A THURSDAY. DECEMBER 13, 1928 HIGH SCHOOL NEWS «» - T H E SPR IN G FIELD NEWS menta. Thn outlook la evry protnlalng, ita a terna) number of thn ttlrl* hav»-[ Kullura, banjoa, ukes and oilier Inatru menta aultuhle for auch an orchestra PAGE SFVEN Thuraton Man Visits—Fred Russell Cut* Thumb— Asa Rohloy cut hie of Thuraton waa a Hprlngfleld visitor thumb Monday, and his hand la under Monday. the care of the doctor. F ath er» and Bona Banquet Postponed Physiology Claaa Thn I’hvslnloyy claaa went tlown to Hr Itehhan'a offlcffte In Internat of their study. Hr Itehhan told them how the blood circulated through the body and Its functions. All the light* were turned off while they took an X ray of Coy I seit hera haert. letting all see A Victim of Habit Laughter* aqua Dear Mlsa Vera, "Jolly Junior*" who won thn Aral how It works. After a blood teat was About two years ago I started plai n In thn annual lauihternaque a r e i‘“k"n of Wilson. Dr. Hehhan going with a very nice, respectable quite proud of the fact that they have decided he would live for a few days made n aurresa of their "Modern One of thn Biology students said they i young fellow. | was sixteen at would try and keep from flunking so that time and he was seventeen. Romeo and Juliet." We were deeply In love with each The play was entirely a class pro­ they could take up the study of physi­ other. Then, for some reason or duction. the story written by Resale ology next year. other. I never knew why, I started Rlewart, the chorus entertainment and Nndlne McMurray, president of the smoking cigarettes. He demand­ aperlal w *s planned by Ruth Bettis. ed that I stop, hut I refused. Ha Elma Isuisherrv Bessie Htewart and Dramatic club, called a meeting to llernlce Cline Tbn lighting fixtures »•*!<•<•» « committee to prepare a pro left me, and we have never spoken since. were erected by Ronald Abrams and *rnm ,nr IN'™ml»-r 21. to be given In Oeorge Mason. The scenery was ar ,hl’ ■»■«‘»nbly as a school Intertaln- Then 1 realized what I had done. ranged by Coy Imatbers. Maurice I’or- ,n,'n t Those chosen were Audrey That was two months ago, and I ter and Claire Thurman The entire Mnakop, Ruth Bettis and Nadine Mr have not touched a cigarette since then. I am lonely. Lots of other play was under the faithful superlvl Murray. boys have asked me for dates, hut alon of Miss Iximhard. Junior class A few members of the Girls' League I refuse them. How ran 1 show advisor. I presented a stunt hetwei-n acts at the the man I love how sorry and Igiughteresque Friday night. The wrong 1 was? Froah Lauohtsrsaque S tunt I/)NEHf>ME T w o youn g g irls su p p osed ly esc a p e d piano started placing slowly with In- from home and ran to And the gypsy • reusing speed toward the end, wh'le Hear Ixineaome, the best thing to camp to slnr and dance wlth thè gyps each girl worked, keeping time to thi do would prohuhly be to write him a nice letter telling him that you les. BeveruI songs were snng, a vlolln music. Although this stunt only Instisi a few no longer smoke and are sorry that was played to accompany thè slnglng A ukulele arcotp|mnled thè dancing. minutes. It was generally enjoyed by you ever did. and wish to beg his pardon. Tell him you want him to Mr Cole, Freshman advisor, direct- , "Vervone. have a good Impression of you Do f ed thè atunt. feutltrlns "An All Star i not ask to see him or write as If you Cast •• Although It falled to take a Loe"1 Qu*rtet on Radio Four men who have ben heard In are running after him It Is most llke- place It was vary Intereatlng. HprlngAeld time after time will sing |y hr WH1 get In touch with you after over radio station KGRE Friday even he gets this letter from you—unless Sophom ore*' Laughtersaqus "Although we only received one i Ing from 7:30 to ft o'clock In the even- he has become Interested In someone point In the l-aughtercaque atunt, • Ing as the Gray Cash and Carry quar else. "When You and 1 Were Young. Nellie" tet They are: laurence Moffitt. John Deeply In Love It helps some," quoted the optimistic Robertson. Dallas Murphy, and Ixtwr- I enre Hunkier. They gave a good pro­ aophomores Dear Miss Vera, The arene was of an old man and gram for thirty minutes over the same I am deeply In love with a young . station last Friday evening. woman recalling their happy wedding man about eleven year* my aenlor. In sunny Scotland. We are very good friend* and I 10 Year Old Girl Mayor The rising of the curtain displayed try to treat him as a brother. I King's Flynn, Norfolk. Eng.