T ry the Hom e P rin t Shop F irs t THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS twenty - fifth y e a h I PSIZtS AWARDED FOB WOOD ESSAVS "Th» People'» Paper" A LIVE NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN HFRJNGFIELI). LANE COUNT Y, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1B28 Local Christmas To be Quit Event AUXILIARY WILL SEND BOXES TO VETERANS Toys Wanted! Who Will Gladden The Hearts of Needy Children? CHURCHES PtiEPJIRE Springfield members at veteran bos pltuls and Oregon veterans In general Families Will Hold Reunions; will be recipients of Christmas cheer Schools and Churches F o r Springfield children who m ight n o t otherw ise be rem em ­ boxes from the local auxiliary of the Loudelle Williams Wins Grand Plan Programs bered on C hristm as day with gifts of toy« and o th e r th in g s the Program at Christian and Bap. American Legion, post no. 40. Prize; Doris Chase, Hazel Wil­ boy sco u ts of tro o p No. 11 a re m aking collections th is week. Christmas carols echoing all around, All past week members of the uuxl ti«t Churches to Commemor. son, Wayne Kendall, Helen children playing merrily with Hunts's llary assisted by members of the 1'here a re 15 or 20 children in Springfield who will not know w hat ate Christmas; Music and Davis and Barbara Barnell are gifts, families gathered around friends 'Girls' League at the high school have C hristm as m eans this y ear If It w ere not for this gift cam paign Recitations in Spirit of Yul*. Division Winners. for reunions, and general expressing been busy preparing six boxes to be of the boy scouts. tide Given; Orphans Helped. of Christmas cheer such will he the sent away as gifts of the local organi­ The scouts ask that used toys which Prltos In el« divisions hnvu been mods of Christmas celebration by sation. Four of them have been as­ r«ong, elaborate programs have bees uwardi-d In hitch unil grad* srhouls of Springfield folks this coming Monduy signed to the local division by the children have outgrown bo left at the HIGH SCHOOL TO GIVE News offlcb by people who wish to the city In un <rah had been working for California city In the Interests of hit sons, and the faculty quartet with the I song to be rendered by Donald ChH* 8 i—First Loudelle Williams; second. will begin their annual holiday vaca­ some time on the construction of the business here. following as members: Miss Frances ders, Daniel Read, and James Hemen- Audrey Daniels; third. Pmnk Mera- tion which this year will lust till Janu Lowell road. Nearly all conversation with Mr. Hodges, Miss Maurine Lombard, Os­ way. dorf; fourth. Luverne Walker; honor­ ary 2. Mr. Ixirah married Alice Kester on Wilson during (he past week has con­ car Gladdlsh and Glenn Cole. able mention, Nadine Mc Murray. Presentation of gifts for the Orph­ The school has Invited the public Springfield students at schools In June 14, 1921. He Is survived by his cerned plans of his administration as Second Division (Freshmen a n d other cities are returning home this widow. Mrs. Alice Lorah; h’s mother. director of the city's business, but the to attend the program. ans horns will be made by each class Sophomores)—First. Doris Chase; sec­ weekend to celebrate the holidays Mrs. Emma Ixirah of Greeley. Colo­ Jolly mayor-elect consistently refuses of the Sunday school. The congrega- ond, Mary Hadley; third. Gilbert Erns- with their folks here. - on will then sing, with Sunday of­ N. O. W. Plan Program rado: a brother, John 8., and a sister. to give out any definite data concern­ tlng; fourth. Winston liacus: honor­ fering and church announcements fol­ Flanks, the postnfllce, and stores In Mrs. L. E Stone both of Springfield; ing what he will do when he takes of­ A Christmas tree and program will lowing. Communion service will also able mention. Ruth Carlton. general w'll be closed all day Tues­ four other sisters. Mrs J E Coleman, fice. He claims that he does not know Third Division (Eighth Grad«)— day to celebrate the annual holiday. of l/>nr Beach. California, Mrs. Rose Just exactly what can and what will oe be presented at a meeting of the be held at this time. First, Hazel Wilson; second. Margaret Annuncement has been made that no It. Whitney of Fresno, California, Mrs. done until he officially takes office In Neighbors of Woodcraft to be held In The choir will sing the Christmas the Woodmen of the World hall here Dyer; third, Marcelen Senvey; fourth, regular delivery of mall will be made J L. Reagle of Greeley, Colorado. Mrs. January. anthem. "Oh, Sing Unto the Lord." Wednesday evening. December 26. Bertha Keennn; honorable mention, on Tuesday. Lillie Feela of Ault, Colorado; a son. He has not yet announced any new Mrs. Marlon Adams Is In charge of Rev. S. E. Childers will deliver a short Marjorie ITochnow. Archie of Fori Collins. Colorado; and appointments to city offices or the like, the program to be presented at the sermon, "The Heart of Christmas." a daughter, Helen, of I-os Angeles. Cal­ and Is withholding any such informa­ meeting. Refreshments will be ser­ Benediction will conclude the morn­ ~Fourth Division (Seventh Grade)— SCOUTS PLAN CHRISTMAS First, Wayne Kendall; second, Robert tion until he assumes the position. PARTY AT M. E. CHURCH ifornia. ved at the session, it was announced. ing service. McLngnn. third, Marie Coffelt; fourth. The evening service which starts Troop no. 11 of the Springfield Boy Beatrice Carson; honorable mention. Scouts will have a largo Chrlstmaa promptly at 7:30 will have as Its open­ Alys Thatcher. ing attraction, "Love and Roses.” a party at the Methodist church Wed. special selection by the orchestra S. Fifth Division (Sixth nnd Fifth "A" nesday evening at 7:16 o'clock. G. Moshier will give a prayer after Grades)- First, Helen Davis; second. Each scout will bring n present for the