T H I'K S H A V , I W E M HER 13, U»2S T H E SPR IN G FIELD NEWS PAGE T H R E E T R A IN S C H E D U L E Springfield Sto p* □as id Ads BUYING 02 SELLING’ F O U N D - Laille»' W atch. Call 3ÍF13. GET L O S T - An Agate lavulllere between N O T IC K *T O O W N E R — I have taken Novelty »tore and «4« It. St. Return up estray dark hay horse with white to above address, or Novelty »tore. ! »pot In forehead. Owner can have D 13. same by calling at my farm. Spring . . . . ___________ , | Held Route 2. Ed Vuuglian. W A N T E D Plain and fancy saw ing N. 29: D. 6-13: Neatly and reasonably done. 447 ‘ 4th Street Phone 74-W. N O TIC E TO C R E D ITO R S N 22 29: 1 ) 6 13: No. No. Hu» Kugene S U M M O N S IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O P T H E S T A T E O f OREGON POH T H E NORTH C O U N T Y OP LANK. 16 at 4; 27 A. M. (F lag) J Merle Roby and M yrtle Leona Roby 8 at 3.46 1*. M hl» wife. Plaintiff», Vs . lame Coun-I connection for train leaving ty. Oregon, a municipal corporation; j at 2:20 P. M. Noltner. wife of Anthon« Noitner; SOUTH No. 7 at 12:47 P. M No. 16 at 10:03 P. M ...... I Plag) P A IN T IN G and Kalsosnlnrng in all It* branche». Reduced Prices. Roy Koch. Call 125-J. Neir. wife of jo»epi, W h ittem o re, wife of J»m e» p W hittem ore; D. S Agard I the unkonwn heir» of D. 8. Agnni A F. Simona; the unknown heir» of A. P Simons; L. O. le n d e rs ; the unknown heir» of L. O. Landers; W illiam M ayer; John Davl» ami Annie Davl», his w ife; and the un known heirs of John Davl» and Annie Davl». his w ife; Webster L. Kincaid and Dorothy C. Kincaid, his w ife; E lizab eth M. Gale; Laura K in­ caid Batsman; and all other parties or person» unknown, claiming any right, title. Interest, Hen or estate In the real property described In the complaint In thia cause; Defend OREGON STATE NEWS GF GENERAL INTEREST — b i • > ■> Principal Events of the Week Assembled for Information of Our Readers. Fire of unknown origin destroyed one half of a business block In WaF Iowa last week. T E A C H E R S ’ E X A M IN A T IO N Ths Hubbard mineral springs wag Teacher»' examination» w ill be, formally opened Saturday evening given at the County Court Room In with a banquet to 100 guests. ! Eugene, commencing at 9 A. M on | Wednesday. December 10. and lasting A t s meeting of taxpayers In N e t * D ecem ber 22, 1928. Application» fo ri port recently s motion to levy s »500d I schedules for subjects w ill be given road tax was carried without opposl- on request. Before teacher» can take To Lane County, a m a n ic i-| tlon' I the examination, they roust have com- ____ ______ , , Oregon, » E 'llt KENT N ew M odem H ouse— * Notice 1» hereby • - given > that . . the r . un 7- i plled wltb law 1,1 r»'gnrd to normal ! Pel corporation; N oitner wife o f 1 POR SALE W OOD The Lafayette high school has three , " u * T " ,ralnlnK o r '»" « ,u |v » l, nt and high Anthony Noltner; Neff ' wife of P o u r room s an d b re a k fa st nook. S io slra trlx . d . .h i ’ p . “,PP Old Growth Fir, Second Growth Pir, V’ ', f . Mar/ Anri "Chool graduation No examination i Joseph Neff; W hittom orZ wife teachers and 36 pupils - ----------------- and operates at W. A. Taylor at the W hile Pronl Oak. Ash. A ll lengths. Phone Spring Court o f uLT , h " tx ,u n t’: ,o r *p«' lal certificates will be given of Jam ,.