Try tha Homo P rin t Sh op Ftrat THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-FIFTH YEAH “Ths People's Paper" A L IV K N C W 8 P A F K R IN A L IV E T O W N SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13. 1928 CITY BÄND TO GIVE Christmas M ail » B asketball Men Rush S ta rts Here Begin Practise Extra H e lp ’ to Be Hired Springfield Postoffice; Vaughn Returns Proceda of Second Entertain­ ment to Defray Expenses of Local Musical Unit; 16 Num­ bers on Program for Bell Theatre. By 15 Men Answer First Call Coach Mayfield; Star Quintet Looms 82, DHOPS BEifl Civil War Veteran was on Way O. L. Vaughn, regular city mall With the football chamlonzhlp *afe- to See Doctor; Picked Up In carrler who ha* be..,, absent from hl. ,y tucked away. , he , tudent, , he Front of Hotel; Was Intimatg postal duties due to Illness, returned o . * , . , . to work this week. In time t„ be p r . J P * h ‘* b "ChOO‘ 8re ” '** tUrn' Friend of John Ketels; Funar- pureil for the annual Christmas mall ' lng tbe,r “,,ent,on to prospects of al Notices Later. The »«con’d benefit concert for rush During his absence, Vaughn i a winning basketball team. Springfield uiu*li- lovers will he pre«- Wrlle on his way to see a doctor wa* replaced by Roscoe Perkins. The j Indications that the local prep in­ entail by the hprlngfleld band Wed ( latter, however, will remain on duty ; stitution would have a quintet ot for treatment, James O'Connell, better ' at the postofflee as part of the extra j championship isl.’bre became more nemluy night, December 19, ut the known to all Springfield as "Uaoto Photo »how* Milton S. Hershey, chocolate manufacturer, who has , help hired for the annual holiday realized Monday evening when 15 men Hell theatre. Jimmy", fell dead on the sidewalk la iresentrd the town of Hershey, ; rush. reported to Coach Leonard Mayfield The proceed* from the concert will front of the Hprlngfleld hotel a llttla ’a., with r two million dollar com­ The ChrlHtma* packages and other for the first practice of the season. !»• uhim I to help defray the expense* ' munity center This is the latest holiday mall have begun rolling In after nine o'clock Wednesday mora- More men showed up at the practices i of the bund which I* In need of money, I gift of Hershey to the town with j by the large numbers, according to F. Ing. He was to have celebrated hi» following during the week, and when according to II. K. I’hllllp*. manager j which he is clozely identified | B. Hamlin, local postmaster Hershey was born at Derry ___ , With the actual warming up sessions begin 83rd birthday this coming June 11. of the bund. Township, Pa., in 1857. and ‘ began *., in the mall hags expanding, Hamlin Is i n«xt week. Coach Mayfield expects to He was picked up by several men la Mr. Phillip* ha* rounded up a pro-' manufseturin Hr is now 'fliimms^ ftnd,n* 11 necessary to hire extra help ♦>“*« about 20 men on haDd dally. Lancaster He is now chairman and around the hotel and taken insid« gram that It I* believed hu* never j Pretty and shapely Alice E ld -' the living quarter», but he was dead. Choppmg or the number of men on of the Hoard of the Hershey Cho- I for the Christmas rush. About three been equalled In Springfield. Hix ridge, famous Boston swimmer, colate Company and owner of j men will be used In the campaign to j the «quad will not take place for a lit- ! high c I hnm number* are arranged on practically all the stock H i. home accommodate In a good fashion 1 tie while yet. Mayfield Is endeavor I has become engaged to Joie Ray, No one as yet offers a statement of famous marathon runner. j having gen the elderly man fail to his is at Hershey. Pa the program for the concert, Milch j Hprlngfleld gift senders. . Ing to get a good line on his men. so i death. He wa* found lying on the will feature the band especially. The j With so many holiday packages be- i that he may know the qualities of each . sidewalk helpless.. .band director went from place to place CASCADE HIGHWAY FROM SNOW MAY BLOCK j Ing mall.-d at an early date, the re- ; prosper^ before ruling out ones from Mr. O'Connell had left the Joha ■aching niaterlul for the evening * en­ PORTLAND T O HERE IS suits of the educational campaign put the list of official squad numbers, TRAFFIC OVER PASS ON Ketel's home on Second and A street, tertainment, and Indication* are that on by the United States Postal depart- ' When the first practice was called ENDORSED AT MEETING mckenzie highway where he had resided since coming to the program next Wednesday will be ment throughout the country Is being Monday afternoon, four lettermen re­ Springfield a little more than three of an extraordinary calibre. A resolution urging the state high read z.