•CF 7>OUR THE SPRINGF1E1J) NEWS THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS JUDGE A CITY BY WHAT S1IE OWES W. M. JARDINE Published Every Thursday at The tax levy of Florence is nearly 10 per cent of Springfield. Lane County. Oregon, by assessed valuation and some outsiders have look­ T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS ed at It with alarm, but not so Florence. says the H. E. M A X E Y . Editor. ' Sluslaw Oar. published In that city. The editor Entered a* second class matter. February St. ISOS at the points out while that city has one of the highest poetofflce, Springfield. Dragon tax levies she has the lowest per capita debt of any of the towns in this section. In other wortls her M A IL 8 U B 8 C R IP T I0 N R A TE One year In Advance------S1.J5 Three Months ..76c citizens can pay Florence’s debt with little diffi­ ■U M onths-------- 1------------$1 oo Single Copy ..6c culty. He Bays for that reason Bhe Is well off. THURSDAY. DECEMBER, 13. 1928 The per capita debt of some of the clttles Is this part of Oregon is shown by the state treasurer us I like the man who bubbles over with enthusi­ follows: asm. Better be a geyser than a mud puddle. -d O H N C. SHEDD City Indebtedness Per capita $ 22.250 $ 36.00 WELCOME SANTA CLAUS Harrisburg ______ 27,250 47.00 Do you remember, in those days “way back Newport.... .............. 304.763 525.00 408,000 214.00 when—" how you used to pencil your little notes Cottage Grove ....... NOW FARMERS CAN GET Springfield ............. 181.500 98.00 to Santa Claus, asking him for this, that and the Reedsport .............. NOON HOUR FARM NEWS 384,934 450.00 other thing and assuring him that you were a Creswell ......... ...... 15,800 58.00 Secretary W. M Jardine U an ad­ ’Teal good boy” and loved your father and Eugene ____ __ __ 2,975.000 280.00 vocate of the uae of the radio for the mother? Florence ........ ........ 7,000 22.00 *>«A dissemination of Information. The Department of Agriculture, which he Santa Claus is fast approaching now. And just Oregon grown or made products arc of suffici­ heads, cooperates with more than 200 as you welcomed him as a kid, you should wel­ come him now. Remember that Santa Claus is ent variety to make excellent Christmas gifts es­ stations In sending weather, market and general agricultural Information a symbol of generosity, loving-kindness and vir­ pecially for friends living in other parts of the through the air. 1 country. Why search for items that may be com­ tue. At this time, with his advent so near, check We have 6.000.000 farms In this up on yourself. Have all your actions been mon in your friends home town when something country." says Jardine. "In the main worthy? Kind? Intelligent? Have you pro­ unique and useful might be found among Oregon operated Independently. There Is no gressed or fallen behind in your work and in your products. Christmas might be made to advertise hoard of directors to act for them ! Oregon brands of goods and increase the prosper- Dur problem Is to got facts Io these spiritual growth? jity of Oregon farms and factories and at the same 6.000.000 as quickly ns possible. For this, radio affords Invaluable service " Correct your faults, resolve to live to the high­ time lose none of Its cherished seutiment. There Is now a special 5 (lav a week est in you, and when Santa Caus come you will • • • noon hour broadcast for fattier*, oc­ be able to welcome him properly, knowing that cupying three-fourths of an hours each FOLLY? day. The first third of the time the you have lived in such a manner as to merit the program comes from Montgomery benefits that he showers upon you. How Time changes the aspect of things! Ward and company in Chicago. Then Alaska has been a part of the United States for the scene shifts to Washington, where In this way you will receive, in addition to the love and respect of your friends and neighbors, a bl years. On March 30, 1S67, this territory’ was the National Broadcasting company feeling of self-respect that, once acquired, will , purchased from Russia. The average citizen of sends from Its studio the latest Infor­ mation. reports, etc., supplied by the dignify and ennoble your entire ife, putting it on the United States knows litte enough about Al­ Department of Agriculture Back a higher plane and bringing it nearer to the Di­ aska. Ite might not be amiss to mention several again to Chicago for the last third. facts: vine. This three-quarter hour program for farmers Is replete with valuable Alaska is so vast it would cover 23 states and the Wecome Santa Claus! farm Information plus entertainment Western third of Lake Superior if it could be pick­ features The 14 radio stations eo-i • • • ed up bodily and placed all over the United States operating In this noon hour program are KDKA. KYW, WCCO. WOC. | Pulpwood for paper can be grown in 20 to 30 Proper. WHO. WOW. WDAF. KWK, KVOO. years according to information furnished by the Its fisheries return an annual amount of over WOAI, WHAS. WSM. WSB. KOA. American Tree association. Spruce plantations $40.000,000, and it has other vast industries. Since in Norway have demonstrated this profitably for its purchase, its ex orts have amounted to con­ NOW THE CROW GETS the industry. siderably more than $1,250,000.000. CREDIT AS BENEFACTOR The purchase of Alaska cost America $7,200,- 000. Time has shown it to have ben a very good The man who called his wife an angel gave as purchase. Yet in 1867 it was considered foolish, his reason that she was always flitting about, and the transaction was called "Seward’s Folly," continually harping