I FAQ« TWO T ir a S P R IN Q P ia.D NHW8 HONOR ROLL (Continued front Page 1) It la the effect of the clothes upon the man himself A wet pressed suit, Immaculate collar, a proper tie and a good shine give to Ihe man a sense of his own fitness. They ere (he best prop to his morale. Io his own sense of rightness and ease, without which there ia no *11'. "This mailer of clothes Is not mere l.v Important in relationships between the aexes. It Is equally vital II: Ini I • Hess So m> advice to ilie yOBB| ■ Ul who would acquire ‘1C, either for sue cess In love or prosperity, ts to spruce up. Witty collars, baggy trousers nmt slouchy morale never Vet won a girl's heart or a boost In salary. "1 would also urge American men to launch and revolution against their barbers," added Madame Glyn "T h e war time hair cut makes tee subcun sciously think of convicts or >n Oregon Boys Victorious Twice in National 4-H Club Championship lyn Barua. lteatrlc« Carson. Marie Coffelt. Dorothea Freae, Marie Hawk. Violet Marts. B ra tta in School By (Trades the roll for the Brattain school follows: F irs t Grade Attendance: Peter Chase. Bobby Culver, Harold Hanson. Dalton Hor ion. Bobby Pugh. Milo Severson. Val­ entine Vdlytll, Richard Moon. Marian Pltalr, Norma Rust. Louise Smith. Ethel Stafford. Frances Wilkes, Eve­ lyn Stevens. Scholarship: Peter Cahes, Dalton Horton. Milo Severson. Valentine Uch­ ytil. Curtis Carmony. Raymon Pile, Mae Etta Moon. Fay Alma Reropel. Norma Rust, Louise Smith, Irene Ger­ ber. Evelyn Stevens. Third‘A Grade Scholrshlp: Bernice Lowery. Sadie Gott. Ethel Gott. Dale Robertson Attendance: June Berg. Bessie Cox. Louisa Cowden, Sadie Gott. Ethel Oott, Valeria Koch. Shirley Seavey. Elizabeth Wardlow, Norma Williams. Jeannie Withers, Bernice Lowery, Virginia Mille- Loucile Gerber, Har­ old Gillette, Dale Robertson. LaVern McPherson. Edna Yarnell. THURSDAY. DDCEMRKR 18. 1928 1 tag lo u s d is e a se T he h a ir should b. > neatly trimmed, yes. It should not i be ragged but It should be left full and heavy to bring out the bouutlful contours of (he head Instead ef dipped dose to an almost naked skull. The ; prevailing style almost destroys 'If i in men who would otherwise be lr- , reslstuble." SIDNEY WARD WILL HEAD SPRIN GFIELD MASONS Shinny Ward was elected worship ful master of the Liberty bulge of the Masons nt a meeting held Tuesday night tn the Odd Fellows' hall. Ward will aurt-eed 1 M. Peterson, who held office for the past year Ward and the officers who were elected Tues­ day night will take office nt the first meeting In January Mr Peterson In stalled Mr Ward ns the new worship ful muster nt the Tuesday meeting Other officers elected are: Roscoe 1 Perkins, senior warden; Levi Neet. Junior warden; C. F Egglmann, treas­ urer; and Oswald M Olson, secretary. Appointive officers were named by Mr. Ward and the two wardens ns follows: H. K. Phillips, senior deacon; Chad Rickert, Junior dencon; Harold Stew­ art, senior steward; Jack Henderer, Junior steward; ('. A. Swarts, mar­ shall; John Ketels. Sr., senior tyler; and John F Ketels, Chaplain. Second Grade Attendance: Bessie Radtke. Hazel Keyes. Daniel McCorrack, Billie Nes- blt. Harold Trotter, Louise Sinnar. George Cox. Phpllls Westphall, Del­ bert Koch. Rolland Mattison, Lily Tate, Clarence Clarke, Clarence Jones, Alice Clarke. Scholarship: Lily Tate. Mildred Billings. Violet Steele. Phyllis West­ phall. Dean Wilson. Bessie Radtke. Third Grade Scholarship: Leland Neher, Henry Alex Cruickshank. McMinnville, (left) 1927 champion, giving nations Moses trophy to Edgar Grimes, Harrisburg, 1928 winner. Chase. Edgar Trotter, Rose Ogden, Wanetta Neet, R u t h Richardson, Corvallis, Ore.