-d Mr Hamlin advises local ported, namely, Thaver McMurray and Stormy weather and a white aval j years ago, about nine o’clock in the •'If the public support* this concert way commission to make an Immedi­ people to take advantage of the Coy Leathers, forwards; Lawrence anche of »now threaten to block the morning to see his doctor. He had In a good manner. It will be po**lbln ate survey of the proposed Cascade government Insurance on packages. Roof, center: and Francos Deeds, been ill with the flu for several days, to present these large concerts once state highway from Portland to because for a very nominal sum. the guard. The Saulres brothers. Everett McKenzie highway from here to Bend. Barly Wednesday morning the eld­ As the week opened, five inches of Hprlngfleld or Eugene ««* unanimous contents of a very valuable package and Freeman, who performed well In a month.” was the statement Issued Inst night by Phillip* Whether the ly adopted Wednesday by the Bast can he replaced in case of damage last season's tilts, were expected snow had fallen on the road fourteen erly man complained to Mr. and Mrs. Ketels about the condition of his bund will continue In good financial 8 Me Commercial club of PortlantL The In the mails. report later ' • the week. miles west of Sisters, but highway stomach. Mr. Ketuls had gone to Boxes are being sent from here to condition or not will be greatly de­ proposed road would pass through With these six men as a nucleus for department crews have been kept at town and was headed for the Ketels termined by the way In which the Oregon City Molalla, Silverton. S tay Panama Canal, Europe, Canada, to casaha blood, the going Is slatPd to be vurlous and distant point In the rough for opponents of the Springfield work all through the week in an ef­ drug store. Just before he left tho local public hack* next Wednesday’s ton, find Lebanon. concert. Phllllin, stressed the fact A. J. Perkins attended the meeting United States, and to various other quintet. But the six lettermen are al­ fort to keep the road clear for traffic. Ketels' residence, Mr. O'Connell was that they are not attempting to com ns a deb-gnte from the Hprlngfleld point* on the world map. Motorists have continued to use given a hot glass of lemonade by Mrs. so meeting competition within their Ketels, who was Prominent In the campaign of the own ranks In the personages of new merclallze the musical group. He chamber of commerce. Delegates f.-els that the only logical way of from the various communities on the United States po*tal department to players who are working doubly hard number of them have been using I meeting It* expenditures Is for the desired route were also présentât the prevent congestion of holiday mall In an effort to work themselves Into chains as a protection against the i The 82-year old veteran of the Civil gathering. trains nre the air mall routes. Aware some position on the maple court five slippery mountain roads being made ? ar s,artAd “"t on his way to the luind to present su<-h concerts. Pointing out thiil about fifty thou* of tbl> p,r* ,he7 »•ll 8n,n* the,r In anticipation of a among sever*! good men fora certain at Ieagt tni j a n u arv 1 C rew - u P u ! * v 8,r’*e t' Mr- O’Connell met M c K enzie road S unday he provided with a means of through I tr',n’<’ndou" v° lump holiday m a ll- post In the lineup, fears that the usual men will do everything In their newer *l7ewa?ir pre8UIrab|7 fel> to the travel to Portland, the organization *r”et|ng cards, letters, and even small predicament Is bound to arise again to keep the snow cleared away until * A DM8erbv ,b" passerby noticed the The left side of a 1928 model Oak­ man lying on the walk, and he picked being this year because of the fact that the at iea*t the first of the year land sedan automobile win. «nnshud unanimously endorsed the project (flf’ Packa«n"- Millions are the aged man op and brought him In­ »Sunday night on the McKenzie high after hearing apeaker« argue for the 8p"nt in Purchasing new and larger Hat of pgorMota present* many fast j to the hoppl assisted by a few other Investigation of the route. Speeches