u p v>. DELIVERY SERVICE ” PEMRKOOKE l<'nr (5«»< m I Brakes. For Wheel Aligning. D U N BAR S E R V IC E S T A T IO N luih and Oak Phone 1121 Eugene, < iregon Eugene to Springfield 24-hour Service THE SPRINGFIELD “A” Street Service Station Pacific Messenger SPRINGFIELD. UANK COUNT T. ORBOON. T H IR SD A Y , JANUARY 3. Service ’ Max Stove Works Everyday Violet-Ray T his new gasoline la proving It la superior to ordinary gaa every «lav. Many drlvera now use imthlng else Inn Violet-Ray because of Its superh.r «inallthm. < ostH no more hut go«*« further. We huve «-very facility Imre to serve you. S.-rvh-e with uh It Juat what It mean*. Phone Eugene 1970 NewspaperAdvertlsing 'I'I h 1 moat Powerful Weapon In Modern Selling. Don t-- 253 M A IN S T R E E T Second hand at<,vea bought and aold. Old atyle ranges taken In on later ones. M anuafcturera of sheet iron «amp stoves, cook stoves and heaters. Colls, cowls, chimney tops and stacks made. HEATING AND VENTILATING A S P E C IA L IZ E D S E R V IC E let your supply of printing get too low before you— Phone Mi«-«-t m e ta l r e p a ir w o rk ax w e ll ax AN OPEN MESSAGE Change of Management V ch Sir. tln rc'a no better time to atari doing It than I wish to announce that I have taken over the SE R V IC E CLEAN ER S Plant in the Elite building and will conduct the business In the future. RIGHT NOW' Have those shoes repaired by W. A. HALL, the Shoe Doctor 333 Main St. new