THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1929 I THB SPRINGFTBLD NFVYS PAGE THREW —a home among good people who will care for you. Juat wait till—" MORTI! HI» voice trailed off and failed from No. 16 at 4:27 A. M (Flag) excess emotion. Kate Bland closed No. 8 at 3 4« P. M her eye» and leaned her head on his Bus connection for tratn leavtng breast. Eugqne at 2:20 P. M Continued from Page 2 Duane felt her heart heat against got to fighting. You're not going to- his, asd conscience smote him a keen SOUTH do that?" No. 7 at 12:47 P. M blow. If she loved him so much! But "I'm not going to get half drunk, memory—understanding of her char­ No. 16 at 10:03 P. M (Flag) that’s certain,’’ replied Duane. acter hardened him again, and he gave Without any solicitation or encour­ her such commiseration as was due 8unday School Board Meets—The M E. Sunday school board «net last agement from Duane, the Bland wo­ her sex. and no more. Monday night. Routine business was man fell paaslonately In love with him ''It's Bland!" whispered the woman, Members of the board Ills conscience was never troubled grasping Duane with shaking hands. PAINTING und KulHoiulning in all Its transacted ACCOUNTANT: Install, Hupnrvlse and N O T IC E FO R P U B L IC A T IO N No. 016307 umllt bonks Financial unit Income branches. Reduced Prices. Roy are planning on having the next meet about the beginning of that affair. She "You must run! No, he'd see yon. lag on a Sunday morning. launched It herself. It took no great That'd be worse. It's Rland. I know li t * atatuinents. II. J. Cox, office, D e p a rtm e n t of the In te rio r. U. 8. K<« ll. (fell I 26 J Land Office at Roseburg, O regon, perspicuity on his part to see that. liulliptoll 111)1«, (I A Willamette, Hie. his horse's trot.” D ecem ber 31, 1928. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE n Eilgnue, Ti'li'plioim 2726. Residence "But you said he wouldn't mind my He was playing a game of love NOTICE is hereby given that John FOR SALE W O O D Notice Is hereby given that by vir­ Playing with life and death! Some­ calling here,” protested Duane. "Eu* phono Hprlugdeld 117 J. If II Siaiuni, of Eugene, Oregon, who, on Old Growth Fir, Second Growth Fir, tue of an execution and order of sale. times he trembled, not that he feared chre’s with me. It’ll be all right" November 2k, 1923, made Homestead Entry, No 016307, for W*4 NE1«. SE'i Oak, Aab. All lengths. Phone Spring- Issued to me, the undersigned, as "Maybe so,” she replied, with visi­ Slu-rlff of l-ane County, out of the cir­ Rland or Alloway, or any man, but at S E P T IC T A N K S — NW'«. A N'W'i SE'4, Section 33, field 184. tf. cuit court of the State of Oregon for the deeps of life he had came to see ble effort at self-control. Manifestly Township HI S . Runge I West, WII , Ready for you to Install said county on the 3rd day of January. Into. He was carried out of his old she had a great fear of Bland. "If I 2 • 4 persons .............................. $21 00 lametto Meredlun, has tiled notice of i 1929, In a suit In said court wherein mood. Intention Io make three year Proof, could only think!” 3 • 0 persons .......................... 21.00 to establish claim to the land above '. J. B. Young was plaintiff and George Then she dragged Duane to the N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Not once since this daring motive Leroy Loveless nad Allano Loveless, Hewer Pipe, Well Curbing, Drain Tile described, before E. O. lim n e l, I '. ». i Commissioner, at Eugene, Oregon, on ■ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Thai his wife, Edward Button and Cora had stirred him had he been haunted door, and pushed him In. • nil Chimney Blocks. "Euchre, come out with me Dnane. the 14th day of February, 1929. Hlg Moe und Kenneth It. Chase, as ail Button, his wife, were defendants, by fantoms of Bain beside his bed. E U G E N E C O N C R E T E P IP E CO. Claimant names us wltneaaes: iiilnlstrutors ot the partnership estate directing me to satisfy said decree, I Rather he had been haunted by Jen­ you stay with the girl I’ll tell Bland Miner It Wegner. Edwin A. Weg- | of Henry W. Chase, deci used, and Sig have levied upon and will sell at pub­ nie's sad face—her wistful smile—her you’re In love with her. Jen, If yott FOR HALE—Carbon paper In largt ner, E II Hundaaker, I-e s te r Nye. all Moe, heretofore doing business an lic auction to the highest bidder for give us away I’ll wring your neck!" sheets, 26x3V Inches, suitable for of