t Try the H om e P rin t Shop F irst THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW ENTY-FIFTH YEAH CHAMBER HOLDS ANNUAL ELECTION SPRINGFIELD, I »ANE COUNT Y, OREGON, THURSDAY. JANUARY 3. 1929 NEW SURVEY SUGGESTS SEVERAL CHANGES IN the M c K enzie highway WATCH PARTIES KEEP VIGIL AS OLD YEAR FADES INTO THE NEW The MiKenzIo hlichwity between Hprlugflilii and (' ok «well hill 1« to undergo a ronalderable change If the F. B. Hamlin Re-elected Presi-1 surviys fMMtljt t>y U m >•!>■ dent; Letter From Eugene engineer« are put Into effect. Nearly Chamber Read; Delegation °* »h« pre«ent highway 1» . _ « A » » r* Appointed to Represent ■ Local ■ 1 ,u . he cut off by the new route rr •_ According to blue print« of the sur- Body at Lane Chamber. rey nt»>ppove» the term her hu- rm n , I* back in America. Track Plate hank hulldlng Inst Friday night fnrm old and the coming of the new year. Mnd. who died recently u i o tU expert* are wondering whether be Into the procession of those years w ill turn profe»»ional years m Congre»« Otber offlcer» electeil were: W. A. The Chrlatlan Endeavor gave a New Other change« suggested by the new now filing away toward their nick in Taylor, vice presldent ; (’. E. Kenynn, Year’« eve party which commenced at survey consist of the elimination of the wall of antiquity, a lusty Infant tresaurer; and W. K. itameli, J. K 8:30 and continued until the dawn of MANY ENJOY WINTER two right angle turn« which have ANNUAL INSTALLATION appeared— 1929. noisy, Joyous, exub- Seavey Cari (»non. K K Kepner and the new year began to appear at five been of much annoyance and no little OF OFFICERS TO BE HELD SPORTS TUESDAY IN erent burst onto the scene to the wel­ W (’. Wrlght were elected lo thè minutes to twelve. About 40 persons m enace to motorl«tn. board of director«. McKENZIE COUNTRY coming din of automobile honks BY LOCAL N. O. W. LODGE attended the party. The evening was According to the blueprint« the and shrill whistles. A letter from T .1 Fllppln Jr., «ec- : »pent by playing games and about New Year'« day saw more than 100 The Neighbors of Woodcvraft. pine n o'clock refreshments ■were served, retary of thè (Stirene Chamber of rlght-of way 1« to be widened from the With the new year comes a new pro­ Commerce. Inforwlng thè membern preaent width of to feet to 80 feet. circle No. 4B will Install officers for j Lawrence Stinkier was In charge of people enjoying the snow In the upper mise to Springfield and Its surround­ The old rosd will he Jeff open ns the coming year at their next regular the games and Wlnlfrld Tyson took McKenz,p country above Alder flats. ing _ community. ______ While ____ the year Just here thut thè Engine bietv wns Work lug mi n publicity campaign to make ,t"" ' “r* n number of farms and the meeting The Installing officer will care of the refreshments Dora Pet- j >Pkp Obsidians has 57 at their lodge I passed has been one of considerable known the advantages of the upper Thur""»' settlement that will need be Mrs. Mary Magill. erion had charKe of the decorations. Monday nl*ht and a number of other ' prosperity in most lines of endeavor, The following officers will be In- , members of the club came up Tuesday the new year foreshadows a period ot McKenzie region as a »Inter sports Ibis road for local use. Stalled The past guardian neighbor . »chools whl< h h" 8 rp oppn n* morning. Other valley people motor- unparalled growth. area was read It stated that the Eu .... Mrs — Myrtle ------- .. . , » . will be Kgglmann; guard . ° f *b" schools which have been closed ,!d to the snow line and spent a few gene chamber was seeking to enlist C ITY D A D S T A K E O F F IC E over the holidays. Mr. Moffitt of the hours during the day. A new era is dawning with the the cooperation of other active groups OATH ON MONDAY NIGHT ,an np|. Wilson; coun­ H ig h w a y W o rk to Resume The following program haa been pro­ members of the Reh-hak lodge here. ""Although It w-as not tne best day for report nt the next meeting Mr cllmen. W C. Mclxtran, W A. Taylor mised: the high school orchestra un­ A Christmas free and a watch party winter sports everyone had a splendid This year will see the McKenxle Maxey Is to act ns chairman of