a DUAU Wi L'sr i w J f o (««Sr*.* • ,^ » a e a l s*0* ® " *ddr*a* A/ua f i o . m «Mr» 0/ (A m seieejinprr. Should She T ak e H im Back? lüvslrjlud bylcrttcCChrisfy "F eller's name was Brown. Me an him (ell out over a hoss 1 stole from him over In Huntsville. We had a •h o o tin' scrape then. Wal, as 1 was gtraddlln' my hoss back there in Mer cer I seen this Brown an' seen him be-1 WHAT H A PPE N E D BEFO RE Buck Duane, quick on the draw, kills Cal Bain in self defense and finds himself an outlaw. Flying from pur suit, he m eets Luke Stevens, another outlaw, and the two become pals. Luke narrowly escapes capture and fore he seen me “Could have killed him, too. But 1 ' Duane is shocked to find his brother * u n l break.n' my word to you. 1 outlaw severely wounded. Cast of P rin c ip al C h aracter» in T h i» T h rillin g Story by Zane Grey here. W hat do you think of this h o le r “I t’s pretty bad," replied Duane, and he could not look the cheerful outlaw In the eyes. "I reckon it Is. Wal, I've had some had wounds I lived over. Guess mebbe I can stand this one. Now, Buck, get me some place in the brakes—leave me some grub an' w ater a t my hand— aa' then you clear o u t” . . . Last of the Duanes Buck Duane A Texas "Bad M an" Cal Bain . . . . An O u tlaw Luke Stevens Bland ........... L ead er of O u tla w Group M r*. Bland . . J e n n i e ............ . G irl at B lan d ’s Camp Capt. M c N e lly . . . C a p ta in of Rangers Cheaeldine decided his conduct w ithout further ; speech. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • TH U R STO N daughter. Dora, and grandson, Roy of ♦ Junction City took C hristm as dinner D ear lllss V e ra : I used Io go Olli freq u en tly w ith u young m an about tw o yours m y senior. S uddenly lie stopped lu l l­ ing on me. and for about eight m onth* I did not see him Now b» Is ra ilin g on me again lie says he was In te re ste d In a n o th e r girl, but no longer Is. am i w an ts me to I»' Ins sw eeth eaD ag ain Shall I welcome him back alth o u g h ho h u rt mo very m uch by keeping aw ay umi going w ith a n o th e r girl* seemed In bad shape, though lie w as, Ills advent created no Interest until I still spirited and cheerful. Duane he nxle up to the white men. w ho'»ei e ' made camp. The outlaw refused food. lolling m the shade Of a house. 1 his but asked for both whiskey and water, place evidently was a store and su loon, and from the Inside camo a laxy Then he stretch « ! out. 1 "Buck, will you take off niv boots?" hum of voices. As Dunne reined to a hall one of the j,e asked with a faint sm ile on his loungers In the sh ad e rose w ith a loud hp- Duaue removed them, wondering if exclamation. "Bust me If diet ain 't Luke's hoss!" the outlaw had the thought th a t he The others accorded th e ir Interest. did not want to die with his boots on “ Pard, you—stu ck —to m e !" the out­ If not assent, by rising to uilvanee to ward Duane. law whispered. "How about It. Euchre? Ain't thet Duane caught a hint of gladness In the voice—he traced a faint surprise L u k es bay?" queried the first man "Plain as your nose." replied the fel­ In the haggard face. Stevens seemed low called Euchre. like a little child. To Duane the moment was sad. ele­ "T here ain 't no doubt about thet m ental. big with a burden of m ystery then." laugheil another, "fer Bosomer s nose is sure plain on the landscape " he could not understand. Duane burled him In a sh all« * T hese men line up before Duane arroyo and heaped up a pile of stones and as he cooly re g a rd e d them he to m ark the grave. T h at done he F irst, he w atered the horses filled . , "Leave you here alone?” asked canteens and water-bags, and then tied , •*<»<»«» h i. com rade - horse, hung the Duane sharply. You see. I ca n 't keep u p j the pack upon his own horse. T hat done j WBaP°ns 0Ter ' e pomme . an ni0UI’ "Shore. w ith you. Brown an ’ his friends will he lifted Stevens upon his horse, and 1 ln* own *ed 10 \ i i ’* * " toiler us acrost the river a ways holding him in the saddle, turned in. j tr a " gat er ng w g . You ve got to think of num ber one in I to the brakes, being careful to pick ! P resently the trail w iden«! Into a th is game.” out hard or grassy ground th at left road, and that into a kind of square "W hat yould you do in my case?" little signs of tracks. lined with a num ber of adobe umi log Duane curiously. All th a t night, Duane, gloomy and buildings, of rudest structure. W ith in “ Wei, I reckon I'd clear out an' thoughtful, atten tiv e to the wounded I sight were horses, dogs, a couple of gave my hide," replied Stevens. outlaw, walked the trail and never ■ steers, Mexican women wPh children. Duane felt inclined to doubt the out- halted till daybreak. He was tired and white men. all of whom apepared la v ’s assertion. For his own p art h ea th e n , and very hungry. Stevens ( to be doing nothing. TO W N AN D V IC IN IT Y From S alem —Mr. and Mrs. H. W EIGHTEEN + + * ♦ * « V is it at Salem — M rs C alled Eugene Business College “ It's A A. E. R O BER TS. Pres. Telephone 666 Good School” Miner Building Eugene, Oregon L eavin g fo r C a lifo rn ia — M r. and Mrs. J. L. Allen of Cottage Grove are leaving soon for San Diego, California, where they will spend the .winter and poslbly locate. Mr. and Mrs. Allen are parents of Mrs. A. It. Sneed of tills city. M arshfield— M r« E dith Shi from ,(>ft \v,.(| n,.«,|ay night for Marshfield San Diego, California, spent the hull- Shll ,lnH ¥| H|tlng with Mr* Ilari d ay s w ith Mr. and Mra. I. N. E ndicott Mt-Iti.Twon h ere. F rank land He h as been visiting his par en ts, Mr and Mrs F ra n k A. De l*ue At the S r . In Springfield. L eaves for E v e re tt— C h a r le s G lrln rd of E v erett. W ashington, and Mr and Mrs K enneth G irard and baby of Olympia. W ashington, have been visit h(),t(|ays R, |h(. h „m,. (hp(r |)ari,n(M Mr M r„ c h n r |OB G ira rd left for Ev„r, K ir , W edm - ■ M C D O N A LD THEATRE. EUGENE ( G e o rg e tta Z im m erm an of ,,, (H< #t (1)p pa( lflc (.hr|R , Ian h ospital on C ollege hill y e ste rd a t m o rn in g Mrs. Z im m erm an w as 71 years old. S u rv iv in g a re : D aniel Z lrrn ierm n n ; pne d au g h ter. Mrs S keels of M arsh B" ‘l ,,nB si“'" '. M™ Itheda I'yl. Eugene. Mrs Zimmerman had • » -« "h er of the Springfield M ethodist Episcopal church for 35 years. of T he fu n eral serv ices a re to be held S unday afternoon nt 2 o'clock nt the W alker-P oole ch ap el Rev. C. J. Pike will officiate. In te rm e n t will he at the l«itirel Hill cem etery . | w ith Dolores Costello Conrad Nagel | PIONEER PASSES AWAY AJ HOSPITAL IN EUGENF 1'la v in g “Tenderloin” h ,ni’ ^jrK Now Mr nnd Mrs Ken n eth G irnrd d e p a rte d today for th eir CASTOR OIL » C o m in g Sunday The “SPIELER” A gripping d ram a of carnival life with R E NEE A D O R EE Get T ic k e ts N ow Eor M cD onald-R ex N EW Y E A R 'S EVE MIDNITE MATINEE M onday, Dec. 31 C O M IN G JAN. 1 "T h e S in g in g F ool” w ith Al Jolson Î The Best Resolution You Can Make! When you make up your mental or written list of New Year’s Resolutions- and who does not—you simply can't afford to leave out the one that will mean most to you: "Resolve, to i ave More In 1929.” When you save you are safe! You don't know w hat It will m ean to you to have a com fortable nent egg laid aside to m eet any emerge ? ency. One dollar s ta rts an account In this hank. Save more—anti If you hnve not