The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 20, 1928, Page 3, Image 3

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Start This Week - A New Serial by a Famous Author. Read It!
IH usi ruled byVertteUhrisly
subtle shock pervaded (luck's spirit.
man I'll gamble ou tbet. It's the land and then helped Steven» to dismount,
It hud slipped bis mind the conse of In this county. An’ the safest, loo, The outlaw had a bloody foam on bis
quence of Ills act.
| the draw! I see you're only a boy, Ups and he was spitting blood,
Hut the sight of the horse, the ! ink though you're sure a strappln,' husky ' "Oh, why didn't you say so?" cried
Busk Duane
Laet of the Duanee
Isabel Brosden,
Irotden, left,
lelt, eatin
eating her fir«t mouthful ot egg from a tree af
Cal Bain
Now. Buck. I'm not a spring Duane. "I never thought. You seemed
A T ex a s "B ad M an" of Ills uncle recalled the fact that lie one.
Miami, Fla.,
u, while H W Johnston, tropical plant expert holds the “hen''
chicken, an' I’ve been long on the a|| right."
L uke Slovene
An O u tla w must now become a fugitive.
steady The
he tree is the Canistel.
i rom Latin America. The fruit is »oft
"I am n murderer," said Duune, dodge. Mebbe a little of my society
Lead er of O u tla w Group
and when cut has almost the ,identical appearance of a hard-boiled egy.
It has no juice and when put into a sandwich tastes just like a deiiciou*.
M rt. Bland
H is W ife
by a" an old * < » » » - but sometime»—
"No, son, you're not. An' you navel learn the country."
•gg sandwich
Jennie ...........
G irl at Biand*« Camp
he doesn't say anythin.’ It wouldn't
Hut you've got to be an out
C apt. M cN ally . . . C a p ta in of Rangers will be
There wws something sincere and have
Dangerous O u tla w law till llm-- makes It safe for you to likeable about this outlaw.
(T O BE C O N T IN U E D ) )
come home."
"1 darn say you’re right,” replied I
Duane, with blurread sight and con Duane quietly, "and I’ll go to Mercer |
Hu It wan In him then -an Inherited
trading throat, gripped Ills uncle's with you."
fighting Instinct a blood lust a d riv ­
Santa Working Hard
hand and bad« him a wordless fare­
ing IntetiHlty to kill lie was the last
Next moment he was riding down i
Then he leaped astride the
the road with Htevens.
of the Duane»- that old fighting stoc k
i black velvet with green tips are the
black and road out of town.
of Texas.
; trimming motifs used.
"Htevens. have you got any money?” '
When the heat of the day began to
asked Duane,
And of course a hat of emerald felt
Hut not the memory of his dead
be oppressive, and hunger und thirst
I is worn over Titan locks. Almost any
father, nor the pleading of his soft-
made themselves manifest, Duane be-
girl's wardrobe would welcome a co*-
voiced mother, nor the warning of gane to look about him for a place to "Huy, I haven't owned a two-bit since j
I tume so practical and colorful
} this unde who s I imm I Iwfor« him now
halt for the noon hours. The trail led
1 withal, so charming.
had brought so much to Duane reali­
"Ill furnish money for grub," n
Into a road which was hard packed
zation of the dark paaslonute strain In and smooth from the tracks of cattle, turned Duane. "And for whisky, too.
The Vogue for Astrakan
his blond. It was the recurrence, a He doubted not that he had come providing you hurry hack here—with
Each year has Its Fashionable Fur.
hundredfold Increased In power, of a across one of the roads used by border out making trouble."
