P ACM TWO TH» «FRIMOITWT» MWWa THURSDAY. JA N U A R Y 10. 192» U n lv e re lty M an to »peek X-RAY EUGENIC HENS , UPSET SCIENCE! LAY Dr. Howard Taylor of tha payrho- EARLIER AND EAT LESS logy department of tha University of W HAT HAPPENED BEFORE— Buck Duane, quick on the draw, Cast of P rin c ip al C h aracters in T his T h rillin g S tory by Ja n e Grey kills Cal Bain in self-defense and finds Buck Duane . . . Last of the Duanes himself an outlaw. Flying from pur­ suit, he meets Luke Stevens, another Cal Bain outlaw, and the two become pals. Luke Stevens Luke narrowly escapes capture and B l a n d ........... Lead er of O u tlaw Group Duane is shocked to find his brother Mrs. Bland . . Jennie . G irl at Bland's Camp outlaw severely wounded. Duane buries Stevens. Then he goes Capt. M c N e lly . . . C aptain of Rangers on to Bland's camp, whwere he gets Cheseldine . . into a fight with a man called Bos Evidently the outlaw's wife liked omer and wounds the latter. He Euchre, for her keen glance rested makes a friend of an outlaw at Bland's with amusement upon him. called Euchre, who tells him of Mrs. "As for Jen, I’ll tell you her story Bland and the girl Jennie. some day," went on the woman. "It's Duane meets Jennie, and promises a common enough story along this to try his utmost to get her away river. Euchre here is a tender-hearted from Bland’s camp. To avert suspi­ old fool, and Jen has taken him in,” cion, It is planned that he pretend to When Euchre had shuffled into the care for Mrs. Bland. Euchre intro­ house Mrs. Bland turned to Duane duces him to the latter and he en­ with curiosity and interest in her gages in conversation with her. gaze. “I'll tell you. Duane,'* she said earnestly. "I'm sure glad If you mean to bide u while. I'm a tnlserutde wo­ man, Duane. I'm an outlaw's wife, and I hate him and the life I have to lead. I ensue from a good family in Brownsville. “1 never knew Bland was an outlaiw till long after he married me. We were separated at times, and I tin- agined he was away on business. But the truth came out. Bland shot my own cousin, who told me. My family cast me off, and I had to tlee with Bland. "I was only eighteen, then. I've lived here since. I never see a decent woman or man. I never hear anything about my old home or folks or friends I'm burled here—buried alive with a lot of thieves and murderers Can you blame me for being glad to see a young fellow—a gentleman—like the boys I used to go with? "I tell you It makes me feel full 1 want to cry. Dm sick for somebody to talk to. I have no chlklreu, thank God. If I had I'd not stay here. Dm sick of this hole. I'm lonely—" There appeared to be no doubt about the truth of all this. Genuine emotion checked then halted the hurried speech. She broke down and cried. It seemed strange to Duane that an outlaw's wife—-and a woman who fitted her contort and the wild nature of their surroundings- should have weakness enough to weep. Thu poultry farm of Paul It Hadley ()ra(>m will speak at ths meeting of at Fanwood, New Jersey, boasts artlfl the Lione club here Friday noon rally «axed hens, hatched on the farm, 1 which have upset the prognostications of scientists that they would not lay. These artlflcally sexed hens are said to have proven their superiority to their naturally sexed sisters lit many ways. The nrllllcnlly hatched hens begun producing eitgs 26 davs earlier than tit«' average lie n They grew faster, , and proved Immune to the germ dis easen that sometimes cause the death j of 50 per cent of a hatching In addi­ tion, they eat less Ilian the normal average hen. K n itte r a n d L yric R adios Mr. Iladlev Is the Inventor of the X R a t s e x determining machine The CALL 95 same rays that kill the male germs In 1 For Demonatration (Ito eng also kill disease germs and produce a sound chick The early maturing of the artificially produced pullet means a great deal to the pout try industry, explains Mr. Hadley, say lug that the saving In feeding alone would amount to $200.000.000 annually. W m. Rodenbough Garage "Would Bland object if I called on you occasslonally?” Inquired Duane. CPE.WEYCO "No, he wouldn't. He likes me to have friends. Ask him yourself when he comes back. The trouble has been that two or three of his men fell In love with me, and when half drunk ■■ ■ " Coutlnued on Page 3 942 Willamette ST. Eugene. Oregon. '■ 1 ■■■' 1 ■ ■*'1 ■ - - - - ■■■■■ T his is JT if ïh A venue March 6—Triangle Lake at Triangle R E P O R T O F C O N D IT IO N