—Champions come and champions go, hut Oregon Helen Lyons, Lloyd Seamans. remains the winner again this year in national boys' and girls' club Attendance: Helen Lyons, Lloyd work honors. Still thrilling with the unprecedented victory last year Seamans. Marjory McPherson, Teddy when Alex Cruickshank, sophomore at Oregon state college from Wright. Wyetta Spriggs. Rose Ogden. McMinnville, won a double national championship, Oregon finds Jane Phair, Aneta Pugh. Mary Lans- itself this year as the home of his successor, Edgar Grimes of H ar­ bery. Barbara Nealon. Irma Wetzell, risburg. Young Grimes, 17, was entered by the state club headquarters in Emil Uchytil, Edgar Trotter, Dean the extension service here as the outstanding club boy in Oregon to, Vaughn. Gordon Baldwin. Harold zompete with the other 47 state champions for the Moses trophy Foss, Earl Pederson, Henry Chase. offered to the club boy in the United States showing the best quali | F ifth A Grade ties of leadership in his community and state. He won out over aU. Attendance: James Hemenway. (Contestants, and was awarded the huge silver trophy and a free trip Velma Peddicord, Charles Maxwell, to the national club congress in Chicago. * Fern Fisher, Shirley Smith, Margaret Grimes has been in club work eight years during which time he Jarrett, Marian Thompson, Dick ¡completed 31 projects and made 178 exhibits at fairs. He led one Wright. dub last year and seven this year to 100 percent completion. Prizes^ ,in cash livestock and trips won total $2,722 including a $250 heifer Scholarship: Loucille MaLosh, given this year by Governor I. L. Patterson to the best dairy dub Helen Davis. Mildred Morgan, Velma '.member in the state. In addition he owns more than $2.000 in live Feddlcord, Margaret Morgan. (stock and has sold $1,250 worth. He finished high school last year Fifth B Grade * with highest honors and will enter the state college as a freshman in! Scholarship: Irvin Darr, La Moyne agriculture next v r--. Black, Margaret Haack, Irene Hanson, Drucile Oglivie, Jo Lara Putman, Joan Beavey, Faye Squires. Attendance: Irvin Darr, Lloyd Har ’• I ri». Oren Lansbery. Billy Cook. Harold Shaw, Rachel Ellison, Irene Hanson, Pearl Helterbrand, Josephine Jones. Hazel Nesbitt, Deloris Nice, Drucile Love.” Ogilvie, Jo Lara Putman, Joan Seavey, American Men Must Spruce Up *' 'It' It reflected as much by clothes Wilmina Spriggs. Faye Squires. Hazel as by personality," said Madame Glyn, to Win Hearts of F air Sex, Stafford, Mildred Tuby. in discoursing upon the shortcomings Says E linor Glyn S ixth B Grade of American’s young men. "Or, ex­ Scholarship: Harlan Duncan. La pressed In another way, clothes are a An Exclusive Interview Verne Pugh. reflection of the 'It' tn one's personal­ With ELINOR GLYN Attendance: Essel Adams. Charles ity. Written especially for Autocaster Cole, Kenneth Cox, Winnlfred Franz, "No woman Ilkps a wilted, slouchy News Service Faye Holverson, Irene Johns, Lois man any better than she likes a wilt­ Johansen, AJene Johnson, Thelma Washington. D. C., Dec. 13—Ameri­ ed, faded flower. Slouchy dress, slov Llpes. Leonard Moon, Martha Moon, ca’s young men must spruce up if enly collars, garterless