This season it's astrakan—either black
strange emotion that for the last three
"Bhore you're a downright good
or grey—astrakan collars, cuff bands,
years had taken possession of him
He headed Into It, and hail senreely pard," declared Htevens In admiration |
strips of astrakan edging skirts, the
“Yes, Cal Hain's In town, full of traveled a mile when tuni ng a curve, ns he took the money. "I give my !
tips of pockets—astrakan in every
bad whisky, an' huntin' for you,” re­ he came point-blank upon a single word. Buck, an' I'm here to say I ,
way. Blue, gray, purple
peated the elder man gravely.
horsemen riding toward him.
never broke It yet. laiy low an' look
and green are colors that lend them-
Santa Chuis has drifted into
"It's the second time»” muttered
"Muwnln', strnnver." called the man. for me back quick."
selves particularly w ell to the use of
Seattle, Wash , and opened a work­
Duane, as If to himself.
dropping his hand from his hip
Presently Stevens rode out of sight
this modish fur. And many of th*
shop there where be is htrvy manu­
“Son, you can't avoid a meetln’.
"Howdy," replied Duane hortly.
Into the town. Duane waited, hoping J facturing toys for his young frieads,
smartest coats employing It are la
I-eave town till Cal sobers up. lie
"I seen you ain’t no ranger," called the outlaw would make god his word
who often e»-mc is to watch ban.
various weaves of Oxford gray.
ain't got it In for you when he's not the rider, "an’ shore I ain't none.”
Probably not a qunrter of an hour |
He laughed loudly as If he had made hnd elapsed before Duane heard the
Muffs Return to Favor
''Hut what's he want ine for?” de­ a Joke.
clear report of a rifle, the clatter of
When the first biting days appear
manded IMine. "To Insult me again'
He was smnll and wiry, slouchy of rapid hoofbeats, and yells unmlstak
ed, then was seen the muff In all its
I won't stand for that twice."
attire, and armed to the teeth, and he ably the kind to mean danger for a
staging a triumphant comeback
man like Stevens. Ihiane mounted
About half a million little forest
"lie's got a fever that'» rampant In
after an absence of many years. Aa
Texas these days, my boy, He wants quick, dancing brown eye«, nt once and rode to the edge of the mesqalts. tree» at the Oregon Forest Nursery h NELL h
vivaeioas l.ttle t<J ghape_ the nPwegt Ter8|on is th*
He saw a cloud of dust down the are ready for distribution among the bronas-hatred star of "Upa-a-Daley” at j ronnd muff, madg goft, and Jn„t
run play If he meets you he'll try to frank and bold, and a course bronsed
face. Evidently he was a good-na- rood and a bay horse running fa st farmers of Oregon, according to 0 . 8. Shubert s—chose emerald green for J enOugh to be comfortable for the tw»
kill yoe
Htevens apparently had not been Fletcher, County Agent, who has rec- this smart costume featuring the
Here It stirred Dunne again—that tured ru ffaln
bursting gush of blood, like a wind of 1 r'lly name's Luka Stevens, an' 1 hall wounded by any of the shots, for he elved announcement from Dean Oeo. "cardigan" sport motif la silk. And
flame shaking all his Inner being, and from the river. Who're you?" said ba<I a steady seat In his saddle, and his W. Peavy of the School of Forestry, lsa't it chic?
Hat Brims sre Anything But Eve*
subsiding to leave him strangely this stranger.
riding struck Duane as admirable. He l Oregon Agricultural College,
The loose pleating of the skirt gives
It may be longer on one side tl
j Duane was silent.
i *’-»rrled a large pack over the pommel
The following species are available: ns the circular effect and Is a faccinat- the other, short In front, turned up
As towns go. Wellston was small
"I reckon you're Buck Duane,” went j and h® k®P‘ looking back.
