/ » THURSDAY, DEC EM B Elt 20. 192« Clas FOUND lotdlue' W atch. Cull 37F13 ACCOUNTANT: Inalali, supervise and audit books Financial and Income tax statements. II. J. t.'ox, Office, Hampton Bid*, 6 A W illam ette, Hts, Eugene, Telephone 2720, Residence phoue Springfield 117-J. tf ) FOR SALE WOOD Old Growth Fir, Second Growth Fir, Oak, Ash. All lengths. Phone Spring Bekl 104. If. N O T IC E OF F IN A L A C CO UNT IN TIIE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND F o lt ! THE COUNTY OF LANE IN PRO BATE. In re Estate of Alice llean McGuire, deceased. Notice la hereby given that the un­ dersigned has tiled hla final account In the above entitled proceeding; that the court hua set the hour of 10:00 o'clock, A M , January 11, 1929, as the time for hearing the same, and that any person having any objection thereto shall tile the same In writing on or prior to the auld time fur hear­ ing ALBERT GI.EN McGUIRE, Execu­ tor of the Estate of Alice Bean Mc­ Guire, deceased D. 13-20-27: Ja. 3 10: N O T IC E OF F IN A L SETTLEM ENT NOTICE 1» HEREBY GIVEN, Tnnt the undersigned, the duly appointed qualified and acting executor of the Inst will and testament nnd estate of James B Male, deceased has rendered and filed In the County Court of the State of oregon for the rounty of latfio hla final account of his adminis­ tration and the said Court has by an order duly made and entered of record fixed and appointed Hu'urdav th» 12th day of Jaunary, 1920. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M of said day at the County Court room In the Court house at Eugene. Oregon, an the day. time and place for hearing of objections to said final account and the settle­ ment thereof. That all objections must be In writing and filed with the clerk of said Court on or before said day and time of hearing. Wm G HUGHES. Executor FRANK A. De PUB. Attorney for the estate. D. 13-20-27: Ja. 3 10: I NOTICB OF SHERIFFS SALB Notice la hereby given that by vir­ tue ot an execution and order of sale In foreclosure Issued out of the Cir­ cuit Court of the State of Oregon for I-ane County, November 18. 1928. on a decree rendered tn said court Novem her 13, 1928, In a suit wherein Seward D Allen Is plaintiff and Lin ITioenlx and A. W Ayers are defendants. I have levied upon and will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the front door of the County Court House In Eugene, Oregon, at 1:00 P. M of S a tu r d a y . th e 22nd day of D m ember, 1928, the following real pro- perty. vlx: Ixits 3, 4, 8, and 6 In block 8, In Mldwny Park. In 1-anc county, Oregon, and all the right and estate the defendants had therein on the 14th day of January, 1925 and on any subsequent date, to satisfy the follow Ing sums adjudged plnintlff In snld decree, vlx «700 with Interest thereon nt eight pee rent since January 14. 1928, the sum of $7.10 tuxes paid, the sum of $22 costs of said suit, and On­ costs tn accrue on tills execution nnd Hill.- S a id sale will lie suhji-i t to redemption ns allowed by law. FRANK E. TAYLOR, Sheriff of Lane County N. 22-29: D « 13 20: ¡B U S IN E S S Rea, Phone 160 Plano Moving SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER WILLI» BERT8CH, Prop. OFFICE AT SERVICE GARAGE 633 Main Street Successor to Sutton Transfer WM. 0. HUGHES FIR* AND AUTO INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Office «t FIRST NATIONAL BANK Springfield, Oregon DR. N. W. EMERY 1 DENTIST Sutton Bldg. Phone 20-J Residence Phone 163-M Springfield, Oregon General Law Practice 1. M. PETERSON Attorney-at-L«.'w Utty Hall Building Springfield. Ore D. W. Roof JEW ELER Repairing a Specialty Sprlngfcld, Oregon THE 8PRINGFIHLD NEWS ____________ PAGE EEgVKN OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST TRAIN SCHEDULI SUM M O N S IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Springfield Stop* STATE OF OREGON FOR THE NORTH COUNTY OF LANE. No. 1« at 4:27 A. M. (Fiat) J. Merle Roby and Myrtle Leona Roby, No. 8 at 3 4« P. M his wife, Plaintiffs, Vs., Lane Coun­ ty, Oregon, a municipal corporation; Bua connection for traln leavlng ...... ......... Noltner, wife of Anthony Principal Events of the Week Eugene at 3:20 P. M. Noltner; ......... Neff, wife of Joseph SOUTH Neff; ........... Whittemore, wife of Assembled for Information No. 7 at 12:47 P. M. James P. Whittemore; D S Agard; the unkonwn heirs of D. S. Agard No. 16 at 10:03 P. (Flag) of Our Readers. A. F Simons; the unknown heirs ->f A F. Simons; L. O. Landers; the CARD OF THANKS unknown heirs of L. O. Landers; Attempt will be made at the coming We wlah to thank our friends and William Mayer; John Davis and ■exstoo of the legislature to raise the Annie Davis, his wife; and the un­ neighbors