Springfield, Oregon. non-coal purifiers under the firm name and cash, at the front door of the court : eyes. The swift action and fierce whisper house In Eugene, Oregon, at 1:00 P. M He never was able to speak a word m a k in g tracings. T h e N ew s office H a m i l l A c a n a d a Y. Register. style of Springfield Sand A Gravel J. 3 10 17 24 31: Company, have filed their final ac-1 or Batarday Fsbraary 9th, 1929. the to her. What little communication he told Duane that Mrs. Bland was her­ N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T count in Maid partnership estate, and folowing property described In said had with her was through Euchre, who self again. Duane stepped close to Jennie, who stood near the window. the County Court of l-ane County, Ore­ decree and In a mortgage executed by IN THB COUNTY coi ii t O F T H I N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S gon, has fixed Thursday the 14lh day defendants Loveless to Lynn G Lans carried short messages. But he caught STATE OF OREGON' IN AND FOR Neither spoke, but her hands were NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That of February, L92V, at the hour of 10:00 burg and Grace I-anxbury, dated Sep. glimpses of her every time he went to TIIE COUNTY OF LANE IN PRO­ L. L. Ray has been appointed admin- ■ outstretched to meet his own. Ther 20th, 1926, and recorded Sept. 25, 1926. the Bland house. She contrived some­ o'clock lit the forenoon of said day at BATE. istrator of the estate of William H. i book 64 page 507 of l-ane County were small, trembling hands, cold as In re Estate of Alice Bean McGuire, Whitney, deceased, by the County : the County Court House In Eugene, in how to pass door or window, to give m ortgage records, namely, lots 6 and Ice. He held them closely, trying to l-une County, Oregon, as thi- lime and deceased. Court of Lane County, Oregon. All In block 4. In E. E. Heppner's Addi­ him a look when chance offorded. convey what he felt—that he would Notion I n hereby given Hint the un- I persons having claims against said place for the hearing of said final ac­ 6 tion to i*pringfield, In Lane County, And Daune discovered with surprise protect her. She leaned against him, derslgncd him (lied his final account I estate ari- required to present them. - count. Oregon, with all the right and estate : In the above entitled proceidlng; that with the proper vouchera, within six ■ All persona huvlng objections to that said defendants or any of them that these moments were more thrill­ and they looked out of the window. the court has set the hour of 10:00 months from the 22nd duy of Decern suld final acount are notified to pres­ had In said property on the said 20th ing to him than any with Mrs. Bland. The approaching outlaws, halted a o'clock, A. M . January 11, 1V2V, as her, 1928, to the suld administrator at j ent the same In writing on or before day of September, 1926. or any subse­ Often Duane knew Jennie was sitting rod or so from the porch. Then Mrs. the time fur hearing the same, and his office In the Miner Building. Eu­ said time. quent date, to satisfy the sums ad­ that any person having any objection gene, Oregon. Dated this 10th duy of Jaunary, 1929 judged to be due plaintiff In Bald de­ Just inside the window, and then he Bland uttered an exclamation, osten­ felt inspired In his talk, and it iwbs all sibly meant to express surprise, and thereto shall tile the Name In writing S1G MOE L. L. RAY. Administrator of the ' KKNNTHE R. CHASE, Admlnlstra cree. namely, $300 with Interest there­ on or prior to the suld time for hear­ Estate on from March 20. 1928. at 7 per cent, made for her. So at least she came hurried out to meet them. of William H. Whitney, de­ tors. ing the sum of $30 allowed as an attor­ to know him while as yet she was al­ She greeted her husband warmly ceased. HARRIS. SMITH & BRYSON, Eu I ney's fee in said suit, the sum of $15.68 most a stranger. ALBERT GLEN McOUIRK. Execu­ D. 27 Ja. 3 10 17 24 and gave welcome to the other man. gene, Oregon, Attys. for Adms. tor of the Estate of Alice Bean Me taxes paid by plaintiff, on said mortg­ Jennie had been instructed by Eu­ Duane could not see well enough in Ja. 10-17-24-31: FI Gulro, deceased N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S S A L E aged premises, the sum of $12.50 costs D 13 20-27: Ja. 3 10: of suit, and the costs to accrue on this chre to listen, to understand that this the shadow to recognize Bland’s com­ On the 2nd day of February, 1929. j N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S