The shots had ceased but the yells Bl8ck ,OrU” ' Kreen *8h' box elder' *"* ch“ g* from the 8pfc’ *M-apa«. here and down th ere-a lm o et any f y
enough, but Important In that unset- on Htevens "I heerd you wns a bad •
------ ------ ---------- ------—-
mulberry, western yellow pleats that have come to look rather regularity you want—but the smart
tied part of the great State because It mnn wl< a W »•”
Í lncrBa"ed
Duane saw several men
flr, and Western red »tiff to us. A soft cream vestee. biack hat of the season must NOT have a s
This time Dunne laughed, not at the running and waving their arm». Then
was the trading center of several hun
dred mile« of territory On the main doubtful compliment, but at the Idea he «purred bin horn® and got Into a cedar. Any of these trees should do velvet tie and big acorn buttons In even brim.
atreet there were perhapa fifty build* 1 that the flrnt outlaw he met ahould swift stride so Stevens would not pass "W'e" we8‘ of the raicadeB
him. Presently the outlaw caught up i The Oregon Forest Nursery Is maln-
Inge, some hrlck. some frame, mostly know him.
Mrs. Morgan III— Mrs. A. J. Morgan
First Senior—What In the deuce did
"Wal. Buck." said Stevens, In a ’ *Ith him
| talned Jointly by the State Board of
was reported early this week as ill you get your hair cut so short for?
a<lohe. and one-third of the lot, by fur
__ ______ ____ _______ friendly manner, “I ain't presumin’ on | "Was Jest cornin' out of the store," Forestry nd the Federal Forest Ser- with the influenxa.
the most prosperous, were saloons
Second Do—Wanted to get It off
From the road Duane turned Into the your time or company. I see you're j Tilled Stevens. "Run plumb Into a vice. The planting stock, under the
my mind as much as possible.
headin' for the river. But will you rancher who knnwed me. He opened t ,aw- 1» to r use among the ranchers
Mrs. Hays Here— Mrs. Bob Hays of
It was a wide thoroughfare, lined by »top long enough to stake a feller to a ; with
a rifle. Think they’ll chase ° f the state for shelterbelt and wood- Wendllng was In Springfield Monday.
Little Jimmy was peculiar.
hltrhlng rails, and saddled horses, and i hlte of grub?"
. us-
i l°t planting and cannot be used for
Stuck a pin in Sister Julia:
vehicles of various kinds. Duane's
“Tm out of grub, nnd pretty hungry
They covered several miles before ornamental planting. The stuff Is
Sister yelled like bloody murder,
eye ranged down the street, taking In myself," admitted Duane.
[ there wns any signs of pursuit, and now one and two years old. Consequ
"Gee”, said he, "I must have stir­
sight pntly It is small but on -----
that ------------
account Beryl Crow of Wendllng were in town
all nt a glance, particularly persons
"Been pushln' your hoss, I see. Wal. ( 1 when horsemen did move Into
----- —„—
red her.”
moving leisurely up nnd down. Not a 1 reckon yon better stock up before OH*
the cottonwoods. Duane and hts •» easy to handle and Inexpensive to
¡you hit that stretch of county."
companion steadily d r e w farther! transport. West of the Cascades the '
cowboy In sight.
"Did the widow who was after Sam,
little trees can he planted at any time
Here from Jasper—Mr. and Mrs marry him?”
When he came to within flfty paces , He made a wide irwteep of his rich! awaT-
Stevens was pale and his face bore during the winter or sprlne when the Loran James of Jasper were
of a saloon he swerved out Into the ■ ram. Indicating the southwest, nnd
"No, he escaped her.”
middle of the street, stood there for there was thnt In his nrtlnn which , I”*11*!» of sweat. The whole front of ground can he worked. East of the field Monday.
“W hat did. he die of?”
mountains the material should go In J a q j » -
'_ s_ ...
a moment, then went ahead nnd back seemed significant of a vast and bar-1 bl® shirt wns snaked with blood.
"You're shot!" cried Duane.
the ground as early as the soil can be i
to the sidewalk. He passed on In ren region.
"Wal. who'n hell said I wasn't? worked In the spring.
this way Ihe length of the block.
| "Stock up?" qulred Duane Ihought-
Would you mind glvln' me a lift—on
( Hoi White was standing In the door fully.
Those Interested should write to the |
of his suloon.
1 "Shore. A feller has Jest got to eat. this here pack?”
Oregon Forest Nursery, School of For­
Dunne lifted the heavy pack down estry. Corvallis, Oregon.
