The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, January 03, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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T IH ’ltSDAY. JANUARY 3. I!»?!»
Principal Events o’ (he Week
Assembled tor Information
of Our Rcade’’*.
P ro p e rty
C U 'K ilm
u n n ' i«I li
W •
in« in i « k '
i utm
n tin
B u r li »
i ', 'hi
u tc l
R iti d i
lim n
y . t i c i ii
rs hitvu tuguri wink on ih«
Illuni Miri- it fluid, which
n li e i i| l»y »,.• tfuvci nini ut.
L ig h tin g o f a I'In in n u n ' u i i i I I h ru
«ulii'il in tlm b u lli of Viri K M. Haw
k in s ni til« Kuiti tu lidnpitnl limi win'll
A toy (io lo ry w h|i li »hips It« prod
U lta to a ll p a rla of western Uniteli
Htuti a la In opi iu tlu ti a t B in d Mila
y iu r
An u u to p ay on i I c ik I a h e e p In C urry
I com * y allinea th a t sto rn a i li nini lu tea
I lin a i «aurina a rc th e c a u s a of ennald
I aruliln loaa n inoug flo ck s.
i C o n so lid a tio n of Mi« Cow C re ek unii
■ N o rth Umpqua ra tin e illa trlc ta In the
■ U m p q u a tin tin n ai fo rca i la a n n o u n ce d
«by C url II N eul. a u p e rv la o r.
Malheur county « nr. hi aaeil v alu atio n
■ o r 1928. Including public utllltlaa, la
|1 1,965.144 09, u il«i r«imc from Mi« ,927
0aa«aaiiinnt of ab o u t 1290.0.1b.
y An »ni» rg « n cy la n d in g field n «ar
A ' bland la b e l l i * u n n i) d u rin g th e foggy
•Aitai n. w hich him m ad e th e M edford
a ir p o r t d a n g e ro u s fur lan d in g .
J. A Larson. president of the Marab
field Chamber of Commerce, him been
aakad by Movornnr I'alieraon to earva
aa a member of a attttewlile commit­
tee to make a aurvey aa to Min best
method of advertising th« atata
T sai Man Buys C a r -J a c k Sherman
has h<.light a now Hundson sedan froa
the Hudson E ssex peope In Eugene.
International Deantiei Here on Tour
Hllgblly leaa than the uauul acreage,
but soiiuiwbat more than a year ago,
appears to be Ilia 1920 full seeding
alluiitlon with Oregon winter wheat,
i»ya F I, Kent, atallstlclan, United
Otu'es ib purimi nt of agriculture
I 'Io t ’li .-k in Columbia
inin-y will
w llliln 'be next few mouths be the
seen« nl n tie»' furniture factory The
llonry fla y Ito«« company la p lan n in g
to « itabllah a plant Uf re for the loan
ufuriiire of evarsluffcd furniture
The flral gold reported from the IP»
hernia dlhtrbt lor aome time was two
bricks brought out recently by Fred
J Burtil*. who la In charge of opera-
(lima hi Mm «veiling Slur, one of Mie
richest properties In Mie district.
The slate board of control luat week
accepted formully Mm building com­
pleted In Salem recently for uae of Mie
slate printing department and slate
motor vehicle division The structure
was built by Dr It K. Lee Stainer and
It. J Jarman and la under leaa« to the
The AHhlsnd city council laat week
approved an ordinance providing for
the minimising of radio Interference
through the regulation of the uae of
certain eleclrlral apparatus
ordinance prohibits thn operation of
apparatus generating or causing high
frequency oscillations, except under
city license.
One of the largest lamb Bale* of the
year hua Just been consummated with
the purchuae by M Erro of Fresno.
C a l. of 4500 bead of lamb* from Pal
J. O'Keefe, Hugh O'Connor und Dennis
Upper Klamath lake, the largest O'Connor of Klamath Falla. They are
body of fresh water west of the Mia all ewe lamb* and will be used as stock
klaalppl, la frozen from one end to the animala It la understood that the coat
pther and Ito« skating la now In vogue
wua >lo a head.
