1 T r y tita H u m e P r in t Shop F ir a t THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW ENTY F i n ii YEAH SPRINGFIELD LEVY SHOWS INCREASE Estiivuttes by Assessor Keeney Released This Week Place the Local Levy 71.7 Mills; Othei Cities Show Increase; Cres- Well Levy Lowest. BPIUNOFIELD, IxANE COUNTY. ORBOON COURT REFUSES WEST SPRINGFIELD AID ON FLOOD PETITION FILED TIH ’RHDAY, JANUARY 10, 1929 1928 M ail Breaks Postoffice Record “ Th« People'« Paper” A L IV E N E W SPA PER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 1 Springtield High Beats St. M arys M IN I APPLI FDR APPOINTIVE JOBS A petition for llii' formation of it Springfield Office Holdi Own ilralnagn d istrict In Went Hprlngll<'l« LieuI Col I fi Orasi. Jrd G I the first half being 21 to 10. Ins exp en se which In cane the propoef which Is due not to a filli ng off In fi Armv Corp« o< Engineers it Last night’s games, which was the hl" rf‘con”n*ndatlon «t the first meet- tlon wna dropped after the coat hail postofllce business, but to the change r^eiroiaa of the Cornatili«« i«, first scheduled game of the season Ing of the new council next Monday been determ ined .would fall upon the yontal rales Comparison between '•"«* !?' ,h* '"“»«»mtkm of Het spoke well for the Springfield boys night. While It is rumored that the bee Hoove« ae Free« deni »c»i e o iin tv I bn law provides In ca ses of thlw ofllr« and other offices show that T h ey showed up unusual good defense this kind, properly holders will put the d eclin e here Is m uch less than In ! new moyar expects to make changes throughout the game. up a bond to pay the engineering ex ,,lh „r ,dareB. The percentage o f the In the present office holders, he has MANY ATTRACTED BY All but two of the shot« made by penne However If the project In put decline In the local office Is one third through th is can be assessed against of ,„.r whl|H , h„ r,.p„ rt |g. I REVIVAL MEETNGS the vlstors ¡were thrown from the not indicated who he will recommend to Thu Sprlostlclil ta i levy show s an Increase of I 9 m ills over last year according to the com putation released yesterd ay by Hen F. Keeuuy. laine county a ssessor The fo la l levy for thia year ta 71 6 mllla us compared wllh 89 8 lust yearn levy. Thin re p resents an Increase of approxim ately 3 |e>r cent T h e levy Includes city, ni hool and county. The city levy for Springfield Is 23 7. (he school 20 5 and the county levy Is sued by the Portland postoffice shows 27 3 m ills. The city levy for this yeur the property In the drainage district The court refused to assume 'he „ 3 p,.r deellne during 1928. The shown an Increase of only IS mills cost The m ill race dam obstruction was crease hus been shown In the growth the levy In due to the advance In Hie discussed al length and It was decided of postal business. Much more mall county levy which climbed from 22 3 Hint the attorney general should be has been handled than here to fore. of Inst year Io 27 3 for this year. nsked by what authority IhlH obstruc­ The following comparisons of the o th e r (owns In the county show a tion was placed In the river. II seem s four quarterly periods ending March, sim ilar Inrraese In mllluyc over hint evident that If the people of W est June, S epfem ber Hn«l D ecem ber of year, the only town show ing a d e­ Springfield are going fo g el relief from 1927 and 1928 shows the 1928 decline crea se being Florence. The m illage flood thnt Ihev must slam i the ex- to lie In the quarters ending June and for Florence th is year Is 97 as com pense th em selves. September. The comparative flgu-es pared wllh 103 8 for hint year. Coburg | follow: March 31. 1927. »2110.34— shown the highest levy with 88.4 and LOCAL STUDENTS TO March 31. 1928. »2130 81; June 30. C resw ell the low est with 68.3. The follow ing table show s the ATTEND CONFERENCE 1927. »1934 89—Junes 30, 1928, 1900 .28; September 30. 1927. »1889.13— lev ies for this year and lanl, for conn September 30, 1928, »1815 49' Decern Maxine Snodgrass, president of the ty. school and city Incluhlve, several Girls' I.eitgue. Jack Danner student i b»r 31. 