"Buck. I'm a-tlppln* you off." he I can rustle along without whisky, but
said, quick and low voiced, "Cal Bain's not without grub. That's what makes
over nt Evernll's. If he's a huntin' It so emhnrrnsln' (ravelin' these ports t
you hnd ns he hrngs he'll show there." dodgin' your shadow. Now I'm on mv ;
Duane knew himself to be cold, wnv to Mercer. It’s a little two-bit
steady. He wns conscious of a strange town no the river a ways. I'm goln' ,
fury that made him want to leap to pack out some grub.
« V y í;
"Strnnfrer. In this here country two's
ahead. He seemed to long for this en­
counter more than anything he had
ever wanted. Hut vivid as were his much on this lone wolf (lodgin', though
sensations, he felt ns If In a dream. I've done It of necessity. It takes a
Before he reached Everall'a he heard good mnn (o travel alone nnv length I
loud voices, one of which was raised of time. Why, I've been Ihet sick I
high. Then the short door swung . wns Jest nchln' fer some ranger to ;
outward ns If Impelled by a vigorous , come along an’ plug me. Give me a ;
What more can you ask on Christmas day, especi­
hand. A bow-legged cowboy, wearing pnrdner any day. Now mebbe you're
wooly chnps, hurst out upon the side- 1 not thet kind of a feller, an’ I'm shore
ally if you place your order for a turkey with us.
walk. At sight of Dune he seemed to not presumin' to nsk. But I Jest de­
bound Into the air and he let out a clares m yself sufficient.”
It will be as good, if not better, than the best
savnge roar.
"You mean you’d like me to go with
If Bain was drunk he did not show you?” asked Duane.
“Easy A s W ell A s Econom ical”
It In his movements. Red, sweaty, and
and we will pick out a good one for you.
Stevens grinned.
disheveled, his face distorted nnd ex­
New Style Galoshes
Bath Ttowels
"Wal, I should smile. I'd he par­
pressive of the most malignant Intent,
ticular proud to he braced with a mnn
75c Value
no seemed n wild nnd sinister figure.
of your reputation.”
He hnd already killed n man, and this
"See here my good fellow, that’s nil
appeared manifest In his demeanor.
Ladies’ Slippers
declared Dunne In some
"Won't nothin’ make you draw, you
— - ------------ T' ho shouted.
"Shore I think modesty becomln’ to
"I'm walling on you, Cal," replied
Another Lot, Values to
a youngster,” replied Stevens. "I hate
$2, going at
Rain's right hand stiffened—moved. a brng.
Dunne threw his guns ns a boy throws
"But every man who's lived along
a hall underhand.—a draw his father the Texas border remembers a lot
Until Sold Out
hnd taught him. He pulled twice, his about your dad.' It was expected of j
Shoe Bags
Rayon Lingerie
shots nlmost ns one.
you, I reckon, an' much of your repu­
Bain's big colt boomed while It was tation was established before you
pointed downward nnd he was falling. throwed your gun. I Jest heered thnt
His bullet scattered dust nnd gravel at you was llghtln' on Ihe drnw. nn’ when
Duane's feet. Bain fell loosely with­ you cut loose with n gun why the Ag­
out contortion.
ger nn the ace of spades would cover
Whep he came to the gnte of his your cluster of bullet holes. Thet's
home nnd saw his uncle there w'th n the word thet's gone down tho border.
4th and Main Sts.
Phone 63
?»<ottlesome horse, saddled, with can­
"It’s the kind of reputation moat
605 . 609 Willamette St.
Eugene, Oregon
teen, rope, and hags all in plnco, n sure to fly far an’ swlfe ahead of a
Cast of P rin c ip a l C h ara c te rs In This
T h rillin g 6 to ry by Zune Grey
“ Very Latest
G if t
G iv in g
—and a Nice Big Fat
Made Easy at
¿Aerru Christmas
$3.49 to $6.50
69c to $1.69