for their kindness and known heirs of John Davis and salaries of county Judges, clerks, and I AINTINO and Kalsouilning In all Ita “That's the chap who bought the j beautiful flowers during our recent Annie Davis, his wife; Webster L. assessors. branches. Reduced Prices. (toy Dully Newt." bereavement. Kincaid and Dorothy C. Kincaid, hts The Deschutes county court has Koch. Call 125-J. Elmer Miller “Really! How much did he give I wife; Elizabeth M Gale; Laura Kin voted 3200 to cooperate with the state cald Salsman; and all other parties Eliza Amen for i t r WANTED— Plain and fancy sewing. game commission In the establishment or persons unknown, claiming any John Miller “Two cents.” right, title. Interest. Hen or estate of a fish hatchery on Fall river. Neatly and reasonably done. 447 _ Mary Kelsey. In the real property described In the 4th Street. Phone 74-W. The Lions club of Lebanon Is mak­ complaint In this cause; Defend N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S N 22 29: D. « -18: ants. ing arrangements for the decoration Fall Creek Lady Here — Helen Notice Is hereby given that the un- - To Lane County, Oregon, a munici­ of the streets Christmas and will also F o il RENT New Modem ll-.u-,. derslgend has been appointed Admin-1 Travia of Fall Creek was a Springfield j pal corporation; ___ Noltner, wife of Four rooms and breukfust nook. S -e I. tratrlx of the Estate of Mury Ann visitor Sunday. Anthony Noltner; ..... Neff, wife of have a Christmas tree at some central point. W. A. Taylor at the White Front Spencer, deceased, by the County Joseph Neff; Whittemore, wife of James P Whittemore; D. S. Agard. Grocery. tf Court of Lane County, Oregon. All Lyons III at Home— A. D. Lyons Is W F. Norman of Woodburn was persons having claims ugnlnst the the unknown heirs of D. S. Agard; A. ill at his home. elected president of the Marion Coun­ , sakl estate are hereby notified to pre­ F Simons; the unkonwn heirs of A. F SEPTIC TANKS— sent the same, properlly verified, to Simons; L. O. Ignders; the unknown ty School Officers’ association at their Ready for you to Install the undersigned at the office of Wells heirs of L. O. le n d er s; William annual convention held In Salem re­ T E A C H E R S ’ E X A M IN A T IO N 2 * 4 persona ....... __ ......„ .........$21 00 * Wells, Bank of Commerce Building, Mayer; John Davis and Annie Davis, cently. Teachers' examinations will be Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, within 3 * 8 persons .................... _ ......29.00 his wife; and the unknown heirs of given at the County Court Room In Fifteen marriage licenses were is­ Sewer Pipe. Well Curbing, Drain Tils six months from the date of the first Eugene, commencing at 9 A. M. on - John Davis and Annie Davis, his wife; publication of this notice. Webster L. Kincaid and Dorothy C. sued and four divorce suits filed la and Chimney Blocks. Wednesday, December 19, and lasting Date of first publication, Dec., 8. Kincaid, his wife; Elisabeth M Gale; December 22, 1928. Applications for i Igura Kincaid Salsman; and all other Baker county during November. Fees 1928, E U G E N E C O N C R ETE P IP E CO. schedules for subjects will be given , parties or persons unknown, claiming collected by the county clerk amount­ HESTER E WOOD, Adlmlnstratrlx. on request. Before teachers can take any right, title. Interest, lien or estate ed to $916 80. WELI j B A WELLS, Attorneys. the examination, they must have com­ In the real property described In the Jimmy playing In the kitchen, D. 8 13-20-27: Ja. 3. The port of Coos bay commission plied with the law Io regard to normal complaint In this cause; Defendants. To do something new was Bechin,* training or Its equivalent and high * 1 IN THE NAME OF THE STATE has voted to disapprove an applica­ Spied the baby, and with shovin’, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT school graduation. No examination OF OREGON, You are hereby required tion of the state highway commission for special certificates will be given to appear and answer the complaint tor a bridge over Haynes Inlet, an Got her lodged within the oven. Notice Is hereby given that Charles E. J. MOORE, County School 8uper filed against you In the above entitled Jimmy thought she'd make slick bis­ E. Johnson, as administrator of the Dec. 6-13. 