O F T H E Lake. T H U R S T O N March 13—Walker at Pleasant Hill. Miss Nellie Mathews who spen( the The Pleasant Hill high school plays at Springfield, County of lane, State of Oregon, at the close of business December 31st, 1928 holidays with her parents, Mr. and Coburg at Pleasant Hill Friday. Mrs. A. B. Mathews, returned to Los Angeles last week. RESOURCES Bad Check Artist Appears Loans and discounts .......... $129,990 16 Mrs. Margaret Campbell, who is O v e rd ra fts 103 10 A man probably using a fictitious •erionsly ill with pneumonia and pleu­ Bonds, securities, e tc 38,680.24 risy following flu. was taken to the name passed a number of bad checks Banking house $14.900, furniture and fixtures 93382.07 18,782.87 hospital in Eugene Tuesday morning. on local merchants Tuesday. He de­ Real estate owned other than banking house 11,126.67 posited a small sum in a local bank Due from hanks, cash and cash items 43.571 15 The revival meeting conducted by Other resources, Claims and Judgments. 26 00 Rev. Turner closed last Sunday. There and then went out and wrote checks was a basket dinner held at the promlscously as he made small pur­ Total .......................................................... $242,284 19 ehurch last Sunday. Rev Turner left chases of merchandise. Each time he LIABILITIES got change along with the goods. Monday for Portland where he ex­ $ 30.000 00 The same person Is believed to have Capital stock paid In .............. pected to go by airplane to Seattle Surplus . 3.000 00 operated in several other towns of the and then leave there by boat Wednes- Undivided profits—net 1.646 91 valley. The sheriff's office and the Demand deposits 543 80 dav for his home in Australia. ................... 29 335 13 Melvin Buell from Klamath Falls Eugene police force are looking for Time certificates Savings deposits 22.381 94 motored Into Thurston Sunday (Where him. Bills payable and rediscounts. None he spent the night with his aunt. Other liabilities, Individual dep osits........ ..... 166.476 41 J u n io r to H a v e B asket Social Miss Heersnna, returning fo Klamath Total ______________________________ $242.284 19 Falls Monday. A basket social and entertainment Last Friday evening the Pleasant la being planned by the Junior class. State of Oregon, County of lane, ss: I. C. E, Kenyon, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear Rill basketball teams defeated the Freeman Squires, president, has selec­ Thurston high school teams In games ted a committee to make arrange­ that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. C. E. KENYON, Cashier. on the local floor. ments for the affair. Correct—Attest: The P. T. A. met at the high school Welby Stevens. M M. Perry, Mrs. Mary M Kessey,—Directors. Ruth Bettis was selected chairman Wednseday afternoon. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of Junuary, 1929 and Elma Lansberry and Clair Thur­ (SEAL) I. M. PETERSON, Notary Public for '*>■' gon. Next Sunday the Bible school will man as the other members. (My commission expires June 1, 1932.) elect the officers and teachers for fhc coming year. Mrs. Ray Baugh and Mrs. John Ed- miston received word of the death of their cousin. Merit Richard at Corval­ lis last Sunday, death being the re- •ult of pneumonia following influenza. Miss Marjorie Grant who teaches at Cosvallis left last Sunday to re. sume her work after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grant here: Miss Maude Russell, who teaches And now each Thursday will bring to Eugene the New As -oclatlon, in Eastern Oregon, left here Sunday Chlcago-to-Coast road shows, bigger and better than ever before, «■ n to return to her work after spending trolled and booked by the great Kelth-Orpheum Circuit, which assures the fcolidavs at her home here. the high quality of each Association bill. You will be entertained Lim Endicott who is studying radio week to week with acts from the four corners of the earth, spiced with in Portland returned to school after originality and novelty,. steeped in wholesome comedy and enough spending two weeks vacation at his variety for all. home here. Commercial State Bank of Springfield . . . fcwf you can buy the sente smart things tn your local J. C. Penney Co. store Coats and frock»—new fabric», clever ideas in household linens. These are only typical of the splen­ did values we are constantly receiv­ ing front New York. W e H elp You Say: ” 1 Can A fford I t ” Bv ordering for 1000 stores at once, we are