposition waa given to a grower who lived within fifty mile* of the place of exposition. Thia apeaka doubly well for the celery taken all the way across the continent and en­ tered In the same condition* with vegetables picked but a few hours before exhibition. 80—forty year* ago a raw unculti­ vated, unimproved tract of virgin land—today acres of living vegetable life. It la a pleasure for one going along the river road to stop and glimpse through the windows and watch the seemingly endless rows of green growing plants. manager of the West Coast Lumber­ men'* association will have a message of vital importance to lumbermen of the Willamette valley when he ap­ pear* at the meeting of the Willam­ ette Valley Lumbermen’s association at the Oabrun hotel at Eugene next Saturday evinlng January 12. 1 three aona, Elmo H„ Clarence A, and Hy O. K. WILWHIRK I Merle P., raises principally In the A garden row 45 m iles long would I vegetable line cucumber* and toma- Graphic charts covering the west be equal the amount of apace under toea. Up until five years ago no coast Industry for 1928 have Just been cultivation In th« Chaae Garden green flowers at all were raised on the place completed The trend of conditions houses which border the hlgltwuy on but since that time a certain part of for the year will be presented bear­ th« river road between Hprlngfleld the garden house space has been ing on 1929 and relation with 1928 untl Eugene. given to flowers. Excellent results will be explained. From one amull green house 25 by have been had In the flower line with The operations on the west coast 12 built scarcely 15 yearn ago to 12 carnations and roses. At the present Miss Mortensen Leaves— Mias Mar great long glaas canopies, lurge will be fully covered. Secretary H. J. time about two thirds of the gardens ; gnrel Morteiiaen l«ff tills week for Cox of the Wlllaimette Valley Lumber­ enougb und long enough to allow cul­ are devoted to vegetables and the re- VITAL ISSUES WILL Portland where she will resume her men's association has sent out Invi­ tivation by horse nnd plow within. In mnlnder to flowers. FEATURE LUMBERMEN'S atudlea nt th e St. H elena school Mina tations urging every lumberman In the remarkable achievement of F. H One of the great advantages of the Morteiiaen has been aepndlng her MEETING AT EUGENE this district to attend. Remember, Chaae and sons. The standard size tremendous expansion of the Chaae vacation with parents her«. the Osburn hotel at Euzene on Satur­ of Ihe green houses nt the Chuae Gar Garden green houses over the smaller Colonel W. B. Greeley secretary- day evening January 12. dens Is 50 feet wide and 450 feet long old-style type | H the use of the team Goes to Jefferson J W. Avltt went It was forty years ago when Mr. for cultivation It Is a curious sight to Jefferson Inal Sunday with hla ChnHS came to Oregon from Kansas slater In la w. Mra D. M Ooln Mrs looking for a (dace on which to go to watch the horses plowing and disk- Goln baa been visiting Mr and Mrs Into the thoroughbred rattle business Ing nnd cultivating under the glass Avltt nnd with her mothor, Mrs He bought 60 acres of land on the did vault of the green house. This Im­ presses upon the observer the lm Mitchell. Harlow donation land claim, hut after menus size of the structures. buying the land decided to go Into Go to Seattle—Mr nnd Mra Rnv the orchard business and he forth The Chase Gardens employ In their Wright went thia week to Seattle to with planted an orchard. Hut It took marketing program a rigid svstem of visit relatives The will return to Home years for the orchard to hear grading One of their specialties Is Portlnnd where thev will vlalt Mra fruit, so Mr. Chase planted truck gar the cucumger which they have Wright's daughter, Margaret, who la den stuff for livelihood until he could brought hv seed and type selection to All Electric attending school there and also Mr hope to realize on hl* orchard. This an Individual Chase Garden tvoe Wright's daughter, who la «vmployed was the nucleus of the now extensive This cucumber is not noted for Its there. Chase gardens which produce a yearly size as much as for Its uniformity— , output of 250,000 cucumbers, 200,000 there are no tapering ends M issio nary Society M eets — M rs pounds of tomatoes. 