1 suit within four weeks from the date arm of Coos bay. estate of Sarah J. Douglas, decoased, intendent. cuit, The total assessed valuation of ot the first publication of this sum­ has filed his final account in said Wasn't Jimmy good to risk It 7" estate and the County Court of I-ane NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT mons, and If you fall to so appear and Washington county for the present County, Oregon, has fixed Friday, Dec- [ Notice Is hereby given that the un answer, the plaintiffs will apply to the year shows a loss of $870,489 as com­ Estate of Mrs. Belle 8hoop, Deceased. ember 28th, 1928, at the hour of 10:04 deratgned Executor of the Estate of Court for the relief prayed for In the pared with 1927. The present valua­ NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the forenoon of said day at the Carlton Columbus Myers, deceased, complaint, to-wit: That the plaintiffs be declared to be tion is $26.986.162. Court house tn Eugene, Ixtne Notice Is hereby given that M.ary E. County has filed hlF final report and account the owners in fee simple of the pre­ Baker's rate of taxation tor 1929 will County, (fregon. as the time and place Kelsey has tiled In the County Court hearing of said final account. as such Executor with the Clerk of mises described herein, and particular be 49.5 mills, the highest in history, of the State of Oregon, in and for for All the persons having objections tn the County Court of Lane County, !; 4 SE>4. S W ii , Ione County. Oregon, as the time and Dated end first published November j SE% SEla. SH N W U »E>4 SEW. , IMMEL t EVANS, Attorneys for has been appointed United States place for the bearing of said final 22nd. 1928. Plaintiffs. Residence and postoffice a ' commisaioner at Astoria, replacing acconat. NEW NWW SEW SEW. SWW NEW dress: Eugene, Oregon. All persons having objections to SEW SEW. WW SEW SEW SEW. SW ; MERVIN B HARRIS, Administrator Howard K. Zimmerman, who resigned N. 29: D. 6-13-20-27: said final accaunt are notified to pres­ of estate of Veronica B. Harris. NEW NEW SEW. SEW SEW NEW SE when he was elected to the office of ent the same In writing on or before 8VHITTBN SWAFFORD, Attorney. ; W. NW SEW NEW SEW. Section 35. circuit judge. S U M M O N S said time. N. 22-21: D. 8-13 20: Tp., 16 S., R 9 WesL W. M„ within the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Dated this 22nd day of November, The name Tillamook, as applied to Siuslaw National ForesL for the tlm -! STATE OF OREGON FOR THE 1928 cheese, is worth at least $5,000,000 to her from approximately two acres In COUNTY OF LANE. MAGGIE STEWART. Admlnlatra N O TIC B TO C R E D ITO R S the SW SEW. Section 26. & EW. Sec. Carl G. E. Johnson and Glow Clorinda members of the Tillamook County trlx of the Estate of Robert K. Stew­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That 35, Tp. 9 S.. R. 5 East. W. M., wlthi.1 Johnson, his wife, Plaintiffs, Vs., Creamery association, according to the art, deceased. Lane County, Oregon, a municipal estimate of Carl Haberlacb, secretary Harris, Smith A Bryson, Attorneys A. C. Barrett was on the 23rd day of the Santlam National Forest November, A. D. 1928, appointed as The purpose of this notice Is t o ! corporation; E. R. Luckey: T. C. of the association. for Administratrix. the administrator of the estate ot allow all persons claiming the lands Luckey and Maude L. Luckey, his N. 22-29: D. 6-18 20: Emma J. Barrett, deceased. All per- : selected, or having bona fide objec­ wife; Una Luckey Stone and Glen One truck belonging to Gus Reichow sons having claims against said estate tions to such application, an opportun­ Stone, her husband; Pearl Luckey of Forest Grove hauled from that vi­ N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S are hereby notified to present them, ity to file their protests with the Eastman and Barry Eastham, her Notice is hereby given that Ida C. duly verified, as by law required, to Register and Receiver of the Uunlted husband; Floy Luckey Whelan and cinity this fall more than $55.000 King, was on the 12th day of Decern said administrator nt the law office States Land Office at Roseburg. Ore­ William Whelan, her husband; worth of walnuts, the Forbis and the her, 1928, appointed executrix, with ; of Alta King, 794 Willamette Street, gon. Any such protests or objections David W. Curtis; and also al! other W.thycombe ranches furnishing the the will annexed, of the estate of Eugene, Oregon, within six months must be filed In this office within persons or parties unknown, claiming bu k of the tonnage. Mary J. Lincoln, deceased, by the I from the first pblication of this notice. thirty days from the date of first pub-1 env right, title, interest, lien or estate The most recent attempt to reopen Date of first publication December lication of this notice, which first pub In the real property describe«! in the County Court, of lame County, Oregon. the upper Columbia river to naviga- complaint in this suit, defendants. All persons having claims against 6th, 1928 lication is December 6. 