« P. W h ittem o re f) S A gard * 75 34 per caP,ta' ‘ he lowest operating 7 n,ty - ° r^ ° B A“ E J M OO’‘ E - <ûunly 3 ‘ hool Super the u nkno w n^ elrs of D 8 Agard A c0* ‘ Oregon, Grocery tf o c r i n i h AM 104. tf. persons having claim» agaln»t the Intendent. n -» F. Simons- the unkonw n h ^ t r . „e x w »al l estate are hsrebv notlll«! to nr». N O T IC E OP P IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Simons; L. O Landers; the unknown estate hereby notllled pr Apples from Eastern Oregon and S E P T IC T A N K S — ¡sent the same, properlly verified, to j Notice Is hereby Riven that the un-j heirs of L. O. Landers; W illiam N O TIC E OP P IN A L AC CO UNT W illam ette valley points are being Ready for you to Inntall IN THE co l'N T Y COURT o p THE a " w e ll1 * i l u n ’k dof*c<\m™ 4 wife, all In the County of Lane and N. 22 29: D. 6-1320: in Baker county daring November, 16 tratlon and ths said Court hns by an trator of the Estate of 8arah J. Doug­ SW % SE>4, S & SW>4 SE>4, SW % State of Oregon. SE>4 S E U . S H NW *4 &E>4 S E U . ord er duly made and entered of rocord las, deceased. That the defendants have not, nor marriage licenses being Issued as com­ fixed and appointed Saturday thi N O T IC E OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T OEO. M E L V IN M IL L E R . A tty , for N E fc NW>4 SEfc SE«4, SW>4 N E U have any of them, any right, title, In­ pared with four divorce suit filings. Notice Is hereby given that Maggie Adm inistrator. SE>4 SE*4. W14 SE>4 SE>4 SE% , S*A terest. or lien upon said premises. 12th day of Jaunary. 1 9 » , at the hour The election held la Um atilla coua* NE>4 N E % S E K . S E K S E K N E K 8 E of 10 o'clock A M of said day at the Stew art a» dm lnlstratrlx of the estate N. 29: D. 6 13-20-27: T hat the title of the plaintiffs In and County Court room In the Court houas of Robert K Stew art, deceased, has K . N K S E K N E K » E K . Section 35, to siad premises be forever qulete-J ty recently to vote on a proposed tax at Eugsns. Oregon, a s ths day, tim e filed her flnal account In said estate N O T IC E O F F IN A L H E A R IN G Tp.. 16 8., R 9 West, W. M., within the against the defendants, and all per­ to maintain union high school district and place for hearing of objections and the County Court of Lane County, Sluslaw National Forest, for the tim ­ sons claim ing by. through or nnder No. 7 was defeated by a vote of <7 ta Oregon has filed Friday the 28th day Notice Is hereby given that the un­ to said final account and ths settle »4. ber from approximately two acres In them, or any of them of December. 1928 at he hour of 10:00 dersigned Mervln B Harris, adminis­ ment thereof That all objections That the plaintiffs have such other the S K S E K , 8ectlon 26. A E K . Sec. o'clock In the forenoon of said day trator of the estate of Veronica B. H a r­ The state tax commission has fixed must be In w ritin g and filed with the 36. Tp. 9 8., R. 6 East. W. M „ w ithin and fu rth er re lie f herein as to the clerk of said- Court on or before said at the County Cxmrt house In Eugene, ris, receased, has filed his flnal report Court may seem meet In the premises public u tility valuations la Lina eoam the Santlam National Forest la n e County. Oregon, as the time and In said estate and the County Court of d ay and tim e of hearing T H IS 8U M M O N S is published once place for the hearing of said flnal la n e County, Oregon, has set Priday The purpose of this notice Is to each week for four successive weeks, ty st »4,316,364.63, an increase of |8 M < W m. Q. H U G H E S . Executor. account. 111.09 over ths assessments of loot December 21st a t 2 o'clock P. M. at allow all persons claim ing the lands F R A N K A. Ds PUE, Attorney for by the order of the Hon. O. F. Skip- A ll persons having objections to the County Court room In the Court selected, or having bona fide objec­ Ik e estate. worth. Jndge of the C ircuit Court of year. said flnal account are notified to pres­ house at Eugene for final hearing tions to such application, an opportun­ D. 1310-27: Ja. »10: the County of Lane, State of Oregon Ths stats fish commission has leased ent the same In w riting on or before thereon, and all objections to such re ­ ity to file their protests w ith the The date of the first publication of Lake Neah-ks-nle la Tillamook eoa>- said time. port should be mode or filed on or be Register and Receiver of the Uunlted this summons is November >2. 