in i u n u m , i Wood Essay Story Springfield's Red Cross drive went • v e r the top. Such la evidenced in the report Riven out thia week by Mr». M B Hun tty. vice-chairman of the Iatne county Red Cross association and chairman of the Springfield drive. The report state« that the local cam paigners did not »top when they reach ed their goal of 1150 00 hut went right on to a total of 1105.50 this week, with a few pledges still to he collect «4. The Springfield campaign which began on November 12 was Interrupt *d very much due to the illness ot Mr». Huntly. who did a large »hare of th e locat campaigning. She was as­ sisted in the business district drive b y Mrs. C. O. Wilson, who substituted for Mrs. Huntly when the latter was 01 tritìi vrjii SCHOOL ELECTS MINUTE MEN. BOARD OF CONTROL _____ (Continued from l*age 1) Fremont Lansbery. Springfield, suf Nomination of officers will be en ph*'r’’ of h«*P“ a>“ X <>«" •» Three student» were elected Judge« The new Burns union high school “ lectu red skull., a fracture of doraed by member» of th e Method*, t W'M><1 11 can *'a r r '•* a,,<* of the board of control of the Spring building haa been completed and la "n’* U bon‘’ l,n h,a >-«• •«> <« body church men', brotherhood at their ,n‘° ,ni‘ny ’•lffarap* »»yl“- •«"« » y l- - — ■ — •«Mb •••« WWU Ullu If m«!«i now occupied. The structure, which bru*8*8 “a “ of an accident Shin meeting next month. It was decide«. lies while other aiaterlals have only field high school al an election held Monday when Elsie Cooper, Coy l.e » cost >80.004. has a fine gymnasium *Uy "**h‘ wh,'n “ v“r driven by bans ______, Monday ....... night at ... the monthly meeting one ahape. (hers, and Paul Ihitler were chosen large assembly hall and an auditorium b< ’’ 8 y r Emery Gaughenbecker of the organisation Wooden home, have already proved for , h. , r(hunal Oscar (lladdl.h will The dam in the Alsea river near the mile« shnv^ roa‘* *l»out two A committee constating of Dr. W H their durability and will last for ever h„ U»t t reek ranch late Sundav fte r, o a n d id a tfo r «>,.. „ ..» i.,... o . ffice» ■« ..... co Sunday a after- of f c candidate» for the varloua fio n u n n ty that requires stronger house» each claaa, the m i l l i l l e men ulan he. made a complete Job of it. and i U u - j n o o n h e a d 'd for Bend. A» they »tart In the organization that will be 'he-,-n ,han wood Furthermore, In c a s e o f log member» of the «indent council. and other fish can nuw go up stream »< at ross the McKensh) pass about later The findings of the eorrntlttee An» a wooden structurn will hold It» Thev are June Clover nnd Eunice at will. two miles above the place from where wlff be reported to the club for en shape much longer than another mat McFarland freshmen; Hatty Ander­ they started, they noticed that the 1 nnd was knocked unconscious The sides of two cars were smashed meni upon offenders of the rluet of fo r the many reaaons we have Just fj,,. school 388.700 in 1M4 to >1.708,417 In 1928 The Vida man went hack ,0 Los, Tuesday about 12 45 p. m when a amt — as we are depending . . . . . . . . ______ _ according to the annual report of the Creek a n d n h . 1 ’ lord driven hv Roberta I,eVee coliitl discussed, —........ —— ■•■.».»•a ••• al j directors filed with the state engineer tor TOe InJuwd *n "’ "*W M ed wl,h with “ another Ford operated by ^’l>8, entirely on lumbering we should c ------ . .. have enough faith In lumber to build METHODIST CHURCH TO by E T L e^h ‘° r° “d ‘n” «0 ' ' B,a< k'V'' COW “r‘- Th’ - tdet of the d i. creek ranch. Mr. Lansbery w n / f n 1° Dear th* b‘*h • Ch0° l ° “ D our luine county homes of wood. HAVE HOLDIAY SERIVE Contributions to and prospective members of the Red Cross were in­ f o r m e d at the outset of the local cam­ paign that 50 cents of the one dollar membership fee went to the national Setting tha onen a 4UCh ‘ ond,,lon thal •< was Impossible ' ” *** Bed Croaa organization while the Christmas servto s will b«, h eld nt Setting the open season for deer, to bring him Into town whan .h i . Mlsa LeVee’e car was going cast on LOCAL LADY RE-ELECTED •th e r half or any surplus contributions from September 20 to October 20 and tor arrived H h h° the usual Sunday hours al the Method. D street and Cowurt was coming west w en t to the county group. ,h . „ ... „ „ ' „ x ? „ a ” « 7 ' h" “* AUXILIARY SECRETARY 1st church Sunday. as the two vehicles hooked fenders The work of the ten women workers hunter is a proposal to be made to the Sunday morning 9 46 o’clock. Sun­ «. Both w ho canvassed the city in a deter­ Mrs. C F Kggknann of Springfield i Th» n i L aecia... w . L h#Pr nr . ’ “b,’U' 5 P' “ * (,- r8 car" N° “uffered ’ « badly Mured damaged in .he a fen ,ci coming legislature, it was decided by day school will be held under the mined effort to put Springfield over the state game commission at its i'u,ll*aT- Mr. Gaughenbecker received dent, was re-elected secretary