yet. started to save, START NOW WITH ONE DOLLAR. This is the hank of court** ’ and service. Is pleasant and easy to take. All nasty ta ste Is refined away, but the beneficial action is as­ sured. Flanery’s Drug Store A GOOD B A N K IN A GOOD C O U N T Y . i S tar» De Pue Jr., R eturn« -F ra n k Pue, J r , will today re tu rn to Pori TiuMjeteSC" are the enrollment, dates for the Mid-Winter Term at the Eugene Business College. It will pay you to investigate this school before enrolling elsewhere. St. N ic k S trik e s Flu From San Diego— M abie L o w , ENROLL NOW! Portland— II. C. Dyke ' and Mrs. Dyke, who Is a sister of A. It. Kneed of this city, and son, Harold, spent C hristm as day here and at Cott­ age Grove. While here they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kneed. to h e r hom e d u rin g the middle of the week 25c fro m W Hawke If he The holiday season finds the fiu Christman day for Salem to visit Mrs H aw ke's daughter and son In law. Mr epidemic which has been so much In and Mrs H arry Holt. They plan on evidence during the past few weeks on the wane, according to I>r. W. IL returning here Sunday. Pollard, health officer. O ther con- Returns Home—lnex Neet of Port tageous diseases are also clearing up. Innil who has been visiting friends In Mr Pollard reports one of scarlet this city through the holidays, return (,,ver and one of small pox. ed yesterday to Portland While here ______ she was a guest of Miss Ju an ita ’ Haack. Castor Oil Come G ( and ch ild ren . IH 'nald » " d VBr_ ^ \ l e f t thought they could have been recog nixed anyw here as desperados. The man called Bosomer. who struck out In advance of the others, was a hardlooklng custom er, with yellow eyes and an enorm ous nose lie had sandy hair ami a skin the color of dust "S tran g er, who are you, an' where did you get th et bay hoss?” he de nianded. His yellow eyes took In Steven's horse, then the weapons hung on the Page to t ______ O hlson Continued was called on back m M O N D A Y , JA N U A R Y 7 b reak in g w ith th e girl lie lias been seeing for th e pusi half y ear or so. Il Is quite u n tu m i for him Io liavo been led aw ay from you for a lim e, then (lading th a t he w as m ista k e n and p re fe rre d von Of course. Oils was not very nice of him In a way. hut I th in k II can ho forgiven u n less you sen se th a t he In less fond of you (hull form erly. Ill w hich ease lie m ay slm l>ly lie callin g on you for w aul of o th e r com pany. A scertain Just how he feels alm ut th e girl he h as been seeing w h eth er he gave h e r up o r w hether she sent him aw ay Do tills carefu lly , w ithout Y tt, dear Eighteen, 1 think you Tho fact th a t lie has com e should back to you show s th a t he IIIU«I cure for you very much, else Instead of com ing bark to you he w ight have HklpiMMl on to aoni« other girl a fte r with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baugh. Jam es H astings had a wreck coming Scott af S ale m . sp e n t l h r i'tm a s with From P o rtla n d — W a lte r G reen umi P erry Price and Jay G rant, who are fam ily of P o rtla n d visited frien d s In attending O. A. C. in Corvallis, arrived home from Springfield a few evenings Mr- Bn*^ Mrs. " • II- Adrian, home last W ednesday to spend the ago dam aging his car quite badly. Go To A lbany— Mr. an d M rs W. R S pringfield d u rin g th e holidays. holidays w ith home folks here. D aw son an d son s p e n t C h ristm a s w ith pra m ||w V isits__Max G reen and fami- Mr. and Mrs. Robert H errington and T H E A T R E S W IL L H A V E relatives and friends In Albany. fr()m Portland arc visiting friends Mr. and Mrs. Clifford H errington and NEW Y E A R F R O LIC To Newport— Mr. and Mrs