1928. A. C. BARRET, Administrator. To E. R Luckey; Una Luckey S ton > titn was abanconed December 15 when said estate are required to present HAMILL A. CANADAY. Register. ALTA KING, Attorney. and Glen Stone, her husband; Pearl the Harkins Transportation company them duly verified as by law required Il 6-13-20-27: Ja 3. D. 6-13-20-27: Ja 3. Luckey Eastham and Barry Eastham. to said executrix at the law office of her husband; David W. Curtis; and al­ took the steamer Beaver off the Port­ Alta King, 794 W illamette St., Eu­ so all other persons or parties un­ land-Hood River run. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON gene, Oregon, within six months from A L IA S S U M M O N S ex ec u tio n in F o r e c lo su r e the first publication of this notice. knowns claiming any right, title. In­ The Lane county agricultural coun­ First publication being Dec. 13th. 1928. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE terest, lien or estate in the real pro­ cil at its annual meeting in Eugene Notice is hereby given that by vir­ IDA C. KING. Executrix. I STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE tue oi on execution and order ot sale . perty described in the complaint in adopted a resolution seeking to secure ALTA KING. Attorney. COUNTY. in foreclosure issued out of tile Cir­ this suit. Defendants. legislative action against marauding D. 13 20 27: Ja. 3 10: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE II. W. Reynolds. Plaintiff, vs.. Great cuit Court of Lane County, Oregon, on OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ dogs which are killing a large number Lakes Insurance Company, a cor­ (he 12th day of December, 1928, in a quired to appear and answer the com- of sheep in Lane county. poration; Edith E. Brown, Defend­ suit wherein on the 11th day of Dec­ pla*nt filed against you in the above Employes and ex-employes of the ember, 1925, in said Court The Faciuc entitled suit within four weeks from ants. To Edith E. Brown, defendant:-In Savings A Loan Association, a Wash­ the date of the first publication of this Baker White Pine Lumber company, now in receivership, may receive all the Name of the State of Oregon: Yo> ington Corp.-railon. plaintiff, recover­ ■ .. . — ---------------- ■ — are hereby summoned and required ed Judgnit at against the defendant suxrmons and if you fail to so appear r.nd answer, the plaintiffs will apply (heir back pay by Christmas, it was Office Phone 176-J Res. l'hone 176-M 1 to appear and answer the complain; it. becca Cobb for the sum of $1295.06 to the Court for the relief prayed for learned. Half of the accrued wage Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. I tiled against you. nnd Great Lakes In together with interest thereon at the in the complaint, to-wit: bill was paid several weeks ago. General Practice, Special Attention surance Company, a corporation as a rate ot 10% per annum from June 15, That the plaintiffs be declared to be codefendant. In the above entitled 19.s, and tor the further sum of $7.00 < the owners in fee simple of the pre­ to Obstetrics and Diseases The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph ! suit within four weeks from the day of tor abstracting the records, and for , mises herein, and particularly de­ company, seeking to end its contro­ of Children. .th e first publication of this alias sum- the funner sum of $252.48 for taxes ' scribed as follows, to-wlt: First National Bank Building versy with the city of Baker, has of­ - nions, and If you fall to appear, plain- pn.u, together with interest thereon Beginning at the northwest corner Springfield, Oregon I tiff will apply to the Court for the re M (at- iat<- ot 1(1', per annum from ! of Lot Number Five in Block Number fered to the city commissioners a new ! lief demanded In said complaint, to- September 6, 1928, and tor the further Fourteen of that part of the City of franchise which provides for payment ■ wit, ordering and directing ths Great rum of $160.00 attorneys fees and for , Eugene, which was originally donated of $65,000 over a perioo of 25 years. Lakes Insurance Company, a corpora­ the further sum of $15.40 costs anil to Lane County, Oregon, by Charnel DR. W. N. DOW tion, to forthwith pay to the Clerk of disbursements therein, which Judg- Mulllean and wife, and running thence I A mill whistle blew at Empire re­ ' Lane County, Oregon, the sum of iio lit was enrolled and docketed in the east along north line of said lot and of I cently for the first time in 36 years. D e n tis t $234.90, to be thereafter paid to such Clerk's office of said Court in sain J Lot Six In said Block 160 feet to the The southern Oregon mill shut down First National Bank Building party as satd court shall determine- county