this nnd H. J Cog; city recorder, Ira Pet- der the direction of Glenn Cole will was given. A general good time was time. There was no snow on the regu- bl Kll,e building, brothers. Alex of Salem, William of Mr Anderson will continue at the » was so deeply Imbedded in her hand home In this state since then. He ment expect to get the route surveyed locni chamber will take over their Springfield, and I'lysses of Wendllng l,nn”> «’«nd doing cleaning, pressing that a slight operation was necessary was one of the pinoeers of Lane coun- this year. duties Immediately. and repair work. « to remove It. I ty. During the three yers previaus a new sturctnre In the city Is the ------------------------------ I Funeral services were held at the I to his death he made his home in service station going np on Main and C H R I S T I A N C H U R C H H O L D S ! " '“ k.-r Poole ch a p e l. In te rm e n t was i West Springfield. -nd street. The oil pits and equip- at the U nirei Hill cem etery. I T S ANNUAL ELECTION The deceased Is survived by two ment building are rapidly nearing _ .. . sons, one daughter, two brothers and completion and the present plans are At the annual meeting of the mem BAPTIST CHURCH WILL S h r ill rl r s ill t H I \X /fW 1 one sister and bv seven grandchildren to have the station ready for use the hers of the local Christian church HOLD SPECIAL SERVICES H iV JL U V I l-J U lll V I W V W I , and one great grandchild. The sur m ,aat Sunday December 30. Mr. i The buildings which add much to M. D. LINGO SUCCUMBS counties, states, countries, and nn lumber very low compared with that of Wilson has been a resident of Spring- the west end are the home and serrlc* M. E. CHURCH TO HAVE statlon of o . c Tburmnn. The re(ri. AT JUNCTION CITY ,l,,ns ,kp wor'«l have been b u ilt, other building materials which are field about three years. SERVICES NEXT SUNDAY --------- i up and kept growing In wealth and in. , more scarce. We give wood very llt- Mr. Wilson was 79 years old at the dence Is already completed and the 7 | M. I>. Lingo well known hy many ! d’»"fy by the use of wood. The first - ale thought as it Is so plentiful. In- time of his death. He was born In . service station Is nearing completion. "The Quickening Christ." will be the |O(.a| peop|e p,1MH,,,i mwBy b|„ b(,mv , boats were hollowed out of a log nnd stead we think more of other mater- New York on March 31, 1849. He was The change around the new bridge suhjoct of Rev. ( J. P ik es sermon at ,,n Junction City rural route No. 1 at a" of *',p f'rHt railroads nnd stages inis which are scarce. A material survived by a niece, Mrs. Noah Hilde­ head has greatly improved this end of the Methodist Episcopal church next n p n, Monday were made of wood. From these many which Is constantly before us does brand and by Mrs. N. Sankey. town. 1 he work Is being done by Sunday. Sunday school will convene not attract half as much attention as Mr. Lingo was a retired fanner. He modern Inventions have resulted. Funeral serlces were held at the Lepley and Lansbery. nt 9:45 In chnrge of Supt. Harry Gill­ Lumbering Is an Industry In which those which have been recently Walker-Poole chapel and the services Clayton Barber Just completed two had been III with the Influenza In the ette. .........., Junior church will «meet at 11 ; hospital nt Eugene °"r wp,fare la Involved. It Is the ; brought before ns. We must reforest were given by Rev. J. C. Pike. After ........... “ Pacific Christian weeks ago an attractive home on a ♦ I,?» ’ P n..™° ',f 1 ,u,d ’'Pon partial recovery had been I mn"' '"dustry of Lane county and also where trees are cut and prevent the services the body was taken to street between 9th and 10th. W. A. F^eri qtor J ’PWtaJr Th , "ni" ^ <’m tnkpn hack to J”»‘'” ”n ( Hy where he -,hp raUHP of ,ts P^Kress in prosperity. forest fires ln order to keep our the Mount Vernon cemetery where ln -1 Taylor, owner of property in the fith Every Stormy Wind That Rlows. ! RUffered a rp]apRe wbl,.h rBaulte<, do not buy lumber to build our abundance of wood for If we do not ferment was made. and A section built three new house« Epworth League will meet at 6:30; , .. . . „ homes and furniture the lumbering we «will