PACK S IX THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27. 1928 ,.< VI • , , , ■ k I , Now that the Rush of the Christmas Shopping Season is Over We can settle down to the more necessary proplems of life that of supplying the actual need of ourselves and families — Kafoury Bros. GREAT STORE WIDE — SALE goes on with renewed energy with this object in view; with thousands of dollars worth of SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE piled high on tables and hung on racks at prices that no economical buyer can afford to miss. On Practically Every Item of This immense Stock —and we want the people of Springfield and surrcundirg country to take advantage of this Sale—W e wantt hem to reap the benefit, we want them satisfied. W e want to impress upon you that a KAFOURY BROS. Sale always means a real sale—a sale with genuine bargains. This is our first year in business in Springfield and we are more than pleased with the results. W e are here to serve you and the policy of this firm is to give you the best possible service. W e expect this sale to make us many new friends and seal more tightly the good will of our customers. MEN'S SW EATERS Broken sizes, but a Real Buy at th is p ric e , $1,48 MEN'S BLAZERS Regular price $7.85, A ll wool and good patterns. Sale Price ... $5.90 MEN'S UNION SUITS Men’s Heavy C otton and P art W ool Union Suits, and tw o piece garm ents. /t» 1 nn MEN'S UNION SUITS AH Wool Union Suits, W rig h t's standard Sens re g uia riy at $7.00. Sale Price $4.98 MEN'S S ILK DRESS SOX Values to $1,25. Sale Price, Four Pairs fo r ... ..................... $2.98 $19.90 29c M EN’S DRESS S H IR TS Collar attached' guaranteed fast colors, come in checks, strips, and solid colors. a-t -s i-* Saie Price, X .95 M EN’S DRESS S H IR TS Neck band style. Good patterns all standard brands. Piled on tables, at BOY’S SCHOOL SHOES Values to $3.50. Goodyear welt, a real dressy, serviceable shoe. Sale Price BOYS’ LONGIES PANTS Good serviceable Pants and good patterns. Sale Price ... BOYS' CORDUROY PANTS L ig h t and D ark Colors and all sizes. Sale Price, ................................................. keep on the job, no te llin g w h a t m ig h t happen the last day of this Sale, d on't q u it w ork u n til the last m inute. There w ill be E xtra Votes on d iffe re n t articles every day and a few thous­ and e xtra votes can make a Big Difference in the standing of the contestant and some one you least expect step hi and win. Ask your friends to vote fo r you. M EN'S BELTS B ig assortm ent to select from . 98c .......................................................................... ONE LOT C H ILD R E N 'S HOSE C hildren’s Heavy Ribbed Hose. 50c Values. 6 Pairs for. Sab Price ............. ........................... S ab- P ric e ......................................................................................... LAD IE S ’ AND C H ILD R E N 'S RAIN COATS Good Range o f Sizes. Sale Price ............................ ....... ................... ............ $2.69 $2.98 ¿> . 9 O 3.95 ONE LOT BOYS' S UITS W ith Long Trousers. Come in L ig h t Colors, B u t good weight. Sale Price ..... ........... ..... $14 .75 Values. F u r T rin im w l. ONE LOT LAD IE S ' COATS Come in the Wanted M aterials, Sale Price .................................... ONE LOT LA D IE S ’ COATS F u r trim m ed. A ll this »eaeon’s coats. Sale P ric e ...... .......................................................... ONE LOT LAD IE S ' COATS $39.25 Values. A ll the Wanted M aterials. F ur Collars and Cuffs. Sale Price ............................. COATING AND SU ITIN G Values to $4.00. Big Selection o f patterns. Sale Price Sale Price LA D IE S ’ DRESSES Jersey, S ilk and T ric o le t. Formerly Farmers Exchange v> 1 X »rrar QQ Oi/C (J- A Q 7Q Z 5/C tf>Q Q «D O Q .t/O LAD IE S ' COATS A ll the wanted m aterial? d» a q q 69c LA D IE S ’ K N IT UNION SUITS Good Heavy W eight. Sale Price, 79c O UTING F LA N N E L 3f5 Inches wide, comes in stripes, plaids, and plain colors. Good Heavy W eight. Z? Sale Price, 58.90 $9.90 514.90 Q /- O Q lzC -J OC X C H IL D R E N ’S SHOES Values up to $2.50. Sizes 5 to 10 only, Sale Price, C H ILD R E N S SHOES Values te $1.50. S o ft soles, slippers and high shoes. Sale Price C H IL D R E N ’S K N IT UNION SUITS AH Size«. Sale Price, ................... ONE LOT LAD IE S ’ HOSE A rro w Brand Ladles’ Hose. A ll colors. Sale Price ............................... - .................. - ........... qq i/OC /IQ T OC t Q Q Oi/C a q ¿X jC 529.90 Extra Special Saturday Springfield Oregon D epartm ent Store Z?Q u>^.O