execution. Sale wll be Subject to was Duane’s only chance to help keep panion, but he beieved It was Allows*. at the hour of One o'clock at the N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T front door of the Court House. In Eu­ redemption as hr laiW allowed. her mind from constant worry, to ga­ "Dog-tired we are and starved," sa d Notice Is hereby given that the un HARRY L. BOWN. Sheriff. NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN, Tnat gene, Oregon. Lam- County, Oregon, derslgneil has been appointed Execu­ ther the Import of every word which Bland heavily. "Who’s here with yon’" Ja. 10-17-24-31: FI the undersigned, the duly appointed I will sell at auction to the highest trix of the Last Will and Testament had a double meaning. “That's Euchre on the porch. Duane qualified anil acting executor of the and best bidder for cash the fnllnvlng of William F. Wilson, deceased, and Euchre said that the girl had begun Is Inside at the window with Jen." E IG H T H G R A D E E X A M IN A T IO N S last will and testument and estate of dsseribsd real property located t e l of his said estate and has duly quali­ James B. Male, deceased has rendered Intne County. Oregon, to wit. The regular state eighth grade ex­ to wither under the strain, to burn up replied Mrs. Bland. The East half of the northwest | fied as such. All persons having aminations will be give^ in districts with Intense hope, which had flamed nnd tiled In the County Court of the "Duane!” he exclaimed. Then he State of uregon for the county of quarter, the Southwest quarter of the claims against the suld estate are where there are pupils »To can legal­ within her. But all the difference Du- whispered low — something Duane Noithwest quarter, an I the N irtliwi si hereby required to present such lame his tlnul account of his adminis­ ly qualify, and where questions have tration und the sail) Court has by an quarter of the Southwest quarter of claims duly verified with proper been applied for by the teacher, on and could see was a paler face and could not catch. vouchers attached, to the undersigned S.x-tlon Thirteen In Township Sixteen ' "Why, I asked him to come,” said order duly made and entered of record Thursday and Friday, January 17-18, darker, more wonderful eyes. The Aged ami appointed Saturday thi South Range Four (l> East of the at thi office of I. M. Peterson, attorney 1929. This examination is especially eyes seemed to be entreating him to the chief's wife. She spoke easilv Willamette Meridian, nit In Lane : for the estate, 234 Main street Spring, 12th day of Jaunary. 1920. nt the hour for conditioned pupils anil in order to field, Oregon, within six months from tnke examinations in Physiology or hurry, that time was flying, that soon and naturally, and made no change 'n of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day nt the County, Oregon. It might be too late. tone. "Jen has been ailing. She gets Said sale Is made under execution the date of this notice, the same being County Court room In the Court house Georgraphy at this time, pupils must Then there was another meaning In thinner and whiter every day. Duane at Eugeni-, Oregon, as the day, time Issued out of the Circuit Court of the dat -d and published the first time this have completed all of the work and nnd place for hearing of objections State of Oregon for the County of 10th day of January, 1929. passed in all of the other work in the them—a light—a strange fire wholly came here one day with Euchre, saw to said final account and the settle­ Lane to me directed In the case of I NELLIE HELTERBRAND, Execu­ sixth and seventh grades. Inexplicable to Duane. It was on’.v a Jen, and went loony over her pretty Anna W. Ogden vs Maude S. Tuell, trix of til)“ Last Will and Testament of ment thereof. That all objections E. J. MOORE, County School Super­ flash, gone In an instant. But he re­ face, same as all you men. So I let Glndvs E Tuell. Holden. Edwin R. William F. Wilson. Deceased. must be 111 writing nnd died with the J.3-10: membered It because he had never him come. I. M PETERSON. Attorney for said intendent. clerk of said Court on or before suld Holden, Dave M Zent, as Guardian of the Person anil Estate of Maude S. Executrix. seen It in any other woman's eyes. "Kate, you let Duane make love to dav and lime of hearing. NOTICE OF FINAL STEELEMENT Tuell. Dave E. Zent. as Administrator; Ja. 10-17-24-31: FI Inside Duane's body there was a Jennie?” queried Band