—lad y the hluahlng bride and the nervous love to be with him and Just to Elisabeth Townsend. 10 years old, will groom In kilts as was everyone except have him speak to me gives me a shortly take, office as Mayor of King's the dear old gray mother. thrill. I try to control my feelings Flynn. She Is the daughter of the The danrera came In to show the lat- I but It Is hard. He Is not especial­ eat ateps In Scotland—the Highland I Marchioness Townsend. ly good-looking but I know It la Fling; while the singers rendered a not hla good look* I am crazy over. W h y G iven beautiful Scotch melody. The wedding I am only IS. I have never felt Roscos—la Kissing proper? ended Joyfully. about anybody what I feel about W'en— Ix tt ’s put our heads together If John Lynch fad been counted tn him. I could go out with boy* a aa a sophomore with hla acting on the and consider It. good deal but I uaually refuse. stage, thev would probably hare walk­ When I compare other boy* to him “I fe«| rather flighty tonight," said ed off with all three place«. —well, they don't amount to much. the aviator as he soared away. He treats me like a slater though he la a bit Jealous of other boy* Although the senior Class 10k sec­ Awalta Baby'* Amputateci Tali I ' ' V ond place In the annual Ixtughtereaque Baltimore, Dee. 13 (A C )— D r. stunt with "Memories of King Tut.” they are very proud of the good work Schulta of John* Hopkins Medicai which their players put on. The stage i school Is awaiting a specimen of the arrangements, tights and costumes “missing link.” Two or three weeks Were very effective and colorful. The ago a baby was born In Knoxville. "Between Act" stunt "Representation Tenn, with an unmistakable tall, of the Rum Song" by three girls of the seven Inches long. It was Immediate­ glee club was pleasing and the present­ ly removed by a surgeon and prom­ ised to Dr. Schult* for study. There ation was very good. are about 2S cases known to science. The Girls' Ix-ngtte Is planning on start Says Iff- Schults, of babies being born ' '»* Ing an orchestra of stringed Inatru- with tails. ------------- I--- !--- ------------------------------- At thn w«'nkly ninntlng of tilt) HI Y Tunaday II wun decided to postpone thn father* ami son a banquet until Miinintlnin after Now Yearn Many peo­ ple ur« al<-k ami a* Christmas la an near moat of thnni are buay. who would like to go WlMl l . e r went him Io love me ro pleuse give aome advice. BROWN EYES. Dear Brown Eyes, the best thing you ean do Is to continue In the same brother-and-alster relationship with the man It Is much belter to have I this sort of beautiful friendship than ; to have a love affair with a man who Is so much older than you. At your age It Is natural to be Infatuated with an older person. Your love may pass, j You can't be sure that what you feel Is renlly love for sum- years to come. Keep up a beautiful friendship with him—his friendship may blossom In­ to love suddenly, sometime, when you least expect It. You need not put your i love for him In words. If you love him he will come to know It, and may get to love you In return Just because of the strength of your love if for no other reason. Let time take care of the problem. Meanwhile 1 think you should become better acquainted with younger boys and go out with them too. The friend­ ship of people of about your own age la something that you ought not to be without. In the new F o rd , yon w ill find each o f these systems o f the latest design and best m aterials. Every part has been m ade to serve you fa ith ­ fu lly und well at a m in im u m o f tro ub le and expense. ‘‘ W hy Bill, dear, it’s just ? what I wanted!” „ ^ - a H O T P O IN T Automatic Electric Range!” I Say, old man, why make H E R wait any ’onger— ’ thia Christmas give her that new Electric Range— we’ll more than meet you half way. Think of it, a Five Dollar bill now and nothing more until February will permit Santa Claus to deliver the 192 9 Model Hotpoint A uto­ matic Electric, shown above. And, too, it has de luxe features never before offered with any range at any price , — and its price is very low, indeed. Come on in now and / ask about our Special Surprise installation plan. Electrical Gifts in a wide variety will be found ou display— at least one for every purse and