1928. Dated this lln d day of November, fore said time. States Land Office at Roseburg, Ore­ NO TtCW O F S H E R IF T B SA LE IM M E L A E VA N S. Attorneys for ty from Its owner. Dr. H . * . Rlnshnst, 1938 Dated and first published November gon. Any such protests or objections Plaintiffs, Residence and postoffice a l- sad has released 600,066 baby chlaosfe Notice Is hereby given that by v ir­ M A O O IB S T E W A R T . Admlnlatra >>nd, 1928. must be filed In this office w ithin dress: Eugene, Oregon. in Its waters. tue of an execution and order of sale trig of the Estate of Robert K. Stew­ th irty days from the date of first pub­ N. 29: D. 6-13-20-27: In foreclosure Issued out of the C lr art, deceased. M E R V IN B. H A R R IS . Adm inistrator lication of this notice, which first pub­ E. E. Bragg, of La Grande was f * ■cult Court of the State of Oregon for H arris. Smith A Bryson, Attorneys of estate of Veronica B. Harris lication is December 6, 1928. appointed by Governor Patterson s s • Letae County, November 16. 19211. on a for Adm inistratrix. 8 U M M O N 8 WHITTEN SWAFFORD, Attorney. H A M IL L A. CA N A D A Y, Register. decree rendered In said court Novem IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E member of the state Industrial acci­ N. 22-29: D. 6-13-20: N. 22 29; D. 6-12-20: D. 6-13-20-27: Ja. 3. her 13, 192«, In a suit wherein Seward S T A T E O F O REO ON FO R T H E dent commission. H e w ilt serve • D Allen Is plaintiff and Lin Phoenix C O U N T Y O F LA N E . four-year term. N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S N O TIC E TO C R E D ITO R S Estate of Harold L. Hopkins. and A W Ayers are defendants, I have Carl G. E. Johnson and Glow Clorinda Deceased. Homer Fisher, 70, long a resident levied upon and w ill soil at public IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T OP T H E N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N , T hat Johnson, his wife, Plaintiffs, Vs., S T A T E O F O REO O N FOR L A N E auction to the highest bidder for rash, N O T IC E T O C R E D ITO R S Lane County, Oregon, a municipal of Clackamas county, burned to deat» A. C. Barrett was on the 23rd dav of C O U N T Y , In the M ntter of the a t the front door of the County Court corporation; E. R. Luckey; T. C. recently when flames destroyed a o n * Notice Is hereby given that W in i­ Estate of W illiam O Ek, sometimes November, A. D. 1928, appointed as House In Eugene. Oregon, at 1:00 P Luckey and Maude L. Luckey, hia room cabin near Sherwood, on ths the adm inistrator of the estate of fred Hopkins has been by the County known as W illiam Ek, deceased. M of Saturday, the 22nd day of Dec w ife; U na Luckey Stone and Glen Notice Is hereby given that the un­ Emm a J. B arretL deceased. A ll per­ Court of the Estate of Oregon. In and Tualatin river. ember, 1928, the following real pro­ Stone, her husband; Pearl Luckey sons having claims against said estate for la n e County, appointed Executrix perty, vis: Lots 3, 4. 