the Home Print Shop F tra t T ry TH TW EN TY -FIFTH YEAH Bï ÏULETIDE SPIRIT H SPRINGFIELD NEWS SP1UNGF1BU), LANK COUNT Y. OREGON. THURSDAY. DECEM BER 27. 1928 McKENZIfc PASS CLOSED; STORE KEEPER RUNS ARNOLD TOMSETH, CHRISTMAS PROGRAM SNOW IS DEEP IN HILLS; DOWN PROLWER, WHO PNEllMONIA VICTIM GIVEN BY NEIGHBORS OF BROOMS KEPT BUSY IS LODGED IN JAIL BURIED WEDNESDAY WOODCRAFT LAST NIGHT Springfield goth Ila llrat r ia l treat J F. Inm an with the help of h . L. A rnold T o m seth , a » p rln g fld d boy for tin, year of the beautiful white Hila morning, when it awoke to a snow covered ground. The anoa In gan falling luat evening which altern ated «»»tween snow and rain aneoU Cost Assessed to Property. Springfield awoke C hristinas m orn­ hills, with from a foot and a half to ca r was perked on 4th street. Mr. In­ enuslng his death. Arnold Oscar Tomseth was born In Rodenb<>ugh; a reading, “The D istrict ing to flood of aunnhlne and Joy Aa two feet reported on the summ it of man was following to the door '»hen A «ufllclent num ber of landowner* If to m ake m erry with the rent of the McKenzie puss. The highw ay pass Is Mrs. Inmun cam e hurrying back call­ Minneapolis, M innesota, on Decem ber ' 8ch001" by Neighbor Lily K izer; world the clouds that had enshrouded closed loud will probably he colsi-d for ing that th ere was a man In the car. 23rd, 1927. In early boyhood he came w histling solo by Neighbor Sadie Nel- > to ftn,brace the m ajor portion of the the hilla tiroke w ith the coming o f the rest of the year, la the opinion of Mr. Inman rushed out to the car, but to Oregon with his p aren ts settling son; a reading “Aunt Doleful’s Philo- ,anfl in the w «8t Springfield and Mid- day and through the rlftn of mist drift highway men. before he reached It the man leaped near Cottage Grove In 190«. In 1910 sophy” by Neighbor M yrtle Eggi- way ,a r k sections as required by law leg aw ay the m orning aim ahon« forth Shovels anil brooms were quite In to the ground and 'lashed for the alley he and his par« nts moved to Spring- m ann; a reading “The Homely Co-ed" for tbe creatlon of the W est Spring- Ita Merry ('hrlatm ae. evil! nee this morning on the streets th a t runs through from 4th to 5 street, field where except for the tim e he by Neighbor kla Adams; a vocal solo field d ra,n a*e d istrict have been see- | ured »cording to George Davenport, S anta (■lima blew In on Christinaa of Springfield Mr. Inman raced afte r him. following put In the service he has lived ever by Neighbor Jen n ie Murphy. C hristina« presents were given o ff; ° ne of the leading prom oters of th e since. eve. not aa lie wont, to the merry Jin­ The roads and highw ays have been him through the alley to Cth down 5th gle of the slolghbella, hut to the pat. m ade very difficult for travel and to A. W hen he remedied A Mr. Inman When the war broke out Mr. Tom­ an attractiv ely decorated C hristm as movement, although there still re­ pat, pal. of a good old webfoot rain m otorists have been urged to use realizing th at Ho- man might escape seth 'was a m.-mb'-r of the 3rd com tree. The presetfts were given by the m ains a shortage of signers for th e the resid en t requirem ent. lie waa none th e less Welcome, and every caution until the slippery condl him called ah '-i'l for help to capture puny of the const artillery of the O re­ m em bers to each other. --------------- ------------- | The W est Springfield and th e Mld- tile Joy of llie little oin a aa they wall lion ha« been relieved. the fugitive Mr. Stafford who was over gon National Guards at Eugene and on ed breathlessly for th -lr falrv benefac way Park com munity, an association by the A S treet Service station heard Ju n e 2nd, 1917 was m ustered into the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE for of Viih-tlde to bring them their the call and rushed over to help. The service. L a te r he was tran sferred to WILL ELECT TOMORROW flW’'1 imp®rUed « * tio n have COUNTY CLUB RCPORT _____ lU M U K K U W been w orking for some Umfi upon a h e a rt’s desires waa no less full. man was captured once hut slipped the 69th regim ent of the field artillery GIVEN BY A. COLLIER aw ay, but before he had gotten far. In which regim ent he served th ro u g h -! The Cham ber of Com merce will flood relief program. The Initial step Rcouta B rin g G ifts From the outside C hristm as dav Mr Inman with the he lp or Mr. Staf out the war. He served over-seas meet tom orrow at which tim e election in the movement. Mr. D avenport ex­ A rnold |>. C ollier, co u n ty d u b load­ seem ed a very quiet one hut In the ford and Mr. Davis, who had now ap­ both In England and F rance and on of officers for the ensuing year will be plained, is to create the drainage lioniea and nt the firesides happy chil­ e r of th e 4 11 hoys nnd g irls, ye d erd u y peared on the scene, recaptured him. March 14. 