able to price trail) gixtd mer­ chandise so reasonably that even the woman with a small income can afford “tuce things.” Sim plicity o f cooling system is a feature o f the new Ford HOO-RAY! THE VARIETIES ARE BACK t VPPER W ILLAMETTE Association Vaudeville ♦ WESTERN VAUDEVILLE MANAGERS ASSOCIATION • 4 4 4 4 4 4 -* 4 4 -* 4 4 4 -4 * The Vfda basketball boys defeated the Pleasant Hill boys' team last wek by a score of 29 to 27 at Pleasant Hill. The Vida girls defeated the Pleasant Hill girls 58 to 36. The Marcóla Black Hawkes won from the Pleasant HH1 Athletic Club 52 to 49. THURSDAY 3 SHOWS AT 3, 7 «fe 9 O N T H E O P E N IN G S H O W Billy Powell & Nedra Rinehart — In — Lester Circle who has been spend­ “ SUM SAND” ing the Christmas vacation with his brother, Taylor Circle, returned to his home at Florence, Monday. Public school opened at Goshen last Monda}'. Mr. and Mrs. Roy John as teachers. Roy John of Enterprise has been wiring a house near Cottage Grove during the Christmas holidays. W. L. Wheeler of Trent left Mon­ day afternoon for Portland where he was called to serve on the federal grand Jury. Mr. Wheeler will he away over a week. Between 20 and 30 cases are to come up at this session, he said. Tver Fattske of Seattle, brother of Mrs. Andy Olson, visited at the Olson home last week, leaving Sunday. The Pleasant HI,, Athletic club wh’ch Is In class T) of the county has. | kethal, eagtte will play the following games this winter. January 9—K of C. at Pleasant HI,,. January 16—Checkerboards at Y. M. Snappy Sketches of Sundry Scenes A Parisian Novelty Mile. LaCigale & Co. — In — A Musical Comedy Skit of Laughter and ¡dong The De Long Family N O V E L T Y C O N T O R T IO N IS T S A N D A C R O B A T S Appearing by Courtesy of Ringling Bros. Kennedy & Martin - “ IGNORANCE IS BLISS” Lyle La Pine ® Flo Emery A L O T O F L A U G H S A N D SO NG S Heili^ T heatre V audeville Orchestra M ack S en nett’g “ H u b b y ’s L ats t A lib i” PATHE R E V IE W C. A.. 7:16 P. M. January 25—Marcóla at Marcóla January 30—Triangle Lake at Pleas­ ant Hill, Fehritarv 6—Walker at Walker. February 13—K of C. at K of C. hall. February 20—Checkerboards at Pleas­ ant Hi,,. February 27—Marcóla at P’easant Hill Ray — In — G R A N T L A N D R IC E S P O T L IG H T M atin ee N ig h t - 10c & 35c - - 20c A 50c H E IL IG COMPLETE water plant 1» a part o f every aiitom oliile us it in a part o f every m od­ e m city. T h e purpose o f this water plunt is to keep the engine cooled Io a tem perature tliut w ill m ake it efficient in oper­ ation. I f it were not fo r this, the cylind er wulls would be­ come overheated anti the pistons refuse to operute. T h e roofing system o f tfie new F o rd ia p articularly in ­ teresting hccuuse it is so sim ple and reliable. “ THE FLOWER SONG” Joe - A T O P IC S OF DAY 3— S H O W S — 3 A t 3, 7 and 9 W hen the ra d iato r is fid l o f wuter, the engine o f the new Ford w ill not overheat under the hardest drivin g . Yet the water is so rrgiduted that it w ill not im p a ir en­ gine operation hy ru n n in g too cold in w inter. T h e cooling surface o f the F o rd ra d ia to r is large, w ith fo u r rows o f tidies set in stuggered position so tliut each receives the fu ll bene­ fit o f the in ro m in g a ir. T h e fun is o f the a irp lan e pro­ peller type anil draws a ir through the ra d iato r at the rapid rate o f B 50 ruble feet p er m in u te at 1 0 0 0 revolutions p er m in ­ ute o f the m o tor. T h e hot w ater around the cylind er head is drawn to the ra d iato r to lie cooled by a cen trifug al wuter pu m p o f new design. « T h e entire ro o fin g system o f the new Ford is so sim ple in design and so carefully made that it requires very little attention. T h e ra d iato r should he kept fu ll, o f course, anil drained once each m onth so that sediment w ill not collect and retard the free passage o f water. In cold weather, n reliable anti-freeze solu­ tion should he added. •V A h owner and munnger o f this im p o rtan t water plant yo;t should also see that the v>. l< r pom p anil fan shaft ure p ro p erly lubricated and th e p a c k in g u r o iim l th e p u m p sliuft k ep t in adjust­ ment. Hose c o n n e c tio n s m ay also need replacem ent ufter long service. F o r those little adjustments, it pays to cull on the Ford dealer. l i e works u n d er elose fac­ tory supervision and he has been specially trained and equipped to do a thorough,com petent jo b at a f a ir price. F ord M otor C ompany 1