P'ane8- and every route Is preparing basketball men. i Motorista are urged by highway ex- way about *lx mile* ea*t of Vida men who were In the hotel at the were also made telling of the other t0 throw > ta Preserve planes Into ac-) A full schedule Is being drawn up I~ rt" tO drtTe c»refully up the Me- when the car driven by J. Heller* of time. Hprlngfleld crashed Into a «tump No benefits to he derived from construe j ,lon 10 rarr7 the bumper crop of for tile mill city lads who are always Keniie road becau8e of its Irregular- lion of such a highway. , Christmas cheer. on ,he R0 for more compe, |tlon wh„re. 1 “ 7 together with the slippery auto The people In the hotel Immediate!? one was hurt ns a result of the mis­ called for Mr. Ketels. Sr. at the drug Much of the road Is now construe- | "rb,‘ recent air mall postage reduc- ever they go. Games have already Path8 ‘8 l° 'nduc‘Te t0 arldenta‘ hap. store, and he rushed to the scene to ted. It was said at the Portland meet- , t,on more ,han anything else will In- been slated with Eugene high, U n i v e r - ---------------------------- The accident occurred as a result Ing. the Portland Molalla stretch be-' fluence ,he volump of holiday air slty high, which won the champion- LOCAL LEGION AUXILIARY find his friend had passed away. of the driver being blinded by the ' Ing paw-d already. The body was placed In charge o t mall leaving the I*aclflc Northwest ship last year. Cottage Grove high, and TO SEND XMAS BOXES the Walker-Poole funeral home. No llghta of another vehicle that was ________ for the east and m'ddle west, accord- Lebanon high. Tentative games are backing Into the road, on a curve. Mr. Ing to Claud Christmas cheer will be sent out by 1 annauncements have been made as E. CHURCH TO HOLD . u V. O'Callaghan. traffic being aranged between the Hprlngfleld ----------- Hellers was forced to hit the stump M. USUAI of ?“* the exact « t l l N n i v c r m / i c r c manager of the northwest division of hoopsters and 9t. Marys. Coburg, and members of the Ladles' auxiliary o f i ! i yet "" ”* ,‘“ ct date aa,e and aa place of th« just off the highway. USUAL SUNDAY SERVICES , the transcontinental air mall. Shedd. t h e Springfield American L ertn n *n eral More deflnlte definite data »HI will bs Legion More in the obta,nable or Saturday when Mr. Hellers had recently returned which met last Friday night Regulur services will he held at the j Mrs. I .Call half sister of Mr. O Coo- from Montana, and took out his sedan chamber of commerce hall. Methodist church Hunday morning and 1 nell, of Nampa, Idaho, arrives la from the Dnnner garage, where tho The local women's group will supply automobile had been stored for the evening. It was announced In the ab­ four boxes for the veterans’ hospitals Springfield. Inst eight months, without being sence of Rev. c. JJ. like, who went Mr. O’Connell wus unamrried, and at the request of the national head­ out of town today. moved. his only known relative is Mrs. Call quarters which has apportioned the Sunday school will begin at 9:45 n. The car was hauled Into Hprlngfleld number of boxes to be made up by ot Nampa. m and the regular service will be held Mondny by workers of tho Danner at 11 With the completion of the second Isyl Kpeler. Vivian Miller, Doris Munn, each chapter of the national organlza The dramatic story of how th« a. m. The choir will song an j Motor company. Windows w e r e | anthem entitled. "Let This Mind R e1 six-week period at the Hprlngfleld Muriel Tyson. j tion. Just what hospital will receive Ketels became such great friends of Fourth B Grade broken, and the left side, especially i In You.” by Chapman. i schools Inst Friday, teachers and prln the Springfield boxes has not as yet Mr- O'Connell was related to Spring- Honor Roll: Ruth Keeler. been determined. j field News by John Ketels. Sr., who the front, was wrecked considerably. j clpals have announced their honor j Violet Runic will he the leader of Perfect Attendance: Bill Burnett, roll* for the past period. The names A box of toys for children of the himself was shocked by the new«. Mr. Ihe Epworth League service at 6:30 ! Dele Carson. JPan Daniels, Delma DOCTORS GIVE CHANCES i P- m ChrNtmn* songs will be the i of Ktudents who won place* or, the Glaspy, Earl House, Lawrence Jones. veterans in the hospital In Portland Ketels was indeed surprised at th« will be made up by the local ladies manner in which