1919 was given his dis- held. N om inations were opened at d istric t with the corporate power of dren and Juat aa happy grown upa gave out the following report of the Cpe»n being queried aa Io hla de­ charge at Tacoma, W ashington. A fter the cham ber m eeting on Novem ber 20 dolng b u,fn«s» in proceeding to build lo't In tL . __ * . — . - . _ »11 r- o f IW1 * '»nn ,* . _ ■ rejoiced In the aplrlt of giving anil re past year’s activities. signs. tiy Mr. Inman, he confessed th at leaving tbe arm y he retu rn ed to a t which tim e nom inations for th e of- up some type of protection ag ain st I-nst year th ere were ISPS boys and he Intended to steal a cam era and a Springfleld where he has lived ev er flceB were made. the flood w aters of Qie W illam ette. A reiving A few of Rprlngfleld*« leaa fortunate children whom this Yu let hie girls In the county carrying 22 pro pair of field glass»« that '» e re In _____ Mr. " lnce Touring the years previous to ) F. B. Hamlin was renom inated for m ajority of the residents of the dl*> found In want were made happy by Jects. all of whom com pleted their Inm an's car The man was brought to hl" dPa,b- e i r e Pt for the tim e he ser- president; W. A. Taylor and H. E trlct, as well as a sufficient num ber ,b ® a rm Y- Mr. Tom seth has Maxey, vice-president- C. E. Kenvon 1 ° f property ow ners to em brace a m i- glfta se n t to them by the local troop projects When the clubs were organ Eugene and lodged In the county Jail, v,‘d lllrtf Villir Sl»WoM promised a aa - A«Wl nlnnnj __ * • i 1f)F rwirfinfl l»A Issw ss* l— . l —J - l •_ year, aW everyone II »-1. w here V he « Is now aw aiting an Investi- hgkA b’‘e M “^«n>Ployed as _ n lum ber g rad > er . by I. treasu rer. _ D irectors ' nominatedI were 1X1,11011 ot O tbe land included In .•_ th* of Hoy Scout a A canvas of the tnwti Izt'fl Inst waa m ade before Christm an to find th ey began the work they would finish gallon Into his record before fu rth e r ,h e Booth-Kelly Lum ber com pany The Jesse Seavey, W. C. W right, W A : d lstric t mn8t ■*«■ UP before the petl« deceased was a m em ber o f the Amerl- , Taylor, and W. W. W alker Nomina- t '° n tO d,8tr*ct can be acted upon by the children who were In need and it. They came through 100 per cent, action Is taken. Already this year 111 clubs have" '--------------- —----------- ‘ an of Springfield and the tions were not closed a t th a t m eeting thS county court- At the present tlm* such gifts an would gladden the hearts of the young onea were donated by the been organized, seven of which are In DR. R. P. MORTENSEN AND V etera>>8 of Foreign W ars of Eugene. to fu rth er nom inations w ill be in or- ° lere &Tt> approx,Inat®IY 100 property boys of the boy scouts and by towns Springfield and 10 In the ajolnlng dis , m dc a i M a rru A in c u WhlIe ,be 3rd comPan y of the Ore- der a t tomorrow ev en in g s meeting. owner8 and 320 »cres of land In th* ___ OWDEN WED gon Coast artillery he served under p ro je c t which m eans th a t 50 property people. Presents were sent to the chil­ trlct. A condition attached to th is i ow ners or more owning an ag g regate dren of live families. The drive went year's enrollm ent was th at every club M b . Huntly of this city. 0 DD FELLOWS HALL GETS F riends of Dr. It P. M ortensen ann over well, ami more contributions than m em ber who has enrolled be Those left to mourn the deceased , Nr w , ir w T r i v - r i i n . r o of 160 acres of land m ust have signed made Alma Cowden of th is city were happy m a n s death besides his m other an d : L GHT FIXTURES before the petition can be subm itted. were anticipated were received, ac­ to sign a prom lsnry note of conduct. to hear of th eir m arriage the fore p art cording to C I,. Aldrich, scoutm aster In this note the prom lssnr agrees to The local Odd Fellows' hall has Mr. D -vennort