Laurence in Springfield and C o llag e Grove. daughter. Dorris, from Klam ath Falls Moffitt braved the rain yesterday and and j^ra Merle Tobias of K ebo, are here for an indefinite visit with R ep o rts of th e e n te rta in m e n t head- m otore(j lo N ew port. W ash in g to n , a re v isitin g Mr and Mrs th eir daughters and sisters and family Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Henson and q u arters for the big combined Mid- i — M iss G race O. A. Tobias over the holidays. night m atinee a t the McDonald and P o rtla n d T eacher H ere- ... .. ( M its Flossie H errington. Rex th e atres next Monday night. New Male, teacher in th e Portland schools B|>ck Ro_ E c, Black tlv Black of of tlv T here was a C hristm as tree with an Y ear's eve, indicate th a t one of the is spending the vacation with Mr. ami D anner M(), or Company recently In excellent program given by the grade most pretentious m idnight shows ever Mrs. M. M. Male of this city. j eluded In the sick list retu rn ed to school assisted by the T hurston orch­ e stra and Professor Landles and his staged locally will be offered by these V ia lta W a lte rv llle — Miss L ucy Sch w ork last S a tu rd ay . w erlng of Portland spent C hristm as helpers from Eugene on Monday even­ to Universal houses. R eturn Home— M r. anil M rs. Ken A dozen acts of professional vaude- day wJth here p arentH. Mr. and Mrs. ing. n e th C hase and son D orm an and The high and grade schools are hav­ vllle, headed by a m usical comedy E R g chw erlng of W altervllle. d au g h ter, D oris, re tu rn e d W ednesday ing a vacation until W ednesday Ja n u ­ with a choir of dancing and singing from F orest Grove. beauties, will hold headline honors Week-end Visitor— Dr. C. O. Van ary 2. Jam es Edmiston returned to Cottage on the stage, augm ented by a stage Valzah, of Portland is spending tho Back to W o rk — M i- \ d.i bail Grove w ith his brother, Loren, who hand and pit orch estra and several week-end with his m other. Mrs. A. B. who has been dow n w ith th e flu Is « s a i __ t » ie n i* /I Van Valzah. ip e n t C hristm as here, to spend a few extra surprise musical features. m uch . . Im proved. Miss f b a •»■««» n e ■ re A tu rn e d days. The absolute cream of the vaude. Mere p rorn p 0Ptiand— Miss Maud« to i,pr work as book-keeper for tin- The T hurston high school staged a ville circuits w ere combed to make a Gorrle an(} Elery Fay, both of D niir.tr M otor com pany y esterd ay . play “P rofessor Pep,” at the hall here combined midnight m atinee hill for ]an,j spent C hristm as with Mrs. C. I. la st F riday evening which was well this special New Year's show, advises Gorrie, Sr. W ill Leave S unday— Mrs. J W Lorali Is leav in g fo r F resno. C alifornia atten d ed and pronounced as one o f ! M anager Russell Brown, who is Spend Christen»« Here— Mr. and Slin(li.y n| gh, tn be with her daughter, the best plays ever given here by busllv engaged with details of the Mrs. O. E. Adrian of Eugene sp en t MrR w h |tnpy. Mrs. Ix.rah has those who saw it: huge affair Advance tick et sales Indicate that C hristm as day with Mr. and Mrs. W. bppn aprlnK„ e„, for two Rev. John T urner visited friends ¿vuvauce in n e i ... here . p ear F ranklin last week. The revival record crowd will atten d these two H Adrian nere. months. m eeting which he w ill conduct here shows, and a unique Innovation this Springfield Visitors— D. W. Gerber for a week will begin nevt Sunday year being th a t the sam e ticket will an(, fam j]y an q dauehter, Grace, from W. J. Burgoine III—W. J. Burgolne. morning. adm it the holder to eith er th eatre, ana SpattIe gppnt C hristm as with Mr. and assista n t m anager of the Portland brunch of the