have to pay a very high price and remodeled two. The work wa« fw it«»» 4U i H1*8 < » path* Mr* Lingo lived In Spring* In Iho evening nnd the evening wor- n„M business will break up and as there for and go without as much wood. done hy Pete Herrington. field last winter, MRS. RUTH DANIELSON ship will be nt 7:30. The pastor’s are many employees In the mill, many Wood Is a natural Insulator against R. Vasby Is hulldlng a new house Dolph Lingo of thin city Is n son of evening subject will he "If You Know." PASSES AWAY FRIDAY on east Main street. Another building men will be out of work and many heat nnd cold. In the summer It keeps Tho choir will sing "A Rcncdlctlon," the deceased man. The funernl ser­ families will be starving and In need out the cold. put up this year in the east part vices were held nt the Miller chapel Mrs. Ruth Danielson died last Fri­ hy Hnmblen. of clothing. The majority of all the Houses that are made of stucco or of town is that of G. W. Carson on A In Junction City Thursday at 1:30 modern homes In I-nne county and all concrete nnd that sort of material day morning at her home near Hay­ street between 8th and 9th. Dodd Mil­ o'clock. Rev. Smith of the Christ­ Lowell Man Dies over the United States have very lit­ will not Inst half as long as a house den bridge. Her death was caused ler has constructed a residence be­ Samuel M. Sflers died this morning ian church conducted the services. tle wood URi-d In their structure com­ that Is built of wood. After a stucco by complications due to heart trouble. tween 8th and 9th on C street. Harold nt his home at Iziwell. Mr. »tiers Mrs. Danielson was 45 years old. pared with the amount of stucco, house has stood a little weathering, McPherson Is Just finishing a new wns 71 years old at tho time of his CIVIC CLUB TO MEET AT plaster, brick, tile, nnd concrete that ♦he stucco comes off and the walls will Ruth H. Friday was born January house on 10th and E streets. W. TY, death. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Is used. Instead of buying these ma­ sometimes crack. The house that 6, 1883. In Wisconsin. In girlhood she Sfrea.mer hullt two houses on D street. Tho dooensod wns horn November 9. terials wood should he appreciated George Washington lived In was made moved to Minnesota and later to Several new residences have gone np 1857, In Marlon, Indiana nnd moved The Civic Club will meet next Tues­ and used as It wns In the olden times. of wood and Is still standing. Of Fargo. North Dakota where she mar. In the Sunnyside addition as well a« to Oregon with his family when he wns day nt tho Chamber of Commerce. Wood Is one of the main and most course It has been repainted nnd re­ rled George A. Denlelson. After their on W illamette Heights. 15 years old. Ho lived nt Pleasant Mrs. W. K. Burnell will have chnrge profitable natural resources that Ore­ marriage Mr. and Mrs. Danleldson newed several times. Hill most nf his life. He leaves be­ of the program. gon nnd Lane county poscsrps . To Instead nf paying so much attention moved to Oregon. They lived two Zimmerman Funeral Held sides hlR wife, five daughters, and one A study of Oregon authors will be make It worth the time and effort to the other building materials we years at Cresswell before coming to The funeral of Mrs. Zimmerman son. the fenture of the gathering. taken In manufacturing lumber we should notice nnd think what wood Springfield. who died last week was held here last Funeral services will ho hold Sun- should use wood with which to build has done for Amerlcn nnd many other The body was shipped from Spring- Sunday at 2 o’clock. The services dny nt 2:39 nt tho Lowell church with V ie lte B r o th e r — Mr. and Mrs. C. O. our homes and Induce others to do conntlres. We should use wood for field by Walker-Poole chapel last Mon­ were at the Walker-Poole chape,. In­ Rev. Fred Hornshuh of the Light Wilson went to Salem last Tuesday likewise. all building purposes ln which It can day enroute to Billings, Montana terment was In the Laurel Hll, ceme- House Templo, Eugene officiating. to visit Mr. Wlson's brother. Wood Is very easy to handle and be used. where Interment will be. ,tery. “W hy Lane County Homes / A .