feels certain th a t in * of the week. The event took place fath er are ; Mrin Thornw ald Nysen. short tim e the petition can be sub. After a week of C hristm as ash1 rttrh. give to the county club leader O ra" ’ Bee"on' h®®“ «••cpntly rem odeled on the inside a com- nt the M ethodist personage last Sun- m ltted, the d istrict formed and an the business houses closed for C hrlat­ plete report of his or her work Thls day m orning at 9 o'clock. Rev. C J. maa day. It was a day of rest as w ell assures a one hundred per cent suc­ lik e officiating T hose present at the aa m erry m aking for the business men cess w ith the work this year, for the wedding besides th e bride and bride­ D ram atic Club Gives Play failure to fullfill the obligations of the groom. were the bride's, p a re n ts . Mr The play given by the l>ramatlca note will enable the county lender to the statio n s aFe R m n^ ‘ one which has ap- and Mrs. A. J. Schnetxky, the bride's and brothers in all survive him. of the Springfield hlvh school as check on the fiellnqnent ones and per- Arnold Tom seth leaves many A ttra c tiv e 'tin ts in the form of re- { l Y i , °fP®" d,8fCU88ion and " « sister, Mrs. Josephine Johns, Mr. and thetr annual Chrlatm aa program last suade them to conform to th e ir pro­ n, 7 Mrs M B. H untly nnd Mr and Mrs C friends who m ourn .he prem ature ' calcimine,! walls and ceilings Friday spoke well for the local talent. mise. J. Pike. taking away of one who held the tru e added mueh to the Interior of the hall. kin-, Doin. tn J?..™ '. raC® Ja<*' Seven of the high school dram aih'is, ' 8 ”” Wh' Ch H Dr. and Mrs. M ortensen wish to an ­ stam p of American sterling manhood. , A light cream tin t to the ceilings and | s hoped Ruth Metten. Jule Pollard. Nadine Mc­ BIGGEST CHRISTMAS MAIL will take care of m ost of nounce that they will be nt home to He was a true friend and a com rade a pale green on the walls have given the M urray. Audrey Moskop, Lucille Rich­ flood waters.. This will reduc* FOR POSTOFFICE HERE th eir friends after Ja n u ary 1st at 50fi In peace and a loyal son in th e tim e a delightful blend. mond. E verett Squires, nnd John greatly the size of a dike th at m ight G street. < > f his country's need. ; The local lodge m et last night and Lynch w ere In the cast Much credit i Although this was one of th e biggest Funeral services were held at the ' tran sacted the usual routine of busi- be necessary to construct along th* Is due to Miss M au rin a lo m b a r d w ho | y,,a r „ fo r ( -hr|fi(I TA illam ette. The oth er plan of a t­ O regon Scribes to Be Studied W alker-Poole Chapel here W ednes­ ness. mas mall th at has has been roachlng the play ns well ns tack Is th a t of a dike only which shall been ex p erien ced h ere, tile Doatoflli-e ~ day afternoon a t 2 o’clock. T he ser. the execlli-nc" of the Individiini plnv i force f' ’'" 'd them selves W ednesday , ... T S ” rlnKfleld r lv ,c CIuh *»> h a' e vice was given by Rev C. J. Pike. In­ be built high enough and stro n g CHILDREN GIVE. PROGRAM j enough to hold the w aters back how- ers Lucille Richmond In the part of j m nrnln|t Ilf,„ r ,.,lr |sln,.,s . , m eeting on the second Tues- term ent was a t the Laurel Hill ceme­ th e quaint old lady, did h er p art w ell. lnary ro u t,ne wtIh , day Jau n ary . They will m eet a t the AT METHODIST CHURCH ever hiKh they are This PIan is still m ainlining her difficult role through I C hristm as mall cleared aw ay wlth all " "om e of Mrs. W. K. Barnell. A re- tery. A full m ilitary funeral was I in th e offing and nothing definite can given him. cleared away. out th«» piny The piny wn« well nt view of Oregon authors will be taken The prim ary program given by the be decided until prelim inary survey* tend.