6, and 6 In block dersigned ha» been appointed by the are hereby notified to present them, of the last w ill and testam ent of Eastman and Rarry Eastham, her The new power line being built from 3, In Midway Park, In Ijin e county, County Court of la n e County, Oregon, duly verified, as by law required, to Harold L. Hopkins, deceased. husband; Floy Luckey W helan and Seaside Into Cannon Beach w ill bs Oregon, and all (he right and estate as adm inistrator of the estate of W il­ said adm inistrator at the law office W lllia/m W helan, her husband; All persons having claims against the defendant» had therein on the liam O. Ek, sometimes known as W il­ of Alta King, 794 W illam ette Street, the estate of said deceased are here­ David W. Curtis; and also all other finished in about two weeks, accord­ ing to officials of the Pacific Power 14th day of Janunry, 1926 and on any liam Ek, deceased. AU persons having claims against Eugene, Oregon, within six months by notified to present the same, duly persons or parties unknown, claiming subsequent date, to satlafy the follow ­ A Light company. any right, title. Interest, lien or estate from the first pbllcatlon of this notice. stated an 1 verified at the residence of said estate are hereby notified to Date of first publication December A. E. W heeler. 710 Lawrence Street In the real property described in the ing »um» adjudged plaintiff In »aid present the «am» with the proper The assessor reports a total valuo- in this suit, defendants. decree, vlx: »700 with Interest thereon vouchers, to the undersigned adnilnl-«- 6th, 1928. lu Eugene, Oregon, w ithin six months complaint To E. R Luckey; Una Luckey Stone t,on ,n c la ts°P county of $31,423,444, at eight per cent »Ince January 14, tator, at the office of »'red E. Smith, A. C. B A R R ET, Adm inistrator. from this 15th day of November. 1928 and^Glen Stone? her ’ husband; Peart or a drop of »1,933.356 from that of A L T A K IN G , Attorney. 1928, the sum of »7 10 taxes paid, the his attorney at 446 6 Miner Building. ' Executrlx Luckey Eastham and B arry Eastham. 1927. Astoria's valuation is »9.578,711, sum of »22 cost» of »aid suit, and the Eugene, Oregon, within six months D. 6 13-20-27: Ja. 3. A. E. W heeler, Attorney. ; her husband; David W . Curtis; and al 1 against »9,437.327 In 1927. costs to accrue on this execution and from the date of thl» notice. N. 15-22-29 D 6-13: so all other persons or parties un­ tale. Said sale w ill be nubject to Dated November 16th, 1928. A L IA S SU M M O N S Thanksgiving turkeys brought Vata redemption a» allowed by law. knowns claim ing any right, title . In­ O B i . e k . Administrator. P R A N K K T A Y L O R . Sheriff of N O T IC E O F A R M IN IS T R A T R IX '9 terest, lien or estate in the real pro-1 growers about »11,500, sold through F R E D B. S M IT H , Attorney for Ad­ IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E Ij»ne County SALE OF REA L PRO PERTY the Idaho Turkey Growers’ associa­ m inistrator. S T A T E O F O REG ON FOR L A N E : kt „ ,, , u . perty described in t the complaint in N. 22-29: D. 6-13 20: N. 1622 29: D 6-13: CO UN TY 0VCf n 8 hereby Ih a t r l r this suit. Defendants tion. The big part of the 1928 crop ul - ,ue of a license granted and entered by i.\ T H E NAME O 0 F T H E S T A T E is being held for the Christmas mar­ 1 P Ia ln _ ,lff- ' VB - O r‘*al »he County Court of Ore- OF REG i ___ -------- >’» the me State o ia ie of 01 u r e - 1 w r O un r A r O in N v : You io n are hereby re- ket. i< n r » « in n icriirt, tr n'iPany’ r? . C° i c° n' in and 7or f'ane County, on the quired to appear and answer the com- I ration; Edith E. Brown, Defend 14th day of November. 