page mom THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Sensational Shopping News For tl * People of Springfield and all Lane County. Kafoury Bros. formerly Farmers Exchange P O L IC Y of this FIRM 11 (J Selling Start Prom ptly aunch the Greatest Selling Drive in the at a Terrible Sacrifice in Price at the | \ Mercyof the Buying Public in a Great l/ C ,9 a. m. Saturday, Dec. 15th Stco Until Further Notice and Continues Without Six Mighty Good Reasons Why You ShouldAttend This Sale Opening Hour S a t-9 a LADIES’ Dress Slipper and 1 OXFORDS TH A T DEMAND ATTENTION. Patent Leather w ith Cuban heels Values to $4.50. Store Wide Sale Price THE WORLD’S BEST KNOWN MAKES. STANDARD ADVERTISED BRANDS S2.69 6 REASON NO. 1 REASON NO. 2 REASON NO. 3 REASOIN NO 4 REASON NO. 5 We are Going to Sell We are Going to Sell W« are Going to Sell We are Going to Sell We are Coing to Sell O.N.T. Thread BACKED UP BY THE REPUTATION OF TH IS FIRM Black and White FOR HONEST MERCHANDISING. All numbers EVERY PAIR IS GUARANTEED DURING TH IS SALE TO BE JUST AS 25C 7 fo r Bleached and unbleached Hope Muslin Sheeting 81 In. Wide. This Is full size durance Brand at Outing Flannel 7 to 36 In. wide plied on table* Every Good House- Keeper and Every Good Merchant Clean House at Least Once a Year Established In Salem when we opened our first »tore In 1915 has demonstrated, by the tremendous growth we have marie In such a short period of time, that we took the right and only True Courae, that of Handl­ ing only Standard Advertised Make» to sell at the Ixjwest Possible Price consistent with good merchandising always doing Just as we advertised at all times and always giving our customers the Best Possible Service. Gur methods have proven Just as suc­ cessful In Springfield as In our Port­ land and Salem stores. Our business has grown by leaps and bounds, we are more than pleased with our first year’s business In Springfield. We are in Springfield to stay to make our home Here and it will be the Policy of this Kirin at all times to go on and on striving to make this a Better store and by so doing make Spring- field a Bigger and Better town. Al­ ways keeping our stocks of mercha- dlse up to the very High test Stand­ ards and our Prices within the Reach of all. This Policy Established by Kafoury Bros, in our Salem store back in 1915 and carefully guarded In every transaction in every Kafoury Store, in our sales just the same as during our regular course of Busi­ ness. Every item w ill be Just as re­ presented and the wellfare of our customers carefully guarded. Our customers Must Be'Satisfied. Springfield, Oregon, Due to an I exceedingly Backward Buying Season, Caught W ith a T rem endou Overload of M erchandise and the Policy of this Firm is not tq >^rry M erchandise From One Season to Another For that Reason only. We History of This I Store Placing I PAGE NINE REASON NO. We are Going to Sell One Ix»t Ladies' Straps and Work Shirt« and the Policy of Kafoury Bros. Is to do that cleaning when the people can best use the merchandise, that Is Just the Reason why we are launch­ ing this Selling Drive R ight Now when the problem of m aking the contents fo the purse or the bank ac­ count meet the demands, is one everyone is deepy interested in. In the average home many items nt wearing apparel are yet to be bought fo r the w inter season and the holiday shopping now at hand. This Sale w ill solve that problem fo r many of you and save you many dollars with this Immense Stock to Choose from, w ith Prices that cannot be duplic­ ated elsewhere, w ith a big force of thoroughly experienced sales people to see that you are properly waited upon, w ith the entire stock conveni­ ently Displayed and Plainly Marked you are going to find it a great pleas­ ure to buy at this Sale. There w ill be nothing le ft undone to make it both Profitable and a Pleasure. The stock Is large, it Is Complete In all departments, but we advise Early Shopping. Don’t w ait! Come the first day, be Here When the Doors Open. Store Closed All-Day FRIDAY Better oomo early All the wanted Leathers. Come In Patents, Kid, Alligator, Satin, French Grey and Tan. Values in this lot up to $8.50. For SWEATERS Rearranging and Pricing the stock. Tables and bins w ill be Piled High w ith many Bargains that w ill Glad­ Extra Heavy Chanibray full cut and well made. Store wide Sale Price Ladies' Rayon den the hearts of the Economical Buyer. Everyone Decorated w ith a Big Sale Tag that tells the Whole Story. l ull over Style, come in red, blue, green, brown and Rose. $1.98 REPRESENTED OR YOUR MONEY CHEERFULLY RE­ FUNDED, JUST THE SAME AS DURING OUR REGU­ LAR COURSE OF BUSINESS. OUR CUSTOMERS MUST BE SATISFIED. Men's W inter Weight MEN'S MOLE SKIN PANTS COTTON UNION SUITS Nothtng Men's Work SHOES better fo r service. $6.00 V a l u e s Heavy all leather made especially fo r a wet weath­ er Shoe. Store Wide Sale