P AGE TEN TU B SPRIN GFIELD NEWS PRODUCTION SURVEY OF S M A l I M il I «? H N n F D w a v S M A L L M ILLS UNDER WAY in the different district« co-operating lowed to do business or follow his re spectlve trade in the Town of Spring th, w . u,u w(|, ,he AiMH.u |i,w Held a license fee of Twenty Five I lot per year. The said license shall “ cb>ar p,c,ur*' of ,he toUU lars be issued by the recorder upou ap­ '“mb* r e rod««, ‘on «or “ »• plication to hint for the same upon the payment of said fee, but the recorder shall not issue any such license for a | . . N°' 9667349 ” • ,ook her ,‘bwu, h**r ««»• shorter period than one year and no [lesser amount than the said Twentv “ fted her 1,Kh,ly up 1,1,0 hU Five Dollars shall be charged for such * " * " er •«"* c,O8*d an'' ‘ wh“” of license. ^ 5 * ,W<,n hl“ r ™r* * " d «“ » *™ head. Section 3. For a violation of the H,s br*“,h »*" f*nnln« “«» * » « •» provisions o f this ordinance the penal­ ty shall be a flue of not less than S“™ “"'.” he set her down al Twenty Five Ihdlars, nor more than T ° ? h* 7 hly he M,d- "«» • « " One Hundred Dollars upon conviction ” ” ----- ’ WOrk ,he doU d',‘* rt‘ thereof in the recorder's court of said Town of Springfield. Passed the Common Council this 10th day of December, 192S. Approved by the Mayor this 10th O R D IN A N C E NO. 534 day of December, 1928. An rdinance to fee Attest: G G UVSHMAN. *" O ordinane, to Impose Impose a a license license fe. upon and requiring a license of plumb- I. M PETERSON. Mayor er. and electricians in the Town of Recorder. D-13. , Wl,h ,be a'*8Oel“ tt0“ - “ *• believed that b a ttle . Wash , Dec. IS—A pr.xiuc tion survey of the small mills in .he Dou&laa Mr region of Washington and Oregon, designed to determine the am ount of their output during 1938. is being conducted bv the West Coast Lumbermen . association The assoct atlon get week by week reports on pro- auction from « 3 of the principal Wes. Coast mills The purpose of the survey Is to obtain production figures from •11 the mills not supplying reports to the association regularly. The association hopes to be able to Issue shortly after the first of the year en accurate collective report on the t dal production of Douglas fir. West „ k Coast hemlock, western red cedar and S tka spruce in Washington and Ore- S pringfield. gon during 1928. The percentage of THK TOWN OF SPRINGFIELD the total output of lumber produced DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. In addition the inspec­ by the small mills in this region has tion of electrical wiring and plumbing always been a more or less unknown provided for by ordinance and the fee quantity. Wltu representatives of the charged therefor and other regulation and effect. It Is association calling on many of the thereof ’hereof now in force f lira s not reporting production figures hereby provided as follows: That there shall be Imposed upon every regularly, and with various agencies electrican or plumber before he is ai- No m a tte r how overburdened he m ay be w ith o th e r objects, S a n ta happiness"5 * 8° ° d S6tS p ack ' He know s th a t radio m eans tr a r a ^ T U ne ini°Hn |SO^ e K rea? C bristnias Spirit by g ettin g a radio a t our J . 1 de lght th e fam ily. T he prices are very low. T hey can be bought, too, a t easy term s of paym ent. O ur radios are th e best sta n d a rd m akes, and b e a r reliable guar- L oudspeakers and o th e r equipm ent a t th e low est prices In town. Wm. Rodenbough Garage PHONE 95 AND KO LSTER R A D IO S ACTING UPON THE MANY REQUESTS FROM Principal Events of the Week Acne ni bled for information of Our Readers. WE WILL GIVE DISCOUNT STAMPS ON ALL PURCHASES INCLUDING THIRTY-DAY CHARGE ACCOUNTS WE OFFED THE SAME HIGH QUALITY GROCERIES FRUITS VEGETABLES DAIRY PRODUCTS & SPECIALTIES OUR DELIVERY SERVICE BRINGS O U R S T O R E TO YOUR DOOR. PHONE 90 McMURRA Y’S GROCERY ONE OF SPRINGFIELD’S GOOD STORES” W e G iv e ^ W ”GRfcENj)ibe^NT S tamps 1 " ■ r A Deposit Holds Anything Till Christmas There ia no need to wait until the bat pay day before Christmas to do your Christmas shopping, just because you haven't all the money needed uoty to purchase that certain gift you have in mind. Pay a small deposit and we will hold anything you wish until Christmas. A nd if you like you may pay a little more next week and the week after, ao that by the time Christmas arrives, the gift will he paid for, and with much less effort tlvan if you had to pay for it all in a lump sum. In addition you will have the advantage of choos­ ing now from a large selection, which you nupht not liavc if you wait until Christmas Eve. Tune in on Radio KG W Wednesday 6:00 to 6:30 P. -- Friday 6:30 to 7:00 for the J. C. Penney Co., Christmas Programs. M. H I 11 ■ I ■ I R R■ | ■ RBRMR v™ ; You can give your order to any telephone employee The lineman on the street, the man la, - ing cable, the repair man, the truck driver, the operator or an y one o f our th irty thousand Telephone employees can fair» your order, not only during working hours but at any time. Every man and woman in the organi­ 't zation takes pleasure in cooperating with the public to give telephone service with­ out delay. T he P acific T fiæphonb and T blbgraph C ompany Four rural schools, which were open last year near Talent, are closed and the pupils are transported by busses to the Ashland schools. Two school;,, the Siskiyou and Greenspring dis­ tricts, were closed last year, and those closed this year Include Soda Springs. Dead Indian, Pilot Rock and Pinehurst