The school census for Yamhill coun
George Mayhew, prominent aheep
ly Just completed shows 4528 children man of Condon, was killed recently
between the age* of 4 and 20 years, j and hla wife and an unidentified man
an lm rease uf 178 over Ml« 1927 cen
Injured In a head on collision of two
a us.
automobiles In * dense fog on the
For Ih« third year In succession Dan John Day highway. Mr. Mnyhew was
Kay, proprietor of (he Automotive driving one of the machine* and the
Shop at Ashlund, has won the prlae unidentified man, a sew ing machine
agent, the other.
for th« lu st deioruied Christmas win
G. Reiter, now manager of Hillsboro,
linker county's rale of taxation for la to be Itend'a first city manager. It
1929 will he 49 5 mills, the highest In wna announced recently by. George
history. The rut» for 1930 will prole Gove, N. II. Gilbert and Dr. J. F.
ably be higher, according to Assessot Hoach. recently elected commissioner*
under that city's new managerial aya
Central Oregon stockmen face the ti tn of government. Formal designs
Mon of Mr. Reiter aa city manager
sin ter with a feeling of optimism
will be mad« on January 2.
iV» ither conditions have baas favor
tbl- au<) stockmen are pn-pured foi
Fourteen persons w ire killed and
I long feeding season.
,89 persons were Injured In 3063 motor
On-' of Benda oldest landmarks. flu- vehicle accidents In Oregon during
November, according to a report pre
tali post of a corrul once used by mid
date pioneers In gathering horaea and pared by T. A. Raffely, chief slate
tattle, Is to li« preaerved mid marked traffic officer. Approximately 105 of
the acrid -tils were due to excessive
•y lb« Bend Hoo Hoo duh.
D N L i t ,h r , h e ad of the S ta n d a rd speed, wlillo In 970 accident* the driv
era failed to give right of way.
.lin e c o m p a n y *t Gold Mill, In making
Ilog cholera has made Its appear
irru n g e iiio n ts to re o p e n Mo- p lan t, hnv
ng c o n tra c te d to su p p ly llm c a to n e to ance In Clnrkamas county, which has
already caused the loss of a number
tap e r m ills In th e W illa m e tte vniley
of hlgh-claaa anim als In the Stafford
Linn county may change Its market
section. According Io one of Mie vet
Oad const ruction policy by adopting
i-rinuiInns of Oregon City, nbout fit1
he Marlon county plan of not build
head of sw ine are afflicted with the
Ofi roads unless th» owners of abut
contagious disease. It Is believed that
Ing property red« th« necessary right 1
Mio disease Is now checked and that
X way.
about 75 per rent of the swine will be
Ona high grad* Jersey cow was saved,
timed to death and another one had
A compromise srreem rnt, establish
hurnad In a fir« which destroyed
Ing a single closed season from Decent
barn and six tons of liny on the J
her 5 to April 15 for commercial fish
Hale» farm, 2% mil«» northwest of
lug on the Umpqua river, abolishing
set nets and fixing a permanent dead
William O. Knlghten, on« of the line at Rig Mill creek, was rem hed at
ost prominent of Oregon pioneers, Roseburg at n meeting of groups repre
eil last week nt hl« home In Talent, sent Ing the cannery Interests of Reeds
r. Knlghten rrossed the plains In port und Gardiner, and the Douglas
h A and hnd lived 81 years In Jack
County Spurt men’s and Game Pro
in county.
tectlvu assoriatlon.
f h e bill granting permission from
The formal opening and Inspection
it governm ent for Mio erection of a of the milk-drying unit of the Mount
big« across Mie Columbia at Arling
Angel C ooperative creamery took
n passed the senate last Friday and i place last week. Between 700 and 800
ily aw aits the president's signature putrons anil visitors pnrtlrlrated. This
become a law.
Institution has grown from a small
| New building In Klamath Full* dur
Rig November amounted to >119,486.
b rin g in g lb « total for the flrat 11
■ u m i l i a of the year to >930,080.
Payment of >58,066.07 to th* United , farmers' creamery with only a hand
lute* government for operation and ful of pntrons nt the Mine of Its Incep^
iilntenunee chargea and futura con
tlon In 1912, to a strictly co-nperatiT»
ruction charge* has been authorized concern with >26,000 rnpital, having
» the hoard of director« of the reorganised to conform with tha fed
liimutb Irrigation district,
eral co-operntlve plan laat June.
ptuith Brothers, who formerly oper
Initial steps In organization of (hr
|'d u suwmill eu Grixxly mountain 1 Columbia County Sheep and W ool
vu socurud I ho timber on the Cook Growers’ association were taken in
dlnga on Mie upper Ochoco and will Rainier with the forming of a tern
unco oract a sawm ill there, truck
pornry organisation nod election of J
the lumber to Prineville,
W. Todd and G. E. McDonough, both
of Goble, ns president mid secretary,
toe Hood River Apple Growers' ns
lalion distributed to Ils members respectively. By-laws and a conatllu
t week approxioiately >70,000 foi lion will bo adopted nl n Inter meet
Ing In Rainier. The organisation foi
T1 til'l l h . Ti e ill"f.rihtili"ii in mail'
low cd a m eeting of more than to men
p ile rale of $7 per Ion. No pre
ongnged In sheep raising in Columbia
rlstniaa ilislriliu.i-di will lie mad
the coop ratlve'a parked stock,
bo Importance to Oregon of n rail
d lino which would extend c.iai
ti Bond ami skirt Mio llluo nioun
in to Burns Is pointed out In the
f filed by the i lly of Bend In tin
KH-llno ense before the interstate
im erce commlaaion.
