PAGE BIX TUE SPRINGFIELD NEWS WialiUut iimt a Happy (Chriutinafl ’■ 192Ö j T il VUS DAY, DECKMHER 20, 1928 incj Y o u a Happu N e V T h e S easo n 's G reetings Ÿear~ with (he best w ishes for Chrlstninv mid the New Year, TO YOU we extend our h eartiest wishes for a Merry Christm as and a Happy and Prosperous Nineteen Twenty nine. Me assure you of our sincere appreciation of the cordial relations which have existed between us during the past year, and of our earn est efforts to the end that the sam e friendship and goixl will may be continued throughout the coming year. May this C hristm as S eason bring real joy and First National Bank happiness to yon and those dear to yon; And the New Year find ns and leave ns as th e one just closed genuine friends. Danner Motor Co. Í . Mountain States Power Co. 1 ________________ » greetings I °íthe ■ 5E A 5° n J C hristm as Greetings i and all Good W ishes for your H appiness in the New Year - Health and Happiness. Dur V is M a You I Hi Oorßest W ishes c T o ä 7. T he good will of ou r patrons and friends Is one of o u r m ost valuuble assets. T he spirit of the Season brings to us renew ed appreciation of old asso ciates and of the value of new friends. D. W. Roof • ’ a a - c « Your kind co-operation has con­ May y our C hristm as he a happy one and success a tte n d tributed to our success and your New Year. Is the cordial wish of we appreciate it m ost cordi­ ally. & ina/Cheer usTjuuD'yeaK' Accept our best wishes for u Springfield Mill & Grain Co. bright and prosperous Eugene Fruit Grower»’ Association New Year. TWi/hing _ . TTtQTß, (¡xri/tftiàf i ?’ -" Springfield Bakery 1 9 X 6 Fred Frese- Prop. Kafoury Bros, desire to extend to you the Compliments of the Season and express our sincere wishes for your prosperity the coming year with a continuance of the cordial relations existing between us our first year in Springfield. liments _ e a s a r\> T he good will of our p a tro n s and friends is one of o u r m ost valuable a sse ts; T he spirit of the Season brings to us renew ed appreciation ÍS of old asso ciates and of the value of new friends. May your C hristin as he a happy one and success atten d Kafoury Bros. your New Year, is the cordial wish of Gray’s Cash and Carry O ur cordial g reetings go out to you In th e hope th a t th e New Y ear will be bigger, b rig h ter and m ore prosperous th an any before. Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. To our old friends, loyal and tru e; Your kind co-operation has contributed materially to our success and we appreciate it most cordially Accept our best wishes for a bright and prosperous New Year. to our valued friends; and to those whose friendship we striv e to i Má»® » Co deserve. We wish unm easured happiness and good fortune Throughout the coming year. Flanery’s Drug Store Your confidence In uh hnn helped- make 1928 the brlghteat year of our bualneaa life, and It la our aim to ho nerve you In the future th a t our friendly relations may long endure. It I h our hope th a t you. too, can look back with much aatlafactlon over the m ontha of thia year, which now drawn to a clone. Above all thia, however, may your effort« In 1929 hear much golden fru it and may you and y o u r, have the greateat m eaaure of Wm. Rodenbough Garage L Y R IC AND PHONE 95 KO LSTER Chrlntmaa Cheer. Thin la the nlncere winh of R A D IO S Wright and Sons It gives us pleasure to extend • to you the com plim ents of the In appreciation of your good will Season and to wish you a Most \ » lAlW Z r X , Happy and Prosperous Year. New C hristm as G reetings and the New Year’s wish for H ealth, W ealth and Happiness. Turner’s Novelty Store C. E. Wheaton Harry Whitney May we extend to you our full appreciation for your patronage and hope for you a Merry C hristm as and Happy and P-on- perous New Year. Springfield Laundry J. W. Avitt, H arry Chase, Props. we extend tlie i >». Season's G reetings à und-w lah for you a moat pros­ 4 perous New Your Good T in 1 9 2 9 » Lum’s Service Station L. F. A nderson, ITop.