his old time friend scholarship and attendance honoi t IN INFLUENZA SITUATION subject of the meting. Mrs. C. J. Pike rolls last announced on November Rov Steele, Scott Wright, Louise Co- , as part of their manner of sending met his death. will slug a solo. gell, Jennie Jackson, Ruth Keeler, cheer annually. Mr. Ketels told of the two acquiring Fluctuations In the number of The regular evening service «111 be when the first period of six weeks Jenn Lloyd, Ila Putman. Bernice Smith I terminated. Mrs. F. B. Hamlin presided at the their friendship in 1898, when they cases of Influenza In the Hprlngfleld held nt 7:30 p. m with a sermon to be Maxine Sniltson, Maxine Vallier. meeting in place of Mrs. M. B. Huntly, first met in the Blue Mountain dis­ district have been noticed during the rellvered by Rev. C. J. Pike with a The high school list has not as yet Fourth A Grade president, who was 111 with the flu. trict. At that time, Mr. O'Connell was past week with a gradual Increase In special number to be rendered by the been completed. With so manr cases Scholarship: Roland Farnsworth the outlaying country ns the number r^olr, millwright and Mr. Ketels a foreman ! of Influenza during the past six w-cks Barbara Barnell, Frances Keeler. Flo­ LEGION TO RESUME WORK in a mill. Since their meeting in th« of cases decreased within the otty. " ------ 1 of time, the attendance honor roll has rence May. mill, the two men have been very In­ Dr. W. H. Pollard was nailed out COUNCIL HOLDS LAST taken a gradual slump In number W ITH MEETING ON DEC. 21 timate friends. Perfect Attendance: Barbara Bar­ ^everal llmej, the past week to enre When the students return from their SESSION TH IS YEAR Chridtmas vacation on January 2, 1939. nell, Frances Keeler, Florence May, for cases of conlngluus diseases. The In 1903. O’Connell helped start up Renewed activity of the Springfield stiuntlon Isgradu i q-u,, i„ui rnfM'ting or » fbp ,, prenent cltv the honor lists are expected to take Irene Anderson Bernice Barnes, Mar­ Post No. 40 of the American Legion a Masonic lodge in Baker county. He .1 , In . Hprlngfleld alone . i ne inflt jorie Moon, Mary Moore, Lolse Wil­ ally .. depreciating (.olln(.ii nerore inn ,,, now „ , . ... In seriousness, ac- «oiincii members take a boost, because it Is expected that son, Emerson Ables, Elmer Chase, is slated to take place this month, was a charter member of the lodge cording to Dr. W. C. Rebhan, who ban nmrA wnH hnm m « 1 « the flu epidemic will have quieted- there. He became worshipful master Roscoe Cole. Floyd Green, Neal Ded- now that J. M. I-arson, post command­ handled severnl patients sines the spl j r()1„ |nt, ‘ f ' ' " "K . ” * considerably by that time. of the McEwan lodge, no. 125. H« er, has returned to Springfield after a (lpm|(, took , Z m e m il Z 7 ,r'"”'a< »pd a8 erson, 3tephen Rice, Gordon Gillett. took some part In Masonic activities long illness while In a hospital In To he placed on Ihe scholarship roll | the members did. not want to start any Sixth A Grade here as well. However, the doctors In this city , new work for next year. (he student must have an ave.-nge of Honor Roll: Vivian Runte, Echo Tacoma, Washington. « still report that the epidemic Is still Larson announced that the local M. J. McKlln, senior member of the 90 per cent or more In all subjects Tom set h. Mr. O’Connell was a veteran of the here, for they nil have Influenzn pati­ council, L. L. May and Harry Stewart To receive a position on the attend­ Perfect Attendance: Clara Barns, order will get started again beginning i Civil War. He enllnsed for servlc« ents today. The general opinion Is nre retiring from the council and ance honor roll, the student mu*t have Elsie Beals, Eileen Baker, Ellen Cox. with a meeting of the local group on In 1865, and when the war ended, h« that the graveness of the trouble is Mayor O. O. Bushman Is relinquishing been neither absent nor tardy -during Melba Lowery, Lela Peterson. Vivian Friday, December 21. Plans are be­ re-enllsted till 1868. He was a mem­ simmering down In this part of the his oflifflce to C. O. Wilson. W. P. the six weeks covered In the report Runte, Juanita, Seaman, Mary Smlt- ing made to hold the meeting In the ber of the Geary post, Eugene chapter country while the middle west and the Tyson is th» only member holding as announced today. of the Grand Army of the Republic. son, »aye Stratton, Mnry Tate, Echo chamber of