1928. authorize plaint filed against you in the above Marlon county’s tax levy for 192» t , i,eeniber 17th. 1929. offer for sale to the Court for the re lie f prayed for be just $10,012 higher than the 192» SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER General Practice, Special Attention nr»., R an<^ Great Lakes In- and sell at private sale, subject to the in the complaint, to-wlt: levy. W IL L I» B E R TSC H , Prop. ompany a corporation ns a approval of said Court, to the partv That the plaintiffs he declared to be Io Obstetrics and Diseases One evidence of the early construc­ O F F IC E A T S E R V IC E G ARAGE ! suit w in ?nr’ " ,Hb »ab° Ve.u e" t,lled offering the most therefor, cash in the owners in fee simple of the pre of Children. 633 Main Street the* first «..HlI « H in kfr f»rhtm u day of hand, all of the Lots numbered 21, 22 - ises herein, and particularly de-i tion of the Lebanon-Cascadia branch F ir s t N atio n al B ank B uilding mims anj; K ‘ vo, fail o ^ n n e r ^ n l X and 23 in an d ° f P’at ’ Cr,bed f° 1,OW8' ' of the Oregon Electric railroad Is the Successor to Sutton Transfer S pringfield, O regon tiff w ill ap ply'to the CourtVor the ie ! npp<'ars of record ,n L»ne County, Beginning at the northwest corner purchase of a nine-acre tract of land n win ap p i, to the (o u r t for the re Oregon. In which countv and state Lot Number Five In Block Number at Sweet Home for depot and terminal I lier demanded In said complaint, to- said lots are situated. Fourteen of that part of the C ity of wit, ordering and directing the Great Louise W. Daniels, A dm inistratrix i Eugene, which was originally donated! purposes. A C C O U N T A N T : Install, supervise anil audit honk» Financial and Income tax statements. II. J. Cox, OAco, Hampton Killer. 6 « W illam ette, Ut»., Kugene, Telephone 2726. Residence phone Bprlngflelil 117 J tf WM. G. HUGHES F IR E A N D A U TO IN S U R A N C E N O T A R Y PU B LIC Office at FIR S T NATIONAL BANK Ipgfleld, O vg o n DR. W. N. DOW D e n tis t F irst National Bank Building Phone 43 Springfield, Oregon Office hours, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Evenings by Appointment DR. N. W. EMERY D E N T IS T Button Bldg. Phons 20-J Rsaldanes Phons 18S-M 8prlngfleld, Oregon General I z v Practice Walkir-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors 228 Main I t . 62 J Residence 125 c 8t. 62 M I. M. PETERSON Attorney-at-Law Gtay H a ll Building m Full Auto Equipment Lady Assistant Springfield, Ore. D. W . R oof JEW ELER Repairing a Specialty Sprlngfeld, Oregon i FRANK A. DE PUE ATTO R N EY A T LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Sutton Building Springfield, Orage« Lakes Insurance Company, a corpora- of the Estate of H a rry O. Brooks, de-1to Lane County, Oregon, by Charnel: Appreciation of the fine qualities tlon, to forthw ith pay to the Clerk o f , ceased. : Mulligan and wife, and running thence of the Klam ath Netted Gem potato ]-ane County, Oregon, the sum of N. 15-22-29- D 6-13- , east along north line of said lot and of ,v. .. . . . . , . . .. "as expressed in a letter from Presi- »234 90, to be thereafter paid to such 1 - , Lot — D. ------- Six in said Block 160 feet to the wi . . „ northeast corner of said Lot »lx. I dent CooIidKe received by Henry So- party as said court shall determine; | N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N that thereupon nil lia b ility of said thence south along west line of alley mon. prominent potato grower of ths FOREST EXCH ANG E Great Lakes Insurance Company, on j running north and south through said Klamath basin. 