congregation sings the Christmas Ixda Peterson; third. Harlan Duncan; the person whose name he has drnwn Carols. "The Song of the Star." a Fourth. Margaret Jarrett; honorable In the Christmas gift exchange. A Christmas anthem, will be rendered mention, Mary Smltson. program of entertainment will be pro­ by the choir with May Etta Moon foL vided for the hoys. Sltth Division (Fourth anil Fifth "B" lowing with a recitation, "The Birth­ Grade»)- First, Barbara Itarnell; sec­ Doughnuts un dclder will be served day of a King.” ond. Roscoe Cole; third, Holland ns refreshments. The affair will be Farnsworth; fourth. Donald Kendal; under the direction of C. L. Aldrich, Lawrence Sunkler will sing a solo, honorable mention, Eugene Phillips scouthmaster. “Holy City.” Velma Pettycord will give a reading. "Lord of All," and the orchestra will come next on the pro­ gram with a selection, "Melody of Lore.” (Elirisitnas 1920 “ Why Lane County Homes Should Be Built of W ood” our own schools nbout seventy per cent of the money Is from lumber. From the amount of people that are depending upon the lumber Industry, nnd the percent that comes from lum­ ber. we con readily see that the ma­ jority of Lane county's men are em “W h y Lane County Homes ployed In lumbering. About 1,200,000 Should Be Made of persons nil over the U. S. are on pay Wood" rolls arfil are depending almost en- Lumbering Is the only pioneer In t'rely on this Industry. dnstry we have. We can hardly turn As we have Just learned that lum­ a page In the early chapters of our bering Is the chief Industry In lame Histories that we cannot see a •»Ictiire county nnd Is practically where we of wood In some form or other. The get all of our money from why should­ stout walls of logs held the early set n't we have enough fnlth In lumber tiers where they shared their Joys to build our homes of wood? If we and snriows with each other. don't buy and use our wood why We still have nearly half ns much should others? Lumbering Is a pros­ timber ns when the pilgrims chopped perous Industry nnd It ts our duty to their first tree. The United States buy our share. Forest service tells us that almost a The truth Is, there Is a charm and a quarter of the entire land area of the dignity about a well hnllt wood house country Is still forest; actually more thnt cannot be imitated. Wood Is land for growing trees than the perhnps difficult to explain but Is amount people have cleared for homes something thnt Is living nnd hns a nnd Industries. soul thnt Is found In no other mater­ A lnrgo portion of this timber Is ial. )7n Ia»ne county, ns It hns more stand­ Perhaps the first thing we think of ing limber thnn any other coun.y In In building a home Is comfort. Wood the whole United States. Is a nnturnl Insulator ngnlnst heat Lumbering Is the only Industry that nnd cold which assures us great com­ will never be exhausted. Yon can fort the rear around. A wood house dig out a mine and all you have leit Is mtieh caster to hent thnn n miner­ Is the empty hole, while If wo cu' :t al meferlnl house, and will not hold tree, another will spring up to tnke the dampness like one of brick. Its plnce for we have forest service We nlso know thnt a house of wood men who are constantly planting new Is much less expensive In beginning trees. nnd end because yon can repaint nnd The Forest Industry Is practically rebuild a wood house for less than Lane county's support for sixty-three you could a brick or cement. percent of nil the Industries of loine Beauty Is another thing we all county Is lumbering. It Is also a great wnnt. The more completely wood Is Bupport to the rest of the United used, the more you will be Impressed States. About one tenth of our popu­ by Its beauty. Enter a homo where lation In the United States Is depend­ you are welcomed hv a wood stair­ ing on the lumbering Industry and six- case, a fire place trimmed of wood ty-flve percent of all money Invested and yon will sense the very ntmoR- 'in Lane county Is In lumbering. In (Contlnued on Page 8) Miss l-oudell Williams, a Junior In the high school, won the grand prlte In the Ixiynl Legion w o o d promotion committee essay contest Jusl closed. Following Is the grand prlte essay: The Christmas offering for the Or­ phans' home will then be taken. A double number by the double male quartet will follow the offering. These numbers are: "O Holy Night, Silent Night,” and "Bethlehem Bells.” Bene­ diction by Rev. Childers will close the evening service. The Christian Endeavor society will meet at 6:30 p. m. BAPTIST CHURCH PLANS CHRISTMAS PROGRAM Plays and special programs will be features of the services to be held thia Sunday by the Springfield Baptist church. The primary and Junior depart­ ments will present a Christmas pro­ gram at the usual Sunday school hour. At the morning service. Rev. C. H, Blom will preach on “The Significance Christmas." The choir will render special selections as follow: "Hark, What Mean the Holy Voices,” by John A West, and “Prices of Nations.” A dramatic pageant portraying the birth of Christ will be presented at the evening service under the direc­ tion of Mrs. Truman Chase. Charac­ ters in this play will he: A m »•’ -, Mrs.Roy Carlton; Mlrlami, Ina Hub­ bard; Titus. Harry Chase; Dan. WH- ford Cook; Pharisees—Oscar Glad­ dlsh, Roy Carlton, and Fred Frese; Shepherds—P. H. Emery, Truman Chase. Loyd Frese, Marvin Chas*-, and C. H. Blom; Wise men—M. N. Pengra, Wllford Cook. p,nd Paul Frase: Mary, Myrtle Hsrvey; Josepn, Homer Chase; a pilgrim. Chester Chase; and several pilgrims and a group of angels. Many Christmas hymns will be sung by the choir and the orchestra will play several selections. Chamber of Commerce to Meet The Springfield chamber of com­ merce will hold Its next regular m eet Ing Friday evening, December 28, In the chamber of commerce room.