comerce room. eastern divisions of the continent are over. W. C. Mclxgan, W. A. Taylor, Old matters of business will be dis­ By grades the roll for the Lincoln Tomseth. Mary Uchytil, Harold Gar­ The veteran formerly owned a now undergoing the epidemic heavier and H. J. Cox will he sworn In the first school follows: rett, James Gott, Clair Hadley, Idvln cussed as will plans for future pro­ farm near Lowell, Oregon, but h« than ever. Several schools and uni­ of the year, they having been elected First Grade House, Donald Nelson, Verlln Posey, grams and activities. sold It In October 1925, and since then versities have been closed In the Mid­ at the November election had lived with the Ketels in Spring- Honor Roll: Dorothy Jean Stewart, Bruce Squires. dle West because of the large number MAXINE SMITSON ENJOYS field. He acquired numerous friend­ Frank Stewart, Willard House, Frank Seventh and Eighth Grades in Influents case*. Anderson. BIRTHDAY W ITH PARTY ships while he lived here, and wa« BAPTIST CHURCH TOPICS Honor Roll: Marie Coffelt, June Informative directions have boon given the popular nomen of "Uncle Perfect Attendance: Dorothy Jean FOR SUNDAY ANNOUNCED Geiger, Marceline Seavey, Leola given continually by doctors to the Jimmy.” A Jolly group of sixteen little friends Stewart, Frank Stuart, Beryle Robert­ Oaten, Beatrice Gillette, Eva Louk, met at the home of Maxine Bmltson public in an effort to halt the spread son, Frank Anderson, Violet Steinnletz “The Word" ta the Rermon topic of Mr. Ketels telegraphed to Nampa, Melba Harris, Elwtna Meacham. of the dlsense nny more than what It to help celebrate her ninth birthday. Rev. C. H. Blom to he delivered this Jarle Apger, Shirley Hnack, Alberta Idaho, yesterday to relate the new» Perfect Attendance: Frank Schra­ Aiecessary. Games were played and delightful Sunday at the eleven o'plock morning Keeler, Winifred Lyons, Dorothy Mul­ der. Robert Stark. Elwlna Meacham. to Mr. O’Connell's half sister, who refreshments were Served by the host­ service at the Hprlngfleld Baptist ligan, Emma Lou Strntton, Jane Alice Beaitlah Richardson. Joel Cowden, will come here Friday or Saturday. P. T. A. Meets Friday. ess’ mother assisted by Miss Lucille church. Bible school will meet nt 10 Pengrn. Merle Nice, Billy Dow, Joe Milton Doane, Donald Hawk, John Mr. Ketels stated that Mr. O’Connell Fritts. An enjoyable afternoon was Schlagel, Lee Pine, Bobby Pollard, The Hprlngfleld Parent Tenchors o’clock In the morning. had once stated his preference of be­ James, Blanche Bates, Leola ‘Gates, spent by all those who attended. association will meet Frldny nfternoon "Possessing our Possessions" will he Arthur Georgo Prorhnow, Ernest Beatrice Gillette, Milba Harris, Eliza­ ing burled In the O. A. R. cemetery, Those who were present at the af­ at 3 o'clock at the Lincoln school topic for the Gospel service to he held Hawke. although It may be that both th« beth Hemenway. Beth Jennings. fair are: Isyl Kaeler, Mary Smltson, building. Second and Third Grades at 7:30 in the evening. The B. Y. P. TT. Masons and the O. A. R. men will Bertha Keenan, Lela Maxwell, Berna- Irene Anderson, Florence May, Fran­ A program will be presented by service will he held at 6:30 p m Honor Roll: Doris Mnnn, Muriel dlne McFarland, Marjorie Prochnow, ces Keeler, Lillian Butler, Mary Fritts. Jointly conduct the funeral service«. members of the first, second, third, Special selections by the choir will Tyson, Frank Bennett, Billie Foster, Velma Sonverson, Esther Werdlow. Bernice Smith, Ruth Keeler, Margaret and fourth grndes. A candy sain will he rendered nt both services. Perfect Attendance: Kenneth Ables. ' Belzonn Hill. Everett Chetwood, Keith Butler, Geneva Fritts, Ila Putman, Gillette i-1«» Flu—Harry Gillett« be put on by the Girls’ league of the Prnver service nnd Bible study will Frank Bennett, Burt Currie, Junior En Currie, Melvin Foss. Ralph Gillette, Juan Stratton. Maxine Vallier, Louise has been confined to his home with a Junior high school with Mrs. Marjorie he held nt the church tonight at 7:30 dlcott, Burnell Gates. Jack Hake, Don­ Charles Johnson. Charles Steele, Eve- Coglll, Marjorie Moon, and the little case of the flu. C. A. Eastman Is tak­ Lnsnlle In charge. o'clock. ald Houno, Robert Nice, Bettte Currie, (Contlnued on Pays 1) hostera. . , ing his place at the A. R. Sneed store. - I-. III. 4-J i Honor Roll for Second Six Weeks Period Announced