1927. »2417 27—December 31. tow n s In lam e county: 1928 1927 body president and Frank Meradorf 1928, »2468 88. Sprlngfiehl 71 6 69.6 will be (lelegutcs to the high school ■ An Indication of a tremendous In­ C resw ell 48 1 «•«inference to be held In Eugene th is crease In the volume of Christmas 52 3 Coburg 87.2 81 9 week end N otes will he taken by the mall handled throught the local office Junction City 70.2 59 8 d eleg a tes upon the a ctiv ities and the this year Is shown by the comparison Florence 103 8 m atters discussed at the convention of the last quarterly periods of the 97. Despite the change In T he follow ing show s the etty and and upon the return of the delegation | I » # years. The evangelistic meeting now In pro gress at the Baptist church has aroused the Interest of many Spring- field people. Rev. A. Ted Goodwin of Bellingham. Washington Is th-. Evangelist and has hen making a special appeal to the young people In his «work. Mr. Goodwin spoke this week In all of the school of Springfield. The evangdlstlc meetings will con- t'nue for two more weeks according to the present plans. Next Sunday services will be entirely evangelistic. center of the floor. They were unable break through the Springfield solid defense The local boys at all times kept them well down in their own territory. Both squads played a remarkably dean game Is the opinion of Poach Leonard Mavfleld. Only one foul was marked up for Springfield and 3 for , St Marys. ! Tomorrow nhrht the local quintet -W” h ° f the Stron,f est hoop squads on Its schedule, the 1 nlverslty High of Eugene. Last night the T nlveristv High hoys won from Cottage Grove high school by a score of 31 to 12. Tomorrow night's game promises to be a hotly contested af- ' to SERVICES TO BE HELD AT METHODIST CHURCH fa£ „ „ „ 1° the council for appointment. The position of night watchman Is the most _____ sought v after with four ap­ pllcants. Fred Hinson Is Is an applicant plicants. Fred Hinson to succeed him self and Fred Louk, C. W. Yarnall and Wm. Donaldson have also applied for the Job. W R. Davis seeks re-appointment as traffic officer, George D. Valller has applied for re- .appointment as street commissioner and J. O. McPherson has also applied for the "treot commissioner position. Charles E. Nolf has applied for th« combined office of traffic officer and chief of police. He formerly held the position but was succeeded by Smit- son. ------- —_____________ BODY IS FOUND NEAR McMurray and Depds were high RIVER; NO CLEW YET , uien for Springfield hoth of them tvlng for honors with 8 markers to their No clew has been found as to the credit. Wilhelm was high man for j the visitors with 12 points to his Identity of the new-horn infant which was foupnd last Saturday on the verge credit. The following Is the lln«»-nn for the of the Willamette river close to this i two teams, and the Individual scores: i city. Officials have been searching for Sorinofleld; Points: rome evidence that may lead to the Right F — F Deeds apprehension of the parents of the Sunday school will be held at the Methodist church at 9:45 Sunday morning. The Junior church will meet at 11 o'clock. The morning .worship will also be at 11, the theme being "The Meaning of Christian.” The choir will sing "Bless The Lord for My Soul.” by Wright. E«lgar Louk will lead the Epworth next wok a report will he given before postal rates which tends to reduce the! League which Is to m eet at 6:30 in i F. T. McMurray ----------------- 8 __ school levies separata: an assembly of Hie high school ; total or receipts commensurate with the evening. The evening worship will r ° n,Br L. Roof ................................... 2 6 8C0Tery of the body was made IMS IM I students tip- volume of business this quarter he at 7:30. title, "Three Great Days.” ; Hf^ht G.—E. Squires -------------------- j ' a maa wbo ’’ reported Uvea City school City Here to fore, representatives besides ■ shows an Increase over the preceding A special musical number will be tx;ft —F Sulres .............. ................ 7 0 O8e t0 1 ® place where the grave wa« Springfield 23.7 20 5 23 8 23 7 ,1, leg ,f... have g.,ne t„ t h e quarter of »51.69 or a little over 2 given by Mrs. W. N. Dow and Mrs. C. : Sub for ^ M u rray, C. Leathers 4 J*““ 8. 11“ Creswell 17 I 8 2 17 9 7 9 H ie:..... . St. Macy»; Point»- nOt bee” g’Ven ° Ut r0p0rt ° d that he peri'ent In 1928 as compared with 1927. J. Pike. conference and this year the high Coburg . .. 40.4 38 9 20 7 19.5 Right F —Grender j had hoard volt* 8 near the Place where 18 9 school has been Informed that repres­ Junrt'n City, 22 1 20 8 20 6 1 Left f _Wilhelm ................. 1» ,be body was ionnd aHout a month entatives will be allowed to attend 33 1 41 1 17 4 Florence 17.4 i Center_Vitus ....................