of the Gen­ direction of Superintendent II I. GR th e top were given great praise by monthly meeting held in Portland re a few cuU abo«t the face and slight I eral Ijiwtnn auxiliary of the United letle. Junior church will be held at Mrs. Huntly. who desires to express cently. Spanish Wkr Veterans at n meeting bruises. Thin Lady—You're a coward. You're held Monday night In the Armory at 11 «. B. with Mrs W H Pollard In h er many thanks to her co-workers Proposal to have congress appropri- Mr. Ijinshcry's condition Is reported "Where Is He” Is the subject of the even afraid of your own shadow. fo r their full-hearted assistance and Eugene. This Is the fourth lime that ate >200,000 to finance the tunnelling to be Improving according to the at. Fat Lady—Well, why wouldn't I be’ Mrs Pgglmann has been elected to sermon to bo delivered by llev C J «»-operation in the campaign Just com of the Klamath irrigation district main tending physician Pike at the morning service. The pleted It looks like a crowd following me. the office, and she Is the only Spring ! Irrigation canal of 2340 feet in Klam ________ ' ______ choir will sing "Hsll to the lo r d ’s The women who took part in the field woman holding nn office In the ath Falls will be placed before author Mrs Arah Housewife Temple Announces Services Springfield drive are: Mrs. Mary Kes- Would you like some organization which has members from Annolnted." by Petrie ities in Washington, D. C , by R. R. Hoyt Rae will sing a solo. cake?** •ey , Mrs. C. E. Kenyon. Mrs. M. Male. various parts of the county. Mrs Butler, recently elected representative Sunday school services will be held Epworth league at 7 30 p m will Tramp: "Yes Mr». C. O. Wilson. Mrs. William Don­ Grace Hall of Eugene was timed presl from that district at the Bible Standard temple at 9:45 be led by Ihe president. Miss Bernice "Yes. what?" aldson, Mrs. Bernice Van Valzah. Mrs. dent. The Oregon State Horticultural to a m Sunday. It was announced by E. Neher. A special Christman program Yes, dear.” Clark Wheaton. Mrs Harry Whitney. Following the separate business will br brkl ciety held its annual convention in K Brlckford. pastor. He will preach Mrs. L. M. Wright and Mrs. William meetings of the auxiliary and the regu­ Roseburg last week with an attend at 11 a. m. The evangelist service Ai the evening worship hour begin­ W right. Jack told me he cou.d live on my lar men's organization, a Joint social ning nt 7 30 o'clock, a song sermon be — held at 7:30 p. m.. Tuesday kisses for ever.’* ance ■ of approximately zzb 125 outside del will — — “* «epruaimaieiy •" "* •■"v P- hour was held A Christmas tree was will be given consisting of eight num­ egates. Portland. Salem, Eugene and *>'>>n'nK at 7:30 another evangelistic ‘Are you going to let him?" SAMUEL DENNIS. 76. placed In the meeting room and a pro­ ber«. The topic Will he "The Birth of Medford were well represented, with serv*ce wiH be held, and on Thursday Not till I find out what I’m going gram was given. Mrs Egglmnnn gave Christ " The pastor will make a short OF CAMP CREEK. DIES several fruit growers in attendance Illght »Prayer meeting will be held to live o n !” a rending also from Hood River. -------------------- talk preceding each number Samuel Dennis. 78 years old, died A county bridge on the Pratum-Wil a t his home on Camp Creek at 3 lard read a few miles from Salem col­ o’clo«:k this morning, and his body lapsed under the weight of a grader w as brought Into Springfield to be and tractor. The bridge was approxi »laced under the care of the Walker- mately 25 feet above the water. It Boole funeral directors here. was built in 1913, and recently was in Very little is known of Mr. Dennis' spected and reported in good condl early life. He was born in Henry- tion. Officials said the bridge would county .Illinois on November 9, 1852. be rebuilt. H e came to Morrow county in Oregon B- W. Cooney, ex-Douglas county ag In 1895. He moved to Camp Creek ricultural agent, died In Roseburg about three years ago. from pneumonia, following an attack He lived at Camp Creek with his of influenza, his death making the «on. Henry O. Dennis, who is at pres third in the family within a week, Mrs ent ill at his home on the Edwards Cooney and their 10-year-oid daughter farm. Besides his son, Samuel Den Genevieve having passed away Thurs »1» 1» survived by four gradnchildren day and Friday of last week, all iron, T h e whereabouts of only one grand­ the game cause. son is known •»•-* j* Theodore Dennis J. E. Shelton was elected a dlstric o f Lyle. Washington. director of the Oregon State Motor as Funeral arrangements will be an­ sociation at a meeting in Eugene re nounced later following the arrival cently. This is the third consecutivc ■yt the garndson from Washington. tinie that Mr. Shelton has been elect- i ed to this position. The term is fo: two years. The district represented 4-L Elect Vice-Chairman ay Mr. Shelton