incredulously. Win G. HUGHES. Executor. ile bonis lion of the Estate of Frank ■ Notice Is hereby given that the un­ FRANK A. De PUE. Attorney for "Yes, I did,” replied the wife stub­ W. Tuell, In the Slate of Washington. I NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL dersigned executor of the estate of strife: his heart pounded, his biood the estate. raced, his breast bore a heavy pang. bornly. "Why not? Jen’s in love with and Josephine L. Veatch. as Ancillary i Catherine Robison, deceased, has filed D. 13 20-27: Ja. 3 10: ACCOUNT Administratrix with the Will an­ in the County Court of the State of Something hot had dug into his vital’ him. If he takes her away and mar­ nexed of the Estate of Frank W. Tuell. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Oregon for Lane County his final ac-! and the pain remained. In the depths ries her, she can be a decent woman." N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S deceased. In the Stale of Oregon. the undersigned administrator of the count as such executor, and said court Bland kept silent a moment, then FRANK E. TAYLOR. Sheriff of estate of Uriah C. Holeman. deceased, has appointed Saturday, the 2nd day of his mind, his soul, there was ,1< >s. Notice Is hereby given to all whou. He felt something dying ic h ip . his laugh peeled out loud and harsh. It may concern thut the undersigned Lane County, Oregon. has filed his account for the final set­ of February, 1929, at ten o'clock A. M. By BEULAH BRINNICK, Deputy. Eugene Ixian and Snvlngs Bank of "Jennie,” whispered Duane, “that tlement of said estate In the County and the county court room in the He suffered. Hope semed far away. J. 3-10-17-24-31: Eugene, Oregon, has been duly ap­ C mrt for Lane County, Oregon, and county court house at Eugene, Oregon, Despair had seized upon him a :d was was clever of Mrs. Bland. We'll keep pointed Executor of the Estate und of that Saturday, the 26th day of Janu­ as the time and place for hearing ob­ driving him Into reckless mood when up the deception. Any day now be the Last Will and Testament of James ary, 1929, at the Court Room of said jections, if any, to said account and he thought of Jennie. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S ready.” O'Connell, deceased, by the County Court. In the County Court House, In the final settlement thereof. All per­ He had forgotten her. He had for. She pressed close to him, and * NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Eugene, I-ane County, Oregon at ten sons Interested In said estate desiring Court of the State of Oregon for Lane County, and lias qualltled as such Exe­ the undersigned, has. by an order of o'clock In the forenoon, has been by to object to said final account are gotten that he had promised to save barely audible “Hurry” came breath­ cutor. and all persons having claims the County Court of the States of said Court fixed as the time and place hereby notified to file their obectlons her. He had forgotten that he m- vnt ing into his ear. against said estnte are hereby notified Oregon for the County of I-nne been for hearing objections thereto, and thereto In writing with the Clerk of to snuff out as many lives as might Then he stepped out Into the moon­ said court prior to said time and to and requested to present the same appointed Administrator of the «‘State for filia l settlement of said estate. stand between her and freedom. light and spoke. Bland returned the verified us required by law, with the of Arnold O. Tomseth. deceased anil A. R. HOLEMAN, Administrator of appear at said time and place. The very remembrance sheered off greeting and, though he was not ami­ JAMES RUTHERFORD. Executor proper vouchers, to F. N. McAlister. all persons having claims against said the Estate of Urlan C. Holeman, de­ of estate of Catherine Robison, de­ his morbid introspection. She made a able. he did not show resentment. Trust Officer of the Eugene I-oan nnd estate are hereby notified to present ceased. ceased. difference. How strange for him te L. L. RAY. Attorney for Estate. Snvlngs Bank nt the offices of said the same to the said administrator at “Met Jasper as I rode In," said Gordon S. Wells, Attorney. D. 27: Ja. 3 10-17.24 Bank In Eugene, Nine County. Oregon, the office of Frank A. DePue. the at­ realize that! He felt grateful to her Bland presently. "Duane, I want yott J. 3-10-17-24-31: within six months from the date of torney for the estate at Springfield. He had been forced into outlawry: to stop quarreling with my men. If yott Oregon, within six months from the ( this notice. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE she had been stolen from her people were one of us—that'd be different. I date of this notice. Date of first publication nnd date STATE OF OREGON. IN AND FOR NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE ON and carried into captivity. Dated December 29th. 1928 of notice December 27. 1928. can’t keep my men from fighting. But L A N K C O U N T Y , EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE PETER M TOMSETH. Administra­ EUGEiiH LOAN and savings They had met in the river fastr. ss I'm not called on to let on outsider 1-averne L. Morrill, Chester Nye and BANK, Executor of the 1-ust Will and tor he to instill into her despairing life, hang around my camp and plug my Chlora Nye, Plaintiffs, Against The . Notice Is hereby given that by vir­ FRANK ' D :’UE, Attorney for the Testament of Jnmes O’Connell, De­ tue of on execution and order of sale she to be the means, perhaps, of rustlers.” unknown successors lu Interest to ceased. estate. und of Springfield Manufacturing in foreclosure issued out of the Cir­ keeping him from sinking to the level “I guess I'll have to be hitting the ' 3-19 17-24-31: D 27: Ja. 3 10-1724 Company, defunct corporation; also cuit Court of Lane County, Oregon, on THE LAST OF DUANES — Two — trail for somewheres,” said Duane. the 12th day of December, 1928, in a all other persons or parties, un­ of her captors. He became conscious known, claiming any right, title, j suit wherein on the 11th day of Dec­ of a strong beating desire to see ner.' "Why not Join my band? You've got a bad start already, Duane, sud ember, 1928, in said Court The Pacific estate, lien or Interest in or to the if I know this border you'll never be lands described in the Complaint Savings & Loan Association, a Wash­ talk with her. ington Corporation, plaintiff, recover­ --------- -- ---------------------- - r - - fc - r ' ~~ These thoughts had run through his a respectable citizen again. You’re a herein; Defendants. " '"iMHi ■ 1‘ ■ " t IE.- L i - Ä " ■' ed Judgment against the defendant mind while on his way to Mrs. Bland's ----------------------------- —------------------- born killer. I know every bad man on Office Phone 176 J Rea Phone 176 M S U M M O N S Rebecca Cobb for the sum of $1295.06 Rna. Phone 160 Piano Moving together with interest thereon at the house. He had let Euchre go on ahead this frontier. C arl H . P h etteplace, M . D. To the Unknown successors in Inter­ rate of 10% per annum from June 15, because he wanted more time to com “More than one of them have told S P R IN G F IE L D T R A N S F E R General Practice, Special Attention est to and of Springfield Manufacturing 1928, and for the further sum of $7.00 pose himself. WILLI» BERTBCH, Prop. me that something exploded in their to Obstetrics and Diseases Company, a defunct corporation; also for abstracting the records, and for Darkness had almost set In when he brain, and when sense came back OFFICE AT SERVICE GARAGE of Children. all other persons and parties unknown,, the further sum of $252.48 for taxes 633 Main Street claiming any right, title, estate, lien paid, together with Interest thereon reached his destination. There was no there lay another dead man. It’s not First National Bank Building Successor to Sutton Transfer or Interest In tue lands In the cop 1 at the rate of 10% per annum front light in the house. Mrs. Bland was so with me. I've done a lttle shooting, Springfield, Oregon plaint and herein described; Defend­ September 5, 1928, and for the further ‘ waiting for him on the porch. too; but I never ‘wanted to kill an­ ants. sum of $160.00 attorneys fees and for j She embraced him, and the sudden other man Just to rid myself of the lÿi THE NAME UF THE STATE OF j the further sum of $15.40 costs and violent, unfair contact sent such a W M . G. H U G H E S OREGON: You aro hereby require- disbursements therein, which Judg- I shock through him that he all but for­ last one. DR. W . N. DOW “Mv dead men don’t sit on my chest to appear and answer hie complaint ment was enrolled and docketed In the , FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE D e n tis t filed against you In the above entitled Clerk’s office of said Court in said ■ got the deep game he was olaylng. at night. That's the gun-fighter’s NOTARY PUBLIC First Natlonnl Bank Building suit within four weeks from the first County on the 11th day of December, ¡ She. however, In