~ ~ ago He investigated the place where hut so far none have been chosen. the noise was heard the next day and The levies lint above are this R'eht O— Nurre 1 found fresh d irt He did not unearth levies tnndr iltain Iasi year's tax lists JESS JOHN FISHER Ehigi ne the largest city In the county Msrws m bs sent In were Getty the ptace at that t,me h'”” ng t0 we T* Its 1 ♦ 1T1 fls f n r p t l i A i - o t n r r K + I DIES AT CAMP CREEK in waiting for the return of « the parties. show s m-xt to the sm allest m illage h . _ and Berger. I He suspected the party to have been with a total levy o f 68.5 m ills, the The following article Is one of a expense of painting It. I*alnts are not Jess John Fisher, a long time re»l- a liquor party and thoueht a cache school levy being 13 8 and the city 17 8 series In the ITIxe winning essay water proof but water resisting. Even LOCAL RFRFKAH I ODGE dent of this section, passed away al had been buried at the spot. m ills. If pnfnt was water proof It can not j his home on Camp Creek last Friday con test sponsored by the 4-L Em- INSTALLS NEW OFFICERS Saturday morning he decided to spread on metal with a brush without mornln-g nt 46. Mr. Fisher was 65 ployee Wood ITomotlon committee of DAYS LOST AT LUMBER open the box that he found buried forming bubbles. These break and let years old. _______ ....... .............. ........ all At Its regular -meeting in the I. O. O. Springfield. The ................ stories ¡were Mr. Fisher came to Oregon In the wrlttten by students in the high and , ’1' n’,’’s,llr' * 1,1 tb< 4>'«tal St«el f . hall last Monday night the Rebekah there. He found the bo-Iy trapped in MILL SHOW DECREASE a scant covering of rags. late nlntlcs nnd has lived for some grade schools of the city and contain ’ n. Cooley, collided Tues 1 of 8oft woods as that found In Lane ()Uf d|scojor| ng tj,e finest tints. 1 ^ r9- Mabie Pettlcord. Inside guardian delegates have been appointed to at- of timber lost 10 days. day nt 12:05 I’ M. at the Intersection | c<,unty. There is wood supplied for Tf]e roofs made of shingles proved ; an^ f loidne Putman, outside guardian, tend this meeting which is open to all Work was resumed nt the mill Inst every need and available In any safest during the Florida storm. The | ------------------------------ members of the Auxiliary. Wednesday Jnnunry 2nd after n of 4th nnd D streets. According to a report given by one QuanUty deslr«*l. tile roofing was ripped off in stripes. CIVIC CLUB ELECTS I n wag Toted at Tuesday evening1« week's layoff during the holidays. of the participants of the accident one ' ^bo r<>a8,’ns why the homes of Lane |One of the leading hotels was damaged OFFICERS TUESDAY ' meeting to have the county meeting car was going south on 4th street and ! col,n*y should be built of wood are: | by rain to a great estent after the tile I. O. O. F. INSTALLATION . . . . _ ' here sometime ln February with a the other was going west on D street. 1 1. Lumber Is Lane county's greatest had been .stripped off. A study of Oregon authors was the dInner at 6;30 ln fhe evel,Ing. The wo- TO BE WEDNESDAY NIGHT They both reached the Intersection ) Pr,)duct In additton to the property damages, program of the Tuesday meeting of men of the auxlIlary wiu plan and on too close a margin nnd ns a result 2. A home Dutlt of wood Is much 1 grave danger to life and limb was re- th V C a ” review of modern gerve f^p dinner. The local O«ld Fellows met In regu­ the cars were damaged considerably. cheaper than other substances. It Is a ported from flying tiles. No one need at. hors and some of the older Oregon A Joint meeting of the Auxiliary and lar last session Inst night nt the I. O. No one wns Injured ln the accident. wnsle to spend more money for a fear the danger of a flying shingle “"a w" Mr8' A DBT,R ‘he Legion will be held on the 18th O. F. hall. The usual lodge business The car owned by Mr. Cooley ¡was tip­ given purpose than Is necessary to : except a naughty school boy. and Mrs. W W. Walker. Among the j o{ thlg mpnti, at whlch a program will was transacted. ped over. provide the desired durability and ser-1 Douglas fir and Hemlock are both authors that were taken up at the It was decided nt the meeting to vlce- J used ln the Interior of the homes. m eeting were Joaquin Miller and be given. There will be eats. hold the Installation of officers at the 3. Homes made of wood are more W est Coast Hemlock Is a wood of high Homar Davenport. The members of CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO meeting next Wednesday night, so HAVE SUNDAY SERVICE attractive, warmer, and comfortable character. Carpenters like to work the club expressed themselves as hav­ B. K. REIMENSHNEIDER cording to reports. than home« made from substitutes, for with It because It Is light and easy to ing enjoyed a delightful and lnaturc- PASSES AWAY FRIDAY Lwrence Sunkler will give the talk wood is a material that holds very handle. It stays nailed and It takes tlve meeting. NATIONAL GUARDS GET