comprises Lane, Linn. Larry May was elected vice-chair­ Lincoln and Benton counties. The an man of the Springfield Four-L organi­ nual meeting of the state association sation at a meeting held Monda, will be held January 9 at Portland. zzlght. George Cox was made the The Jackson county court is up ir. third member of the conference com­ arms against the practice of some cit> m ittee of the lumbermen's group. people using the countryside as a The next meting of the Four-L will dumping gr. und for their reiuae, ano h e held on January 28. seek3 a drastic cure. At a recent meet ing County Judge Sparrow and Count} Commissioners Bursell and Alton, H IG H SCHOOL TO GIVE were irate over the practice, and Al PLAY FRIDAY EVENING 'ord suggested that "us country idler- ought to dump a few leads of tin can:, ‘•Professor Pep” is the title of a on a few city iewns and see how thtv Play to be presented at the Thurston ■ike it.” high school Friday evening. Decem­ The place on the Deschutes rivet b er 21. immigrants on their way to Taking part in the presentation are: western Oregon camped after crossing . Gerald Hansen who will take the role the "high desert" is to be convcrteo of i* r o f . Peterkin Pep, a nervous into a city park after the first of th« I w reck; Lloyd Gray as Howard Green, year. The old camping ground is now j th e son of C. B Butonbuster; Bruce in the city limits of Bend at a low spol ' on the river. It has been used as an C hristie, who will portray Mr. Button >2.00 Values Beautiful Handkerchiefs. A great as b uster; Hazel Russell as Betty Gar­ automobile park for several years. As • ollnr attached, solid colors and fancy sortment to select from stripes. dner. the Professor’s ward; Margaret a memorial to the immigrants, the ea. 3 for Tipton, playing the part of Aunt Min camping site is to be known as Pio erra Boulder, the housekeeper; Fran-1 neer park. With tw en ty -fo u r wide aw ake con­ Eighty-two settlers who arrived in J ■cis Davis as Sim Batty, the police testa n t» everyone or them anxious Just the thing for Christmas gift. force of a college tow n; Irene Baxter Oregon during November invested ' for your su p p o rt In w inning thin >298,050, according to a report issued in the role of Petunia Muggins, t h e ! B eautiful W atch, it's going to be a hired girl; Carl Platt as Peddler Ben- by W. G. Ide, manager of the slat« | lig h t to the ilnish. R em em ber ev<*ry won; Loren Edmlston taking the part chamber of commerce. The new ai ’ penny you upend a t this Sale entitles of K itty Clover; Lois Mathews as rivals purchased a total of 7187 aertb , Value« to >5.00 " you to a vote for your favorite c .n - Reinforced crotch, Elastic waist and Olga iMopskl, the folk dancing teach­ of land. Letters were received during testa n t. The list of the nam es and knee. Sale price Beautiful patterns. Just the thing for e r ; Horald Remie as Noisy Fleming; ihe month from 74 families who an their stan d in g posted in th e store Him. sa le Price Ben Russell as Pink Hatcher; Dorothy nounced that they had decided to daily; d o n ’t forget to vote. Scott as Caroline Kay; Josephine move to Oregon, bringing aggregate H ickins as Vivian Drew; James Ed- investment« of >281,160. Increased m lston in the role of Buster Brown; interest in Oregon is reflected in a MEN’S TIES and Emily Fox as Irene Van Hilt, a large volume of inquiries received MEN’S FANCY RAYON from all parts of the United States, Beautiful Patterns. Just the thing for social lea/ler. SOX Mr. Ide said. Husband, Father, Brother or Sweet­ jAn Outstanding Value. 4 Pairs for heart. A total of >171,838.19 will be dis BELL THEATRE CLOSES trlbuted to 31 counties of Oregon thin DOORS INDEFINITELY fiscal year by the federal government under the law which provides that 25 The Bell Theatre here has closed per cent of the receipts from gale ol down. timber, forage and other products ol This Is the announcement made to­ the national forests shall be returned day by J. M. Larson, proprietor of the to the counties in which the forests play house. The theater will remain are situated. The amount Is a de closed indefinitely. Rumors have crease of >7655.71 from that digtrlb ipread about that the motion picture uted to the same counties in 1928 place w ill probably reopen In about caused bv a smaller timber-cut on tin three mbnths, but Mr. Larson has re­ national forests In 1927, according to fused to confirm such reports. D EPARTM ENT 8TORE district, forestry officials. Kafoury Bros. Great F Store wideSale Swing­ ing into Real Action with Enthusiasm In creasing Daily on the Part of the Buying Public... It’s the Prices that’s Attractidg the Crowds! Read On!!! Ladies Handkerchiefs 9c 25c A RED HOT CONTEST 98c Rayon Bloomers Men’s Scarfs 89c Store Open Evenings Until 8 o’clock Until Christmas Dress Shirts S1.95 49c 98c Store Open Evenings until 8 o’clock Until Christmas Formerly Farmer's Exchange SPRINGFIELD, OREGON r