Ford Motor Company Is Miss Maude Russell who is teaching of selecting which ever program tro y Mrs H E Q erber of this city. n ear E nterprise is spending holidays wish for th eir evening’s entertain- seriously ill In Portland. Mr. Bur­ C h ristm as on the M cK en zie — M r. goine Is a brother-in-law of J. F. In­ with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doors will be thrown open at 10:50. , ,, . , .v „« and Mrs. C. E. W heaton spent ( hrlst man of Springfield and has many Russell. Im m ediately afte r th e close of th e ____ Miss Eva Phetteplace, who teacher repu)a r night show, and the New m as day at Redslde with Mr. and Mrs. : | r ,en(jg here. at B'.achley, Is home for the holidays. Year’s eve frolic w'"l begin about B urt Vincent Miss Hazel Edmiston, who teaches ji:3 0 . A 'preview ” feature will be Library Gets Donation— Mr. and gt St. Helens, is home for the holidays, shown a t both th eatres, and «aafi j j rB jp m S tew art made a generous Mrs. Belmont R ussell spent Friday house prom ises a full program of fun i donation of 25 books to the Spring Bight at Freu Russell's. She was driv- j an(] hilarity In keeping with the spirit fleW library this week. Among the lng through to California to m eet her of New Year, which will be usured au thors of this collection are: McCut- Something New! husband and w here they expect to )n promptly a t the stroke of twelve. c},eon. Hugh, Crawford, Hodgson, m ake th eir home for some time. -with a big surprise stage stunt at each jjurnett. Ellsm ere, and Townsend. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. W eaver and Mr theatre, Leaving for Portland—Mr. and Mrs. gnd Mrs. B ert W eaver and family and Arnold D. Collier, county club leader, that Children like! W illiam W eaver spent C hristm as day Fam ily Gathering Held will leave Saturday for Portland and g t H arpole home in Meadowview from there will go to Los Angeles, A pleasant family gathering w a s , Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Mathews gave a C hristm as dinner for their family, on had at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John f a llf irn la w In r< he will g t h . h r C hristm as day, which Includes Mr. and Rosmon on th eir farm In the Camp [ *n m ' . rp „t _ . . . _ . . , Eugene Mr. Collier Is a frequent Mrs. Lum Drury, from Jasper, and : Creek section on C hristm as day. __ . ! . ,, „, i yIs tor to Springfield In connection Those present w ere: Mr. and Mrs. , ... .. . Children, Mrs. A lebrta W eaver, and . and „a two ___ children 1 with his work with the boys and William Lightfoot . d aughters from Leaburg, Miss Nellie M athews from Los Angeles, who will of College Crest, Mr. and Mrs. John *,ir 8 ‘ 11 8 *pend holidays here. Miss Norma H enderer, P. H. Emery, Mr. and M rs.' Fam ||y Reunion — To celebrate a Paddock, and daughter, family reunion, dinner was given at i M athew s from Eugene and Miss Lois Charles B ertha, Mr. and Mrs. W ade Paddock, , the home of Mr. and Mra. 9. C. W right i M athew s and Alex Mathews. Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Calvert and and Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Emery. ! on C hristm as day. Those present 1 3-ounce Size were Mr. and Mrs. S. C. W right, W. C. W right, and f a m i l y , M r. a n d ’ Mrs. J. M. Elder a n d f a m i l y No more fighting to give of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ your children caster ell! liam Price, of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Wright, of Eugene, and Mr. and W E D N E S D A Y , JA N U A R Y 2, AND Mrs. B. L. W right. * + + ♦ + + + « ♦ * « THURSDAY. DECEMBER 27, I92K THE SPRINGFlfflJJ NRW9 PAGH TWO s Commercial State Bank OF S P R IN G F IE L D 1