250.000 carna­ The Chase Gardens have been o n e ! William Hughes entertained the mem­ tions and 200,000 rosea, as well as of the Oregon producers who have bers of the Women's foreign moaalon- 1 other vegetable yields, and which pro­ gone on the outside and won laurels TABLE MODEL — ary society of the Methodist church vide vegetables In the lean seaaone for Oregon grown produce In nation | Complete with Speaker and Tubes_______ $150.00 last Frldny afternoon. Thia was the for sections In seven of the western wide contests. Not so long ago a na­ monthly meeting at which general state— Washington, Oregon, Califor­ tional exposition held at Albany New business wna held A social time waa nia. Utah, Nevada, Idaho, and Mon­ York awarded to Chase Garden celery CONSOLE MODEL — had following the business meeting tana. second place In an exhibit which c m - Chaae and aona, for the Chaae Gar­ feted with produce from all over the Complete _____ $215.00 Texas Man to Visit—Lum Anderson den Arm Includes F. B. Chaae and T nlted States. The first money at of'a Service atatlno la to receive 8 TUBE SUPER HETERODYNE — a vlalt from a friend from Pallas, C h a rte r No. «*41 Reserve D is tric t Na. 11 R I F O R T O F C O N D IT IO N O F T H E Texas, who la In the employ of the I Complete _______________ __ ___________ $217.00 Western Electric company. He will ’ atop here enroute from Pallas to Port-1 A. Higgs of Visits City— Frank llenny waa one of Marcóla spent Huturlay In thia city. the weeks Vlaltors to thia city from Th uraton. In From Thurr.ton—J II Mel’herxon wax In from Thurston dlxtrlct Tuna- From Black Fox R anch— Nelli« E. day. Wllllnma of the Silver Illack fox ranch III th e upper McKclixtc aectlon wua a Rrlurna lo Work— Jo h n K«l«la win Springfield vlalfor last Saturday. H e ra fro m M arcóla— ! ' PAGE FTVF Brunswick Radio Tone Perfect Here from Lebanon—Mr. and Mra Carl Wright of Ix«hanon apent the weekend here Mra Wright need to he a teacher In the local schools. lnnd. Of Springfield, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business on December 31st 1928 Returne to City—Dwight Keaacy .will From Alaska— Mr. and Mrs. L. M return today from Milford. Iowa, RESOURCES where he waa called hecauae of the Dow and two children, Pauline and ................. $ 82,84« 3« I Hetty of Nenana Alaska, are visiting Loans and discount* ............ ........ .............. ............ ....... death of hla (frandfather. C Keaaey, ........ 23.87 nt the home of Mr Dox's brother, Pr. | overdraft.-- ...._............ 34,248.03 i Down With Flu— Mr and Mra. I W. N. Dow Mr. Dow la a morlne en­ United States Government securities owned .............. 97.467.73 Harold Phllllpa are both alck with the gineer employed by the Alaska Rail­ Other bonds, stocks, and securities owned Furniture and fixtures, $5,400 00 ..... .................. 5,400 00 Influenza Their young aon who haa road company. The company also Ileal estate owned other than banking h o u s e .......... . ..................... 10.000 00 : been In the Pacific Chrlatlan hoapltal operates steamboats. Nenana la on Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank ............... ................................... 15.030 52 i following an operation la convalescing. the Tanana river one of tho tribu­ Cash and due from other banka 49.475.26 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. 9. Treasurer 312 50 Slckneee on Decline—Only one new taries of the Yukon. $394.804.27 ¡ ra«e of contageoua dlaeaaea haa been reported by Th- W H. Pollard, city ' H ig h School S tu dent C ouncil M eets LIABILITIES The Student council held at meting health officer. Thia la a caae of acar. Capital stock paid In ....... ............................................................................. $ 25,000 00 let fever which waa put under quaran­ Thursday, electing I^tVerne Lawson Surplus _____________ _________________ ____________ _________ „ 3.000 00 basketball manager for the coming Undivided profits—net ................................ tine recently. 2.634 69 basketball season. Circulating notes outstanding 6,250 00 Certified and cashiers' checks outstanding ......... 2.037 82 From Kalama, Washington—Mra. ¡ The council, also, decided on the Demand deposits ................................................ 185.153.54 Nellie Cooper and daughter are visit- T im e d e p o s i t s ............................................. 