on the 11th day of December. rortheast corner of said Lot Stx. in 1892 and was reopened by the Simp­ Phone 43 Springfield. Oregon that thereupon all liability of said 1928, and satd execution to me direct­ thence south along west line of alley Office hours, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Great Lakes Insurance Company, on ed commanding me ill the name of running north and south through said son Lumber company. President L. Evenings by Appointment account of fire loss upon tho property the state of Oregon, In order to sa t-; block 35 feet thence west parallel with J. Simpson pulled the whistle cord. referred to 111 suld complaint, shall Isfy said judgment, Interest, attorneys said first boundary line 160 feet or to The membership of the Amity Co­ cease; that If said Grent Lakes In­ fees, costs of suit and accruing costs the East line of W illamette Street, operative Walnut association is now surance Company fall, neglect or re to sell the following described real : nnd thence North along line of said fuse to so deposit satd sum, within property, to-wit: W illamette Street, 35 feet to the place 96. During the year 41 new growers tho time required by said court, then North 100 feet of Lot Two (2) In ; of beginning; being the north 35 feet were added, with an additional output that Judgment for snld sum with In­ Block Ten (10) in Packards Addition j of snld lots numbered five and six tn of 152 tons of walnuts and 12 tons terest at 6% from date of the decree to Eugene, lame County, Oregon. satd Block Number fourteen In the of filberts over last year's production. he entered against snld Great Lakes Now. therefore, in the name of the C1tv of Eugene, Lane County, Oregon. Total output this fall was 222 tons of Insurance Company; that plaintiff h e 1 State of Oregon, in compliance with That the defendants have not. nor ndjudged to be the owner and entitled -aid execution and order of sale and In have any of them, any right, title, In­ walnuts and 15 of filberts. to said sum of money, for application terest or lien upon snld promises. A crew of 12 state highway depart­ ns a credit upon tho mortgage Indebt­ order to satisfy said judgment. Inter- ■ That the title of the plaintiffs tn and est. attorneys fees, costs of suit and i ment employes has commenced the edness of satd Edith E. Brown to 228 Main St. Residence 125 C 8t to satd premises be forever quieted plaintiff, and adjudging said Great accruing costs. I will on Saturday the against the defendants, and all persons widening of bad curves on the Baker- 62 J 62 M Lakes Insurance Company to he hold 19th day of January, 1929. at the hour claiming by, through or under them, or Cornucopia highway. The work will ing said sum In trust for plaintiff; for of one o'clock In the afternoon of said I any of them. require about a month, according to other relief nnd for costs and dts day. at the Southwest front door of That the plaintiffs have such other Full Auto Equipment the County Court house. In Eugene, and further relief herein as to the J. N. Bishop, resident highway engi­ hursements. This summons Is publish­ Lady Assistant ed pursuant to the order of the Hon. Lane County, Oregon, offer for sale Court may seem m eet in the premises. neer. G. F. Sklpworth, Judge of said court and sell for cash, at public auction, THIS SUMMONS is published once Larkey Bros, of Klamath Falls have dated November 19th. 1928, and which subject to redemption as provtded by each week for four successive weeks, started logging four miles west of La- required the defendant Edith E. Brown law. all of the right, title and interest by order of the Hon G. F. Sklpworth. to appear within four weeks from th e of said defendant Rebecca Cobb and Judge of the Circuit Court of Igmo pine. The yellow pine logs are car­ FRANK A. DE PUE ried by auto truck to the Great North­ I,. M. Trnvls. Inc., a corporation, and County. Oregon date of the first publication heroof. ATTORNEY AT LAW FRED E. SMITH. Attorney for all persons claiming by, through or The Date of the first publication of ern railroad a mile east of Lapfne and Plaintiff, Res and P. O. Address, Eu under them nr any or either of them In this summons Is November 29, 1928. from thefe are shipped to Klamath NOTARY PUBLIC and to said premises. IMMEL & EVANS, Attorneys for Falls. gene, Oregon. FRANK E. TAYLOR, Sheriff., Dnte of first publication November Plaintiffs, Residence and postofflee al- Sutton Springfield, By BEULAH BRINNICK. Deputy. dresa: Eugene, Oregon. 22nd, 1928. Building Oregon N. 39; D. 6-18-20-27: D. 20-27: Ja. 3-10-17: N. 22-29: D. 6-12 20: Ads M griasm gj 465 IH R E C T O R Y| Walker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors f 1