lie McKenna Lumber company
llalizatliin $100,000, will operato on
111 slough nonr North Bond. Tin
rlct will require nbout throe miles
egging railroad and part of It will
built over flats which require pll
for the track foundation.
There will bo no established date
set beyond which persons can operate
their cars with a 192S llcenae, accord
Ing to Hal E. Huss, secretary of state.
"This date already is fixed by law bn
January 1," sulil Mr. H ush , "and it is
not In my province to change that
(Into or advance flic time when one
cun operate on old plates. All that
this department can do Is to assume
that all persons wishing 1929 plates
hnvo purchased them by January 1. I
have so instructed the state traffic of
A m ong Rtrls puked by thi-it r<- pe< tive countries as outstanding
in thr United State» oh a theatrical tour, are, standing left to
right M ariya. Spanish -lam er. Jacqueline Cobra, Miss Spain; Ginette
Gaubert, M u s P an». A ngel Joyce, Mi»» England; Elsie Korin, Mi«»
A ustria, Marguerite <lu Prcn-.e, Mi«« I r.un c
,n ovals, li ft to right:
Ni»a Sm ob «ki, Mt«» Poland, N a t h a l i e Harr. Mu» Russia; Kate Reiter,
le v A-.hlrv M
I r neb n
Here from Goshen— Frank Peoples,
. . . . . . . . . -----— . ------ — — ------- -
Goshen was on« of Springfield's vlsl of Harrisburg was In Springfield last , From Oregon City— Mr. and Mrs
. .
Paul S ch lew e arrived here from near
tors la s, w eek.
Friday for m edical treatm ent.
' Oregon City to spend a few days at
Mr. Volstead Arrives— Henry Vol-
Druggist III— John K etels. of the the hom e of his sister. Mrs. Fred
stead of Marshfield arrived here last K etels drug store Is confined to hla Frese.
Saturday evening for a few days visit home with the flu.
From Marthfleld — Mr. and Mrs
8lck with the Flu— Mrs. L. E. Stone
Sick with Flu— Mrs Lum Anderson Floyd K ester w ill arrive Saturday I
Is confined tn her bed being one of the took down last Monday with the In­ night from Marshfield to spend a faw !
present numerous victim s of the flu. testin al flu which has confined her to days at the home of Mr K ester’s par­
en ts, Mr. and Mrs. Ed K eK seter of ,
her bed. She Is recovering.
In From Thurston— Mrs John Ed
th is city.
Student V isit»— Miss U ndine Gar-
mlston of Thurston was tn Springfield
tin, a student at the Eugene Bible
last Sunday.
Mrs. Griffis Returns— Mrs Georgle
U n iversity spent th e'h o lid a y s at the Griffis returned
last Monday to
Here from Thureton— Frank Camp­ home of W. H. Hetnenway visiting B row nsville. She has been here for I
bell o f Thurston was a business v is i­ with K atheryn Hem nienway.
a week packing her household goods
tor In th is city last Friday.
for storage as her work at Browns­
le Operated Upon— L ittle Jimmy ville will keep her there indefinitely.
Up from Medford— Mr and Mrs. C. Phillip« of this city was taken to the
(’. laeonard and tw o children were Pacific Christian hospital for m astoid
Returns— Delbert Hinson
here from Medford the flrat of the operation. Tke operation was made and fam ily returned to their home in !
n ecessary because of com plications Portland last Sunday. T hey have I
resulting from the flu.
been visitin g during the past week
Baptist Pastor Visit*— Rev. C. H
with Mr. H inson’s parents, Mr. and
Blom and fnmlly spent part of last
A ccident at 2nd and Main— George
Mrs. Fred Hinson.
week visitin g relatives and friends In Baker of C resw ell m et with a car
accident In this city during the fore
Brother Visit*— John W inzenreld
part of the week when the car In
Back to the Poetoffice— W alter Gos­ which he was riding collided with an­ was given quite a surprise this week
sler. of the Springfield postonica force other car on 2nd and Main streets. A when his brother Frank of Portland
go, off lucky
After a tw o day light tw ister fender and a few minor dropped unexpectedly In upon h'm.
attack of the flu he w as able to re­ scratches were the only bad results of Frank W inzenreld has been In Califor­
nia and stopped off on his return to
turn ,o work.
the mishap.