her agitation did not trouble. He’s crazy. He has to kill Phone 43 Springfield, Oregon Office at publication of this summons in the 1928, and said execution to me direct­ notice his shrinking. a new man—he's driven to it to forget Office hours, 9 A. M. to 6 P M. Springfield News, printed and publish, ed commanding me in the name of I “Duane, you love me?” she whis­ kthe last one.” F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K Evenings by Appointment ed In Springfield. Oregon; nnd If you the state of Oregon, In order to sat- ¡ pered. Springfield, Oregon "But I'm no gun fighter,” protested fall to so appear and answer, for want tsfy said Judgment, Interest, attorneys , therefor, plaintiffs will take Judgment fees, costs of suit and accruing costs , "Yes—yes,” he burst out, eager to Duane. "Circumstances made me----- " and decree as prayed for In their to sell the following described real 1 get It over, and even as he spoke he : "No doubt,” interrupted Bland with DR. N. W . E M E R Y property, to-wit: caught a pale gleam of Jennie's face a laugh. "Circumstances made me I complaint, towlt: North 100 feet of Lot Two (21 In through the window. That their titles to Lots, One. Two, rustler. You don’t know yourself. DENTIST nnd Three In Block Four of Spring Block Ten (10) in Packards Addition He felt a shame—he was glad she 1 You're young; you’ve got a temper; to Eugene. Iutne County, Oregon. Sutton Bldg. Phons 20-J field, Oregon, as platted and recorded Now, therefore, in the name of the could not see. Did she remember th at, your father was one of the most dsn. one page 1 of Vol “I" of the Deed Residence Phons 163-M records of Ixino County. Oregon, be State of Oregon, in compliance with she had promised not to mlsunder-1 gerotis men Texas ever had. I don’t established and quieted; that you. said execution nnd order of sale and In stand any action of his? What did see any other career for you. Instead Springfield, Oregon ouch nnd all. be forever estopped from order to sntisfy said Judgment, inter-1 she think of him, seeing him out there of going It alone—a lone wolf, as the claiming any right, title or Interest est, attorneys fees, costs of suit and in the dusk with this bold woman in ’ 228 Main St. Residence 126 C St- therein adverse to their title: and for accruing costs, I will on Saturday the ¡ Texans say—why not make friends 62 J 62 M with other outlaws? You'll live a such other nnd further relief ns shall 19th day of January, 1929, at the hour , his arms? Somehow that dim sight of Jennie's while longer.” be by the courf deemed Just nnd equit­ of one o'clock In the afternoon of said day, at the Southwest front door of I pale face, the big dark eyes, thrilled able. Euchre squirmed In his seat. Full Auto Equipment This summons Is served by publlen- ' the County Court house, tn Eugene, him, inspired him to his hard task of "Boss, I’ve bean glvtn’ the boy Lady Assistant Hon thereof once eneh week for four Lane County, Oregon, offer for sale ¡ egzactly thet same line of talk. Tbefe successive weeks In the Springfield nnd sell for cash, at public auction, the present. "Listen, dear,” he said to the wo­ why I took him In to hunk with me. News by order of the Hon. O. F Skip- subject to redemption ns provided by­ worth, judge of snld Court, made nnd law, all of the right, title and Interest man, and he meant his words for the If he makes pards among ns there entered on the 24th day of December of said defendant Rebecca Cobh and girl, "T'm going to take you away won’t he any more thronhle. An’ he’d F R A N K A. D E P U E 1928, nnd the first publication thereof L. M. Travis, Inc., a corporation, and from this outlaw den If T have to kill be a grand feller fer the gnnif. ATTORNEY AT LAW wns made on the 27th dny of Decem­ all persons claiming by, through or under them or any or either of them In Band, Alloway, Rudd—anybody who Slickest of all the gun-throwere I ber, 1928. NOTARY PUBLIC and to said premises, stands In my path. You were dragged ever seen! An’ I’ve rustled around A. F. Wheeler FRANK R. TAYLOR, Sheriff., Attorney for Plaintiffs, Residence nnd here. You are good—1 know It. over the southwest.” Sutton Springfield, Bv BEULAH BRINNICK, Deputy. post office address. Fncene. Oregon. There’s happiness for yon somewhere (TO BE CONTINUED) > Building Orwgon D. 20-27: Ja. 3-10-17: T R A IN S C H E D U L I Springfield Stop« B U SIN E SS D I R í ¡ C T O R Y | Walker-Pools Chapel Funeral Directors D. 27: Ja. 3-10-17-24 ‘The Last of the Duanes’