Price, LADIES’ HIGH CUT MEN’S DRESS SHOES and OXFORDS OXFORDS Piled In Bins. Fit Your­ self. Come Pair in brown “ $3.49 Neck band atyle, good patterns, values up to $2.50 In thia lot. Hale LADIES HIGH TOP BOOTS MEN’S DRESS BOYS’ KNICKERS ONE LOT Vaues to $8.50. F u l l range of sizes, come in plain and moccosin toe. Values up to $6.00, come in brown and blacks. Men’s Work Store Wide Sale Price Store Wide Sale ITice BOYS' DRESS PANTS terns and all sizes tore Wide Sale Price Values 1 98C PANTS Light and dark colors All sizes up to 16 years ONE LOT $6.50 Values. W right and Medlecott UNION SUIT9 Dark and light co ->rs, 100 Per Cent Wool Sale Price Men’s part wool w in­ ter weight to < 0 $▼ 90 will be UNION SUITS CHILDRf S HOSE MEN’S PANTS CORDUROY PANTS $4.50 Values Extra heavy all wool. Come in Dark colors, Kale Price MEN’S FANCY SHEET E\NKETS DRES8 SOX Regular $35c values I alo Price 4 pairs for Size 66 Values. ITice, Coni« stripes BABY SHOES Sizes 2y2 to 12 Store Wide Sale Price, ONE LOT WOMEN’S STORM BOYS’ DRESS SHOES RUBBERS 59c Sizes 2i/2 to 6. Values up $4.00. $2.69 * $1.25 Values. Store Wide Sale Price 48c $7.a5 Values, no better brand made. All Wool Store Wide Sale Price Leatherette COATS Regular Price $7.90. Store Wide Sale Price every one this season’s Coats, come in tan and black w ith fu r collars and cuffs. Sale Price, ONE LOT Ladies’ - Misses RAIN COATS ONE LOT BOYS’ KHAK, FLANNEL SHIRTS Double Pockets and full cut. Sale Price Values ii|> to $1.75 MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS Collar attached. Regu lar $2.25 values. Gem Ine Broadcloth. Store Wide Sale Price MEN’S FLANNEL SHIRTS We arc closing out our Come in khaki and grey. Don’t miss this one at MEN’S SUITS Part Wool Solid colors orchid, blue and Rose. $3.25 Values. Back Broadcloth mater­ ial w ith fu r collars. Full lined. W inter weight and three season garments. Store Wide Sale Price AUTO ROBE BLANKETS ONE GROUP LADIES’ KNIT LADIES’ SILK UNION SUITS DRESSES Nicely tailored and well trimmed. Vaue up to $2.00. Store Wide Sale Price Store Wide Sale Price $1.98 ONE LOT Closing Out Men’s Heavy Work MEN’S SUITS SHIRTS $2.50 Values, come In grey and buckskin, all sizes. This Is a Real Buy One big group. Values in this lot up to $50.00 going at All Wool Single BLANKETS $5.00 Values, come In dark colors only. Sale Price ONE LOT LADIES’ RAYON LADIES’ COATS BLOOMERS Come in brown, wine and navy colors w ith fu r collars. This is a Real buy at $1.25 values, splendidly made. Store Wide Sale Price One Big Assortment CHILDREN’S LADIES’ DRESSES UK Department Store SWEATERS Just to start this Contest w ith a Bang we arc going to Give the first 100 entering the store a Coupon good for 1000 Votes for your Favorite Contestant. Now Folks, Come out Early, get the 1000 votes FREE, start your Favorite Lady Friend on the Road to winn­ ing this watch w ith a Thousand Votes. It Costs You Nothing! ONE LOT Ladies Lisle Hose 50c Values Size 8 ^ Only Come in black a n d brown A splendid H o s e . Store Wide Sale Price Ladies’ Rayon HOSE $1.98 Springfield Oregon Only a limited omnunt in stock. KN IT UNION SUITS NASHUA BLANKETS ONE GROUP A VALUABLE PACKAGE - To the F irst One Hundred Customers m aking a purchase of $5.00 or over we are going to make a ITesent of a Package abso­ lutely FREE. Samples of the Merchandise packages w ill contain w ill he on display in our show window Friday all day. Don’t be Late, Be one of the first 100. Get a Package FREE. 80. tegular $ Sto Wide Children's and Misses LADIES’ COATS $2.75 Value Store Wide Sale Price 50c Value. Bren lots, c In all colors a size. Th a Real Buy. Pairs fo Store Wide Sale Prici Store Wide Sale Price Hirsch-Weise BLAZERS $12.50. can fit you the p ric3 is • This Ladisl Wrist Watch bought from Local Jswsl- ryman and < ries His Per­ sonal Cuaraiis, Given to the idy Rseetvin« the Most Vo I during th iJ Sale. Every nny spent at this Sale an'es yeu to 1 vote for youi 'averite Con­ testant, ever; dollar counts 100 vote*. Iv Ladies get busy, have yo riends at this Sale Saturda O p e n i n g hour 9 a. m. d get started Right at the ¡inning, 1000 votes FREE >ening Hour. Don’t Forget Vote! Store Wide Sale Pric Broken sizes, but if .ve BUTTON SHOES Piled In Bins. up range of Price MEN’S HIGH TOP BOOTS Children’s High Cut Heavy and sizes, Sale Sale Price BOY’S CORDUROY Longies, all new pat $3.95 ONE LOT values. cotton. Big Shirts, — Union Suits $4.95 SHOES $3.48 WORK SOX and DRESS SHIRTS A good substan­ tial W ork Shoe ail sizes. Sale Price, MEN'S DRAWERS, MEN’S SWEATERS and Capes Price Size 14 Only SHOES UNCLE SAM $5.90 black. This Is a Real Buy 48c Come lr>. grey and Ecru. Store Wide Sale Price LADIES’ AND MISSES' $3.00 Value Part Wool Come in wool, silk and Jersey. Sale Price Good patterns. Price S a le 75c values, come In all the wanted shades, Pointex Reinforced heel a n d reinforced toe, -with runstop top. Sal« Price