-d by friends and relat.v es of the I M r. Ham,,n 8By" th a t th,a h a" | up at this m eeting. The m eeting Httle ° neS ° f th<> M ethod,st Episcopal have been made and costs been Down with the Flu— Mrs W It high school Students After the play ! he“ Vl,'" ‘ 8,,a8,’n for ^ " rls tm a s scheduled for yesterday was i. . r churc" of Springfield was a much en- checked. Objection has been raised post- Laxton of this city Is down w ith the n treat was given by the faculty for the I . wllhln hl8 •'»PeHenee at Spring poned because of C hristm as. Joyed featu re of the program given at , *° tbls upon the grounds th at a dike flu. field. More packages of incoming and , sludents of the high school. th a t church last Monday evening. i holding the w aters back from a low- A C hristm as program was given nt outgoing mall were hauled than ever I The program consisted of 12 num- W n s d istric t is always a m enace, the B rattaln school by the pupils of the before, nnd the postal receipts were j bers wiven by different classes of the j and th a t flood w aters may break It larger. different grades. The first nnd second Sunday school. The num bers in clu d -; down and cause a g rea ter d isa ste r The postolTire force were handed a grade gave th e ir program as a unit, e<1 recit#t,ons by m em bers of th e ®vcn th an th at which can happen un- plensnnt m erry C hristm as greeting I the two third grades ns a unit, nnd the I i cla88®8 and son^8 an d m usic by the d er the present statu s with the real- firth and sixth as n unit. Each room I from Uncle Sam In the form of a 1 ____ _____________ _ i Froups th a t were present. dents aw are of the danger. In addl- had n separate C hristm as tree where | C hristm as holiday. This was the first i Glft" f° r anp county would be Justified In W h y Lane County Homes Churchez Have Special Services *«r® trac t nt T hurston to Stanley M have at least some wooden stru ctu res the wedding. Including 13 grandchil- sian<«’nK the expense of necessary pro- Should Be Built of C hristm as services were given nt thp R lrhardson of Uengrn. dren and one gr»at grandchild. j U ntinary surveys for the purpose. It Wood." on the inside of them , so th at a wood­ C hristian church last Sunday. An Im- j C harles Anderson has traded his lot The rooms w ere decorated w ith L im perative th a t the surveys and en house is alm ost as fire proof as presslve m orning nnd evening program In Sunnyside addition to J. F. H utsell By FRANK MERSDORF holly and P oinsettas. Mr. and Mrs. I cos* estim ates he made before any any o th er kind. consisting of selections given bv th e for a home In west Springfield High School Ju n io r Sidwell w ere m arried December 2 6 .1 ac^ on can be taken. Some tim e ago Some are of the opinion th at wood­ following persons was very mueh an- T he Eugene Bible U niversity have T ills is a question which should be 1878, In Savanah, Iowa. They have a p®,U,on asking for county help In en houses are far less durable than Joyed. Those on the program w ere; I sold th e ir property on west E. street given a good deal of thought making the surveys was subm itted by lived for many years In this city. »!• " th e r buildings. W ood w hich is pro­ Roscoe Cole. C harles Cole. Murnby j to Albert F. Peterson th e W est Springfield and Midway though. In reality It Is one which 1 tected from the w eather will last ai M ushier q uartet. Donnld Childers. Dan- - ________ P ark people, but so far the county given very little consideration. Lane most for ever. To preserve th e lum, METHODIST SERVICES lei Rend, Jam es Uemenwny. Miss Mav T R E A T G IU F M TCI D A n in court has not acted upon It. county has m ore stan d in g tlmbe.- E tta Moon. Law rence Sunkler, V elm a' EN T ° R A D ' ° her. can be done by painting the out­ TO BE HELD SUNDAY FANS BY LOCAL TALENT Oregon than any o th er county, there side of the house and giving tt oth er Peftleord nnd m em bers of the double fore It Is easy to understand th at A duet by John and Ella Devereaux SERMON IN SONG TO m ale quartet, m em bers of the choir treatm en t which would help In tu rn ­ th ere are many men who are depend Rndlo fans of Springfield. Eugene ing the w eather. It costs no m ore to will be the feature of the m orning and m em bers of tho orchestra. The BE CHRISTIAN SERVICE Ing and mnklng a living on the wood do th is than It does to put th e proper services a t th e M ethodist church next beginners’ class nnd the sunbenm class nnd vicinities were given a tre a t In Industry, eith er directly or indirectly D. E. Ferguson a m em ber of th* Sunday. Sunday school will sta rt at care on brick or stucco houses. of tho prim ary dopnrtm ont nlso nppoar- the form o f locnl talen t last Tuesday night when the m em bers of the choir Of all th e Investm ents tn three o t the C hristian church here will give the 9:45 in the m orning and the Junior od. Tho doitblo mnlo qu artet sang. The wood and lum ber Industry Pacific S tates, Idaho, W