70,728.22 Ing Mra Coopera pnrenta. Mr. nnd price of season tickets and general ail- mission for the basketball games Mra I. W Raker of Springfield Total . $394.804: played al Sprlnglicld high gymnasium Students Picnic—The Sophomore The prices decided upon are: General dtate of Oregon. County of I^an*. a s: I, Wm O. Hughes, president of the above named bank do solemnly swear claaa of the Springfield high school, admission for adults 35c; high school about twenty-one In number apent n students 25c; grade school 10c. Sea­ that the above statement la true to the best of my knowledge and belief. WM. O. HUGHES, President. frolicking Sunday up In fhe I xih I ( son tickets for high school students Correct Attest: S. M. McPherson, L. K. Page, A. II. Sneed, Directors. Creek vicinity. The grotip compoalng 75c; town people $1.50. Subscribed and «worn to before me this 9th day of January, 1929. the plcnlcera were those who took pnrt (SEAL) R. W. SMITH. Notary Public. There will he twolve games played In the Inughtereaque recently given by the teams, six of these will be (My Commission Expires April 19. 1929.) by the members of the high arhool. played nt Springfield. First National Bank Gash Cut In Leg — Mra. Marie Stevens of West Springfield laat Sun day brought her small aon, Roy, to a local physician to have n gash In hla leg dressed. The cut which wnx Just over the knee wna Inflicted upon the child while he wna playing Inst week hy the river bank nnd fell. Mrs. Lorah Leaves—Mrs. Emma I^.rah left Sunday evening for Fresno. California and way points. Mrs. Ixirnh haa been visiting with her sons nnd dnughler. Mrs. Ltnn Slone since Nov­ ember. Her home Is.In Greeley, Colo­ rado. While In the south she will visit both In Fresno nnd Ixing Hench where she has daughters. Now Located in Miner Building William’s Self-Service Stores 77 E. Broadway Next to I. O. O. F. Building EUGENE, OREGON The Store Where You Serve Yourself and Save Outstanding Values For January MEN' MOCCASIN TOE WORK SHOE .............. . Double Wear Sole best in life. Make Appointments Whenever Possible D r. S herm an W. M oody Optometrist - Eyesight Specialist B alt« M l M iner Itl.lg, P hone 362 East Broadway, Eugene Ore. 957 Willamette S lM R R R g R R — Wright and Sons Sizes from 7 to 2 You m ust have gttod eyes, well fitted, to achieve the Popular Price Store O— No Interest or carrying charge. CHILDREN'S PLAY S H O E S ...................... Pair- JOHNSON’S *■■!■ R a — SB R — — Values to $5.00. The Coup«. 11145 f- o *. /«rloer M— Xy Slattar 'A NEW A -A merican that All America is Acclaiming -- J— TERMS IF DESIRED WOMEN'S NOVELTY FOOTWEAR ..................... ll EUGENE See Harry Wright or Roscoe Perkins for Demonstration yM n #S B B # O T «— OREGON a W W — t lB W B M — «HRSRTHW ' ITHfirnTTT OUR BIG Unloading Sale Now in Progress On Dresses - Coats Millinery Sweaters T he New O akland All-A m erican Six is w in ­ n in g th e praiee o f all Am erica. It is en joyin g th o adntirution cause«! hy its new beauty. And th o se fam iliar w ith its m ech an ical q u a lity marvel ul ouch fine cur feature* a# an accurately balanced “ lin e o f drive’’ . . . d yn am ically balan ced, co u n ter-w eigh ted crank sh aft . . . exclusive patented^ rubber cu sh ion ed en gin e m o u n tin g . . . d irt-a n d - w e a th e r -p r o o f in t e r n a l- e x p a n d in g fo u r - w heel brakes . . . S m all wonder th at a car *0 w onderfully con stru cted . . . so b rillian tly styled . . . should he w inning A m erica’# acclaim . P r i c e . > t l« S l o » I J f J . f . o . h . f a c t o r y . p l o t d e li v e r y c h a r g e e . iM v e fo y I t \ d r o it lie S h o c k 4 l.w r l.e r » o n .i ■ p r io * r o p e r . In c lu d e d I n l i s t p r ic e s . B u m p e rs a n d re a r fe n d e r g u a rd s e x tra , « .h e r » V a h U s n d d e li v e r e d p r ic e s — t h e y i n e l u d * Im e e s t h a n d h n g c h a r g e s . G e n e r a l M a t u r s V im s ^ u y i n e n t I ' l a n a v a i l a b l e s t m i n i m u m r a t « . W.R. DAWSON Main Street, Springfield WOMEN S ALL BROCADE CO RSELETTS...... ... A Usual $1.50 Value 34 INCH 5-PIECE LUNCH CLOTH, 3 f o r .... ...... Regular 50c Value OURETA'S SANITARY NAPKINS. 4 boxes....... Regular 35c box WOMEN'S SILK & WOOL PLAID HOSE. 3 for Regular 50c Values WOMEN’S RAYON BRASSIERES. 3 f o r ...... .... Regular 50c Values WOMEN'S RAYON STRIPE UNION SUITS ........ Regular 98c PEQUOT SHEETS 81 x 90 Size............................. S I .3 9 BOYS' ALL WOOL BLAZERS ................. ..... ...... $2.69 Values to $3.50 MEN'S WHIPCORD PANTS .................................. Regular $1.89 Value CLEANUP McCALL PATTERNS .......................... Values to 45c WOMEN'S RAIN C O A TS............... ...................... Regular $3.50 Values CRETTONE PILLOWS 3 f o r ....................... ...... Regular 50c Value MEN'S HEAVY W EIGHT WOOL SOCKS, 3 prs„ .. Regular 48c Values HIND'S HONEY AND ALMOND CREAM ............ Regular 50c COLGATES AND LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE Regular 25c Serve Yourself and Save f: • .......... V