socks—care Alice Neet, Ruth Pollard, La Verne they would intrigue the Interest and less attire generally—are the Index Pugh. Lena Stafford, Lora Thurman, win the favor of the modern Twen­ of a spineless personality that will Louie Tuby, Anton Uchytil, Kenneth tieth Century Girl, declares Sllnor prick the Interest of no woman. Walker, La Doris Walker, Franklin Glyn, authority on it” and dean of "It is not the effect of the clothes Wardlow, Juanita Wilson. dlagnosisticans on "Why Girls Foil in on the woman that Is most Important; Only Men Who Dress Well Are Men W ho Have “It” Temple Dancer _f-aiteerr-zsvu-. -0» mass ««sew • ‘ V Maude Kerns, assistant professor of normal arts at the U niversity of Oregon, has produced a series of travel sketehes depict in .’ quaint aeeuea of the Far East. Above is a tempi, • r. b. n i l full»’ anil delicately culorvd juue« uf wvrk. P ositively going Io sell 26 new C oats In one big C learan ce F r i­ day and S nlurduy ut cost and less p ric e s to ru n g e friini $6.00 " F " as In Phon og rap h ” Sulem, Muaa., Dec. 13 (AC I An nthelete wearing the letter "F" on i Ills sweater wus asked whut It stood i for and he said “Philadelphia,** HATS Clearance of a ll W in te r Hats from 5Oc to $1.00. Lives to 104 Des Moines, la., Dec. 13, (AC(— j Mrs Snru Jane Hawk paaaed away nt the age of lOti. At 76 she hud I arouse attention by resetting tier own broken arm, and at eighty she hud been falsely pronounced deud by a physician. 8 th A v e . H at & Dreaa Shop W«« Nth Ave Went Kuxen« H A* H. Green Htainp«. k I v »* Fridtjgo Nanson, famous Scan­ dinavian explorer, will command an expedition in 1930 in which the Grat Zeppelin will be used for North Polar explorations. Thia was decided at Berlin recently Napoleon had accidentally seated himself upon u hot stove. "Whut wonderful courage!'" re­ marked one of the ministers, "th- e-al Is burning his fc -ech> ' r,<. him." Jones—His father died om h i. I drink. Bones—He did’ Jones—Yes. a cake of Ice fell on him. HOME GIFTS- O f E nduring B ea u ty a n d W orth “ Fostoria” Sparkling Glassware TMAS ES Colored gas« Is now the 'Vogue* C hoice of anther, green, crystal, orchid, ‘‘A zure’’ blue, "D aw n’’ (link. G o b l e t s , sundaes, cocktails, salad plates, cake plates, san d ­ w ich plates, pickle dishes, c a n ­ dle stiekH, beverage sets, etc., etc. An ap p ro p riate gift to last m any years. You m u st see the m any new p a tte rn s Just received. Covers In velour, tap e stry , m ohair and fri­ ezes. H ow about a Comfort Chair To make it easy fo r you to plan your C hristm as dinner we have chosen w ith care th e choicest viands the m arket affords. It w ill prove a tim e saving tip fo r you to come here shopping. For Mother and Dad I Here Is One— Candies, Fruits, Oranges b y the dozen or by the case. We w ill also give special prices on Candy by the pail fo r your C om m unity Christm as Trees. We feature Special C h ristm as Baxes. MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQ UARTERS W H I L E IN TOWN. Plume 9-W H IT E FRONT GR0CERY-Plmne9 "B lrchfleld” quality, full upholstered seat and back in velour. Solid m ahogany goose neck a rm s A Special x q C /"l value a t, ........ T ' 5 / . O v A nother— "B lrchfleld" m ake, h a n d ­ som e m ulti-colored velour, trim m ed to m atch. B ut­ toned and shaped hack. Solid m ah o g an y a rm s and legs. A C h ristm as value a t, ........ O J J .3 U ÌJ/ETHERBEE - pO W E R g