!• <»r Hint Boy u r G irl for ( 'lir I mi iiiiiM (o r S2S./6 O tho r T oy» at Ilk« price«. I><'l i. paint m ill re p a ir your ulil liiya fu r t 'I i i 'I n I iiiiim or w« w ill tak « ilim n Io mi New on« THE SPRINGFIELD N2WS M O O R E 'S C Y C L E a T O Y STORE 12« W Hill, Kur«ll«, I 'I h iiik U ll Phon? E ugene 19^ Pacific Messern MPItINGFItCLD. LANE COUNTY. t/REG< i \ TH U R SD A Y . D EC EM B ER 6, 192k Max Stove Works A Few Suites in Bedroom And Dining Room Furniture At Reduced Prices GET YOURS BEPDRE THEY ARE ALL GONE SPECIAL P R ’CES ON ALL RUGS UNTIL C H R IS T M A S Johnson’s Furniture Co 253 MAIN ST R E E T Second Hand S t o v e s bought and sold Repairs ami p a rts furnished for all mukeH of stoves. R epairing a Specialty E ugene’s Biggest S tore Service For Little T hings A. A. HAGER Co. Used Cars Gifts within Reach of Everyone’s Pocketbook at the lot where you gq best cars for your mom Max Stove Works 5c - 10c - 25c to $1.00 Store 735-40 W illam ette S treet 1927 1926 1927 i 920 1925 1925 1924 MUMS - CARNATIONS art, now at th e ir tatst. W e havu noin** h i'iiiit ii* T h e y m ak« up In e ith e r pi«««« o r In ixiuqu ami they a re hurrly. For Iliilld a y H «ee o u r IH p la y t ‘yclaitien ami PrtmroMe. F L O R I8 T S W h e re price« are Reasonable W e » t H p rlii« tt« |i| I ’hone HflW I Eugene to Springfi«| 24-hour Service Be Good to Your Feet Eord Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Don’t throw your old shoes aw ay— Bring them here and have them Made Like New. Coupe Coupe R oadster R oadster Coupe Delivery Tudor Delivery T ouring T ouring 1924 Chevrolet Coach 1923 Maxwell S port 1923 Jew ett Sedan 1922 Bulek T ouring 1924 Dodge Sedan 1923 Hudson T ouring 1923 Chevrolet Sedan Chevrolet Touring! Overland T o u rin g | Oldsmobile Sedan Many O ther C ars Not Listed W . A. HALL, the Shoe Doctor CAMPBELL’S and W illam ette Eugene, Orei tkMev, Tb ' mow vom C a m . W H A .I A 1 T W IA M A I» ’*T 1----- : 21764) GR A V ì v i l i » j roue* i WHOOT-LA' * MALT ÌL1M «JIM The World Color Prtg. Co., 8 t boni», Mo. STO * 'e -1 OA&MA& CT 'X 'O V fc'-EE-Fl -, a . t ' s a . **crr e-iwt?**'. Y ov'ft« kW O H M R ] -t o o - o o ‘ 5 U 4 M U k H ftU A A f W H Y - THÇ- IbtA» DOS' T TOO PAR* t o -rcnjew TM»fs YOU« to e» M ,-r O A S M S ? m « » u m 1 «net’ S P R IN G F IE L D F O L K S Good Coal and Briquets F itte / BLACKSMITH COAL sell - U ST o c k in &SJ oo J ) I'D U K E TD ’ S S G e t S o m e I j \ B e r )(? e X m a s 1 E v e - z RAINIER COAL CO 69 W. B roadw ay T hey ßUBBEß Phone 41 T H E SE ARE THINGS YOU G E I’ WHEN YOU BUY USED CARS W ITH AN O. K. THAT COUNTS GANNETT MOTOR CO 912 OLIVE, EUGENE Ethyl Gas For Cold W eather Keeps the engine ru n n in g sm oothly and m akes your e a r s ta rt easier. Ethyl gasoline is th e highest test on tile m arket and is g u a ra n tee d to produce m ore m ileage. Ethyl fluid is a product of G eneral M otors Re­ search L aboratories. T h e re ’s only a spoonful in a g al­ lon of good gasoline but “ WHAT A DIFFERENCE ETHYL MAKES.” Lums Service Station N orthw est C orner Second and Main W e’re alw ays willing to stre tc h a point to please you. The opinion folks have of our m erchandise, prescriptions, and saving prices is one th a t is g ratifying to us. Discount Stamp: