THURSTON ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ a tut 1(111 Chriatin church will hold their annual Christmas tree and pro­ gram at the church Chrlatmua Eve. The heating of the gym has been completed, the heat having been piped front the general healing plan! nnd la very successful. The building la now moat comfortable. Mr and Mrs. A. W. Weaver received a telegram a few days ago announcing the death of their grandson, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. Arwell Weaver, al la>s Angeles. California. Itev. John Turner, formerly pastor The Pleasant Hill basketball leant of Thurston church, hut who has haa been Invited to play the Westfir s|«ent the paat several tuonlhs doing team there soon, nnd the boys have missionary work on ITlnce Edward about decided to play there right after Island arrived here for a few days Christmas. visit lie is on his way home to his native country, Australia, lint has con Rented to hold a few evening revival FORMER SPRINGFIELD work performed during the period nieetlnga while here, which will begin MAN BURIED NOV. 20 i on December 30 and last one week. by the Lane county agricultural agent Morris Brown has moved on llurley Springfield friends of Charles Pent- ! Morris* ranch Cultural college and the United States bier were grieved lo hoar that he Mrs. John Endicott, Betty Henson paased away tithe Veteran»’ hospital and Irene Baxter are the latest vic­ lo the report of O. S. Fletcher, county 1 In Portland November 17 and Hi'«» tims of the flu. •gent. presented at the annual me.»t ! was hruled ni Marshfleld November Orville Wright was the first of all men to soar into the air, 25 years ago With the late Wilbu, Wright, The grade achool will hold their tog of the Lane county agricultural his brother, he invented the airplane This picture shows Orville and Wilbur Wright, ami the plane that they >0. Christmas program Friday afternoon first flew Contrast this Wright plane with the modern Fulcher passenger plane, shown below it. and the tre­ Council in Eugene Tuesday. Mr Pembler was a former resident mendous progress of aviation in 25 years can be seen al a glance The original airplane of the Wright Brothers The first basketball gnmes played The report indicates that 13 demia- —which is really only a motored glider—4» on exhibition at South Kensington, London The first flight of of Hprtngflold having hern In business j by the Thurston high school teams ■tration meetings were held during Orville Wright took place at Kail Devil HUI. Kitty Hawk. N C, oo Dec. 17. 19Ud, when he tie» I A) leet in U thia year were played with Vida teams here. He had been a resident of lgtne seconds. the year and that much help was de last Friday evening. Vida won both county for about 15 years, part of Toted to projects such as farm crops, Ills time being spent In Wullervllle ns guinea. •oils and agricultural economics, well ns here. The Walker high achool basketball dairying, horticulture, organization Join the Douglas county cooperatvie JEWELL FARNSWORTH SEVEN STUDENTS PLACE teams nnd Thurston teams played In He la also remembered ns being and rodent control, community activi­ turkey growers' association and mar­ INJURED IN ACCIDENT ON HIGH SCHOOL ROLL Eugene Y M C A. Tuesday evening a former deputy assessor, having n* ties, rn-al engineering, and general ket their turkeys through that organi­ Lum Muya from laindaz spent the delated In that capacity for six years. zation. Thirty-six Lane county grow livestock and poultry. Jewell Farnsworth, daughter of E. Seven students are named on the week-end In Thurston era signed contracts to market appro­ Specialists from the Oregon Agricul­ A. Farnsworth, received a cut on her honor roll for the second six weeks tural college spent much time with the ximately 5,000 turkeys through the upper lip Wednesday morning when a period at the Springfield high school ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Douglas county association. oounty agent in conducting several Dodge automobile driven by her father as announced at the prep Institution ♦ UPPER W ILLAMETTE *| Investigations and in rendering aid to Farmers who sell milk at wholesale j collided with an Auburn passenger Wednesday. For place on the honor ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ farmers in the t si’-icL The county to dealers for distribution in Eugene vehicle driven by Ira C. Outes. roll the seven students were required On Wednesday night the Pleasant agent made 204 farm visits during the were assisted in forming an associa­ The accident at the intersection of year, the report indicates. Fletcher tion which has for its principal object 5th and E streets. Mr. Oates was to have all A' or I' in all subjects that Hill high school basketball ti'am de­ they were registered ill for the pixht feated the Mohniwk team by a score of ■pent most of his time in field work, the maintenance of a fair price to pro­ driving south on Fifth street when his six weeks. fZ 25 to 18. the lesser part of his work being de­ ducers for milk. car was struck by the car belonging Since S a n ta Claus s h ir t­ The seven high school students who voted to office duties. i The Pleasant Hill public school has to Mr. Farnsworth who was proceed­ The campaign against grey digger placed on the roll o f honor are: Maud been closed all this past week on ac­ ed using Violet Hay g a so ­ ing east on E street. • The campaign to promote growing ground squirrels started In former line we know In* will get The condition of Jewell Farnsworth Brattaln, Nadine McMurray. Vsrnlcs count of so much flu. Roth the^prln- Of alfalfa in Lane county was contin­ years was carried on during 1928 in Hawke, Loudelle Williams. Ituth Carl dpal Mr Sheridan nnd Mrs Sherldntt ued during the past year in coopera­ cooperation with farm organizations is not serious according to the attend­ all aro u n d his long Jour­ ton, Gale Daniels, and Irene Manley. the primary tencher have been very tion with the Eugene Farmers’ Cream­ and committees of interested farmers ing physician. ney. Even If It Is cold ery. A total of approximately 322 in communities having no farm organi­ Attendance at the high school fell sick with It. w eath er th e m o to r will gcres of alfalfa was planted this year sations. EASTERN STAR GROUP The flu has been confining several off considerably during the period work w ith lots of pep when with the seed located by the agent, it INSTALLS OFFICERS due to the large number of rases of families to their hum s here Ihls Violet Hay la used. Civic and service organizations of to stated in the report influenza. week, among them Mrs A. J Phelpn the various towns in Lane county were nnd children. Evelyn and Robert. Installation of new officers and Initi­ Give th e fam ily c a r a ” Dairy breed associations were* as­ addressed to acquaint these organiza­ ation of a new member were the high­ MAILING HEAVY AT Pleasant Hill athletic cjuh will nlnv tre a t thia C hristm as by fill­ sisted in planning and carrying out tions with the work of the county breed promotion programs and dairy agent and with special farm problems lights of the meeting of the Cascadia ing up with Violet Hay LOCAL POSTOFFICE the Crow athletic club at Crow on Thursday night. The Pleasant Hill farmers were aided in figuring balan­ of Lane county, it is shown in the re­ chapter no. 155 of theOrder of the .More m iles for the sam e Eastern Star held at the Odd Fellows' ced and economical rations. A special port John Cox and LeRoy Nice were add cl"h ha" 8 v*‘ry basketball team I I m oney. hail Tuesday evening. ed to the present force of the Spring | r e a r and expect a victory, census of purebred dairy cattle was Mrs. H. E. Phetteplace was Initiated field postoffifllee on Monday to aid In conducted in the interests of breeders The high school students will give as a new member Into the, Masostc the oncoming holiday mall rush. Hir­ a community program at the high Of snch cattle. The agent helped coun­ EIGHT GAMES SLATED ing of etxra help is part of the cam school Friday night Everyone la In­ FOR SPRINGFIELD FIVE ladles' organization. ty dairymen In organizing a county- New officers installed at the meet­ palgn to help local folks In sending vited. The program that was to have wide dairymen's association. Eight games have been definitely ing are: Mrs. Opal Roberts, worthy gift packages and other holiday mall been given by the public school chil­ Working concurrently with the Lane scheduled for the Springfield high oonntv horticultural society, a cam­ school basketball quintet for the com­ matron; Oswald Olson, worthy pa­ so that they can be delivered before dren has been given up on account tron; Mrs. William Wright, assistant Christmas day. of the flu. paign was waged by the agent to fight ing season. It was announced last worthy matron; Mrs. Ida Swarts. sec­ Twenty-five sacks of parcel post The Christian Endeavor of the Plea cherry fruit fly, the farmers being ad­ week by R. U. Moore, principal of the retary; Mrs. Neal Pollard, treasurer; packages alone were sent out from vised when to spray for control of University high school in Eugene, Mrs. C. O. Wilson, conductor; Mrs. the local postofllce on Monday before the pest. chairman of the high school athletics Lena Fraederlck, assistant conductor. 4 p m. With such a heavy load to Fertilizer trials were conducted as for the Lane-Linne county area. R. E. Oldham acted as installing of­ start, a record-breaking Christmas follows: three on prune orchards, ficer at the meeting. Mrs. Pearl mall rush Is expected In Springfield Teams in the northern division of three on walnut groves for control of Schantol was marshall for the Instal­ during the coming week-end. blight, and two on potatoes. The the class A league are scheduling lation and Mrs. C. F. Eggtmann wag games with Lebanon, and those In the county agent acted as deputy fruit In­ F. B. Hamlin, local postmaster, chaplain. spector and assisted in Inspecting • 8OUt^ ,rn district are arranging tilts urges all Springfield residents to send •hlpments of plants from Lane county. the Springveld five. Those , their packages (mediately If they de­ OBITUARY Poultry farmers were assisted i n 1 8chools which are members of the sire to have their symbols of greetings Next to I. O. O. F. Building 77 E. B roadw ay O F M R S A. W . S K IP W O R T H ■pedal problems affecting their farms c'888 A league are: Albany, Cottage to arrive in time for the annual open EUGENE, OREGON by the county agent and H. E. Cosby,! Grove- Corvallis, Eugene, and Univer- Annie Willett was born in General ing of Christmas cheer on December extension poultry specialist at the Ore- 8lty hlgh- Irene's cabin near Grant« Paa«, Ore­ 25. It Is not too early to send packages fon Agricultural college. The Springfield schedule is as fol- gon, on November 28'h. 1859, B"on and Christmas cards, stated Mr. Ham Supplemental Irrigation systems lows: after her parents had crossed the Iin. Messages stating "Do Not Open were planned by ten farmers assisted January 11—University high school at plains, enroute to Oregon. Her par­ Till Christmas” may be placed on the by the agent and Oregon Agricultural Sprlngfield. ents, William and France« W-!i • packages sent early, and thus the college specialists. Laying out of January 15—Cottage Grove at Spring- took up a donation land claim near pe toffice department throughout the drainage systems was part of the pro­ field. Albany, and there her girlhood days country will be greatly aided In Its gram carried on during the past year. January 18—Lebanon at Lebanon. were Bpent. She attended the public- cnm"'Hgn to avoid the usual last min Thiry-one samples of soil were tested January 22—Eugene at Eugene, schools of Albany and completed her ute rush. for 18 farmers to determine if these January 30—Eugene at Springfield. GIFTS AT SELF SERVICE PRICES. Here you wait upon education In Albany college. Precautions have been Issued bv fh > ■oils needed lime.. I February 15—Cottage Grove at Cot­ She was married at Albany, August postofllce department for gift senders yourself, eliminating expensive clerk hire; also it affords In response to recommendation of tage Grove. 9, 1882 to E. R. Skipworth, who passed to wrap their packages carefully, have the Lane county agricultural confer- February 22—University high at Eu- on May 29th, 1904. Mr. and Mrs them well stringed, and securely en­ you the opportunity of leisurely selecting your gifts. You ence held in Eugene last February, gene. Skipworth moved to Eugene, Novem­ closed. IxKise packages during the the county agent assisted Lane coun­ March 1- -Lebanon at Springfield. will find no fancy fixtures at WILLIAMS SELF SERVICE ber 18, 1888, where Mr. Skipworth present mall rush cau«e v -->- h ty turkey growers in working out a practiced law until his dpath. Three culty. It was stated, and cannot bo STORE. Everything you get ¡9 in the goods at a low price. plan to market their turkeys cooper-1 Culp Creek Folks Visit—Mr. and children were born of this union. guaranteed delivery by Christmas day. gtively. After considering various Mrs. William Patten of Culp Creek WHY PAY FOR ATMOSPHERE? Shop here and save. Hetty May, who died in Infancy and Return addresses should he placed plans, interested growers decided to were Springfield visitors Tuesday. the son M. W. Skipworth an attorney on all Christmas mail to prevent It j of Marshfleld, and the daughter Mary, from going to the dead letter office. who Is the wife of W. W. Walker of Springfield. Program Planned at School Mrs. Skipworth has continued to i HOUSE SLIPPERS FOR GIFTS reside In Eugene until last March,1 Students from each room of th<- By far th e larg est a sso rtm e n t In th e city to choose when she removed to the home of her Brattaln school will take part In the I from . Dozens of styles and kinds. Felt Slippers. annual Christmas program to be pre 942 W illam ette St.. E u g en e, Oregon. son In Marshfleld, where she passed S atin Slippers, P a te n t L eath er Slippers, Sued© away December 13, 1928. Mrs. Skip- Rented this year at the Brattaln school j building Friday, December 21. The Slippers and Sheepskin Woollen. worth had been In failing health for over a year and while no hopes were opening presentation will start about ! Men's Slippers entertained for her recovery, she was 1:30 p. m., according to present plans /9c to $2.39 always a cheerful and patient sufferer until the pnd, dying as she had lived, in the Christian faith. Women’s Slippers Now Located in When you buy your Christmas presents in She nvas a member of the Methodist 68c to $1.48 church of Eugene, having Joined the Miner Building our store, there are no worries about unpaid church at the age of eighteen years, Children's Slippers f>ills to spoil Dad’s Christmas. and continuing a faithful member un­ 59c to $1.48 Your Christmas dollars go farther til death called her. She was also a member of the Women of Woodcraft too, for there are no collection ex­ lodge of Eugene. penses. or credit losses tacked on to Mrs. Skipworth was well known and the price. i highly respected and loved by a wide If you d o n ’t know circle of friends. "She was a woman w hat th e wild w aves Paying Cash Saves M oney who rejoiced In doing for others, and a re saying, practice her kind and symphathetlc acts of And Worry with a pair of ou r charity were well known to many. glasses. We furnish N othing is m ore appreciated on C hristm as th an a new pair Why spoil your holi­ Besides the son and daughter men­ th e "se e ” th a t Im­ of Shoes, and you can buy no m ore practical gift th an this. day good times by wor­ tioned, Mrs. Skipworth Is survived by proves perception. M ake th is a practical C hristm as and outfit the fam ily here the following grandchildren; Mrs. L. rying over bills. Our w here you can save m oney on g u a ra n tee d shoes. O. Achterman, Philomath, Miss Evelyn Pay-As-You-Go p l a n Make Appointments Walker, Eugene, Willis and Kenneth Children's Footwear Women’s Footwear has helped Dad enjoy Whenever Possible Walker of Springfield, also two sisters, $1.98 to $4.98 98c to $2.98 Christmas for 26 years. Mrs. Anderson Mee of Applegate, Ore­ W hy not try it? gon, and Mrs. Bourgardes of Ham­ Boy’s Footwear Men's Footwear mond, Indiana. Santa Claus Is Coming “A ” Street Service Station William’s Self-Service Stores The Solution of the Christmas Problem Serve Your Self and Save Real Money JC.PENNEYCO Not A Very Merry Christm as for Dad! FOOTWEAR FOR GIFTS Dr. ^Kerman U). FHoody $1.98 to $2.98 $1.98 to $4.98 OPTOMETRIST » t V f SICHT S P H .IA IIS I E U G E N E -O R E . Over 7000 Pairs to Choose From