THURSDAY, DKCKMIIKR 13. 192« ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ UPPER WILLAMETTE ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I It llurtl Moor« u pupil In thn sixth grail« of tha l*l«u»ant Hill public! ■i hiMil has Run« Io H u I hui In up«nd the winter wllli uti unde. Three Foiir-H club« w«r« organ Ixed In III« up| «r grade« of lb>> I’I iiumhii I lllll public Hcbnnl laut w eek. cook In« club, I'lvlalnu 3. ba« choBcn Mr«. E. K Kilpatrick uh their leader. The follow in g glrlc buvit slgu«>| up lor lb« d u b , Mildred Sw ift, Cucetta Ibiurbniiin. Hoiinlc J o a n n a T lnk«r, Nancy iturnum, Kvelyn I’bnlpa, lld e n Kellie, The follow ing officer« were chosen, Mlldrud Hwlfi, pre«lc|enl, l.uc eltu Ihiughtuun, vice preNldenl, llonnle Jeanne 'linker, aicrutary. T h re e girl« hnve orguiilxod a how In« club, dlvlalon 2. T h ey a re F lor once Jo rd a n , N ancy llrn u n i an d linn nle Jeanne T in k er. A HewliiK d u n . dlvlalon I. I iiih been organized with Nancy llarnuni, Marie Burntini, Jean n ette Battle, Kuna Dr«w, M axine Itoiigbrnan, G en ev iev e lia r den a« m em ber« Officfllera, p re sid e n t. Jean n ette Kettle, vice prealdent. THK 8PJÍINGFTK1.D NEWS Nancy Itarnum, aecretary, Maxine name« for ««(-hanging gift» Boughman I'hrlatrna« vacation for the schools Hix b^ya have »Igned up for thn will begin Friday December 21 and camp couklng club, Harry Itarnum, last till after New Tear. h w lgh t Brown, Mori« Curt«, C ed i The Pleawant HUI high achool ba» Drew, G eorge Jaml«on, Hubert I’help« ket ball boy» were defeated by the The follow ing offic ffinr« have been I'oburg boy» In the flrat league gam e e lec ted President, George Jameaon. i of the «eason by n «core of 27 to li . vlc«-pro»ldent, Dwight Brown, secre­ The I’lenaant Hill team lo»t ono of tary, Hurry Barnum; Mr». J««« Car- 11« beat player», Darwin Baxter, cen- rolher« la leader. I ter, who broke hl« arm la«t week Nine pupil« have Joined thn H andi­ The I’leaaant lllll g'rl» won from Go- work club with Mr«. I »ole ('help« a« burg by a «core of 15 to X. lender. They are Erwin llarnurn. Der- The P leasant Hill ath letic club will mlna Brown. Margaret Jam««nn, V«r play Ranta Clara nt P leasant Hill non Kilpatrick, B elly Mitchell, John W ednesday night and Larone Friday Moore, June Moore, .Hevu W heeler. night nt Pleasant Hill. The high Following are the «Wlc«r»:pregldent. «chool boy« piny M apleton Friday D e r m I n a Itrown ; vice prealdenl. night at P leasant lllll. George Brown, aecretary, Erwin B ar­ O ver tw en ty «indent« w ere ab se n t from th e '*lea«ant Hill high school num. T h e «Indent« of (he high school and T u esd ay from flu. public ai'h o p l have been Helling chrl«t Henry, who ha« been HI m as «tam p« th e p ast w eek. with flu for tw o week«, suffered u T ile tiulpl« of the Pleaaunt lllll pub «econd relapse this week. lie achool are prin t Icing a program to be given at the church S '* ’ rday Sister of T . R. December 22. T hey will have a ChrlHlmuM tree ul the «chool hou«n Friday afternoon and have chonen Our First Storewide Sale RIGHT AT GIFT BUYING TIME Eugene, Oregon ■ 1 ' 1 1 Is Cutting Loose from Profits and a Big Chunk of the Cost, dealing a terrific blow to prices on Entire Stock, Women’s and Misses' high grade Ready-to-Wear, Millinery, Lingerie, Gift Goods. Etc., in a TREMENDOUS MERCHANDISE Disposal Sale OPENING FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 9:30 A. M. Continuing Until Christmas Eve— a. DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HERE AT JANUARY SALE PRICES IN DECEMBER A Great Sale of Women’s and Misses’ COATS AND DRESSES At Tremendously Reduced Prices OPENING DAY SPECIAL Beginning at 9:30 A, M. To the First 25 Women Entering Store, One Lot Regular $1.50 Silk Hose at 5 0 c Pair. L IM I T O N E P A IR T O A C U S T O M E R Mrs. Moon Improving— Mrs. Virgil Moon Is now Improving from her seri­ ous Illness. C. A. Clark III— A Clark has been confined to his home on account of Has Bad Hand— Dr. C. Oliver of Fall Ulne«». 