018204 account of fire loss upon the property block 35 feet thence west parallel w ith ' H . Gflbe Gilbert of Portland, referred to in said complaint, shall D . .. said first boundary line 160 feet or to Clarence H. cease; that If said Great Lakes In gp 7 , ° Office R o « h .’,r«U tbp »ne " f W illam ette Street. Prominent In welfare work In Oregon States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore- surance Company fail, neglect or re and thence North along line of aald for many years, was appointed by Gov- Gon, November 9, 1928. fuse to so deposit said sum, w ithin W illam ette Street, 35 feet to the place ernor Patterson, Judge of the court of Notice Is hereby given that on Nov­ Ihe tim e required by said court, then of beginning; being the north 35 feet I of Multnomah that Judgment for said sum with In­ ember 8. 1928. 8. J. Shrum, of Glide. of said lots numbered five and six ln 1 domestic relations Oregon, filed application No. 018204 terest at 6% from date of the decree said Block Number fourteen In the county to succeed Judge Richard be entered against said Great Lakes under the Act of Mnrch 20, 1922, (42 City of Eugene, Lane County, Oregon. Delch. Judge Delch was recalled by Insurance Company; that plaintiff be Stat , 465) to exchange the E K N W K , T hat the defendants have not. nor the voters of Multnomah county at the adjudged to be the owner and entitled * W K N E K . Sec. 28. Tp. 16 S. Range have any of them, any right, title, In­ recent general election. 10 West, W. M., w ithin the Sluslaw to said sum of money, for application terest or lien upon said premises. as a credit upon the mortgage Indebt­ National Forest, for the tim ber from Establishment of a Pacific coast That the title of the plaintiffs ln and edness of said Edith E Brown to approximately 12 acres ln the S K to said premises be forever quieted airways beacon on a high point five S E K , Sec. 26, * E K . Sec. 35,Tp. 9 S„ plaintiff, and adjudging said Great against the defendants, and all persons I-akes Insurance Company to be hold­ Range 5 East, W. M., w ithin the San­ claim ing by, through or under them, or miles south of Salem was assured when a federal representative sign­ ing said sum ln trust for plaintiff; for tlam National Forest. any of them. other re lie f and for costa and dis The purpose of this notice Is to a l­ That the plaintiffs have such Oihe«- ed a ten-year lease on the site. The bursements. This summons Is publish­ low all persons claim ing the lands and fu rth er re lie f herein as to the beacon w ill be of 2,000,000-candle- ed pursuant to the order of the Hon. selected, or having bona fide objec­ Court may seem meet in the premises. power. O. F. Sklpworth, Judge of said court tions to such application, an oppor­ T H IS S U M M O N S Is published once Resolutions urging Jail sentences In­ dated November 19th, 1928, and which tunity to file th eir protests w ith the each week for four successive weeks, required the defendant Edith E. Brown Register and Receiver of the United by order of the Hon O. F. Sklpworth, stead of fines for persons convicted to appenr within four weeks from the State I,ands Office at Roseburg, Ore­ Judge of the Circuit Court of Lane of cattle theft were received by the date of the first publication hereof. gon. X n y such protests or objections County, Oregon. state aupreme court from the Grant F R E D E. S M IT H , Attorney for must be filed In this office w ithin The Date of the first publication of Plaintiff, Res! and P. O, Address, Eu­ th irty days from the date of first pub­ this summons is November 29, 1928. County Livestock Growers’ associa­ gene, Oregon. lication of this notice, which first pub- IM M E L & E V A N S , Attorneys for tion. The resolutions declared tinea Date of first publication November lllcatlon la Nov. 16, 1928. non-coal. Plaintiffs, Residence and postofflee ad­ were Ineffective. 22nd, 1928. HAM1LL A CANADAY, Register. dress: Eugene, Oregon. N. 22-29: D. 6-1320: N. 16-M-S»; D M l: N. >9: D. 6 13-20-27: I (