THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THUltHDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1928 Proposal Made to Stop Floods West Springfield People Present Plan at County Meeting GOOD SOUP, GOOD SEKV1CL WHAT IS A RICH MAN7 CAPTAIN OF TOUR SOUL NO SOCRATIC METHODS. U. of O. Enrolls 28 Local Students PAGE FTV« Scouts Delay S w im a t U. O . TOWN AND VICINITY Grocery Man III— J . C. McMurray, Has Scarlet Fever—Klvs Bryan la Lane County Registration Total at home with a case of scarlet fever. proprietor of McMurray's grocery it 851; Eugene has Chiefs of many hotels competed store on Fifth street, la 111 at bis home In New Yoik to see which could 757 Students Hers From Walton—Margaret Hal­ with the flu. make the best soup. Six wise men, including Clarence H Mackay's French chef, Combes, allotted first prize to E. Alliott. That competition means more to human welfare than the average man realizes; more., for instance, than any Olympic competition. Rprlngfleld Boy Scouts will not go the University of Oregon to swim un­ til after January 1, It was announced thia week by C. L. Aldrich, scoab- master of troop 11. The Rprlngfleld Lions club has been cooperating wit* the local boys In providing transpor­ tation for the lads every week to tho university swimming pool. The uni. verslty pool Is closed during the hod- day vacation. sey of Walton spent the week.end In Twenty-eight students from Hpriug Rprlngjleld. ASTORIA GIRL BRIDE Held are registered In the University To Albany— W. C. Me lagan of the of Oregon foi the past fall term. It OF SPRINGFIELD MAN was laerned Wednesday after an local plant of the Mountain Rtates Power company went to Albany Tues­ nouncoueiit bad been made by K a il A wedding of the Christmas season M. I’allett, university reglstra", that day on business. that proved to be of much Interest to . Soups contain vitamines and more than 28 per cent of the student i Maud Gorrle Haro—Miss Maud Oor- Rprlngfleld folks was that of Miss | other valuable nourishment and bod- v s from lane county. rle of Portland was a week-end visitor ' Grace Hall of Eugene was named I stimulate the flow of digestive The nlatlstTal study of the geogra here at the borne of her mother, M r s ence Paterson of Astoria, to William ' fluids. To manufacture good soup and sell a great deal of it is to | phicnl distribution of students of the C. I. Gorrle. Wallace Halsey, son of Mr. and Guy l render public service. unlvi rally Indicated thnt Lane county Halsey of Rprlngfleld. The ceremony J Moves Into" New Home—C. F Bar took place at the borne of the bride's , Income tax returns show 2H.I j was second only to Multnomah C 'l i n i y Americans with net incomes of 1 In the rumher registered Lane coun. her and family moved Wednesday In mother In Astoria on Saturday even- j $1,(XX),000 a year or more. The, | ty has 851 students registered while Io their new borne on Tenth and A j Ing, December 15. Rev. E. W. Hughes , number has increased by fifty-two o fthe Grace Episcopal church In As- , in two years. Citizens reporting Multnomsb county has 95#, a total of streets. incomes of 15.000,000 or more num­ #32 of them being from Portland. Leaving for Portland—Mr and Mrs torla, presided. ber only TEN There were four­ Of the 28 Rprlngfleld students. 17 George Htewart will leave Sunday for Miss Elizabeth Paterson attended teen of them in 1926. are girls and 11 are men. Eugene Portland where they will spend the the bride and John Halsey, brother of Once a man with a million was alone Is represented by a total of 767 holidays with relatives. the bridegroom, acted as best man. considered rich. To be REALLY students. Mrs. Edna Edwards played the wed­ Y O U R N E W Y E A R ’S P L U M B IN G “rich" now you need $1,000,000 a P o rtla n d Folks Coming—Mr. aw! ding march. The total registration of the unlver Z»*' _____ We stand by with our little gasoline alty for the fall term la 3008, the larg Mrs. R. Connan of Portland will ar­ Members of the immediate families rive Sunday to enjoy the Christmas torch and kit ready to respond at a There are several billionaires in eat ever. holiday with Mrs. Cannon's cousin, and a few friends were present at the moment's notice to your call for any eaiatCnce that modestly refrain wedding. A reception was held after plumbing repair Job you want done. Listed below are the 28 University from talking about it. Mrs. Bert Doane. Many a young person has of Oregon students from Rprlngfleld | the ceremony. To save time and expense tell us the apoutcu: Agatha Reals, Horn Beaman, Iowa •It matters not how strait the gate Out of town guests were Mr. and nature of the work and we will bring Adrian Improving—Henry Adrian How charged with punishment Carlton, Naomi Carlton. Audrey Dan­ of the Springfield Is reported to be Mrs. Guy Halsey and Mr. and Mrs. the needed materials. Or if it be a the scroll. ner, Helen Eyler, Virginia Franx, Ella gradually Improving from his case of John C. Halsey, all of Springfield. The regular installation task we are ready I am the master of my fate, Ollklnson. Chesta Hayden. Helen E pneumonia. He is not expected to newly married couple are both gradu­ to do it any day of the year. 1 am the captain of my août Hughes, Rsdle Lambert, Dorene Iari- return to work for about three weeks ates of the Oregon Agricultural col-1 The Reverend E. H. Emmett. mer, Rernlre Neher, Thelma Sweeney, lege. They will make their home In Congregational!»!, says those wh county court would he well Justi­ fied In Blanding the expense of the necessary preliminary surveys for that purpose." Rlmon Klovdshl, engineer, showed , charts snd described various propos , «Is for control of the Willamette I waters. Herwral plans were submit- j ted at the meeting Extension of the mlllrace to Mc­ Vey's point by use of the old slough which now follows the west aide of the Ilirlflc highway was suggested aS a poslble remedy to the problem of floods. It was explained that by ex­ tending the race through the chan­ nel from Judkins* point to McVey’» point, the dam near Judkins point could be taken out. Owners of the mill race will be Interviewed on the matter of this proposal. That the reefs In the river bed be blasted out In order to make a dear­ er rhannel was the text of a pro­ posed project presented at the meet­ ing The advisability of erecting dikes, between Judkins point and McVey’s point was another suggestion offered at the session Monday evening. PLUMBING W. N. LONG A Christmas Turkey Free F. W. Pettyjohn Co. Dainty ” ' _ SALE OF SWEATERS Women will Appreciate GLOVES I HANDKERCHIEFS Embroidered Fancy Work Hand embroidered models or. sale— Imported from Ireland and other European countries—Priced 25c, 35c, 49c, 09c, 98c, Pillow cases ........................................... $2.95 Boxed Kerchiefs 59c, 75c, 98c- $1.45 Lunch S e ts ................................. $6.75, $4.50 Card Table Covers ..................... 89c, $1.29 Lovely georgette kerchiefs, hand-tinted, lace Aprons, Bags, etc. ........................ 49c to 98c trimmed in dainty folder— , 98c each Wishing You the Fullest Measure o f Happiness on Christmas Day and a Very Happy Ne