purpose! W h y not specialize this year on Electrical Gifts— they say ^ “ M crry < Christmas” every m orning. > ? .. IR I ' T a k e , fo r exam ple, the generator— one o f the most im p o rta n t parts o f the elec­ trical system which supplies the cu rren t fo r lig h tin g and fo r engine ig n itio n . In the new F o rd , the gen­ e rato r is o f the power-house type anti is distinctive in m any features. I t has been apeeially designed to pre­ vent most fo rm s o f tro u b le. O ilin g is necessary only once a year. A b ou t the only thin g you need do is to have the charging rate changed as the seasons change. Closely allied to the elec­ tric al system is the ig n ition system. It, too, is o f new m echanical design in the new Fo rd . T h e re is hut one h ig h tension cable and that connects the ro il w ith the d is t r ib u t o r . E v e n cab les fro m the d is trib u to r to the s p a r k p lu g s h a v e b een e lim in a te d . Special care has also WANTED Must be Experienced Apply Friday Morning J- c brill stores d Eugene a Most Complete Department Store Taken for Man, She Sue* St. Loula, Dec. 13, (AC)—Suit for 1*0,000 damages have been filed against the Coronado Hotel by a wo- j man guest who charges that the house detective slandered her when he broke Into her room, suspecting she ■ waa a man because of a heavy voice Induced %y a cold. Men—New Overcoats And Top Coats Of Finest All Wool Materials Seen taken to m ake the dis­ trib u to r w a te r-p ro o f, thus p r e v e n tin g s h o rt c irc u its fro n t ra in , etc. T h e e n tire electrical and ig n itio n systems o f the new Fort! are so sim ple in design anti so c are fu lly m ade that they w ill give you surpris­ in g ly little tro u b le. Y et that doesn't mean they should be neglected. C ertain little attentions are needed fro m tim e to tim e. T h e s to r a g e b a t t e r y should be given w ater and the connections kep t clean. T h e generator charging rate should be changed as in d i­ cated. S park plugs should be cleaned at re g u lar in ter­ v a ls . D i s t r i b u t o r p o in ts should also be k ep t clean a n d th e d is tr ib u t o r cam given a lig h t film o f vaseline every 2 0 0 0 miles. T h e s e a re ju s t l it t le things, b ut they mean a great »leal to y o u r ear. Y o n ean have them looked a fter at very sm all cost by the F ord d ealer when yon take the ear in fo r o ilin g and greasing- A thorough ehccking-np a t r e g u l a r In t e r v a l s w i l l lengthen the life o f y o u r car and give yon many thou­ s a n d s o f m ile s o f carefree, economical m o torin g . . Mountain States Power Company ~ Extra Sales People Buy* a Trunk and Find* a Body in It. Vancouver, B. C, Dec. 13— (AC)— J. E. Butts purchased a trunk for 314 at an "unclaimed baggage" sale at a railway station. Inside he found a miniature casket containing the dis­ membered body of a Japanese. The trunk was lined and hermetically seal­ ed with metal. Resting on the casket » i s an Imperial Japanese passport, made out to Minamata Zaa. forty- eight. a native of Okinawa Ken. The trunk kad been In the custody of the Canadian Pacific for a year. The utilities of a city are combined in your motor car Y o i'R auto m o b ile is some­ thing lik e a m in ia tu re city. T h ere is an electric light and pow er system, a w ater eye- tern, a fu e l system. NOTICE F ord M otor C ompany Purchase Yours At The May Stores And Save The Difference —Here's the kind of overcoat values that are building pres­ tige and reputation for the May Stores! Models of genu­ inely good all wool quaity in the season’s very latest styles and colorings. —When you feel the fine woolens—see the-clever-styles— and get Into them—you will be better able to appreciate why we call them the season’s good O’coat vaue. —Smart light weights for wear to business, school, and on brisk evenings. Or the medium (heavier ones), too, for driving and other times when they’ll be needed. You’ll find them to your liking. Others $15.00 To $24.75 ENJOY CHRISTMAS MORE BY DOING YOUR GIFT SHOPPING EARLY! —If you do your Christmas shopping In the last minute crowds you will be too tired out to enter Into the Joyous Bpirit of Christmas morning. —Moreover, you won't be able to shop as satisfactorily because assortments will be broken. We want this to be the happiest of Christmases for you and for our salespeople, so resolve now to shop early.