1 Creek, has a badly Infected band due to a cut received from a saw. Hara for T reatm ent— Howard Mel­ son of W endllng was In town Tuetsday O wens Has Flu— Roy Owens of the Io be treated by a doctor. j A street service station has been 111 with the Influenza. Larsons go to Portland— Mr. and Mrs. J. M (.arson went to Portland Danner’ s to Have Display W ednesday. A sp ecial autom otive display appro­ III In W est 8prlngf1eld— A. C. Ack- priate for the Christm as holidays Is ersoa of W est Springfield has been III now being shown at the showroom of the past week. the E. R. Danner Motor company, Adrian Still Sick— W H. Adrian of Springfield Ford dealers. The new the Springfield garage 1« still very Ford 1« surrounded by Yuletide dec­ orations and a tree is placed near It «lek with pneumonia at hl« home. with various pieces of ornament. Here from P leasant Mill— John War­ ring of the P leasant Hill district visit­ Juveniles Hold Party ed in Springfield Monday. A C hristm as tree party was enjoyed Dr. R ichm ond HI— Dr. J. E. Rich­ Saturday afternoon by mem bers of the mond, who form erly practised d en tis­ try li> Springfield, 1« now Ul at his Juvenile circle of the N eighbors of W oodcraft. A program and refresh hom e In Eugene. m ents were enjoyed by all who at- Back to Work— Mr». R oscoe Per­ tended. Mrs. C. F. Eggimann w as in kins, who had been 111 for a few days charge. returned to work at Ketels* drug store Monday. Thureton Man In— Herbert W else of Thurston was in Springfield T u ea-11 day. T h e French Shop 4 III With Flu— Barbara and Eael Adams have been Ul with the flu. Go to Brownsville— Mr. and Mrs. Dave Saltsm an w ent to B rownsville Monday. % Returns to Portland— Fred Lem ley, | who cam e here last week to visit with his mother, returned Sunday to his j Mr«. Theodor« Douglas Robinson, hom e In Portland. • later of Theodore Roosevelt, one of the seven member« of th« Executive Sam Sw eeney Back— Sam Sw eeney, Committee of the Republican National who has been connected with the Pact Committee, fie Telephone and Telegraph company N. 0 . W. PREPARES BOXES In Salem , w as back home Tuesday. FOR NEEDY CHILDERS TO SPEAK ON •GREATEST TEACHER” TOWN AND VICINITY W endllng Couple V isit— Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Crow of W endllng were Springfield visitors last Saturday. JA N U A R Y S A L E PRICES IN DECEMBER Miner Building Annex, PAGE FIVE Donation« are now being received to prepare three boxe» for needy fam i­ lies In Springfield, the boxes to be made upu by member» of the Pine Circle No. 45 of the N eighbors of W oodcraft, who decided to make the boxes at a m eting of the organization last night. A1I neighbor» that were not present at the m eetin g last night as w ell as those who w ere there are urged by Mra. Shough Here— Mrs. Archie the com m ittee In charge to bring their Shough, w ife of the man In charge of various donation« to Ezglmann'« the m aintenance of the construction •tore before Friday night, when the work on the McKenzie highway was In | food w ill be m ade up Into three boxes, Springfield T uesday shopping. whlrh was marked by the b asen ce of nearly two-thlrda o f the m em bership CALL AND SE E Dr. N W. Emery due to several ca ses of illness. on prices on plates and other work, tf V isito rs from E ugene Included M rs. Arah Hoyt Rue. Mrs. Lillian Andrews, and Mrs. Harris. The food will be arranged in time- to be put out on the Saturday m orning delivery. < R egular order of b u sin ess occupied the rest of the tim e of the m eeting. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S N otice is hereby given that Ida CL King, was on the 12th day of Decern ber. 1928. appointed executrix, w ith the will annexed, of the estate o f Mary J Lincoln, deceased, by tha County Court, of I-ane County, Oregon. AH persons having fla m » ag a in st said estate are required to p resen t j them duly verified as by law required to said executrix at the law office o f Alta King, 794 W illam ette St., Eu­ gene, Oregon, within six month« from the first publication of this n o tice. First publication being Dec. 13th, 192«. IDA C. KING. E xecutrix ALTA KING. Attorney. D. 13 20-27 Ja. 3-10: The Big Gift Store This Hosiery May Be Chosen With Assurance No m atter what her age or her station, she never has too many pairs of hose. So when It com es to deciding on a gift for E ve s Modern D aughter, silk hosiery m ay well be the answ er— and let It be SILK HOSIERY FROM BREIER'S. The reason is plain. Lot 2505. Full Fashioned Service weight Silk Hosiery ... l ----------------------------------------------------------------- 9 8 C In 12 to 15 popular shades. L isle top, to and- heel. Lot 169. V enetian Pure Thread Silk full fashioned Hose, J 4 QC} LAREG R AN GE OF CUT SILK TIES T h ese are new patterns never shown before. Other Grades of Ties T ies that ordinarily would sell for 65c and 69c B reieF s price, A Q r a t 75c, »1.X and 1.50. MEN’S FAMILIES Fall Cresk Man Operated On— O. | K issinger of Fall Creek was operated , on Monday at the Pacific Christian hospital in E ugene by a local p h y si-! clan. ■ Small Son Reported III— Harlan | Duncan, sm all s o t of Mrs. Kathryn Duncan is reported as being quite Ul with the flu. Rev 8. E. Childers,, pastor of th « Springfield Christian church, has a n ­ nounced that his serm on topic for this Sunday morning will be "T he World's G reatest T ealher.” “I Found Him In My Heart" Is th « selection to be rendered by the »peo- ial choir at the morning serivee. At the even in g service which w ill begin at about 7:30 o’clock. Rev. Chil­ ders will d iscu ss "A Divine Plan for a Christian Union." I-awrunr# Funkier, director o f m usic at the chuch. w ill sin g a solo entitled. ‘‘Thee as a Bird." Sunday school w ill m eet at th« usual hour. . FANCY SPORT SOX Som e rayon and silk m ixtures. Your choice of about 15 or 20 dif­ Qc feren t p a t t e r n s ................................. ANOTHER NUMBER OF SPORT HOSE Rayon mixed and n ovelty p a tte r n s ....................... ..................... for the W hole Fam ily. SLIPPERS Regular »1.50 to »2.00 values, for 5 1 .0 0 MEN’S ALL WOOL OVERCOATS »25.00 and »30.00 Values f o r ......................... M tT O A ff» 5 1 6.75 . 605 - 609 Willamette St. Eugene, Oregon The French Shop " Z S AND HUNDREDS OF OTHER ATTRACTIVE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Miss V icto ria Michaux of P a rii has been elected Queen of the Calh- erinettes of her district These ar^ the unmarried girls desirous of ob­ taining some eligible young mem They parade the streets on St. Catherine's Day looking for these' men, When You Hand Her An Now Located in Miner Building Electrical Gift You will quickly realize that you have selected a gift that is pleasing to her. Combining as it does the useful with the om uniental, it is doubly wecome. A FEW ELECTRICAL SUGGESTIONS: Majestic Radio Percolators Waffle Irons Toasters Automatic Irons Curling Irons Boudoir Lamps Desk Lamps Bvery-Ready Plash Lights A Carton of Globes Henderer Electric Ketels' Drug Store Bldg. Fifth and Main Streets You cannot enter Into the fullest enjoyment of life without good painless vision. The kind we offer. For Your Friends At Prices That Will Attract You This is a store of Christmas bargains where the best can be had for the least expenditure. We have a wonderful stock of toys, dolls, novelties, decorations, gam es,candies, dishes, glassw are, chinaware and many oth er articles to hang on the Christmas tree. Make this a happy Christmas for your Chidren and Friends by coming to Turner’s Novelty store where the best can be had at the lowest price. When your famiy gathers around the Christmas tree they will clap their hands with joy if your selections have been made from our attractive gift stock. Make Appointments Whenever Possible ß 0ä ä e 9 ä 0 Springfield Oregon Dr. SkcrmanW.Uloodv O P T O M E T R IS T * f VESI GHT SPECIALIST S U IT E Ä A I M I N E R O LOO. P H O N E 5 6 1 EA S T D fiO A D W A Y C U G E N E 'O R E . Buy Here and get More Presents for thè Same Money