districts. WE HAVE TAKEN ON THE Beginning Saturday December 15 .W -aa. at.. * J, JH4* 942 W illam ette Si., E h u «»no, Ort'Ron ~ The Oregon newspaper conference annual session will be held at the University of Oregon February 21, 22 and 23. according to Frank Appleby, publisher ot the LaOrande Observer, president of the conference. This date was selected «after a question­ naire bad been sent to all Oregon p u t Ushers. OUR CUSTOMERS, S & H DISCOUNT STAMP SERVICE «..» is •- J.C.PENNEYCO. q wired. ANNOUNCEMENT T H U R S D A Y , D K t’K.MHEIt 13, Ii«?H MNaKMIlU I AWUBMlMMNMi The Gunderson store nt Diamond villa, half mile from the lime plant ot the Portland Cement company near Baker, was destroyed by fire recently The entire stock of groceries uud gen eral supplies also was destroyed, Immediate plana for starting a turn! with which to build a now courthouse to repluce the ancient schoolhouse which has served the purpose for 2u years since ilood Hirer county wan established, have been abandoned A to-called double-knot netting ma china for knitting nets for salmon twins has arrived In Salem from Franca and will be installed In th» MU as linen mills there. The machine will ba Installed by a mechanic who aceommpanled the machine to Salem Three carloads of turkeys, comprla lng the second pool to be shipped through the Idaho Turkey Growers' association, left Hermiston recently. Unsatisfactory prices offered In Boise. Idaho, resulted In a decision to ship the birds direct to New York, wbara they wUl be sold on consignment. Plans for the construction of a state fish hatchery on Fall creek, to re­ place the Tumalo hatchery, were made known In Bend when the Deschutes county court agreed to give 3100 to­ ward the purchase of the site. The new hatchery will be about two miles east of the present ''eyeing station.” The nonresident motor vehicle sticker for the year 1929 will be print ed In three colors and wUl carry an eatllne map of the state of Oregon and a photograph of Mount Hood. The new sticker was designed by Hal Hoss. secretary of state. Approximately W0,000 of these stickers will be re Santa Never Forgets Radio L Y R IC Of’EÖON STATE NEWS OF GENERA«. INTERES! Invtallailen of the •lactrlc light and power lie« ia in pregraaa on (ha pro poaad Dayton Wheatland ayatcin. Tba Yamhill Ulvctrlc company of Nowharg la sponsoring thia project. A carload of lima ban arrived at Canby from the alula lima p in t and ia being diatrlhulcd to farm ra ot Clackamaa county at 3 ; 95 par ton. with S3 credit for return of sacks Mrs Pansy Iml dund. 38. resident ol Knappa. near Astoria, wua klllrd In W e 'll Say H e's F ast! stuntly when she wua struck by a Toledo. Ihlo. Dec. 13. (ACl—Talk logging train while crossing a trestle of Modern Youth! A speeding motor belonging to the Croaaett Western 1st doing 35 miles an hour was chas­ Logging company. ing up a Toledo road. When police For the past two years the city valu caught him. the speed demon proved atlon of Newport has ben steadily do to be a 12vear-old boy. creasing. The 1929 budget was baaed ou a 330,000 decrease In valuation, much city owned property being ollm mated from the tax roll. •S i VS antees. ■Mw'-' .T. a *> « The new federal courthouse In Port land has been allotted an additional 1600,000 out of the lump sum appro­ priation for continuing public con structlon, carried by the treasury ap­ propriations hill Introduced In the bouse, making 31,»00,000 In all which will be available for the building when It Is begun. Ashland's pride of achievement, rep­ resenting more than a million dollars of improvements made there during the last year was predominant last week in the dedication of three of the major projects, which have Just been completed by the city, Reeder gulch dam, new street lights and new llthla drinking fountain. The Douglas county turkey pool, consisting of approximately 11 car­ loads, will be sold on a consignment basis, with an advance of 32 cents, top price, to the growers, the directors of the Douglas County Co-operative Tur­ key Growers’ association announced recently, following three days ot con ference regarding the disposal of the crop. Some 5,000,000 fresh water shrimp are to arrive in Portland goon, accord­ ing to Matt L. Ryckman, superintend­ ent of hatcheries for the Oregon state game commission. They are tre mendously prolific and are declared an Ideal fish food. This first batch will be taken to the McKenzie hatchery with the aim later to plant the shrimp In Oregon lakes and streams, parti­ cularly where fish food Is Insufficient to sustain life. FOR SALK—Carbon paper In large sheeta, 2«x39 Inches, suitable for making tracings. The News Office T — w ^a— vr-«a* W hy Bill, dear, it’s just K what I wanted!” . a H O T P O IN T Automatic Electric Range!” . . .o,d man’ w I,y »nake H E R wait any longc this Christmas give her that new Electric Rance__ w -we’ll more than meet you h alf way. T h in k of it, a Five D o lla r , "°i r " R " J ™ UntH February will permit Santa Claus to deliver the 1929 M odel H o tp o in t A uto- matte Electric shown above. A nd, too, it has de luxe . features never before offered with any range at any price — and its price is very low, indeed. Come on in n o w an d ask about our Special Surprise installation plan. Electrical G ifts in a wide variety w ill be found oa display— at least one for every purse and purpose! W h y not specialize this year on Electrical G ift» — they say p,. M e rry C liristm ai” every morning. “ X Mountain States Power Company Z