on one thing, had nothing to because the Secretary of State, W. H. Seward, ad­ wear and was up in the air most of the time vocated i t We recently read the life of a successful man The Civic club’s effort to erect name plates on who says he began life as a barefoot boy. Did the streets of the city should have the co-opera­ anybody ever hear of a boy being born with shoes tion of all. This Is a work that should have done on? a long while ago by some organization. The Civic club Is performing a real service when It under­ takes the job. A scientist says that “eating onion will prevent a mustache from coming on a woman’s lip.” We would ike to add “or a smooth shave either.” Chicago killers have shifted their barrage the last few days from football players to policemen. The season is over on football players but there Girl shows are said to be losing out. They have IIs open season on policemen all the t im e too much competition from the flapper on the • • • Street The crow, that oolay grain thief, has always bean regarded as a nul sance. Farmers have always tried to exterminate this blrl as far as pos slbls. but now Dr. Saehtleben of Ger­ many Is taking up the cudgels In be half of the crow as well as his allies, the rook and toe raven. They may help themselves to grain, says Dr. Saehtleben. but they always make up for this by eating trouble­ some Insects for dessert! Experiments were carried on In which the stomachs of crows of vari­ ous species were examined. They w'ere found to contain 18 5 per cent stones. 67 6 per cent vegetable mat­ ter. and 23 9 per cent animal matter. The grain contents of the stomach In­ cluded wheat, rye, barley, potatoes, maize, buckwheat, pens and various seeds. In 344 specimens of the 3,269 examined, the remains of mice wen- found, these constituting 24 4 per cent Cheer up folks, the new’ bridge is a nice piece [of architecture. Even if we can’t use It we can It is not sufficient to be good; one must be good look at it and admire the lines. T hat’s some re­ for something. turn for our money. I He May Have A Hard Time Laughing That O ff- TIH ’HSn.W. DECEMBER 13, 192« »f Iho animal food devoured by the birds, whllo Insects formed 34.5 per cent of the animal food. Rooks were found Io destroy an on orinous number of Insects. These tests were made by Urofossor Roerlg of the geological laboratory of Iho biological Institute of Germany, who summed up his report as follows; "Every crow Is a source of more gain than loss Io the agricultural In terests of the region where It Is found.” and kiss the maid and she'll get the cold l*a will kiss the maid and he'll get the cold. Then pa will kiss ma und she'll gel the cold and tomorrow the preacher will come over and he'll catch a cold and he's the soti-ofa gun I'm after," * Too True "You certainly have a trim little waist,” I said as she put on her hat. Carry On But she turned me aside and quickly "What’s the Idea of going In (he replied, snow barefoot? You'll catch a heluvn ‘You're right—there's no g e t t i n g cold," 'round that." "I'll tell you. I'm going right home Remember Your Friends on Christmas Day with an Attractive Card We have high-grade Christmas cards that bear beautiful sentiments for your relatives und friends. I lies»1 a ttra c tiv e cards a re for sal«' a t very re a ­ sonable prices. They are infinite in variety— many of them altogether unusual. Send a card even If you are sending a gift. The sentiment expressed on these curds will strike n responsive cord In the hearts of the recipients. Name and Sentiment Printed in Attractive Type ORDER YOUR CARDS IN NOVEMBER WHILE THERE IS A LARGE SELECTION Christmas card lines are always depleted In December. THE W ILLAMETTE PRESS • Give Her Box o f Candy And She Will Be Pleased She will be especially pleased If the candy cornea from our shop For our candy Is different and delicious—it la made of thes very purest ingredients by experts. We have every kind you can imagine but any kind of Egglmann’s candy you «elect will make a hit wltb her. F G G IM A N N ’S "Where the Service Is Different" There’s a “S ilv e r G ra y 99 Bjr Albert T. Reid __________ “ something to shout about / ' t h e n e w w in t e r RED CROW N G A S O L IN E STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Unmask Your Eyes With Orthogon lenses, or­ dinary lenses given only half the correct vision your eyes deserve. They are ac­ curate only when you look through the center. Orthogon lenseH enable you to see clearly and ac­ curately through the entire area—right to the extreme edge your vision is sharp clear and accurate. Dr. Ella C. Meade O ptom etrist WATTS OPTICAL CO. No. 14 « Ave. West Huger e, Oregon to E u gen e every 3 0 m in u te s from 5th and E So. commencing 6; JO a.m. (Sun­ days 7:30 a.m.) and every 30 minutes thereafter until midnight throughout the day. Returning they leave the Southern Pacific sta­ tion Eugene every 30 minutes between 6:00 « and 11:30 pun. (Sundays 7:00 a m.) Fares 100 T id e « (scholarj) . . . . 50 Tickets (commutation) . . $3.00 3.10 O t t e m j i s K ............................. a n Connections at Eugene Convenient connections arc made by chebus with trains and motor coach to the north and south. Note these convenient stage schedules from Eugene. Portland via Corvallis and Albany— 18:00 9:35, f l 1:50 a m .; 3:30, 4:30 p.m. JU m Harrubvrg. y Silver Gray Lim ited" R oseburg— 1:55, 6:35 p.m. Marshfield via R oseburg— 1:55 pun. Ashland and San Francisco—1:55 pin. Wherever you arc going buy your ticket at Springfield—it will be honored on train or bus » Eugene. Southern P acific C. OLSON, Phone