A M e rry Christmas and n Eugene to Spri 24-hour Serv x of 0. Library A 1nHE SPRINGFIELD 1N LW3 Phone Eugene H appy New Year M O O R t ’S C Y C L E TOY STORE 120 W Hill. K i ik p I i c . I'h o n r O il SPRINGFIELD FOLKS SPRINGFIELD LANE COUNTY. OREGON Ry J. F. K a lfh Max Stove Works I lolly W reath», . f h e ’ s b u y in g p r e s e n ts HU Cyclamen Second hand stove» bought and Hold. Old style range» taken in on la te r one«. M anuafcturer« of »heet iron cam p »tove», cook tovei and heater«. Colls, cowl«, chim ney top« and ta c k s made. Oldham & Schantol at Used Cars 253 MAIN STR EET Red Carnation«, a L IS T OF C H R IS T M A S F L O R IS T S W h e re prices are Reasonable W cxt H p rliiM tl.ld I'h on e HfiW ■ KSs% 1927 Ford 2-Door 1923 Ford T ouring 1927 Ford Coupe 1924 Ford R o a d ster I i 1927 Ford R oadster 1926 Dodge Coupe 1926 Ford 2-Door 1923 Buick T o u rin g j 1926 Ford Coupe 1923 Maxwell S port | 1926 Ford R oadster with My Christmas Wish To You We Give Green T hat th e year 192k was b e tte r th an you hojx-d it ing. 1923 F ranklin T ourir R uxtel Axle. ;Y ' •» ( 'IrrlHt iiiuh gifts <>f all description. Perfum e», candy, toilet set«, perfum e atom izer«, kodak«, «Inning aets. hath «alt«' stationery and a com ­ plete assortm ent of Hie Norwood gift line, every­ thing for everybody Merry Chrisiiiins Service THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 192» Polnsett.es j WONDER WHERE SAMIA [CLAUS IS R»6HT AJOW Pacific Messe 1926 Ford Pickup 1924 Oldsmoblle Seda 1924 Ford Pickup 1924 Oldsmoblle Tour 1923 Ford Coupe 1922 Scripps-B ooth 1922 Cadillac Coupe would be and th a t the year 1929 will b" H appier and Discount Stamps You will find m any o th er good Used C ars in thi . no' m entioned here. Call and Ix>ok them over.! and m ore P rosperous th an you expect it to be. W. A. HALL, the Shoe Doctor CAMPBELL’S 10th and W illam ette, i.'r s , Phone 615, 333 Main St. Eugene A N E s T M re m (P a t Applied for—S e n il No. 2 1 7 « ) The World Color Png. Co., S t Louie, Mo., - ” ;W K lb L W T « , t M _ K O » T » O H tw IU J l. 1 L * » T M W «« [H A r r w m r ' t ku « t wvlbt >» 1 4AMTÍ* 5 ÄOIN* TO 1WKW U* TO T O T L kX t»! I “®, s s i m t . "T J A.«st) E H c J O t MT LITTUÇ €>l«U T ir a » T O t o t I» . n ö * SOME OfcBAM* LOHfc'5 rVN t o t t W k i » 4 vr * o . W- w i t h Ug > CHIM -tH-«» WOT A SWtlL