Here from North Dakota— Mrs W<n.
Homuth of Jam estow n North Dakota
and daughter. Ruth, were gu ests of
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Gerber of this
city. Mrs. Homuth arrived Saturday
T he C hristm as Fur Coat— Both flat
and will spend about t«vo w eeks in
and curly fur are extrem ely popular Springfield.
Just now.
Very L atest
Anne Glass, starring In “Angela'',
show s us a sm art little mixlel dev­
eloped In black fur «vlth a standing
collar and cuffs of K olinsky— Just to
Illustrate that there are curls and
curls, and one needn’t ch oose th«
tight tw ists of Krimmer and Astrakan
If loose, wavy curls seem more desir­
r | ah rota-« tv -V'
Among the flat 7srs broadtail still
hoi is first place and is often combined
in novel w ays with con trastin g long­
haired furs. .When there is n compro­
m is e betw een fiat and fluffy fur. It is
m ost aristocratically expressed by
A reception In honor of Mrs. C. A.
Ill with tha Flu—O H. Turner of
the Turner N ovelty store la quite Sw arts, the retiring w orthy matron of
seriously HI with the flu.
the C ascade chapter of the E aster*
Star was given last Saturday after­
From Fall Creek— Mr. and Mrs. noon at the hom es of Mrs C. O. W il­
John Fitzgerald were In from Fall son and Mrs Arthur Roberta on Em­
Creek laat Tuesday.
erald H eights.
For Marthfleld— Mr. and Mrs. Teddy
The gu ests were entertained earlier
Harper left Friday for Marshfield on a In the afternoon at the home of Mrs.
. business trip.
W ilson and later w ent to the home of
Roberts where refreshm ents
Sign Blazes Forth— A now electric
were served. Both hom es were at­
sign blazes forth In gront of the tractively decorated with the holiday
Rodenbough garage. The sign Is quite decorations.
an addition to Main street.
T hose Invited were th» retiring of­
Here to Live— Mr. and Mrs. Lawr ficers: Mrs. Sw arts. Mrs
«nee Anderson and young son have Roberts. Mrs Will W right, Mrs C. O.
moved to Sprlngfled from Eugene W ilson, Mrs. Pearl Schantol, Mrs.
Jennie Crttzan, Mrs. J. F. K etels. Mrs.
where th ey have ben living.
N ell Pollanl. Mrs. Sydney Ward. Mrs.
V isiting Here— Mr. and Mrs. Harold W H. Adrian. Mrs Cliff Ahrams. Mrs.
Martin of Cheny. W ashington are visit­ C. B. Kenyon, Mrs L ena Fraederlck,
ing Miss Mary Roberts, the Spring- Miss M argaret Oorrle, and Mrs. Levi
field librarian.
Former R esident Dies— Mrs. C. W
Hodgens, who with her husband lived
here last year, died recently at Pendle.
ton, Indiana. Mr. H odgens died here
last March.
D on't You Dare M
Over 10.000 From All Over
Lane County Have Already
Seen IL
And. It Will N ever Again Be
Seen and Heard — So PLEASE
Come On Ovei—
Until Som etim e
Next W eek!
Special Meetings
of Bellingham . W ashington
• Í:-' '
Helena Rubirtston.
M o d el 85
\ d b t in c t iv e B u rl
W a l n u t c o n s o le
h o u a in c t h e e ig h t
tube, >>ne d ial, non-
ORcillftting receiver.
B u i l t - i n « p e tt ie r .
L i^ h t « o c te t opera*
lio n . I-**« tubee.
' >233
SEL E C T IV IT Y I ”, .
PERFORMANC e J Christmas
ÁU-Amerícan Ifíohaw^Cbrp orai ion
See your dealer now
Th« nh-neet and n rig ie uto f ol modern beauty fldeneï, Helena RnbieMem. wW «ootHb
tn .
be«u,v , . «h,a n ew *p.irer every week. H e le e .
, h î I " i n t »ym bd I «« im lih c
• » '’ 'T . She .1 the « rk l •
H er kRKw'ff'la*
w ill h< rc«Ucr be im parted
w hich*-
Io rwi Ibn'Ugb MiUdy • Bee-tyl
-Mifh on ever) delightful pkeM oí fneleie» rherw«
'" 'N E X T
Wm. Rodenbough Garage