at the Christian church next Sunday little moisture when painted. nails without splitting. This Hem­ The following persons were re-elect­ Butler K. Relmenshnelder, 78. died THREE NEW RECRUITS morning In the nbsence of Rev. S. E. 4. Wooden houses hare more en­ lock Is particularly suitable for floor­ ed to office at the meeting. Mrs. W. last Friday evening at his home at 804 Childers who is away. His topic will durance during storms. ing, siding, Interior finish boards and W. Walker, president; Mrs. McLagan. Three new recruits and several pro­ will be sung hy Mrs. Dallas Murphy 6. Houses made of wood are more small dimension. It Is a harder wood vice-president; Mrs. L. K. Page, sec­ Mill street. motions Is the latest news from head, be "The Imitation of Christ.” Mr. Relmenshnleder was horn In sanitary becauae they sre warmer and for flooring than almost any other soft retary; Mrs. Valentine, treasurer. quarters company 1st battalion, 187th The orchestra will be In charge of are not as damip as houses made of worlds and Its hardness Increases with M rs.'H .m e"n;ay w ie “ a “s e l e c t ' l l from ' IndlBn* ®BPt#” be’; .’I Infnntry of tho Oregon National Guard. the evening services. An Interesting other substances. * 1850' He came t0 OreRon *n 1878 exposure and age. The knots are uni­ Joaquin Miller. Orvnl Eaton has been promoted program is promised. where he located at Harrisburg, en­ 8. Old homos made of wood can be formly small and they are held firmly. from a corporal to a sergoant, and two gaging ln the butcher business. In torn down nnd rebuilt or Just painted Beautiful effects may he had by Old Soldier Pastes privates, first-class, Orval Cantrell, nnd 1879 he married Adda Greenwood of Lincoln School Hearn to Play and they look like new. staining West Coast Hemlock. It takes Chrrles P. Count, father of Mrs. Elmo I-nng, have been promoted to The Lincoln school hnskethnll team Dougins Fir Is used for more pur­ and holds paint varnish and enamel Grace Sldwell of this elty. died at the Harrisburg and In 1884 they moved corporals. will play the Roosevelt Junior high poses than any other wood. It Is the exceptionally well. English Archi­ soldier's home at Roseburg, Monday to Springfield where they lived ever Vorrol McFnrlnnd, Edward Tomseth school of Eugene nt fhe high school most appropriate wood for the ex- since. Mr. Relmenshnleder Is very tects long accustomed to W est Coast night. and Harry Wilson enllHted last night. gymnnslttm hero tonight. Tomorrow torior of the homes because It is most­ well known here, having worked la Woods prefer W est Coast Hemlock for Mr. Count was bom ln England and night, the snime team will go to Cot­ ly all heart wood. It weathers evenly Interior paneling to almost any other came fo Junction City In 1898. He several of the local butcher shop». Samuel Stlers Burled 3unday tage Grove where they .will piny with without cheeking, splitting or wnrplng. soft woods, The deceased Is survived by hl» entered the soldiers’ home 28 years Tho funosnl of Samuel Stlers who a Cottage Grove team. It takes and holds paint. Douglas Fir Oregon can build up the lumbering ago. He Is survived by his daughter widow and son Frank of Castle Rock. died last Thursday at Ixiwell was held is being used for the exterior expos­ Industry by clever advertisements. If Mrs Frank Sldwell of this llty and Washington. Another son, Charlee, Sunday at 2:30 from the Ixiwell Sales Reported ures such as sleeping porches, porch people ln Oregon build pleasing homes two grandsons. Funeral services died at Marcola ln 1919. church. A largo numbor of tho de­ The W. W. Wnlker realty firm this floors, window frames, sash and door of wood it will be an attraction for were held at 2:30 o’clock Wednseday Funeral services were held at the ceased man’s friends attended tho week reported a sale In tho upper Mc­ pergolas, garden furniture, bird others to do the same. Tourists will afternoon from tho Walker-Poole fun­ Walker-Poole chpel at 10:30 Monday funeral. Rev. Fred Hornshnh of tho Kenzie section. Mrs. Lttclle Rchamp houses,, trellis and steps. ndmtre them and ¡will like to live In eral home In Eugene, Rev. E. V. morning, Rev. Norman Workman cf- Light House Temple of Eugone gavo sold her home In W nltervllle to W. A. Copperixed steel will rust. If It will an up to date town. Stivers officiating.. Interment was ln filiating. Interment was ln the Mar- the services. Pnrks of thnt section. not rust why go to all the expense of Wood! use It, nature renews It .. . the old I. O. O. F. cemetery at Eugene. Iola cemetery. “W hy Lane County Homes Should Be Built of W ood” r - “ " a w a w a a