ashington, and should he encouraged, because wood church a t eleven. The reg u lar ser­ serm on a t the C hristian church next The C hristm as progrnm for tho Bap­ of the ChrlHtlnn church of Springfield Oregon, slxty-flve percent of them are Is the only n atu ral resource th a t will mon by Rev. J. C. Pike will be given Sunday In the place of Rev. S. E. tis t chureh glvon last Sunday consisted gnven an enterln ln m en t over station Invested In the lum ber Industry. So KORE at Eugene. Childers, who w ill be absent. The continue for ever, being as it is grown a t 11 a. m. of n dram ntle pageant pnrtrnvlng tho one very su b stan tial reason for en- The evening service will consist of program for the m orning will Include birth of Christ. Tho following mem­ N ight” Mohr, M esdames P otter, Pike, and not taken from the w orld’s lim ited cournglng th e wood Industry In Lane bers appeared In tho plnv; Mrs Roy Dow; 3 (a) "T he Tim e" pnstor, (h) supply of m ineral resources. "T rees a song by Mrs. Pike and th e regular a vocal duet by Mrs. Dallas Murphy county Is to patronize home Industry. will. If given a fair chance, resto re evening serm on. Epw orth league will and Mrs. Rowland Moshler. Carlton, Tnn TTubhnrd. H arrv Chase, “It Came Upon a Midnight Clear" Houses made of wood are far less “The C ross” a sermon In song will w hat Is taken aw ay and used, but the m eet a t : 30. W llfnrd Cook. O scar Glnddlsh, Rov Sears, choir; 4 (a) "T he N ativity, pas­ expensive In the long run than those be given by the choir at the evening Carlton, Fred Froso, U. TI. Emory. Trtt. tor, (h) "Joy to the W orld” W atts, m inerals th at are used unnecessarily m ade from o th er m aterials. They services. O ther selections will Ilk for the purpose of building houses, CHRISTIAN CHURCH HAVE man Chase, T.loyd Froso. Marvin congregation; 5 fa) "The Shepherds are also much more com fortable, be­ elude solos, duets, and q u arte ts by are gone, and gone forever! Chase,, C TT Rlom, M. M. Uongrn. pnstor, (b) "W hile Shepherds W atch­ ANNUAL MEETING FRIDAY cause wood Is a non-conductor of heat, m em bers of the choir, included In Sixty-three per cent of the world's Unul Froso. Mvrtlo Harvey, K om ar ed" T ntoB rndy, choir; 6 (a) "The The annual m eeting of the church therefore they are w arm er In w inter Chase nnd C hester Chase. Angel Song” pnstor. (b) "H ark. W hat nnd cooler In sum m er than houses industry comes directly or Indirectly m em bers of the C hristian church will which will be the M urphy-M oshler from tim ber and so It can bo thorough­ be F riday evening Decem ber 28. This q u a rte t A program of special Interest was Mean Those Holy Voices” Pike, the m ade of some oth er m aterial such as ly and easily understood th a t If the m eeting will be open to church mem­ glvon at the M ethodist Fplscopnl double m ale q u arte t; 7 (a) "The bilck and stucco. Tt tak es less h e rt Dennis Funeral Sunday lum ber Industry Is neglected, over bers only. All ladles are requested to church Mondny evening consisting of Magi" pastor, fb) "Wo T hree Klugs to warm a house made of wood than a fifty per cent of th e w orld’s w orkers bring a song serm on: "The Rlrth of C hrist.” of the O rient" Hopkins, Ju le Pollard. covered dishes containing brick o r stucco building, because ns The funeral of Samuel Denuls who will ho, subsequently, throw n out of enough to serve 12 people and also 12 rendered ns follows: 1 (a) "The Mrs. Potter, W alter Gossler, nnd Paul died a t his home on Camp Creek la st wood Is n nnn-conducto. of heat It work and su b stan tial living, Town, pnstor. fb) "Ob. L ittle Town of P o tter; S fn) “The C oronation" pas­ sandw iches. The supper will be at week was held Sunday. F uneral ser­ does not absorb the w arm th o r cold Therefore, under these clrcum stnn. B ethlehem " Brnoks. choir; 2 fn) "Tbe tor, (b) “All Hnll the Power of Jesu s' :30 at th e church. T here will be a vices were held at the W alker-Poole aa quickly. T his Is one of the m any ces the Lano county h o i'e s should be program by Mr. Sunkler. Officers N ight” pastor, fh) "Silent N ight Holy N am e” P erro n ett, congregation. chapel and Interm ent was In the Item s which helps to reduce the fuel build of wood.” I for the y ear will be elected. Laurel Hill cemetery. a dub ‘W hy Lane County Homes CL 11 OnOUlCl D D ‘1 D e D U llt f YVZ Ol W o o d i j